BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
kbingham/devForce return values of V4L2 controls to be specificKieran Bingham3 years
masteripu3: ipa: Update to latest IPACameraSensorInfoKieran Bingham18 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2022-10-19ipu3: ipa: Update to latest IPACameraSensorInfoHEADmasterKieran Bingham
2022-04-08ipa: ipu3: Inline parseStatistics() into processStatsBuffer()Umang Jain
2022-04-08ipu3: Inline fillParams() in fillParamsBuffer()Umang Jain
2022-04-08ipu3: Use the new IPAIPU3 interfaceUmang Jain
2021-12-06libcamera-helpers: mapped_framebuffer: Update to new FD APIKieran Bingham
2021-12-03ipu3: Apply auto focus and send lens controls to pipeline handlerHan-Lin Chen
2021-11-19ipu3: Run AIQ for the first frame to avoid blankingHan-Lin Chen
2021-11-19ipu3: Use gbce and tone mapping from the tuning filesHan-Lin Chen
2021-11-19ipu3: Set statistics with the effective AE AiqResultsHan-Lin Chen
2021-11-19ipu3: Add a class AiqResultsRingBuffer to reserve AiqResults historyHan-Lin Chen