path: root/src/ipa/rpi/pisp/pisp.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/ipa/rpi/pisp/pisp.cpp')
1 files changed, 1068 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ipa/rpi/pisp/pisp.cpp b/src/ipa/rpi/pisp/pisp.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bb50a9e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ipa/rpi/pisp/pisp.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1068 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */
+ * Copyright (C) 2023, Raspberry Pi Ltd
+ *
+ * pisp.cpp - Raspberry Pi PiSP IPA
+ */
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <string>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <libcamera/base/log.h>
+#include <libcamera/control_ids.h>
+#include <libcamera/ipa/ipa_module_info.h>
+#include <libipa/pwl.h>
+#include "libpisp/backend/backend.hpp"
+#include "libpisp/frontend/frontend.hpp"
+#include "common/ipa_base.h"
+#include "controller/af_status.h"
+#include "controller/agc_algorithm.h"
+#include "controller/alsc_status.h"
+#include "controller/awb_algorithm.h"
+#include "controller/awb_status.h"
+#include "controller/black_level_algorithm.h"
+#include "controller/black_level_status.h"
+#include "controller/cac_status.h"
+#include "controller/ccm_status.h"
+#include "controller/contrast_status.h"
+#include "controller/denoise_algorithm.h"
+#include "controller/denoise_status.h"
+#include "controller/dpc_status.h"
+#include "controller/geq_status.h"
+#include "controller/hdr_status.h"
+#include "controller/lux_status.h"
+#include "controller/noise_status.h"
+#include "controller/saturation_status.h"
+#include "controller/sharpen_status.h"
+#include "controller/stitch_status.h"
+#include "controller/tonemap_status.h"
+using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;
+namespace libcamera {
+namespace {
+constexpr unsigned int NumLscCells = PISP_BE_LSC_GRID_SIZE;
+constexpr unsigned int NumLscVertexes = NumLscCells + 1;
+inline int32_t clampField(double value, std::size_t fieldBits, std::size_t fracBits = 0,
+ bool isSigned = false, const char *desc = nullptr)
+ ASSERT(fracBits <= fieldBits && fieldBits <= 32);
+ int min = -(isSigned << (fieldBits - 1));
+ int max = (1 << (fieldBits - isSigned)) - 1;
+ int32_t val =
+ std::clamp<int32_t>(std::round(value * (1 << fracBits)), min, max);
+ if (desc && val / (1 << fracBits) != value)
+ LOG(IPARPI, Warning)
+ << desc << " rounded/clamped to " << val / (1 << fracBits);
+ return val;
+int generateLut(const ipa::Pwl &pwl, uint32_t *lut, std::size_t lutSize,
+ unsigned int SlopeBits = 14, unsigned int PosBits = 16)
+ if (pwl.empty())
+ return -EINVAL;
+ int lastY = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lutSize; i++) {
+ int x, y;
+ if (i < 32)
+ x = i * 512;
+ else if (i < 48)
+ x = (i - 32) * 1024 + 16384;
+ else
+ x = std::min(65535u, (i - 48) * 2048 + 32768);
+ y = pwl.eval(x);
+ if (y < 0 || (i && y < lastY)) {
+ LOG(IPARPI, Error)
+ << "Malformed PWL for Gamma, disabling!";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (i) {
+ unsigned int slope = y - lastY;
+ if (slope >= (1u << SlopeBits)) {
+ slope = (1u << SlopeBits) - 1;
+ << ("Maximum Gamma slope exceeded, adjusting!");
+ y = lastY + slope;
+ }
+ lut[i - 1] |= slope << PosBits;
+ }
+ lut[i] = y;
+ lastY = y;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void packLscLut(uint32_t packed[NumLscVertexes][NumLscVertexes],
+ double const rgb[3][NumLscVertexes][NumLscVertexes])
+ for (unsigned int y = 0; y < NumLscVertexes; ++y) {
+ for (unsigned int x = 0; x < NumLscVertexes; ++x) {
+ /* Jointly encode RGB gains in one of 4 ranges: [0.5:1.5), [0:2), [0:4), [0:8) */
+ double lo = std::min({ rgb[0][y][x], rgb[1][y][x], rgb[2][y][x] });
+ double hi = std::max({ rgb[0][y][x], rgb[1][y][x], rgb[2][y][x] });
+ uint32_t range;
+ double scale, offset;
+ if (lo >= 0.5 && hi < 1.5) {
+ range = 0;
+ scale = 1024.0;
+ offset = -511.5;
+ } else if (hi < 2.0) {
+ range = 1;
+ scale = 512.0;
+ offset = 0.5;
+ } else if (hi < 4.0) {
+ range = 2;
+ scale = 256.0;
+ offset = 0.5;
+ } else {
+ range = 3;
+ scale = 128.0;
+ offset = 0.5;
+ }
+ int r = clampField(offset + scale * rgb[0][y][x], 10);
+ int g = clampField(offset + scale * rgb[1][y][x], 10);
+ int b = clampField(offset + scale * rgb[2][y][x], 10);
+ packed[y][x] = (range << 30) | (b << 20) | (g << 10) | r;
+ }
+ }
+ * Resamples a srcW x srcH table with central sampling to destW x destH with
+ * corner sampling.
+ */
+void resampleTable(double *dest, int destW, int destH, double const *src,
+ int srcW, int srcH)
+ /*
+ * Precalculate and cache the x sampling locations and phases to
+ * save recomputing them on every row.
