path: root/utils/ipc/mojo/public/tools/mojom/
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Diffstat (limited to 'utils/ipc/mojo/public/tools/mojom/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 186 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ipc/mojo/public/tools/mojom/ b/utils/ipc/mojo/public/tools/mojom/
deleted file mode 100644
index 353a2b6e..00000000
--- a/utils/ipc/mojo/public/tools/mojom/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import json
-from mojom_parser_test_case import MojomParserTestCase
-class MojomParserTest(MojomParserTestCase):
- """Tests covering the behavior defined by the main script.
- This includes behavior around input and output path manipulation, dependency
- resolution, and module serialization and deserialization."""
- def testBasicParse(self):
- """Basic test to verify that we can parse a mojom file and get a module."""
- mojom = 'foo/bar.mojom'
- self.WriteFile(
- mojom, """\
- module test;
- enum TestEnum { kFoo };
- """)
- self.ParseMojoms([mojom])
- m = self.LoadModule(mojom)
- self.assertEqual('foo/bar.mojom', m.path)
- self.assertEqual('test', m.mojom_namespace)
- self.assertEqual(1, len(m.enums))
- def testBasicParseWithAbsolutePaths(self):
- """Verifies that we can parse a mojom file given an absolute path input."""
- mojom = 'foo/bar.mojom'
- self.WriteFile(
- mojom, """\
- module test;
- enum TestEnum { kFoo };
- """)
- self.ParseMojoms([self.GetPath(mojom)])
- m = self.LoadModule(mojom)
- self.assertEqual('foo/bar.mojom', m.path)
- self.assertEqual('test', m.mojom_namespace)
- self.assertEqual(1, len(m.enums))
- def testImport(self):
- """Verify imports within the same set of mojom inputs."""
- a = 'a.mojom'
- b = 'b.mojom'
- self.WriteFile(
- a, """\
- module a;
- import "b.mojom";
- struct Foo { b.Bar bar; };""")
- self.WriteFile(b, """\
- module b;
- struct Bar {};""")
- self.ParseMojoms([a, b])
- ma = self.LoadModule(a)
- mb = self.LoadModule(b)
- self.assertEqual('a.mojom', ma.path)
- self.assertEqual('b.mojom', mb.path)
- self.assertEqual(1, len(ma.imports))
- self.assertEqual(mb, ma.imports[0])
- def testPreProcessedImport(self):
- """Verify imports processed by a previous parser execution can be loaded
- properly when parsing a dependent mojom."""
- a = 'a.mojom'
- self.WriteFile(a, """\
- module a;
- struct Bar {};""")
- self.ParseMojoms([a])
- b = 'b.mojom'
- self.WriteFile(
- b, """\
- module b;
- import "a.mojom";
- struct Foo { a.Bar bar; };""")
- self.ParseMojoms([b])
- def testMissingImport(self):
- """Verify that an import fails if the imported mojom does not exist."""
- a = 'a.mojom'
- self.WriteFile(
- a, """\
- module a;
- import "non-existent.mojom";
- struct Bar {};""")
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "does not exist"):
- self.ParseMojoms([a])
- def testUnparsedImport(self):
- """Verify that an import fails if the imported mojom is not in the set of
- mojoms provided to the parser on this execution AND there is no pre-existing
- parsed output module already on disk for it."""
- a = 'a.mojom'
- b = 'b.mojom'
- self.WriteFile(a, """\
- module a;
- struct Bar {};""")
- self.WriteFile(
- b, """\
- module b;
- import "a.mojom";
- struct Foo { a.Bar bar; };""")
- # a.mojom has not been parsed yet, so its import will fail when processing
- # b.mojom here.
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "does not exist"):
- self.ParseMojoms([b])
- def testCheckImportsBasic(self):
- """Verify that the parser can handle --check-imports with a valid set of
- inputs, including support for transitive dependency resolution."""
- a = 'a.mojom'
- a_metadata = 'out/a.build_metadata'
- b = 'b.mojom'
- b_metadata = 'out/b.build_metadata'
- c = 'c.mojom'
- c_metadata = 'out/c.build_metadata'
- self.WriteFile(a_metadata,
- json.dumps({
- "sources": [self.GetPath(a)],
- "deps": []
- }))
- self.WriteFile(
- b_metadata,
- json.dumps({
- "sources": [self.GetPath(b)],
- "deps": [self.GetPath(a_metadata)]
- }))
- self.WriteFile(
- c_metadata,
- json.dumps({
- "sources": [self.GetPath(c)],
- "deps": [self.GetPath(b_metadata)]
- }))
- self.WriteFile(a, """\
- module a;
- struct Bar {};""")
- self.WriteFile(
- b, """\
- module b;
- import "a.mojom";
- struct Foo { a.Bar bar; };""")
- self.WriteFile(
- c, """\
- module c;
- import "a.mojom";
- import "b.mojom";
- struct Baz { b.Foo foo; };""")
- self.ParseMojoms([a], metadata=a_metadata)
- self.ParseMojoms([b], metadata=b_metadata)
- self.ParseMojoms([c], metadata=c_metadata)
- def testCheckImportsMissing(self):
- """Verify that the parser rejects valid input mojoms when imports don't
- agree with build metadata given via --check-imports."""
- a = 'a.mojom'
- a_metadata = 'out/a.build_metadata'
- b = 'b.mojom'
- b_metadata = 'out/b.build_metadata'
- self.WriteFile(a_metadata,
- json.dumps({
- "sources": [self.GetPath(a)],
- "deps": []
- }))
- self.WriteFile(b_metadata,
- json.dumps({
- "sources": [self.GetPath(b)],
- "deps": []
- }))
- self.WriteFile(a, """\
- module a;
- struct Bar {};""")
- self.WriteFile(
- b, """\
- module b;
- import "a.mojom";
- struct Foo { a.Bar bar; };""")
- self.ParseMojoms([a], metadata=a_metadata)
- with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "not allowed by build"):
- self.ParseMojoms([b], metadata=b_metadata)