path: root/aiq
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'aiq')
3 files changed, 417 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/aiq/aiq_results.cpp b/aiq/aiq_results.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dda17c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aiq/aiq_results.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2021, Google Inc.
+ *
+ * aiq_results.cpp - Intel IA Imaging library C++ wrapper
+ *
+ * AIQ results container, capable of depth copies and assignments
+ * of the aiq result structures.
+ */
+#include "aiq/aiq_results.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <libcamera/base/log.h>
+/* Macros used by imported code */
+#define STDCOPY(dst, src, size) std::copy((src), ((src) + (size)), (dst))
+namespace libcamera {
+namespace ipa::ipu3::aiq {
+ /* Initialise AE */
+ ae_.exposures = &aeExposureResult_;
+ ae_.exposures->exposure = &aeExposureParameters_;
+ ae_.exposures->sensor_exposure = &aeSensorParaemeters_;
+ ae_.weight_grid = &aeWeightGrid_;
+ ae_.weight_grid->weights = aeWeights_;
+ ae_.flashes = aeFlashes_;
+ /* GBCE */
+ gbce_.r_gamma_lut = RGammaLut_;
+ gbce_.g_gamma_lut = GGammaLut_;
+ gbce_.b_gamma_lut = BGammaLut_;
+ gbce_.gamma_lut_size = MAX_GAMMA_LUT_SIZE;
+ gbce_.tone_map_lut = toneMapLut_;
+ gbce_.tone_map_lut_size = MAX_NUM_TONE_MAP_LUTS;
+ /* Initialise afBracket */
+ afBracket_.distances_bracketing = &distanceBracketing_;
+ afBracket_.lens_positions_bracketing = &lensPosBracketing_;
+ /* Initialise PA */
+ pa_.preferred_acm = &prefAcm_;
+ pa_.preferred_acm->hue_of_sectors = &hueOfSectors_;
+ pa_.preferred_acm->advanced_color_conversion_matrices =
+ &advancedColorConversionMatrices_;
+ pa_.ir_weight = &irWeight_;
+ pa_.ir_weight->ir_weight_grid_R = &irWeightGridR_;
+ pa_.ir_weight->ir_weight_grid_G = &irWeightGridG_;
+ pa_.ir_weight->ir_weight_grid_B = &irWeightGridB_;
+ /* Initialise SA */
+ channelGr_.reserve(DEFAULT_LSC_SIZE);
+ channelGb_.reserve(DEFAULT_LSC_SIZE);
+ channelR_.reserve(DEFAULT_LSC_SIZE);
+ channelB_.reserve(DEFAULT_LSC_SIZE);
+ sa_.channel_gr =;
+ sa_.channel_gb =;
+ sa_.channel_r =;
+ sa_.channel_b =;
+void AiqResults::setAe(ia_aiq_ae_results *ae)
+ /* Todo: Potentially Requires copying
+ * ia_aiq_aperture_control *aperture_control;
+ */
+ ASSERT(ae);
+ if (!ae) {
+ LOG(AIQResults, Error) << "Invalid AE argument";
+ return;
+ }
+ ae_.lux_level_estimate = ae->lux_level_estimate;
+ ae_.flicker_reduction_mode = ae->flicker_reduction_mode;
+ ae_.multiframe = ae->multiframe;
+ ae_.num_flashes = ae->num_flashes;
+ ae_.num_exposures = ae->num_exposures;
+ ae_.exposures->converged = ae->exposures->converged;
+ ae_.exposures->distance_from_convergence = ae->exposures->distance_from_convergence;
+ ae_.exposures->exposure_index = ae->exposures->exposure_index;
+ if (ae_.exposures->exposure && ae->exposures->exposure) {
+ *ae_.exposures->exposure = *ae->exposures->exposure;
+ } else {
+ LOG(AIQResults, Error) << "Not copying AE Exposure";
+ }
+ if (ae_.exposures->sensor_exposure && ae->exposures->sensor_exposure) {
+ *ae_.exposures->sensor_exposure = *ae->exposures->sensor_exposure;
+ } else {
+ LOG(AIQResults, Error) << "Not copying AE Sensor Exposure";
+ }
+ // Copy weight grid