+ */
+ ASSERT(destW > 1 && destH > 1 && destW <= 64);
+ int xLo[64], xHi[64];
+ double xf[64];
+ double x = -0.5, xInc = srcW / (destW - 1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < destW; i++, x += xInc) {
+ xLo[i] = floor(x);
+ xf[i] = x - xLo[i];
+ xHi[i] = xLo[i] < (srcW - 1) ? (xLo[i] + 1) : (srcW - 1);
+ xLo[i] = xLo[i] > 0 ? xLo[i] : 0;
+ }
+ /* Now march over the output table generating the new values. */
+ double y = -0.5, yInc = srcH / (destH - 1);
+ for (int j = 0; j < destH; j++, y += yInc) {
+ int yLo = floor(y);
+ double yf = y - yLo;
+ int yHi = yLo < (srcH - 1) ? (yLo + 1) : (srcH - 1);
+ yLo = yLo > 0 ? yLo : 0;
+ double const *rowAbove = src + yLo * srcW;
+ double const *rowBelow = src + yHi * srcW;
+ for (int i = 0; i < destW; i++) {
+ double above = rowAbove[xLo[i]] * (1 - xf[i]) +
+ rowAbove[xHi[i]] * xf[i];
+ double below = rowBelow[xLo[i]] * (1 - xf[i]) +
+ rowBelow[xHi[i]] * xf[i];
+ *(dest++) = above * (1 - yf) + below * yf;
+ }
+ }
+} /* namespace */
+using ::libpisp::BackEnd;
+using ::libpisp::FrontEnd;
+namespace ipa::RPi {
+class IpaPiSP final : public IpaBase
+ IpaPiSP()
+ : IpaBase(), fe_(nullptr), be_(nullptr)
+ {
+ }
+ ~IpaPiSP()
+ {
+ if (fe_)
+ munmap(fe_, sizeof(FrontEnd));
+ if (be_)
+ munmap(be_, sizeof(BackEnd));
+ }
+ int32_t platformInit(const InitParams &params, InitResult *result) override;
+ int32_t platformStart(const ControlList &controls, StartResult *result) override;
+ int32_t platformConfigure(const ConfigParams &params, ConfigResult *result) override;
+ void platformPrepareIsp(const PrepareParams &params,
+ RPiController::Metadata &rpiMetadata) override;
+ RPiController::StatisticsPtr platformProcessStats(Span<uint8_t> mem) override;
+ void handleControls(const ControlList &controls) override;
+ void applyWBG(const AwbStatus *awbStatus, const AgcPrepareStatus *agcStatus,
+ pisp_be_global_config &global);
+ void applyDgOnly(const AgcPrepareStatus *agcPrepareStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global);
+ void applyCAC(const CacStatus *cacStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global);
+ void applyContrast(const ContrastStatus *contrastStatus,
+ pisp_be_global_config &global);
+ void applyCCM(const CcmStatus *ccmStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global);
+ void applyBlackLevel(const BlackLevelStatus *blackLevelStatus,
+ pisp_be_global_config &global);
+ void applyLensShading(const AlscStatus *alscStatus,
+ pisp_be_global_config &global);
+ void applyDPC(const DpcStatus *dpcStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global);
+ void applySdn(const SdnStatus *sdnStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global);
+ void applyTdn(const TdnStatus *tdnStatus, const DeviceStatus *deviceStatus,
+ pisp_be_global_config &global);
+ void applyCdn(const CdnStatus *cdnStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global);
+ void applyGeq(const GeqStatus *geqStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global);
+ void applySaturation(const SaturationStatus *geqStatus,
+ pisp_be_global_config &global);
+ void applySharpen(const SharpenStatus *sharpenStatus,
+ pisp_be_global_config &global);
+ bool applyStitch(const StitchStatus *stitchStatus, const DeviceStatus *deviceStatus,
+ const AgcStatus *agcStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global);
+ void applyTonemap(const TonemapStatus *tonemapStatus,
+ pisp_be_global_config &global);
+ void applyFocusStats(const NoiseStatus *noiseStatus);
+ void applyAF(const struct AfStatus *afStatus, ControlList &lensCtrls);
+ void setDefaultConfig();
+ void setStatsAndDebin();
+ void setHistogramWeights();
+ /* Frontend/Backend objects passed in from the pipeline handler. */
+ SharedFD feFD_;
+ SharedFD beFD_;
+ FrontEnd *fe_;
+ BackEnd *be_;
+ /* TDN/HDR runtime need the following state. */
+ bool tdnReset_;
+ utils::Duration lastExposure_;
+ std::map<std::string, utils::Duration> lastStitchExposures_;
+ HdrStatus lastStitchHdrStatus_;
+int32_t IpaPiSP::platformInit(const InitParams &params,
+ [[maybe_unused]] InitResult *result)
+ const std::string &target = controller_.getTarget();
+ if (target != "pisp") {
+ LOG(IPARPI, Error)
+ << "Tuning data file target returned \"" << target << "\""
+ << ", expected \"pisp\"";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* Acquire the Frontend and Backend objects. */
+ feFD_ = std::move(params.fe);
+ beFD_ = std::move(;
