path: root/utils/ipc/mojo/public/tools/mojom/
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Diffstat (limited to 'utils/ipc/mojo/public/tools/mojom/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 502 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ipc/mojo/public/tools/mojom/ b/utils/ipc/mojo/public/tools/mojom/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9693090e..00000000
--- a/utils/ipc/mojo/public/tools/mojom/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,502 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Parses mojom IDL files.
-This script parses one or more input mojom files and produces corresponding
-module files fully describing the definitions contained within each mojom. The
-module data is pickled and can be easily consumed by other tools to, e.g.,
-generate usable language bindings.
-import argparse
-import builtins
-import codecs
-import errno
-import json
-import logging
-import multiprocessing
-import os
-import os.path
-import sys
-import traceback
-from collections import defaultdict
-from mojom.generate import module
-from mojom.generate import translate
-from mojom.parse import parser
-from mojom.parse import conditional_features
-# Disable this for easier debugging.
-if __name__ == '__main__' and sys.platform == 'darwin':
- multiprocessing.set_start_method('fork')
-_MULTIPROCESSING_USES_FORK = multiprocessing.get_start_method() == 'fork'
-def _ResolveRelativeImportPath(path, roots):
- """Attempts to resolve a relative import path against a set of possible roots.
- Args:
- path: The relative import path to resolve.
- roots: A list of absolute paths which will be checked in descending length
- order for a match against path.
- Returns:
- A normalized absolute path combining one of the roots with the input path if
- and only if such a file exists.
- Raises:
- ValueError: The path could not be resolved against any of the given roots.
- """
- for root in reversed(sorted(roots, key=len)):
- abs_path = os.path.join(root, path)
- if os.path.isfile(abs_path):
- return os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(abs_path))
- raise ValueError('"%s" does not exist in any of %s' % (path, roots))
-def RebaseAbsolutePath(path, roots):
- """Rewrites an absolute file path as relative to an absolute directory path in
- roots.
- Args:
- path: The absolute path of an existing file.
- roots: A list of absolute directory paths. The given path argument must fall
- within one of these directories.
- Returns:
- A path equivalent to the input path, but relative to one of the provided
- roots. If the input path falls within multiple roots, the longest root is
- chosen (and thus the shortest relative path is returned).
- Paths returned by this method always use forward slashes as a separator to
- mirror mojom import syntax.
- Raises:
- ValueError if the given path does not fall within any of the listed roots.
- """
- assert os.path.isabs(path)
- assert os.path.isfile(path)
- assert all(map(os.path.isabs, roots))
- sorted_roots = list(reversed(sorted(roots, key=len)))
- def try_rebase_path(path, root):
- head, rebased_path = os.path.split(path)
- while head != root:
- head, tail = os.path.split(head)
- if not tail:
- return None
- rebased_path = os.path.join(tail, rebased_path)
- return rebased_path
- for root in sorted_roots:
- relative_path = try_rebase_path(path, root)
- if relative_path:
- # TODO( Use pathlib for this kind of thing once we're
- # fully migrated to Python 3.
- return relative_path.replace('\\', '/')
- raise ValueError('%s does not fall within any of %s' % (path, sorted_roots))
-def _GetModuleFilename(mojom_filename):
- return mojom_filename + '-module'
-def _EnsureInputLoaded(mojom_abspath, module_path, abs_paths, asts,
- dependencies, loaded_modules, module_metadata):
- """Recursively ensures that a module and its dependencies are loaded.
- Args:
- mojom_abspath: An absolute file path pointing to a mojom file to load.
- module_path: The relative path used to identify mojom_abspath.
- abs_paths: A mapping from module paths to absolute file paths for all
- inputs given to this execution of the script.
- asts: A map from each input mojom's absolute path to its parsed AST.
- dependencies: A mapping of which input mojoms depend on each other, indexed
- by absolute file path.
- loaded_modules: A mapping of all modules loaded so far, including non-input
- modules that were pulled in as transitive dependencies of the inputs.
- module_metadata: Metadata to be attached to every module loaded by this
- helper.
- Returns:
- None
- On return, loaded_modules will be populated with the loaded input mojom's
- Module as well as the Modules of all of its transitive dependencies."""
- if mojom_abspath in loaded_modules:
- # Already done.