+ if (ae_.weight_grid && ae->weight_grid &&
+ ae_.weight_grid->weights && ae->weight_grid->weights) {
+ ae_.weight_grid->width = ae->weight_grid->width;
+ ae_.weight_grid->height = ae->weight_grid->height;
+ unsigned int gridElements = ae->weight_grid->width *
+ ae->weight_grid->height;
+ gridElements = std::clamp<unsigned int>(gridElements, 1, MAX_AE_GRID_SIZE);
+ STDCOPY(ae_.weight_grid->weights,
+ ae->weight_grid->weights,
+ gridElements * sizeof(char));
+ } else {
+ LOG(AIQResults, Error) << "Not copying AE Weight Grids";
+ }
+ // Copy the flash info structure
+ if (ae_.flashes && ae->flashes) {
+ STDCOPY((int8_t *)ae_.flashes, (int8_t *)ae->flashes,
+ NUM_FLASH_LEDS * sizeof(ia_aiq_flash_parameters));
+ } else {
+ LOG(AIQResults, Error) << "Not copying AE Flashes";
+ }
+void AiqResults::setAf(ia_aiq_af_results *af)
+ ASSERT(af);
+ af_.status = af->status;
+ af_.current_focus_distance = af->current_focus_distance;
+ af_.next_lens_position = af->next_lens_position;
+ af_.lens_driver_action = af->lens_driver_action;
+ af_.use_af_assist = af->use_af_assist;
+ af_.final_lens_position_reached = af->final_lens_position_reached;
+void AiqResults::setAfBracket(ia_aiq_af_bracket_results *afBracket)
+ ASSERT(afBracket);
+ /* todo:
+ * Distances Bracketing and lens_positions_bracketing are arrays,
+ * but it's not clear what size they are.
+ */
+ afBracket_.distances_bracketing = afBracket->distances_bracketing;
+ afBracket_.lens_positions_bracketing = afBracket->lens_positions_bracketing;
+void AiqResults::setAwb(ia_aiq_awb_results *awb)
+ ASSERT(awb);
+ awb_.accurate_r_per_g = awb->accurate_r_per_g;
+ awb_.accurate_b_per_g = awb->accurate_b_per_g;
+ awb_.final_r_per_g = awb->final_r_per_g;
+ awb_.final_b_per_g = awb->final_b_per_g;
+ awb_.cct_estimate = awb->cct_estimate;
+ awb_.distance_from_convergence = awb->distance_from_convergence;
+void AiqResults::setGbce(ia_aiq_gbce_results *gbce)
+ ASSERT(gbce);
+ if (gbce->gamma_lut_size > 0) {
+ ASSERT(gbce->gamma_lut_size <= MAX_GAMMA_LUT_SIZE);
+ gbce_.gamma_lut_size = gbce->gamma_lut_size;
+ STDCOPY((int8_t *)gbce_.r_gamma_lut, (int8_t *)gbce->r_gamma_lut,
+ gbce->gamma_lut_size * sizeof(float));
+ STDCOPY((int8_t *)gbce_.b_gamma_lut, (int8_t *)gbce->b_gamma_lut,
+ gbce->gamma_lut_size * sizeof(float));
+ STDCOPY((int8_t *)gbce_.g_gamma_lut, (int8_t *)gbce->g_gamma_lut,
+ gbce->gamma_lut_size * sizeof(float));
+ } else {
+ LOG(AIQResults, Error) << "Not copying Gamma LUT channels";
+ }
+ if (gbce->tone_map_lut_size > 0) {
+ gbce_.tone_map_lut_size = gbce->tone_map_lut_size;
+ STDCOPY((int8_t *)gbce_.tone_map_lut, (int8_t *)gbce->tone_map_lut,
+ gbce->tone_map_lut_size * sizeof(float));
+ } else {
+ LOG(AIQResults, Error) << "Not copying Tone Mapping Gain LUT";
+ }
+void AiqResults::setDetectedSceneMode(ia_aiq_scene_mode dsm)
+ detectedSceneMode_ = dsm;
+void AiqResults::setPa(ia_aiq_pa_results *pa)
+ ASSERT(pa);
+ STDCOPY(&pa_.color_conversion_matrix[0][0], &pa->color_conversion_matrix[0][0],
+ sizeof(pa->color_conversion_matrix[0][0]));
+ if (pa_.preferred_acm && pa->preferred_acm) {
+ pa_.preferred_acm->sector_count = pa->preferred_acm->sector_count;
+ STDCOPY(pa_.preferred_acm->hue_of_sectors,
+ pa->preferred_acm->hue_of_sectors,