+ if (!feFD_.isValid() || !beFD_.isValid()) {
+ LOG(IPARPI, Error) << "Invalid FE/BE handles!";
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ fe_ = static_cast<FrontEnd *>(mmap(nullptr, sizeof(FrontEnd),
+ feFD_.get(), 0));
+ be_ = static_cast<BackEnd *>(mmap(nullptr, sizeof(BackEnd),
+ beFD_.get(), 0));
+ if (!fe_ || !be_) {
+ LOG(IPARPI, Error) << "Unable to map FE/BE handles!";
+ return -ENODEV;
+ }
+ setDefaultConfig();
+ return 0;
+int32_t IpaPiSP::platformStart([[maybe_unused]] const ControlList &controls,
+ [[maybe_unused]] StartResult *result)
+ tdnReset_ = true;
+ /* Cause the stitch block to be reset correctly. */
+ lastStitchHdrStatus_ = HdrStatus();
+ return 0;
+int32_t IpaPiSP::platformConfigure([[maybe_unused]] const ConfigParams &params,
+ [[maybe_unused]] ConfigResult *result)
+ setStatsAndDebin();
+ return 0;
+void IpaPiSP::platformPrepareIsp([[maybe_unused]] const PrepareParams &params,
+ RPiController::Metadata &rpiMetadata)
+ std::scoped_lock<RPiController::Metadata> l(rpiMetadata);
+ pisp_be_global_config global;
+ be_->GetGlobal(global);
+ global.bayer_enables &= ~(PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_BLC + PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_WBG +
+ /* We leave the YCbCr and inverse conversion enabled in case of false colour or sharpening. */
+ global.rgb_enables &= ~(PISP_BE_RGB_ENABLE_GAMMA + PISP_BE_RGB_ENABLE_CCM +
+ NoiseStatus *noiseStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<NoiseStatus>("noise.status");
+ AgcPrepareStatus *agcPrepareStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<AgcPrepareStatus>("agc.prepare_status");
+ {
+ /* All Frontend config goes first, we do not want to hold the FE lock for long! */
+ std::scoped_lock<FrontEnd> lf(*fe_);
+ if (noiseStatus)
+ applyFocusStats(noiseStatus);
+ BlackLevelStatus *blackLevelStatus =
+ rpiMetadata.getLocked<BlackLevelStatus>("black_level.status");
+ if (blackLevelStatus)
+ applyBlackLevel(blackLevelStatus, global);
+ AwbStatus *awbStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<AwbStatus>("awb.status");
+ if (awbStatus && agcPrepareStatus) {
+ /* Applies digital gain as well. */
+ applyWBG(awbStatus, agcPrepareStatus, global);
+ } else if (agcPrepareStatus) {
+ /* Mono sensor fallback for digital gain. */
+ applyDgOnly(agcPrepareStatus, global);
+ }
+ }
+ CacStatus *cacStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<CacStatus>("cac.status");
+ if (cacStatus)
+ applyCAC(cacStatus, global);
+ ContrastStatus *contrastStatus =
+ rpiMetadata.getLocked<ContrastStatus>("contrast.status");
+ if (contrastStatus)
+ applyContrast(contrastStatus, global);
+ CcmStatus *ccmStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<CcmStatus>("ccm.status");
+ if (ccmStatus)
+ applyCCM(ccmStatus, global);
+ AlscStatus *alscStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<AlscStatus>("alsc.status");
+ if (alscStatus)
+ applyLensShading(alscStatus, global);
+ DpcStatus *dpcStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<DpcStatus>("dpc.status");
+ if (dpcStatus)
+ applyDPC(dpcStatus, global);
+ SdnStatus *sdnStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<SdnStatus>("sdn.status");
+ if (sdnStatus)
+ applySdn(sdnStatus, global);
+ DeviceStatus *deviceStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<DeviceStatus>("device.status");
+ TdnStatus *tdnStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<TdnStatus>("tdn.status");
+ if (tdnStatus && deviceStatus)
+ applyTdn(tdnStatus, deviceStatus, global);
+ CdnStatus *cdnStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<CdnStatus>("cdn.status");
+ if (cdnStatus)
+ applyCdn(cdnStatus, global);
+ GeqStatus *geqStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<GeqStatus>("geq.status");
+ if (geqStatus)
+ applyGeq(geqStatus, global);
+ SaturationStatus *saturationStatus =
+ rpiMetadata.getLocked<SaturationStatus>("saturation.status");
+ if (saturationStatus)
+ applySaturation(saturationStatus, global);
+ SharpenStatus *sharpenStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<SharpenStatus>("sharpen.status");
+ if (sharpenStatus)
+ applySharpen(sharpenStatus, global);
+ StitchStatus *stitchStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<StitchStatus>("stitch.status");
+ if (stitchStatus) {
+ /*
+ * Note that it's the *delayed* AGC status that contains the HDR mode/channel
+ * info that pertains to this frame!
