path: root/utils/ipc/generators/
diff options
authorLaurent Pinchart <>2024-08-08 18:13:00 +0300
committerLaurent Pinchart <>2024-08-15 23:59:08 +0300
commit50c92cc7e2924009ecab3e4004448b01d687707c (patch)
treec22b49816a3c79dae4727780962aa0928df42b52 /utils/ipc/generators/
parentd3bf27180ef1d91b86b7b87a2378e559eaff5455 (diff)
meson: Move all code generation scripts to utils/codegen/
We have multiple code generation scripts in utils/, mixed with other miscellaneous utilities, as well as a larger code base based on mojom in utils/ipc/. To make code sharing easier between the generator scripts, without creating a mess in the utils/ directory, move all the code generation code to utils/codegen/. Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Reviewed-by: Daniel Scally <> Reviewed-by: Paul Elder <>
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/ipc/generators/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 553 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ipc/generators/ b/utils/ipc/generators/
deleted file mode 100644
index b8209e51..00000000
--- a/utils/ipc/generators/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
-# Copyright (C) 2020, Google Inc.
-# Author: Paul Elder <>
-# Generates libcamera files from a mojom.Module.
-import argparse
-import datetime
-import os
-import re
-import mojom.fileutil as fileutil
-import mojom.generate.generator as generator
-import mojom.generate.module as mojom
-from mojom.generate.template_expander import UseJinja
-GENERATOR_PREFIX = 'libcamera'
-_kind_to_cpp_type = {
- mojom.BOOL: 'bool',
- mojom.INT8: 'int8_t',
- mojom.UINT8: 'uint8_t',
- mojom.INT16: 'int16_t',
- mojom.UINT16: 'uint16_t',
- mojom.INT32: 'int32_t',
- mojom.UINT32: 'uint32_t',
- mojom.FLOAT: 'float',
- mojom.INT64: 'int64_t',
- mojom.UINT64: 'uint64_t',
- mojom.DOUBLE: 'double',
-_bit_widths = {
- mojom.BOOL: '8',
- mojom.INT8: '8',
- mojom.UINT8: '8',
- mojom.INT16: '16',
- mojom.UINT16: '16',
- mojom.INT32: '32',
- mojom.UINT32: '32',
- mojom.FLOAT: '32',
- mojom.INT64: '64',
- mojom.UINT64: '64',
- mojom.DOUBLE: '64',
-def ModuleName(path):
- return path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
-def ModuleClassName(module):
- return re.sub(r'^IPA(.*)Interface$', lambda match:,
- module.interfaces[0].mojom_name)
-def Capitalize(name):
- return name[0].upper() + name[1:]
-def ConstantStyle(name):
- return generator.ToUpperSnakeCase(name)
-def Choose(cond, t, f):
- return t if cond else f
-def CommaSep(l):
- return ', '.join([m for m in l])
-def ParamsCommaSep(l):
- return ', '.join([m.mojom_name for m in l])
-def GetDefaultValue(element):
- if element.default is not None:
- return element.default
- if type(element.kind) == mojom.ValueKind:
- return '0'
- if IsFlags(element):
- return ''
- if mojom.IsEnumKind(element.kind):
- return f'static_cast<{element.kind.mojom_name}>(0)'
- if isinstance(element.kind, mojom.Struct) and \
- element.kind.mojom_name == 'SharedFD':
- return '-1'
- return ''
-def HasDefaultValue(element):
- return GetDefaultValue(element) != ''
-def HasDefaultFields(element):
- return True in [HasDefaultValue(x) for x in element.fields]
-def GetAllTypes(element):
- if mojom.IsArrayKind(element):
- return GetAllTypes(element.kind)
- if mojom.IsMapKind(element):
- return GetAllTypes(element.key_kind) + GetAllTypes(element.value_kind)
- if isinstance(element, mojom.Parameter):
- return GetAllTypes(element.kind)
- if mojom.IsEnumKind(element):
- return [element.mojom_name]
- if not mojom.IsStructKind(element):
- return [element.spec]
- if len(element.fields) == 0:
- return [element.mojom_name]
- ret = [GetAllTypes(x.kind) for x in element.fields]
- ret = [x for sublist in ret for x in sublist]
- return list(set(ret))
-def GetAllAttrs(element):
- if mojom.IsArrayKind(element):
- return GetAllAttrs(element.kind)
- if mojom.IsMapKind(element):
- return {**GetAllAttrs(element.key_kind), **GetAllAttrs(element.value_kind)}
- if isinstance(element, mojom.Parameter):
- return GetAllAttrs(element.kind)
- if mojom.IsEnumKind(element):
- return element.attributes if element.attributes is not None else {}
- if mojom.IsStructKind(element) and len(element.fields) == 0:
- return element.attributes if element.attributes is not None else {}
- if not mojom.IsStructKind(element):
- if hasattr(element, 'attributes'):
- return element.attributes or {}
- return {}
- attrs = [(x.attributes) for x in element.fields]
- ret = {}
- for d in attrs:
- ret.update(d or {})
- if hasattr(element, 'attributes'):
- ret.update(element.attributes or {})
- return ret
-def NeedsControlSerializer(element):
- types = GetAllTypes(element)
- for type in ['ControlList', 'ControlInfoMap']:
- if f'x:{type}' in types:
- raise Exception(f'Unknown type "{type}" in {element.mojom_name}, did you mean "libcamera.{type}"?')
