path: root/utils/codegen/ipc/mojo/public/tools/bindings/checks/
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Diffstat (limited to 'utils/codegen/ipc/mojo/public/tools/bindings/checks/')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/codegen/ipc/mojo/public/tools/bindings/checks/ b/utils/codegen/ipc/mojo/public/tools/bindings/checks/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1a50a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/codegen/ipc/mojo/public/tools/bindings/checks/
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import unittest
+import mojom.generate.check as check
+from mojom_bindings_generator import LoadChecks, _Generate
+from mojom_parser_test_case import MojomParserTestCase
+class FakeArgs:
+ """Fakes args to _Generate - intention is to do just enough to run checks"""
+ def __init__(self, tester, files=None):
+ """ `tester` is MojomParserTestCase for paths.
+ `files` will have tester path added."""
+ self.checks_string = 'attributes'
+ self.depth = tester.GetPath('')
+ self.filelist = None
+ self.filename = [tester.GetPath(x) for x in files]
+ self.gen_directories = tester.GetPath('gen')
+ self.generators_string = ''
+ self.import_directories = []
+ self.output_dir = tester.GetPath('out')
+ self.scrambled_message_id_salt_paths = None
+ self.typemaps = []
+ self.variant = 'none'
+class MojoBindingsCheckTest(MojomParserTestCase):
+ def _ParseAndGenerate(self, mojoms):
+ self.ParseMojoms(mojoms)
+ args = FakeArgs(self, files=mojoms)
+ _Generate(args, {})
+ def _testValid(self, filename, content):
+ self.WriteFile(filename, content)
+ self._ParseAndGenerate([filename])
+ def _testThrows(self, filename, content, regexp):
+ mojoms = []
+ self.WriteFile(filename, content)
+ mojoms.append(filename)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegexp(check.CheckException, regexp):
+ self._ParseAndGenerate(mojoms)
+ def testLoads(self):
+ """Validate that the check is registered under the expected name."""
+ check_modules = LoadChecks('attributes')
+ self.assertTrue(check_modules['attributes'])
+ def testNoAnnotations(self):
+ # Undecorated mojom should be fine.
+ self._testValid(
+ "a.mojom", """
+ module a;
+ struct Bar { int32 a; };
+ enum Hello { kValue };
+ union Thingy { Bar b; Hello hi; };
+ interface Foo {
+ Foo(int32 a, Hello hi, Thingy t) => (Bar b);
+ };
+ """)
+ def testValidAnnotations(self):
+ # Obviously this is meaningless and won't generate, but it should pass
+ # the attribute check's validation.
+ self._testValid(
+ "a.mojom", """
+ [JavaConstantsClassName="FakeClass",JavaPackage="org.chromium.Fake"]
+ module a;
+ [Stable, Extensible]
+ enum Hello { [Default] kValue, kValue2, [MinVersion=2] kValue3 };
+ [Native]
+ enum NativeEnum {};
+ [Stable,Extensible]
+ union Thingy { Bar b; [Default]int32 c; Hello hi; };
+ [Stable,RenamedFrom="module.other.Foo",
+ Uuid="4C178401-4B07-4C2E-9255-5401A943D0C7"]
+ struct Structure { Hello hi; };
+ [ServiceSandbox=Hello.kValue,RequireContext=Hello.kValue,Stable,
+ Uuid="2F17D7DD-865A-4B1C-9394-9C94E035E82F"]
+ interface Foo {
+ [AllowedContext=Hello.kValue]
+ Foo@0(int32 a) => (int32 b);
+ [MinVersion=2,Sync,UnlimitedSize,NoInterrupt]
+ Bar@1(int32 b, [MinVersion=2]Structure? s) => (bool c);
+ };
+ [RuntimeFeature=test.mojom.FeatureName]
+ interface FooFeatureControlled {};
+ interface FooMethodFeatureControlled {
+ [RuntimeFeature=test.mojom.FeatureName]
+ MethodWithFeature() => (bool c);
+ };
+ """)
+ def testWrongModuleStable(self):
+ contents = """
+ // err: module cannot be Stable
+ [Stable]
+ module a;
+ enum Hello { kValue, kValue2, kValue3 };
+ enum NativeEnum {};
+ struct Structure { Hello hi; };
+ interface Foo {
+ Foo(int32 a) => (int32 b);
+ Bar(int32 b, Structure? s) => (bool c);
+ };
+ """
+ self._testThrows('b.mojom', contents,
+ 'attribute Stable not allowed on module')
+ def testWrongEnumDefault(self):
+ contents = """
+ module a;
+ // err: default should go on EnumValue not Enum.
+ [Default=kValue]
+ enum Hello { kValue, kValue2, kValue3 };
+ enum NativeEnum {};
+ struct Structure { Hello hi; };
+ interface Foo {
+ Foo(int32 a) => (int32 b);
+ Bar(int32 b, Structure? s) => (bool c);
+ };
+ """
+ self._testThrows('b.mojom', contents,
+ 'attribute Default not allowed on enum')
+ def testWrongStructMinVersion(self):
+ contents = """
+ module a;
+ enum Hello { kValue, kValue2, kValue3 };
+ enum NativeEnum {};
+ // err: struct cannot have MinVersion.
+ [MinVersion=2]
+ struct Structure { Hello hi; };
+ interface Foo {
+ Foo(int32 a) => (int32 b);
+ Bar(int32 b, Structure? s) => (bool c);
+ };
+ """
+ self._testThrows('b.mojom', contents,
+ 'attribute MinVersion not allowed on struct')
+ def testWrongMethodRequireContext(self):
+ contents = """
+ module a;
+ enum Hello { kValue, kValue2, kValue3 };
+ enum NativeEnum {};
+ struct Structure { Hello hi; };
+ interface Foo {
+ // err: RequireContext is for interfaces.
+ [RequireContext=Hello.kValue]
+ Foo(int32 a) => (int32 b);
+ Bar(int32 b, Structure? s) => (bool c);
+ };
+ """
+ self._testThrows('b.mojom', contents,
+ 'RequireContext not allowed on method')
+ def testWrongMethodRequireContext(self):
+ #
+ contents = """
+ module a;
+ interface Foo {
+ // err: sync not Sync.
+ [sync]
+ Foo(int32 a) => (int32 b);
+ };
+ """
+ self._testThrows('b.mojom', contents,
+ 'attribute sync not allowed.*Did you mean: Sync')
+ def testStableExtensibleEnum(self):
+ #
+ contents = """
+ module a;
+ [Stable]
+ enum Foo {
+ kDefaultVal,
+ kOtherVal = 2,
+ };
+ """
+ self._testThrows('a.mojom', contents,
+ 'Extensible.*?required.*?Stable.*?enum')