+ */
+ AgcStatus *agcStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<AgcStatus>("agc.delayed_status");
+ /* prepareIsp() will fetch this value. Maybe pass it back differently? */
+ stitchSwapBuffers_ = applyStitch(stitchStatus, deviceStatus, agcStatus, global);
+ } else
+ lastStitchHdrStatus_ = HdrStatus();
+ TonemapStatus *tonemapStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<TonemapStatus>("tonemap.status");
+ if (tonemapStatus)
+ applyTonemap(tonemapStatus, global);
+ be_->SetGlobal(global);
+ /* Save this for TDN and HDR on the next frame. */
+ lastExposure_ = deviceStatus->exposureTime * deviceStatus->analogueGain;
+ /* Lens control */
+ const AfStatus *afStatus = rpiMetadata.getLocked<AfStatus>("af.status");
+ if (afStatus) {
+ ControlList lensctrls(lensCtrls_);
+ applyAF(afStatus, lensctrls);
+ if (!lensctrls.empty())
+ setLensControls.emit(lensctrls);
+ }
+RPiController::StatisticsPtr IpaPiSP::platformProcessStats(Span<uint8_t> mem)
+ using namespace RPiController;
+ const pisp_statistics *stats = reinterpret_cast<pisp_statistics *>(;
+ unsigned int i;
+ StatisticsPtr statistics =
+ std::make_unique<Statistics>(Statistics::AgcStatsPos::PostWb,
+ Statistics::ColourStatsPos::PreLsc);
+ /* RGB histograms are not used, so do not populate them. */
+ statistics->yHist = RPiController::Histogram(stats->agc.histogram,
+ statistics->awbRegions.init({ PISP_AWB_STATS_SIZE, PISP_AWB_STATS_SIZE });
+ for (i = 0; i < statistics->awbRegions.numRegions(); i++)
+ statistics->awbRegions.set(i, { { stats->awb.zones[i].R_sum,
+ stats->awb.zones[i].G_sum,
+ stats->awb.zones[i].B_sum },
+ stats->awb.zones[i].counted, 0 });
+ /* AGC region sums only get collected on floating zones. */
+ statistics->agcRegions.init({ 0, 0 }, PISP_FLOATING_STATS_NUM_ZONES);
+ for (i = 0; i < statistics->agcRegions.numRegions(); i++)
+ statistics->agcRegions.setFloating(i,
+ { { 0, 0, 0, stats->agc.floating[i].Y_sum },
+ stats->agc.floating[i].counted, 0 });
+ statistics->focusRegions.init({ PISP_CDAF_STATS_SIZE, PISP_CDAF_STATS_SIZE });
+ for (i = 0; i < statistics->focusRegions.numRegions(); i++)
+ statistics->focusRegions.set(i, { stats->cdaf.foms[i] >> 20, 0, 0 });
+ if (statsMetadataOutput_) {
+ Span<const uint8_t> statsSpan(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(stats),
+ sizeof(pisp_statistics));
+ libcameraMetadata_.set(controls::rpi::PispStatsOutput, statsSpan);
+ }
+ return statistics;
+void IpaPiSP::handleControls(const ControlList &controls)
+ for (auto const &ctrl : controls) {
+ switch (ctrl.first) {
+ case controls::HDR_MODE:
+ case controls::AE_METERING_MODE:
+ setHistogramWeights();
+ break;
+ case controls::draft::NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE: {
+ RPiController::DenoiseAlgorithm *denoise = dynamic_cast<RPiController::DenoiseAlgorithm *>(
+ controller_.getAlgorithm("denoise"));
+ if (!denoise) {
+ LOG(IPARPI, Warning)
+ << "Could not set NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE - no Denoise algorithm";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ctrl.second.get<int32_t>() == controls::draft::NoiseReductionModeOff)
+ denoise->setMode(RPiController::DenoiseMode::Off);
+ else
+ denoise->setMode(RPiController::DenoiseMode::ColourHighQuality);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void IpaPiSP::applyWBG(const AwbStatus *awbStatus, const AgcPrepareStatus *agcPrepareStatus,
+ pisp_be_global_config &global)
+ pisp_wbg_config wbg;
+ pisp_fe_rgby_config rgby = {};
+ double dg = agcPrepareStatus ? agcPrepareStatus->digitalGain : 1.0;
+ wbg.gain_r = clampField(dg * awbStatus->gainR, 14, 10);
+ wbg.gain_g = clampField(dg * awbStatus->gainG, 14, 10);
+ wbg.gain_b = clampField(dg * awbStatus->gainB, 14, 10);
+ /*
+ * The YCbCr conversion block should contain the appropriate YCbCr
+ * matrix. We should not rely on the CSC0 block as that might be
+ * programmed for RGB outputs.