- return "ControlList" in types or "ControlInfoMap" in types
-def HasFd(element):
- attrs = GetAllAttrs(element)
- if isinstance(element, mojom.Kind):
- types = GetAllTypes(element)
- else:
- types = GetAllTypes(element.kind)
- return "SharedFD" in types or (attrs is not None and "hasFd" in attrs)
-def WithDefaultValues(element):
- return [x for x in element if HasDefaultValue(x)]
-def WithFds(element):
- return [x for x in element if HasFd(x)]
-def MethodParamInputs(method):
- return method.parameters
-def MethodParamOutputs(method):
- if method.response_parameters is None:
- return []
- if MethodReturnValue(method) == 'void':
- return method.response_parameters
- if len(method.response_parameters) <= 1:
- return []
- return method.response_parameters[1:]
-def MethodParamsHaveFd(parameters):
- return len([x for x in parameters if HasFd(x)]) > 0
-def MethodInputHasFd(method):
- return MethodParamsHaveFd(method.parameters)
-def MethodOutputHasFd(method):
- return MethodParamsHaveFd(MethodParamOutputs(method))
-def MethodParamNames(method):
- params = []
- for param in method.parameters:
- params.append(param.mojom_name)
- for param in MethodParamOutputs(method):
- params.append(param.mojom_name)
- return params
-def MethodParameters(method):
- params = []
- for param in method.parameters:
- params.append('const %s %s%s' % (GetNameForElement(param),
- '' if IsPod(param) or IsEnum(param) else '&',
- param.mojom_name))
- for param in MethodParamOutputs(method):
- params.append(f'{GetNameForElement(param)} *{param.mojom_name}')
- return params
-def MethodReturnValue(method):
- if method.response_parameters is None or len(method.response_parameters) == 0:
- return 'void'
- first_output = method.response_parameters[0]
- if ((len(method.response_parameters) == 1 and IsPod(first_output)) or
- first_output.kind == mojom.INT32):
- return GetNameForElement(first_output)
- return 'void'
-def IsAsync(method):
- # Events are always async
- if re.match("^IPA.*EventInterface$", method.interface.mojom_name):
- return True
- elif re.match("^IPA.*Interface$", method.interface.mojom_name):
- if method.attributes is None:
- return False
- elif 'async' in method.attributes and method.attributes['async']:
- return True
- return False
-def IsArray(element):
- return mojom.IsArrayKind(element.kind)
-def IsControls(element):
- return mojom.IsStructKind(element.kind) and (element.kind.mojom_name == "ControlList" or
- element.kind.mojom_name == "ControlInfoMap")
-def IsEnum(element):
- return mojom.IsEnumKind(element.kind)
-# Only works the enum definition, not types
-def IsScoped(element):
- attributes = getattr(element, 'attributes', None)
- if not attributes:
- return False
- return 'scopedEnum' in attributes
-def IsEnumScoped(element):
- if not IsEnum(element):
- return False
- return IsScoped(element.kind)
-def IsFd(element):
- return mojom.IsStructKind(element.kind) and element.kind.mojom_name == "SharedFD"
-def IsFlags(element):
- attributes = getattr(element, 'attributes', None)
- if not attributes:
- return False
- return 'flags' in attributes
-def IsMap(element):
- return mojom.IsMapKind(element.kind)
-def IsPlainStruct(element):
- return mojom.IsStructKind(element.kind) and not IsControls(element) and not IsFd(element)
-def IsPod(element):
- return element.kind in _kind_to_cpp_type
-def IsStr(element):
- return element.kind.spec == 's'
-def BitWidth(element):
- if element.kind in _bit_widths:
- return _bit_widths[element.kind]
- if mojom.IsEnumKind(element.kind):
- return '32'
- return ''