- return
- for dep_abspath, dep_path in sorted(dependencies[mojom_abspath]):
- if dep_abspath not in loaded_modules:
- _EnsureInputLoaded(dep_abspath, dep_path, abs_paths, asts, dependencies,
- loaded_modules, module_metadata)
- imports = {}
- for imp in asts[mojom_abspath].import_list:
- path = imp.import_filename
- imports[path] = loaded_modules[abs_paths[path]]
- loaded_modules[mojom_abspath] = translate.OrderedModule(
- asts[mojom_abspath], module_path, imports)
- loaded_modules[mojom_abspath].metadata = dict(module_metadata)
-def _CollectAllowedImportsFromBuildMetadata(build_metadata_filename):
- allowed_imports = set()
- processed_deps = set()
- def collect(metadata_filename):
- processed_deps.add(metadata_filename)
- # Paths in the metadata file are relative to the metadata file's dir.
- metadata_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(metadata_filename))
- def to_abs(s):
- return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(metadata_dir, s))
- with open(metadata_filename) as f:
- metadata = json.load(f)
- allowed_imports.update(
- [os.path.normcase(to_abs(s)) for s in metadata['sources']])
- for dep_metadata in metadata['deps']:
- dep_metadata = to_abs(dep_metadata)
- if dep_metadata not in processed_deps:
- collect(dep_metadata)
- collect(build_metadata_filename)
- return allowed_imports
-# multiprocessing helper.
-def _ParseAstHelper(mojom_abspath, enabled_features):
- with, encoding='utf-8') as f:
- ast = parser.Parse(, mojom_abspath)
- conditional_features.RemoveDisabledDefinitions(ast, enabled_features)
- return mojom_abspath, ast
-# multiprocessing helper.
-def _SerializeHelper(mojom_abspath, mojom_path):
- module_path = os.path.join(_SerializeHelper.output_root_path,
- _GetModuleFilename(mojom_path))
- module_dir = os.path.dirname(module_path)
- if not os.path.exists(module_dir):
- try:
- # Python 2 doesn't support exist_ok on makedirs(), so we just ignore
- # that failure if it happens. It's possible during build due to races
- # among build steps with module outputs in the same directory.
- os.makedirs(module_dir)
- except OSError as e:
- if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
- raise
- with open(module_path, 'wb') as f:
- _SerializeHelper.loaded_modules[mojom_abspath].Dump(f)
-class _ExceptionWrapper:
- def __init__(self):
- # Do not capture exception object to ensure pickling works.
- self.formatted_trace = traceback.format_exc()
-class _FuncWrapper:
- """Marshals exceptions and spreads args."""
- def __init__(self, func):
- self._func = func
- def __call__(self, args):
- # multiprocessing does not gracefully handle excptions.
- #
- try:
- return self._func(*args)
- except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
- return _ExceptionWrapper()
-def _Shard(target_func, arg_list, processes=None):
- arg_list = list(arg_list)
- if processes is None:
- processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
- # Seems optimal to have each process perform at least 2 tasks.
- processes = min(processes, len(arg_list) // 2)
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- # TODO( - we can't use more than 56
- # cores on Windows or Python3 may hang.
- processes = min(processes, 56)
- # Don't spin up processes unless there is enough work to merit doing so.
- if not _ENABLE_MULTIPROCESSING or processes < 2:
- for arg_tuple in arg_list:
- yield target_func(*arg_tuple)
- return
- pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes)
- try:
- wrapped_func = _FuncWrapper(target_func)
- for result in pool.imap_unordered(wrapped_func, arg_list):
- if isinstance(result, _ExceptionWrapper):
- sys.stderr.write(result.formatted_trace)
- sys.exit(1)
- yield result
- finally:
- pool.close()
- pool.join() # Needed on Windows to avoid WindowsError during terminate.
- pool.terminate()
-def _ParseMojoms(mojom_files,
- input_root_paths,
- output_root_path,
- module_root_paths,
- enabled_features,
- module_metadata,
- allowed_imports=None):
- """Parses a set of mojom files and produces serialized module outputs.
- Args:
- mojom_files: A list of mojom files to process. Paths must be absolute paths
- which fall within one of the input or output root paths.
- input_root_paths: A list of absolute filesystem paths which may be used to
- resolve relative mojom file paths.
- output_root_path: An absolute filesystem path which will service as the root
- for all emitted artifacts. Artifacts produced from a given mojom file
- are based on the mojom's relative path, rebased onto this path.
- Additionally, the script expects this root to contain already-generated
- modules for any transitive dependencies not listed in mojom_files.
- module_root_paths: A list of absolute filesystem paths which contain
- already-generated modules for any non-transitive dependencies.