+ */
+ pisp_be_ccm_config csc;
+ be_->GetYcbcr(csc);
+ /* The CSC coefficients already have the << 10 scaling applied. */
+ rgby.gain_r = clampField(csc.coeffs[0] * awbStatus->gainR, 14);
+ rgby.gain_g = clampField(csc.coeffs[1] * awbStatus->gainG, 14);
+ rgby.gain_b = clampField(csc.coeffs[2] * awbStatus->gainB, 14);
+ LOG(IPARPI, Debug) << "Applying WB R: " << awbStatus->gainR << " B: "
+ << awbStatus->gainB;
+ be_->SetWbg(wbg);
+ fe_->SetRGBY(rgby);
+ global.bayer_enables |= PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_WBG;
+void IpaPiSP::applyDgOnly(const AgcPrepareStatus *agcPrepareStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global)
+ pisp_wbg_config wbg;
+ wbg.gain_r = clampField(agcPrepareStatus->digitalGain, 14, 10);
+ wbg.gain_g = clampField(agcPrepareStatus->digitalGain, 14, 10);
+ wbg.gain_b = clampField(agcPrepareStatus->digitalGain, 14, 10);
+ LOG(IPARPI, Debug) << "Applying DG (only) : " << agcPrepareStatus->digitalGain;
+ be_->SetWbg(wbg);
+ global.bayer_enables |= PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_WBG;
+void IpaPiSP::applyContrast(const ContrastStatus *contrastStatus,
+ pisp_be_global_config &global)
+ pisp_be_gamma_config gamma;
+ if (!generateLut(contrastStatus->gammaCurve, gamma.lut, PISP_BE_GAMMA_LUT_SIZE)) {
+ be_->SetGamma(gamma);
+ global.rgb_enables |= PISP_BE_RGB_ENABLE_GAMMA;
+ }
+void IpaPiSP::applyCCM(const CcmStatus *ccmStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global)
+ pisp_be_ccm_config ccm = {};
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
+ ccm.coeffs[i] = clampField(ccmStatus->matrix[i], 14, 10, true);
+ be_->SetCcm(ccm);
+ global.rgb_enables |= PISP_BE_RGB_ENABLE_CCM;
+void IpaPiSP::applyCAC(const CacStatus *cacStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global)
+ pisp_be_cac_config cac = {};
+ for (int x = 0; x < PISP_BE_CAC_GRID_SIZE + 1; x++) {
+ for (int y = 0; y < PISP_BE_CAC_GRID_SIZE + 1; y++) {
+ cac.lut[y][x][0][0] = clampField(cacStatus->lutRx[y * (PISP_BE_CAC_GRID_SIZE + 1) + x], 7, 5, true);
+ cac.lut[y][x][0][1] = clampField(cacStatus->lutRy[y * (PISP_BE_CAC_GRID_SIZE + 1) + x], 7, 5, true);
+ cac.lut[y][x][1][0] = clampField(cacStatus->lutBx[y * (PISP_BE_CAC_GRID_SIZE + 1) + x], 7, 5, true);
+ cac.lut[y][x][1][1] = clampField(cacStatus->lutBy[y * (PISP_BE_CAC_GRID_SIZE + 1) + x], 7, 5, true);
+ }
+ }
+ be_->SetCac(cac);
+ global.bayer_enables |= PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_CAC;
+void IpaPiSP::applyBlackLevel(const BlackLevelStatus *blackLevelStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global)
+ uint16_t minBlackLevel = std::min({ blackLevelStatus->blackLevelR, blackLevelStatus->blackLevelG,
+ blackLevelStatus->blackLevelB });
+ pisp_bla_config bla;
+ /*
+ * Set the Frontend to adjust the black level to the smallest black level
+ * of all channels (in 16-bits).
+ */
+ bla.black_level_r = blackLevelStatus->blackLevelR;
+ bla.black_level_gr = blackLevelStatus->blackLevelG;
+ bla.black_level_gb = blackLevelStatus->blackLevelG;
+ bla.black_level_b = blackLevelStatus->blackLevelB;
+ bla.output_black_level = minBlackLevel;
+ fe_->SetBla(bla);
+ /* Frontend Stats and Backend black level correction. */
+ bla.black_level_r = bla.black_level_gr =
+ bla.black_level_gb = bla.black_level_b = minBlackLevel;
+ bla.output_black_level = 0;
+ fe_->SetBlc(bla);
+ be_->SetBlc(bla);
+ global.bayer_enables |= PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_BLC;
+void IpaPiSP::applyLensShading(const AlscStatus *alscStatus,
+ pisp_be_global_config &global)
+ pisp_be_lsc_extra lscExtra = {};
+ pisp_be_lsc_config lsc = {};
+ double rgb[3][NumLscVertexes][NumLscVertexes] = {};
+ resampleTable(&rgb[0][0][0], NumLscVertexes, NumLscVertexes,
+ alscStatus->, NumLscCells, NumLscCells);
+ resampleTable(&rgb[1][0][0], NumLscVertexes, NumLscVertexes,
+ alscStatus->, NumLscCells, NumLscCells);
+ resampleTable(&rgb[2][0][0], NumLscVertexes, NumLscVertexes,
+ alscStatus->, NumLscCells, NumLscCells);
+ packLscLut(lsc.lut_packed, rgb);
+ be_->SetLsc(lsc, lscExtra);
+ global.bayer_enables |= PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_LSC;
+void IpaPiSP::applyDPC(const DpcStatus *dpcStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global)
+ pisp_be_dpc_config dpc = {};
+ switch (dpcStatus->strength) {
+ case 0: /* "off" */
+ break;
+ case 1: /* "normal" */
+ dpc.coeff_level = 1;
+ dpc.coeff_range = 8;
+ global.bayer_enables |= PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_DPC;
+ break;
+ case 2: /* "strong" */
+ dpc.coeff_level = 0;
+ dpc.coeff_range = 0;
+ global.bayer_enables |= PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_DPC;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ be_->SetDpc(dpc);
+void IpaPiSP::applySdn(const SdnStatus *sdnStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global)
+ pisp_be_sdn_config sdn = {};
+ pisp_bla_config blc;
+ be_->GetBlc(blc);
+ /* All R/G/B black levels are the same value in the BE after FE alignment */
+ sdn.black_level = blc.black_level_r;
+ /* leakage is "amount of the original pixel we let through", thus 1 - strength */
+ sdn.leakage = clampField(1.0 - sdnStatus->strength, 8, 8);
+ sdn.noise_constant = clampField(sdnStatus->noiseConstant, 16);