-def ByteWidthFromCppType(t):
- key = None
- for mojo_type, cpp_type in _kind_to_cpp_type.items():
- if t == cpp_type:
- key = mojo_type
- if key is None:
- raise Exception('invalid type')
- return str(int(_bit_widths[key]) // 8)
-# Get the type name for a given element
-def GetNameForElement(element):
- # Flags
- if IsFlags(element):
- return f'Flags<{GetFullNameForElement(element.kind)}>'
- # structs
- if (mojom.IsEnumKind(element) or
- mojom.IsInterfaceKind(element) or
- mojom.IsStructKind(element)):
- return element.mojom_name
- # vectors
- if (mojom.IsArrayKind(element)):
- elem_name = GetFullNameForElement(element.kind)
- return f'std::vector<{elem_name}>'
- # maps
- if (mojom.IsMapKind(element)):
- key_name = GetFullNameForElement(element.key_kind)
- value_name = GetFullNameForElement(element.value_kind)
- return f'std::map<{key_name}, {value_name}>'
- # struct fields and function parameters
- if isinstance(element, (mojom.Field, mojom.Method, mojom.Parameter)):
- # maps and vectors
- if (mojom.IsArrayKind(element.kind) or mojom.IsMapKind(element.kind)):
- return GetNameForElement(element.kind)
- # strings
- if (mojom.IsReferenceKind(element.kind) and element.kind.spec == 's'):
- return 'std::string'
- # PODs
- if element.kind in _kind_to_cpp_type:
- return _kind_to_cpp_type[element.kind]
- # structs and enums
- return element.kind.mojom_name
- # PODs that are members of vectors/maps
- if (hasattr(element, '__hash__') and element in _kind_to_cpp_type):
- return _kind_to_cpp_type[element]
- if (hasattr(element, 'spec')):
- # strings that are members of vectors/maps
- if (element.spec == 's'):
- return 'std::string'
- # structs that aren't defined in mojom that are members of vectors/maps
- if (element.spec[0] == 'x'):
- return element.spec.replace('x:', '').replace('.', '::')
- if (mojom.IsInterfaceRequestKind(element) or
- mojom.IsAssociatedKind(element) or
- mojom.IsPendingRemoteKind(element) or
- mojom.IsPendingReceiverKind(element) or
- mojom.IsUnionKind(element)):
- raise Exception('Unsupported element: %s' % element)
- raise Exception('Unexpected element: %s' % element)
-def GetFullNameForElement(element):
- name = GetNameForElement(element)
- namespace_str = ''
- if (mojom.IsStructKind(element) or mojom.IsEnumKind(element)):
- namespace_str = element.module.mojom_namespace.replace('.', '::')
- elif (hasattr(element, 'kind') and
- (mojom.IsStructKind(element.kind) or mojom.IsEnumKind(element.kind))):
- namespace_str = element.kind.module.mojom_namespace.replace('.', '::')
- if namespace_str == '':
- return name
- if IsFlags(element):
- return GetNameForElement(element)
- return f'{namespace_str}::{name}'
-def ValidateZeroLength(l, s, cap=True):
- if l is None:
- return
- if len(l) > 0:
- raise Exception(f'{s.capitalize() if cap else s} should be empty')
-def ValidateSingleLength(l, s, cap=True):
- if len(l) > 1:
- raise Exception(f'Only one {s} allowed')
- if len(l) < 1:
- raise Exception(f'{s.capitalize() if cap else s} is required')
-def GetMainInterface(interfaces):
- intf = [x for x in interfaces
- if re.match("^IPA.*Interface", x.mojom_name) and
- not re.match("^IPA.*EventInterface", x.mojom_name)]
- ValidateSingleLength(intf, 'main interface')
- return None if len(intf) == 0 else intf[0]
-def GetEventInterface(interfaces):
- event = [x for x in interfaces if re.match("^IPA.*EventInterface", x.mojom_name)]
- ValidateSingleLength(event, 'event interface')
- return None if len(event) == 0 else event[0]
-def ValidateNamespace(namespace):
- if namespace == '':