- enabled_features: A list of enabled feature names, controlling which AST
- nodes are filtered by [EnableIf] or [EnableIfNot] attributes.
- module_metadata: A list of 2-tuples representing metadata key-value pairs to
- attach to each compiled module output.
- Returns:
- None.
- Upon completion, a mojom-module file will be saved for each input mojom.
- """
- assert input_root_paths
- assert output_root_path
- loaded_mojom_asts = {}
- loaded_modules = {}
- input_dependencies = defaultdict(set)
- mojom_files_to_parse = dict((os.path.normcase(abs_path),
- RebaseAbsolutePath(abs_path, input_root_paths))
- for abs_path in mojom_files)
- abs_paths = dict(
- (path, abs_path) for abs_path, path in mojom_files_to_parse.items())
-'Parsing %d .mojom into ASTs', len(mojom_files_to_parse))
- map_args = ((mojom_abspath, enabled_features)
- for mojom_abspath in mojom_files_to_parse)
- for mojom_abspath, ast in _Shard(_ParseAstHelper, map_args):
- loaded_mojom_asts[mojom_abspath] = ast
-'Processing dependencies')
- for mojom_abspath, ast in sorted(loaded_mojom_asts.items()):
- invalid_imports = []
- for imp in ast.import_list:
- import_abspath = _ResolveRelativeImportPath(imp.import_filename,
- input_root_paths)
- if allowed_imports and import_abspath not in allowed_imports:
- invalid_imports.append(imp.import_filename)
- abs_paths[imp.import_filename] = import_abspath
- if import_abspath in mojom_files_to_parse:
- # This import is in the input list, so we're going to translate it
- # into a module below; however it's also a dependency of another input
- # module. We retain record of dependencies to help with input
- # processing later.
- input_dependencies[mojom_abspath].add(
- (import_abspath, imp.import_filename))
- elif import_abspath not in loaded_modules:
- # We have an import that isn't being parsed right now. It must already
- # be parsed and have a module file sitting in a corresponding output
- # location.
- module_path = _GetModuleFilename(imp.import_filename)
- module_abspath = _ResolveRelativeImportPath(
- module_path, module_root_paths + [output_root_path])
- with open(module_abspath, 'rb') as module_file:
- loaded_modules[import_abspath] = module.Module.Load(module_file)
- if invalid_imports:
- raise ValueError(
- '\nThe file %s imports the following files not allowed by build '
- 'dependencies:\n\n%s\n' % (mojom_abspath, '\n'.join(invalid_imports)))
-'Loaded %d modules from dependencies', len(loaded_modules))
- # At this point all transitive imports not listed as inputs have been loaded
- # and we have a complete dependency tree of the unprocessed inputs. Now we can
- # load all the inputs, resolving dependencies among them recursively as we go.
-'Ensuring inputs are loaded')
- num_existing_modules_loaded = len(loaded_modules)
- for mojom_abspath, mojom_path in mojom_files_to_parse.items():
- _EnsureInputLoaded(mojom_abspath, mojom_path, abs_paths, loaded_mojom_asts,
- input_dependencies, loaded_modules, module_metadata)
- assert (num_existing_modules_loaded +
- len(mojom_files_to_parse) == len(loaded_modules))
- # Now we have fully translated modules for every input and every transitive
- # dependency. We can dump the modules to disk for other tools to use.
-'Serializing %d modules', len(mojom_files_to_parse))
- # Windows does not use fork() for multiprocessing, so we'd need to pass
- # loaded_module via IPC rather than via globals. Doing so is slower than not
- # using multiprocessing.
- _SerializeHelper.loaded_modules = loaded_modules
- _SerializeHelper.output_root_path = output_root_path
- # Doesn't seem to help past 4. Perhaps IO bound here?
- processes = 4 if _MULTIPROCESSING_USES_FORK else 0
- map_args = mojom_files_to_parse.items()
- for _ in _Shard(_SerializeHelper, map_args, processes=processes):
- pass
-def Run(command_line):
- debug_logging = os.environ.get('MOJOM_PARSER_DEBUG', '0') != '0'
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if debug_logging else logging.WARNING,
- format='%(levelname).1s %(relativeCreated)6d %(message)s')
-'Started (%s)', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
- arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description="""
-Parses one or more mojom files and produces corresponding module outputs fully
-describing the definitions therein. The output is exhaustive, stable, and
-sufficient for another tool to consume and emit e.g. usable language
-bindings based on the original mojoms.""",
- epilog="""
-Note that each transitive import dependency reachable from the input mojoms must
-either also be listed as an input or must have its corresponding compiled module
-already present in the provided output root.""")