+ sdn.noise_slope = clampField(sdnStatus->noiseSlope, 16, 8);
+ sdn.noise_constant2 = clampField(sdnStatus->noiseConstant2, 16);
+ sdn.noise_slope2 = clampField(sdnStatus->noiseSlope2, 16, 8);
+ be_->SetSdn(sdn);
+ global.bayer_enables |= PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_SDN;
+void IpaPiSP::applyTdn(const TdnStatus *tdnStatus, const DeviceStatus *deviceStatus,
+ pisp_be_global_config &global)
+ utils::Duration exposure = deviceStatus->exposureTime * deviceStatus->analogueGain;
+ pisp_be_tdn_config tdn = {};
+ double ratio = tdnReset_ ? 1.0 : exposure / lastExposure_;
+ if (ratio >= 4.0) {
+ /* If the exposure ratio goes above 4x, we need to reset TDN. */
+ ratio = 1;
+ tdnReset_ = true;
+ }
+ LOG(IPARPI, Debug) << "TDN: exposure: " << exposure
+ << " last: " << lastExposure_
+ << " ratio: " << ratio;
+ pisp_bla_config blc;
+ be_->GetBlc(blc);
+ /* All R/G/B black levels are the same value in the BE after FE alignment */
+ tdn.black_level = blc.black_level_r;
+ tdn.ratio = clampField(ratio, 16, 14);
+ tdn.noise_constant = clampField(tdnStatus->noiseConstant, 16);
+ tdn.noise_slope = clampField(tdnStatus->noiseSlope, 16, 8);
+ tdn.threshold = clampField(tdnStatus->threshold, 16, 16);
+ /* Only enable the TDN Input after a state reset. */
+ if (!tdnReset_) {
+ global.bayer_enables |= PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_TDN_INPUT;
+ tdn.reset = 0;
+ } else
+ tdn.reset = 1;
+ be_->SetTdn(tdn);
+ tdnReset_ = false;
+void IpaPiSP::applyCdn(const CdnStatus *cdnStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global)
+ pisp_be_cdn_config cdn = {};
+ cdn.thresh = clampField(cdnStatus->threshold, 16);
+ cdn.iir_strength = clampField(cdnStatus->strength, 8, 8);
+ cdn.g_adjust = clampField(0, 8, 8);
+ be_->SetCdn(cdn);
+ global.bayer_enables |= PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_CDN;
+void IpaPiSP::applyGeq(const GeqStatus *geqStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global)
+ pisp_be_geq_config geq = {};
+ geq.min = 0;
+ geq.max = 0xffff;
+ geq.offset = clampField(geqStatus->offset, 16);
+ geq.slope_sharper = clampField(geqStatus->slope, 10, 10);
+ be_->SetGeq(geq);
+ global.bayer_enables |= PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_GEQ;
+void IpaPiSP::applySaturation(const SaturationStatus *saturationStatus,
+ pisp_be_global_config &global)
+ pisp_be_sat_control_config saturation;
+ pisp_wbg_config wbg;
+ saturation.shift_r = std::min<uint8_t>(2, saturationStatus->shiftR);
+ saturation.shift_g = std::min<uint8_t>(2, saturationStatus->shiftG);
+ saturation.shift_b = std::min<uint8_t>(2, saturationStatus->shiftB);
+ be_->SetSatControl(saturation);
+ be_->GetWbg(wbg);
+ wbg.gain_r >>= saturationStatus->shiftR;
+ wbg.gain_g >>= saturationStatus->shiftG;
+ wbg.gain_b >>= saturationStatus->shiftB;
+ be_->SetWbg(wbg);
+ global.rgb_enables |= PISP_BE_RGB_ENABLE_SAT_CONTROL;
+void IpaPiSP::applySharpen(const SharpenStatus *sharpenStatus,
+ pisp_be_global_config &global)
+ /*
+ * This threshold scaling is to normalise the VC4 and PiSP parameter
+ * scales in the tuning config.
+ */
+ static constexpr double ThresholdScaling = 0.25;
+ const double scaling = sharpenStatus->threshold * ThresholdScaling;
+ pisp_be_sh_fc_combine_config shfc;
+ pisp_be_sharpen_config sharpen;
+ be_->InitialiseSharpen(sharpen, shfc);
+ sharpen.threshold_offset0 = clampField(sharpen.threshold_offset0 * scaling, 16);
+ sharpen.threshold_offset1 = clampField(sharpen.threshold_offset1 * scaling, 16);
+ sharpen.threshold_offset2 = clampField(sharpen.threshold_offset2 * scaling, 16);
+ sharpen.threshold_offset3 = clampField(sharpen.threshold_offset3 * scaling, 16);
+ sharpen.threshold_offset4 = clampField(sharpen.threshold_offset4 * scaling, 16);
+ sharpen.threshold_slope0 = clampField(sharpen.threshold_slope0 * scaling, 12);
+ sharpen.threshold_slope1 = clampField(sharpen.threshold_slope1 * scaling, 12);
+ sharpen.threshold_slope2 = clampField(sharpen.threshold_slope2 * scaling, 12);
+ sharpen.threshold_slope3 = clampField(sharpen.threshold_slope3 * scaling, 12);
+ sharpen.threshold_slope4 = clampField(sharpen.threshold_slope4 * scaling, 12);
+ sharpen.positive_strength = clampField(sharpen.positive_strength * sharpenStatus->strength, 12);
+ sharpen.negative_strength = clampField(sharpen.negative_strength * sharpenStatus->strength, 12);
+ sharpen.positive_pre_limit = clampField(sharpen.positive_pre_limit * sharpenStatus->limit, 16);
+ sharpen.positive_limit = clampField(sharpen.positive_limit * sharpenStatus->limit, 16);
+ sharpen.negative_pre_limit = clampField(sharpen.negative_pre_limit * sharpenStatus->limit, 16);
+ sharpen.negative_limit = clampField(sharpen.negative_limit * sharpenStatus->limit, 16);
+ be_->SetSharpen(sharpen);
+ /* The conversion to YCbCr and back is always enabled. */
+ global.rgb_enables |= PISP_BE_RGB_ENABLE_SHARPEN;
+bool IpaPiSP::applyStitch(const StitchStatus *stitchStatus, const DeviceStatus *deviceStatus,
+ const AgcStatus *agcStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global)
+ /*
+ * Find out what HDR mode/channel this frame is. Normally this will be in the delayed
+ * HDR status (in the AGC status), though after a mode switch this will be absent and
+ * the information will have been stored in the hdrStatus_ field.