- raise Exception('Must have a namespace')
- if not re.match(r'^ipa\.[0-9A-Za-z_]+', namespace):
- raise Exception('Namespace must be of the form "ipa.{pipeline_name}"')
-def ValidateInterfaces(interfaces):
- # Validate presence of main interface
- intf = GetMainInterface(interfaces)
- if intf is None:
- raise Exception('Must have main IPA interface')
- # Validate presence of event interface
- event = GetEventInterface(interfaces)
- if intf is None:
- raise Exception('Must have event IPA interface')
- # Validate required main interface functions
- f_init = [x for x in intf.methods if x.mojom_name == 'init']
- f_start = [x for x in intf.methods if x.mojom_name == 'start']
- f_stop = [x for x in intf.methods if x.mojom_name == 'stop']
- ValidateSingleLength(f_init, 'init()', False)
- ValidateSingleLength(f_start, 'start()', False)
- ValidateSingleLength(f_stop, 'stop()', False)
- f_stop = f_stop[0]
- # No need to validate init() and start() as they are customizable
- # Validate parameters to stop()
- ValidateZeroLength(f_stop.parameters, 'input parameter to stop()')
- ValidateZeroLength(f_stop.parameters, 'output parameter from stop()')
- # Validate that event interface has at least one event
- if len(event.methods) < 1:
- raise Exception('Event interface must have at least one event')
- # Validate that all async methods don't have return values
- intf_methods_async = [x for x in intf.methods if IsAsync(x)]
- for method in intf_methods_async:
- ValidateZeroLength(method.response_parameters,
- f'{method.mojom_name} response parameters', False)
- event_methods_async = [x for x in event.methods if IsAsync(x)]
- for method in event_methods_async:
- ValidateZeroLength(method.response_parameters,
- f'{method.mojom_name} response parameters', False)
-class Generator(generator.Generator):
- @staticmethod
- def GetTemplatePrefix():
- return 'libcamera_templates'
- def GetFilters(self):
- libcamera_filters = {
- 'all_types': GetAllTypes,
- 'bit_width': BitWidth,
- 'byte_width' : ByteWidthFromCppType,
- 'cap': Capitalize,
- 'choose': Choose,
- 'comma_sep': CommaSep,
- 'default_value': GetDefaultValue,
- 'has_default_fields': HasDefaultFields,
- 'has_fd': HasFd,
- 'is_async': IsAsync,
- 'is_array': IsArray,
- 'is_controls': IsControls,
- 'is_enum': IsEnum,
- 'is_enum_scoped': IsEnumScoped,
- 'is_fd': IsFd,
- 'is_flags': IsFlags,
- 'is_map': IsMap,
- 'is_plain_struct': IsPlainStruct,
- 'is_pod': IsPod,
- 'is_scoped': IsScoped,
- 'is_str': IsStr,
- 'method_input_has_fd': MethodInputHasFd,
- 'method_output_has_fd': MethodOutputHasFd,
- 'method_param_names': MethodParamNames,
- 'method_param_inputs': MethodParamInputs,
- 'method_param_outputs': MethodParamOutputs,
- 'method_parameters': MethodParameters,
- 'method_return_value': MethodReturnValue,
- 'name': GetNameForElement,
- 'name_full': GetFullNameForElement,
- 'needs_control_serializer': NeedsControlSerializer,
- 'params_comma_sep': ParamsCommaSep,
- 'with_default_values': WithDefaultValues,
- 'with_fds': WithFds,
- }
- return libcamera_filters
- def _GetJinjaExports(self):
- return {
- 'cmd_enum_name': '_%sCmd' % self.module_name,
- 'cmd_event_enum_name': '_%sEventCmd' % self.module_name,
- 'consts': self.module.constants,
- 'enums': self.module.enums,
- 'has_array': len([x for x in self.module.kinds.keys() if x[0] == 'a']) > 0,
- 'has_map': len([x for x in self.module.kinds.keys() if x[0] == 'm']) > 0,
- 'has_namespace': self.module.mojom_namespace != '',
- 'interface_event': GetEventInterface(self.module.interfaces),
- 'interface_main': GetMainInterface(self.module.interfaces),
