path: root/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy.h.tmpl
diff options
authorLaurent Pinchart <>2024-08-08 18:13:00 +0300
committerLaurent Pinchart <>2024-08-15 23:59:08 +0300
commit50c92cc7e2924009ecab3e4004448b01d687707c (patch)
treec22b49816a3c79dae4727780962aa0928df42b52 /utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy.h.tmpl
parentd3bf27180ef1d91b86b7b87a2378e559eaff5455 (diff)
meson: Move all code generation scripts to utils/codegen/
We have multiple code generation scripts in utils/, mixed with other miscellaneous utilities, as well as a larger code base based on mojom in utils/ipc/. To make code sharing easier between the generator scripts, without creating a mess in the utils/ directory, move all the code generation code to utils/codegen/. Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Reviewed-by: Daniel Scally <> Reviewed-by: Paul Elder <>
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy.h.tmpl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy.h.tmpl b/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy.h.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index e213b18a..00000000
--- a/utils/ipc/generators/libcamera_templates/module_ipa_proxy.h.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
- # Copyright (C) 2020, Google Inc.
-{%- import "proxy_functions.tmpl" as proxy_funcs -%}
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
- * Copyright (C) 2020, Google Inc.
- *
- * Image Processing Algorithm proxy for {{module_name}}
- *
- * This file is auto-generated. Do not edit.
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <libcamera/ipa/ipa_interface.h>
-#include <libcamera/ipa/{{module_name}}_ipa_interface.h>
-#include <libcamera/base/object.h>
-#include <libcamera/base/thread.h>
-#include "libcamera/internal/control_serializer.h"
-#include "libcamera/internal/ipa_proxy.h"
-#include "libcamera/internal/ipc_pipe.h"
-#include "libcamera/internal/ipc_pipe_unixsocket.h"
-#include "libcamera/internal/ipc_unixsocket.h"
-namespace libcamera {
-{%- if has_namespace %}
-{% for ns in namespace %}
-namespace {{ns}} {
-{% endfor %}
-{%- endif %}
-class {{proxy_name}} : public IPAProxy, public {{interface_name}}, public Object
- {{proxy_name}}(IPAModule *ipam, bool isolate);
- ~{{proxy_name}}();
-{% for method in interface_main.methods %}
-{{proxy_funcs.func_sig(proxy_name, method, "", false, true)|indent(8, true)}};
-{% endfor %}
-{%- for method in interface_event.methods %}
- Signal<
-{%- for param in method.parameters -%}
- {{"const " if not param|is_pod}}{{param|name}}{{" &" if not param|is_pod and not param|is_enum}}
- {{- ", " if not loop.last}}
-{%- endfor -%}
-> {{method.mojom_name}};
-{% endfor %}
- void recvMessage(const IPCMessage &data);
-{% for method in interface_main.methods %}
-{{proxy_funcs.func_sig(proxy_name, method, "Thread", false)|indent(8, true)}};
-{{proxy_funcs.func_sig(proxy_name, method, "IPC", false)|indent(8, true)}};
-{% endfor %}
-{% for method in interface_event.methods %}
-{{proxy_funcs.func_sig(proxy_name, method, "Thread", false)|indent(8, true)}};
- void {{method.mojom_name}}IPC(
- std::vector<uint8_t>::const_iterator data,
- size_t dataSize,
- const std::vector<SharedFD> &fds);
-{% endfor %}
- /* Helper class to invoke async functions in another thread. */
- class ThreadProxy : public Object
- {
- public:
- ThreadProxy()
- : ipa_(nullptr)
- {
- }
- void setIPA({{interface_name}} *ipa)
- {
- ipa_ = ipa;
- }
- void stop()
- {
- ipa_->stop();
- }
-{% for method in interface_main.methods %}
-{%- if method|is_async %}
- {{proxy_funcs.func_sig(proxy_name, method, "", false)|indent(16)}}
- {
- ipa_->{{method.mojom_name}}({{method.parameters|params_comma_sep}});
- }
-{%- elif method.mojom_name == "start" %}
- {{proxy_funcs.func_sig(proxy_name, method, "", false)|indent(16)}}
- {
-{%- if method|method_return_value != "void" %}
- return ipa_->{{method.mojom_name}}({{method.parameters|params_comma_sep}});
-{%- else %}
- ipa_->{{method.mojom_name}}({{method.parameters|params_comma_sep}}
- {{- ", " if method|method_param_outputs|params_comma_sep -}}
- {{- method|method_param_outputs|params_comma_sep}});
-{%- endif %}
- }
-{%- endif %}
-{%- endfor %}
- private:
- {{interface_name}} *ipa_;
- };
- Thread thread_;
- ThreadProxy proxy_;
- std::unique_ptr<{{interface_name}}> ipa_;
- const bool isolate_;
- std::unique_ptr<IPCPipeUnixSocket> ipc_;
- ControlSerializer controlSerializer_;
-{# \todo Move this to IPCPipe #}
- uint32_t seq_;
-{%- if has_namespace %}
-{% for ns in namespace|reverse %}
-} /* namespace {{ns}} */
-{% endfor %}
-{%- endif %}
-} /* namespace libcamera */