+ */
+ const HdrStatus *hdrStatus = &hdrStatus_;
+ if (agcStatus)
+ hdrStatus = &agcStatus->hdr;
+ bool modeChange = hdrStatus->mode != lastStitchHdrStatus_.mode;
+ bool channelChange = !modeChange && hdrStatus->channel !=;
+ lastStitchHdrStatus_ = *hdrStatus;
+ /* Check for a change of HDR mode. That forces us to start over. */
+ if (modeChange)
+ lastStitchExposures_.clear();
+ if (hdrStatus->channel != "short" && hdrStatus->channel != "long") {
+ /* The channel *must* be long or short, anything else does not make sense. */
+ LOG(IPARPI, Warning) << "Stitch channel is not long or short";
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* Whatever happens, we're going to output this buffer now. */
+ global.bayer_enables |= PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_STITCH_OUTPUT;
+ utils::Duration exposure = deviceStatus->exposureTime * deviceStatus->analogueGain;
+ lastStitchExposures_[hdrStatus->channel] = exposure;
+ /* If the other channel hasn't been seen there's nothing more we can do. */
+ std::string otherChannel = hdrStatus->channel == "short" ? "long" : "short";
+ if (lastStitchExposures_.find(otherChannel) == lastStitchExposures_.end()) {
+ /* The first channel should be "short". */
+ if (hdrStatus->channel != "short")
+ LOG(IPARPI, Warning) << "First frame is not short";
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* We have both channels, we need to enable stitching. */
+ utils::Duration otherExposure = lastStitchExposures_[otherChannel];
+ bool phaseLong = hdrStatus->channel == "long";
+ double ratio = phaseLong ? otherExposure / exposure : exposure / otherExposure;
+ pisp_be_stitch_config stitch = {};
+ stitch.exposure_ratio = clampField(ratio, 15, 15);
+ if (phaseLong)
+ stitch.exposure_ratio |= PISP_BE_STITCH_STREAMING_LONG;
+ /* These will be filled in correctly once we have implemented the HDR algorithm. */
+ stitch.threshold_lo = stitchStatus->thresholdLo;
+ stitch.threshold_diff_power = stitchStatus->diffPower;
+ stitch.motion_threshold_256 = stitchStatus->motionThreshold;
+ be_->SetStitch(stitch);
+ return channelChange;
+void IpaPiSP::applyTonemap(const TonemapStatus *tonemapStatus, pisp_be_global_config &global)
+ pisp_be_tonemap_config tonemap = {};
+ tonemap.detail_constant = clampField(tonemapStatus->detailConstant, 16);
+ tonemap.detail_slope = clampField(tonemapStatus->detailSlope, 16, 8);
+ tonemap.iir_strength = clampField(tonemapStatus->iirStrength, 12, 4);
+ tonemap.strength = clampField(tonemapStatus->strength, 12, 8);
+ if (!generateLut(tonemapStatus->tonemap, tonemap.lut, PISP_BE_TONEMAP_LUT_SIZE)) {
+ be_->SetTonemap(tonemap);
+ global.bayer_enables |= PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_TONEMAP;
+ }
+void IpaPiSP::applyFocusStats(const NoiseStatus *noiseStatus)
+ pisp_fe_cdaf_stats_config cdaf;
+ fe_->GetCdafStats(cdaf);
+ cdaf.noise_constant = noiseStatus->noiseConstant;
+ cdaf.noise_slope = noiseStatus->noiseSlope;
+ fe_->SetCdafStats(cdaf);
+void IpaPiSP::applyAF(const struct AfStatus *afStatus, ControlList &lensCtrls)
+ if (afStatus->lensSetting) {
+ ControlValue v(afStatus->lensSetting.value());
+ lensCtrls.set(V4L2_CID_FOCUS_ABSOLUTE, v);
+ }
+void IpaPiSP::setDefaultConfig()
+ std::scoped_lock<FrontEnd> l(*fe_);
+ pisp_be_global_config beGlobal;
+ pisp_fe_global_config feGlobal;
+ fe_->GetGlobal(feGlobal);
+ be_->GetGlobal(beGlobal);
+ /*
+ * Always go to YCbCr and back. We need them if the false colour block is enabled,
+ * and even for mono sensors if sharpening is enabled. So we're better off enabling
+ * them all the time.
+ */
+ if (!monoSensor()) {
+ beGlobal.bayer_enables |= PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_DEMOSAIC;
+ beGlobal.rgb_enables |= PISP_BE_RGB_ENABLE_FALSE_COLOUR;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Ask the AWB algorithm for reasonable gain values so that we can program the
+ * front end stats sensibly. We must also factor in the conversion to luminance.