- 'interface_name': 'IPA%sInterface' % self.module_name,
- 'module_name': ModuleName(self.module.path),
- 'namespace': self.module.mojom_namespace.split('.'),
- 'namespace_str': self.module.mojom_namespace.replace('.', '::') if
- self.module.mojom_namespace is not None else '',
- 'proxy_name': 'IPAProxy%s' % self.module_name,
- 'proxy_worker_name': 'IPAProxy%sWorker' % self.module_name,
- 'structs_nonempty': [x for x in self.module.structs if len(x.fields) > 0],
- }
- def _GetJinjaExportsForCore(self):
- return {
- 'consts': self.module.constants,
- 'enums_gen_header': [x for x in self.module.enums if x.attributes is None or 'skipHeader' not in x.attributes],
- 'has_array': len([x for x in self.module.kinds.keys() if x[0] == 'a']) > 0,
- 'has_map': len([x for x in self.module.kinds.keys() if x[0] == 'm']) > 0,
- 'structs_gen_header': [x for x in self.module.structs if x.attributes is None or 'skipHeader' not in x.attributes],
- 'structs_gen_serializer': [x for x in self.module.structs if x.attributes is None or 'skipSerdes' not in x.attributes],
- }
- @UseJinja('core_ipa_interface.h.tmpl')
- def _GenerateCoreHeader(self):
- return self._GetJinjaExportsForCore()
- @UseJinja('core_ipa_serializer.h.tmpl')
- def _GenerateCoreSerializer(self):
- return self._GetJinjaExportsForCore()
- @UseJinja('module_ipa_interface.h.tmpl')
- def _GenerateDataHeader(self):
- return self._GetJinjaExports()
- @UseJinja('module_ipa_serializer.h.tmpl')
- def _GenerateSerializer(self):
- return self._GetJinjaExports()
- @UseJinja('module_ipa_proxy.cpp.tmpl')
- def _GenerateProxyCpp(self):
- return self._GetJinjaExports()
- @UseJinja('module_ipa_proxy.h.tmpl')
- def _GenerateProxyHeader(self):
- return self._GetJinjaExports()
- @UseJinja('module_ipa_proxy_worker.cpp.tmpl')
- def _GenerateProxyWorker(self):
- return self._GetJinjaExports()
- def GenerateFiles(self, unparsed_args):
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--libcamera_generate_core_header', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('--libcamera_generate_core_serializer', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('--libcamera_generate_header', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('--libcamera_generate_serializer', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('--libcamera_generate_proxy_cpp', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('--libcamera_generate_proxy_h', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('--libcamera_generate_proxy_worker', action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument('--libcamera_output_path')
- args = parser.parse_args(unparsed_args)
- if not args.libcamera_generate_core_header and \
- not args.libcamera_generate_core_serializer:
- ValidateNamespace(self.module.mojom_namespace)
- ValidateInterfaces(self.module.interfaces)
- self.module_name = ModuleClassName(self.module)
- fileutil.EnsureDirectoryExists(os.path.dirname(args.libcamera_output_path))
- gen_funcs = [
- [args.libcamera_generate_core_header, self._GenerateCoreHeader],
- [args.libcamera_generate_core_serializer, self._GenerateCoreSerializer],
- [args.libcamera_generate_header, self._GenerateDataHeader],
- [args.libcamera_generate_serializer, self._GenerateSerializer],
- [args.libcamera_generate_proxy_cpp, self._GenerateProxyCpp],
- [args.libcamera_generate_proxy_h, self._GenerateProxyHeader],
- [args.libcamera_generate_proxy_worker, self._GenerateProxyWorker],
- ]
- for pair in gen_funcs:
- if pair[0]:
- self.Write(pair[1](), args.libcamera_output_path)