+ sizeof(*pa->preferred_acm->hue_of_sectors) * pa->preferred_acm->sector_count);
+ STDCOPY(pa_.preferred_acm->advanced_color_conversion_matrices[0][0],
+ pa->preferred_acm->advanced_color_conversion_matrices[0][0],
+ sizeof(*pa->preferred_acm->advanced_color_conversion_matrices) * pa->preferred_acm->sector_count);
+ } else {
+ LOG(AIQResults, Error) << "Not copying PA hue of sectors";
+ }
+ if (pa_.ir_weight && pa->ir_weight) {
+ pa_.ir_weight->height = pa->ir_weight->height;
+ pa_.ir_weight->width = pa->ir_weight->width;
+ STDCOPY(pa_.ir_weight->ir_weight_grid_R,
+ pa->ir_weight->ir_weight_grid_R,
+ sizeof(*pa->ir_weight->ir_weight_grid_R) * pa->ir_weight->height * pa->ir_weight->width);
+ STDCOPY(pa_.ir_weight->ir_weight_grid_G,
+ pa->ir_weight->ir_weight_grid_G,
+ sizeof(*pa->ir_weight->ir_weight_grid_G) * pa->ir_weight->height * pa->ir_weight->width);
+ STDCOPY(pa_.ir_weight->ir_weight_grid_B,
+ pa->ir_weight->ir_weight_grid_B,
+ sizeof(*pa->ir_weight->ir_weight_grid_B) * pa->ir_weight->height * pa->ir_weight->width);
+ } else {
+ LOG(AIQResults, Error) << "Not copying IR weight";
+ }
+ pa_.black_level = pa->black_level;
+ pa_.color_gains = pa->color_gains;
+ pa_.linearization = pa->linearization;
+ pa_.saturation_factor = pa->saturation_factor;
+ pa_.brightness_level = pa->brightness_level;
+void AiqResults::setSa(ia_aiq_sa_results *sa)
+ ASSERT(sa && sa->channel_r && sa->channel_gr &&
+ sa->channel_gb && sa->channel_b);
+ sa_.width = sa->width;
+ sa_.height = sa->height;
+ sa_.lsc_update = sa->lsc_update;
+ /* Check against one of the vectors but resize applicable to all. */
+ if (channelGr_.size() < (sa_.width * sa_.height)) {
+ int lscNewSize = sa_.width * sa_.height;
+ channelGr_.resize(lscNewSize);
+ channelGb_.resize(lscNewSize);
+ channelR_.resize(lscNewSize);
+ channelB_.resize(lscNewSize);
+ /* Update the SA data pointers to new memory locations. */
+ sa_.channel_gr =;
+ sa_.channel_gb =;
+ sa_.channel_r =;
+ sa_.channel_b =;
+ }
+ if (sa->lsc_update) {
+ uint32_t memCopySize = sa->width * sa->height * sizeof(float);
+ STDCOPY((int8_t *)sa_.channel_gr, (int8_t *)sa->channel_gb,
+ memCopySize);
+ STDCOPY((int8_t *)sa_.channel_gb, (int8_t *)sa->channel_gr,
+ memCopySize);
+ STDCOPY((int8_t *)sa_.channel_r, (int8_t *)sa->channel_r,
+ memCopySize);
+ STDCOPY((int8_t *)sa_.channel_b, (int8_t *)sa->channel_b,
+ memCopySize);
+ } else {
+ LOG(AIQResults, Error) << "Not copying LSC tables.";
+ }
+ STDCOPY(&sa_.light_source[0],
+ &sa->light_source[0],
+ CMC_NUM_LIGHTSOURCES * sizeof(sa->light_source[0]));
+ sa_.scene_difficulty = sa->scene_difficulty;
+ sa_.num_patches = sa->num_patches;
+ sa_.covered_area = sa->covered_area;
+ sa_.frame_params = sa->frame_params;
+} /* namespace ipa::ipu3::aiq */
+} /* namespace libcamera */
diff --git a/aiq/aiq_results.h b/aiq/aiq_results.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae19a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aiq/aiq_results.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
+ * Copyright (C) 2021, Google Inc.
+ *
+ * aiq_results.h - Intel IA Imaging library C++ wrapper
+ *
+ * AIQ results container, capable of depth copies and assignments
+ * of the aiq result structures.