+ */
+ pisp_fe_rgby_config rgby = {};
+ double gainR = 1.5, gainB = 1.5;
+ RPiController::AwbAlgorithm *awb = dynamic_cast<RPiController::AwbAlgorithm *>(
+ controller_.getAlgorithm("awb"));
+ if (awb)
+ awb->initialValues(gainR, gainB);
+ /* The BT.601 RGB -> Y coefficients will do. The precise values are not critical. */
+ rgby.gain_r = clampField(gainR * 0.299, 14, 10);
+ rgby.gain_g = clampField(1.0 * .587, 14, 10);
+ rgby.gain_b = clampField(gainB * .114, 14, 10);
+ fe_->SetRGBY(rgby);
+ feGlobal.enables |= PISP_FE_ENABLE_RGBY;
+ /* Also get sensible front end black level defaults, for the same reason. */
+ RPiController::BlackLevelAlgorithm *blackLevel = dynamic_cast<RPiController::BlackLevelAlgorithm *>(
+ controller_.getAlgorithm("black_level"));
+ if (blackLevel) {
+ uint16_t blackLevelR, blackLevelG, blackLevelB;
+ BlackLevelStatus blackLevelStatus;
+ blackLevel->initialValues(blackLevelR, blackLevelG, blackLevelB);
+ blackLevelStatus.blackLevelR = blackLevelR;
+ blackLevelStatus.blackLevelG = blackLevelG;
+ blackLevelStatus.blackLevelB = blackLevelB;
+ applyBlackLevel(&blackLevelStatus, beGlobal);
+ feGlobal.enables |= PISP_FE_ENABLE_BLA + PISP_FE_ENABLE_BLC;
+ }
+ fe_->SetGlobal(feGlobal);
+ be_->SetGlobal(beGlobal);
+void IpaPiSP::setStatsAndDebin()
+ pisp_fe_crop_config crop{ 0, 0, mode_.width, mode_.height };
+ pisp_fe_awb_stats_config awb = {};
+ awb.r_lo = awb.g_lo = awb.b_lo = 0;
+ awb.r_hi = awb.g_hi = awb.b_hi = 65535 * 0.98;
+ pisp_fe_cdaf_stats_config cdaf = {};
+ cdaf.mode = (1 << 4) + (1 << 2) + 1; /* Gr / Gb count with weights of (1, 1) */
+ {
+ std::scoped_lock<FrontEnd> l(*fe_);
+ pisp_fe_global_config feGlobal;
+ fe_->GetGlobal(feGlobal);
+ fe_->SetGlobal(feGlobal);
+ fe_->SetStatsCrop(crop);
+ fe_->SetAwbStats(awb);
+ fe_->SetCdafStats(cdaf);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Apply the correct AGC region weights to the Frontend. Need to do this
+ * out of the Frontend scoped lock.
+ */
+ setHistogramWeights();
+ pisp_be_global_config beGlobal;
+ be_->GetGlobal(beGlobal);
+ if (mode_.binX > 1 || mode_.binY > 1) {
+ pisp_be_debin_config debin;
+ be_->GetDebin(debin);
+ debin.h_enable = (mode_.binX > 1);
+ debin.v_enable = (mode_.binY > 1);
+ be_->SetDebin(debin);
+ beGlobal.bayer_enables |= PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_DEBIN;
+ } else
+ beGlobal.bayer_enables &= ~PISP_BE_BAYER_ENABLE_DEBIN;
+ be_->SetGlobal(beGlobal);
+void IpaPiSP::setHistogramWeights()
+ RPiController::AgcAlgorithm *agc = dynamic_cast<RPiController::AgcAlgorithm *>(
+ controller_.getAlgorithm("agc"));
+ if (!agc)
+ return;
+ const std::vector<double> &weights = agc->getWeights();
+ pisp_fe_agc_stats_config config;
+ memset(&config, 0, sizeof(config));
+ /*
+ * The AGC software gives us a 15x15 table of weights which we
+ * map onto 16x16 in the hardware, ensuring the rightmost column
+ * and bottom row all have zero weight. We align everything to
+ * the native 2x2 Bayer pixel blocks.
+ */
+ const Size &size = controller_.getHardwareConfig().agcZoneWeights;
+ int width = (mode_.width / size.width) & ~1;
+ int height = (mode_.height / size.height) & ~1;
+ config.offset_x = ((mode_.width - size.width * width) / 2) & ~1;
+ config.offset_y = ((mode_.height - size.height * height) / 2) & ~1;
+ config.size_x = width;
+ config.size_y = height;
+ unsigned int idx = 0;
+ for (unsigned int row = 0; row < size.height; row++) {
+ unsigned int col = 0;
+ for (; col < size.width / 2; col++) {
+ int wt0 = clampField(weights[idx++], 4, 0, false, "agc weights");
+ int wt1 = clampField(weights[idx++], 4, 0, false, "agc weights");
+ config.weights[row * 8 + col] = (wt1 << 4) | wt0;
+ }
+ if (size.width & 1)
+ config.weights[row * 8 + col] =
+ clampField(weights[idx++], 4, 0, false, "agc weights");
+ }
+ std::scoped_lock<FrontEnd> l(*fe_);
+ fe_->SetAgcStats(config);
+} /* namespace ipa::RPi */
+ * External IPA module interface
+ */
+extern "C" {
+const IPAModuleInfo ipaModuleInfo = {
+ 1,
+ "rpi/pisp",
+ "rpi/pisp",
+IPAInterface *ipaCreate()
+ return new ipa::RPi::IpaPiSP();
+} /* extern "C" */
+} /* namespace libcamera */