- arg_parser.add_argument(
- '--input-root',
- default=[],
- action='append',
- metavar='ROOT',
- dest='input_root_paths',
- help='Adds ROOT to the set of root paths against which relative input '
- 'paths should be resolved. Provided root paths are always searched '
- 'in order from longest absolute path to shortest.')
- arg_parser.add_argument(
- '--output-root',
- action='store',
- required=True,
- dest='output_root_path',
- metavar='ROOT',
- help='Use ROOT as the root path in which the parser should emit compiled '
- 'modules for each processed input mojom. The path of emitted module is '
- 'based on the relative input path, rebased onto this root. Note that '
- 'ROOT is also searched for existing modules of any transitive imports '
- 'which were not included in the set of inputs.')
- arg_parser.add_argument(
- '--module-root',
- default=[],
- action='append',
- metavar='ROOT',
- dest='module_root_paths',
- help='Adds ROOT to the set of root paths to search for existing modules '
- 'of non-transitive imports. Provided root paths are always searched in '
- 'order from longest absolute path to shortest.')
- arg_parser.add_argument(
- '--mojoms',
- nargs='+',
- dest='mojom_files',
- default=[],
- metavar='MOJOM_FILE',
- help='Input mojom filename(s). Each filename must be either an absolute '
- 'path which falls within one of the given input or output roots, or a '
- 'relative path the parser will attempt to resolve using each of those '
- 'roots in unspecified order.')
- arg_parser.add_argument(
- '--mojom-file-list',
- action='store',
- metavar='LIST_FILENAME',
- help='Input file whose contents are a list of mojoms to process. This '
- 'may be provided in lieu of --mojoms to avoid hitting command line '
- 'length limtations')
- arg_parser.add_argument(
- '--enable-feature',
- dest='enabled_features',
- default=[],
- action='append',
- metavar='FEATURE',
- help='Enables a named feature when parsing the given mojoms. Features '
- 'are identified by arbitrary string values. Specifying this flag with a '
- 'given FEATURE name will cause the parser to process any syntax elements '
- 'tagged with an [EnableIf=FEATURE] or [EnableIfNot] attribute. If this '
- 'flag is not provided for a given FEATURE, such tagged elements are '
- 'discarded by the parser and will not be present in the compiled output.')
- arg_parser.add_argument(
- '--check-imports',
- dest='build_metadata_filename',
- action='store',
- help='Instructs the parser to check imports against a set of allowed '
- 'imports. Allowed imports are based on build metadata within '
- 'METADATA_FILENAME. This is a JSON file with a `sources` key listing '
- 'paths to the set of input mojom files being processed by this parser '
- 'run, and a `deps` key listing paths to metadata files for any '
- 'dependencies of these inputs. This feature can be used to implement '
- 'build-time dependency checking for mojom imports, where each build '
- 'metadata file corresponds to a build target in the dependency graph of '
- 'a typical build system.')
- arg_parser.add_argument(
- '--add-module-metadata',
- dest='module_metadata',
- default=[],
- action='append',
- metavar='KEY=VALUE',
- help='Adds a metadata key-value pair to the output module. This can be '
- 'used by build toolchains to augment parsed mojom modules with product-'
- 'specific metadata for later extraction and use by custom bindings '
- 'generators.')
- args, _ = arg_parser.parse_known_args(command_line)
- if args.mojom_file_list:
- with open(args.mojom_file_list) as f:
- args.mojom_files.extend(
- if not args.mojom_files:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Must list at least one mojom file via --mojoms or --mojom-file-list')
- mojom_files = list(map(os.path.abspath, args.mojom_files))
- input_roots = list(map(os.path.abspath, args.input_root_paths))
- output_root = os.path.abspath(args.output_root_path)
- module_roots = list(map(os.path.abspath, args.module_root_paths))
- if args.build_metadata_filename:
- allowed_imports = _CollectAllowedImportsFromBuildMetadata(
- args.build_metadata_filename)
- else:
- allowed_imports = None
- module_metadata = list(
- map(lambda kvp: tuple(kvp.split('=')), args.module_metadata))
- _ParseMojoms(mojom_files, input_roots, output_root, module_roots,
- args.enabled_features, module_metadata, allowed_imports)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- Run(sys.argv[1:])
- # Exit without running GC, which can save multiple seconds due to the large
- # number of object created. But flush is necessary as os._exit doesn't do
- # that.
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sys.stderr.flush()
- os._exit(0)