+ */
+#include <vector>
+#include <ia_imaging/ia_aiq.h>
+namespace libcamera::ipa::ipu3::aiq {
+static const unsigned int NUM_FLASH_LEDS = 1; /*!> Number of leds AEC algorithm
+ provides output for */
+ * The result structures for 3A algorithm are full of pointers to other structs,
+ * some of those depends on the RGBS grid size or LSC grid size
+ * We should query those at init time and initialize the struct with the correct
+ * amount of memory. This is a TODO as an optimization
+ * for now we just allocate statically big values.
+ */
+static const unsigned int MAX_AE_GRID_SIZE = 2048; /*!> Top limit for the RGBS grid size
+ This is an upper limit to avoid dynamic allocation*/
+static const unsigned int DEFAULT_LSC_SIZE = 2048;
+static const unsigned int MAX_GAMMA_LUT_SIZE = 1024;
+static const unsigned int MAX_NUM_TONE_MAP_LUTS = 1024;
+class AiqResults
+ AiqResults();
+ const ia_aiq_ae_results *ae() { return &ae_; }
+ ia_aiq_af_results *af() { return &af_; }
+ const ia_aiq_af_bracket_results *afBracket() { return &afBracket_; }
+ ia_aiq_awb_results *awb() { return &awb_; }
+ const ia_aiq_gbce_results *gbce() { return &gbce_; }
+ const ia_aiq_pa_results *pa() { return &pa_; }
+ const ia_aiq_sa_results *sa() { return &sa_; }
+ void setAe(ia_aiq_ae_results *ae);
+ void setAf(ia_aiq_af_results *af);
+ void setAfBracket(ia_aiq_af_bracket_results *afBracket);
+ void setAwb(ia_aiq_awb_results *awb);
+ void setGbce(ia_aiq_gbce_results *gbce);
+ void setDetectedSceneMode(ia_aiq_scene_mode dsm);
+ void setPa(ia_aiq_pa_results *pa);
+ void setSa(ia_aiq_sa_results *sa);
+ ia_aiq_ae_results ae_;
+ ia_aiq_af_results af_;
+ ia_aiq_af_bracket_results afBracket_;
+ ia_aiq_awb_results awb_;
+ ia_aiq_gbce_results gbce_;
+ ia_aiq_pa_results pa_;
+ ia_aiq_sa_results sa_;
+ ia_aiq_scene_mode detectedSceneMode_;
+ /*!< ia_aiq_ae_results pointer contents */
+ ia_aiq_ae_exposure_result aeExposureResult_;
+ ia_aiq_hist_weight_grid aeWeightGrid_;
+ unsigned char aeWeights_[MAX_AE_GRID_SIZE];
+ ia_aiq_flash_parameters aeFlashes_[NUM_FLASH_LEDS];
+ /*!< ia_aiq_ae_exposure_result pointer contents */
+ ia_aiq_exposure_parameters aeExposureParameters_;
+ ia_aiq_exposure_sensor_parameters aeSensorParaemeters_;
+ /*!< ia_aiq_gbce results */
+ /* The actual size of this table can be calculated by running cold
+ * GBCE, it will provide those tables. TODO!!
+ */
+ float RGammaLut_[MAX_GAMMA_LUT_SIZE];
+ float GGammaLut_[MAX_GAMMA_LUT_SIZE];
+ float BGammaLut_[MAX_GAMMA_LUT_SIZE];
+ float toneMapLut_[MAX_NUM_TONE_MAP_LUTS];
+ /*!< ia_aiq_af_bracket_results pointer contents */
+ unsigned short distanceBracketing_;
+ int lensPosBracketing_;
+ /*!< ia_aiq_pa_results */
+ ia_aiq_advanced_ccm_t prefAcm_;
+ ia_aiq_ir_weight_t irWeight_;
+ /*!< ia_aiq_advanced_ccm_t pointer contents */
+ unsigned int hueOfSectors_;
+ float advancedColorConversionMatrices_[3][3];
+ /*!< ia_aiq_ir_weight_t pointer contents */
+ unsigned short irWeightGridR_;
+ unsigned short irWeightGridG_;
+ unsigned short irWeightGridB_;
+ /*!< ia_aiq_sa_results pointer contents */
+ std::vector<float> channelGr_;
+ std::vector<float> channelR_;
+ std::vector<float> channelB_;
+ std::vector<float> channelGb_;
+} /* namespace libcamera::ipa::ipu3::aiq */
+#endif /* IPA_IPU3_AIQ_RESULTS_H */
diff --git a/aiq/ b/aiq/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b65fd46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aiq/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
+ipu3_ipa_files += files([
+ 'aiq_results.cpp',