path: root/src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/agc.cpp
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1 files changed, 163 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/agc.cpp b/src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/agc.cpp
index 40e5a8f4..5a3ba013 100644
--- a/src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/agc.cpp
+++ b/src/ipa/rkisp1/algorithms/agc.cpp
@@ -148,7 +148,16 @@ int Agc::init(IPAContext &context, const YamlObject &tuningData)
if (ret)
return ret;
- context.ctrlMap[&controls::AeEnable] = ControlInfo(false, true);
+ context.ctrlMap[&controls::ExposureTimeMode] =
+ ControlInfo({ { ControlValue(controls::ExposureTimeModeAuto),
+ ControlValue(controls::ExposureTimeModeManual) } },
+ ControlValue(controls::ExposureTimeModeAuto));
+ context.ctrlMap[&controls::AnalogueGainMode] =
+ ControlInfo({ { ControlValue(controls::AnalogueGainModeAuto),
+ ControlValue(controls::AnalogueGainModeManual) } },
+ ControlValue(controls::AnalogueGainModeAuto));
+ /* \todo Move this to the Camera class */
+ context.ctrlMap[&controls::AeEnable] = ControlInfo(false, true, true);
return 0;
@@ -169,7 +178,8 @@ int Agc::configure(IPAContext &context, const IPACameraSensorInfo &configInfo)
10ms / context.configuration.sensor.lineDuration;
context.activeState.agc.manual.gain = context.activeState.agc.automatic.gain;
context.activeState.agc.manual.exposure = context.activeState.agc.automatic.exposure;
- context.activeState.agc.autoEnabled = !context.configuration.raw;
+ context.activeState.agc.autoExposureEnabled = !context.configuration.raw;
+ context.activeState.agc.autoGainEnabled = !context.configuration.raw;
context.activeState.agc.constraintMode =
@@ -178,12 +188,10 @@ int Agc::configure(IPAContext &context, const IPACameraSensorInfo &configInfo)
context.activeState.agc.meteringMode =
- /*
- * \todo This should probably come from FrameDurationLimits instead,
- * except it's computed in the IPA and not here so we'd have to
- * recompute it.
- */
- context.activeState.agc.maxFrameDuration = context.configuration.sensor.maxExposureTime;
+ /* Limit the frame duration to match current initialisation */
+ ControlInfo &frameDurationLimits = context.ctrlMap[&controls::FrameDurationLimits];
+ context.activeState.agc.minFrameDuration = std::chrono::microseconds(frameDurationLimits.min().get<int64_t>());
+ context.activeState.agc.maxFrameDuration = std::chrono::microseconds(frameDurationLimits.max().get<int64_t>());
* Define the measurement window for AGC as a centered rectangle
@@ -215,18 +223,47 @@ void Agc::queueRequest(IPAContext &context,
auto &agc = context.activeState.agc;
if (!context.configuration.raw) {
- const auto &agcEnable = controls.get(controls::AeEnable);
- if (agcEnable && *agcEnable != agc.autoEnabled) {
- agc.autoEnabled = *agcEnable;
+ const auto &aeEnable = controls.get(controls::ExposureTimeMode);
+ if (aeEnable &&
+ (*aeEnable == controls::ExposureTimeModeAuto) != agc.autoExposureEnabled) {
+ agc.autoExposureEnabled = (*aeEnable == controls::ExposureTimeModeAuto);
+ LOG(RkISP1Agc, Debug)
+ << (agc.autoExposureEnabled ? "Enabling" : "Disabling")
+ << " AGC (exposure)";
+ /*
+ * If we go from auto -> manual with no manual control
+ * set, use the last computed value, which we don't
+ * know until prepare() so save this information.
+ *
+ * \todo Check the previous frame at prepare() time
+ * instead of saving a flag here
+ */
+ if (!agc.autoExposureEnabled && !controls.get(controls::ExposureTime))
+ frameContext.agc.autoExposureModeChange = true;
+ }
+ const auto &agEnable = controls.get(controls::AnalogueGainMode);
+ if (agEnable &&
+ (*agEnable == controls::AnalogueGainModeAuto) != agc.autoGainEnabled) {
+ agc.autoGainEnabled = (*agEnable == controls::AnalogueGainModeAuto);
LOG(RkISP1Agc, Debug)
- << (agc.autoEnabled ? "Enabling" : "Disabling")
- << " AGC";
+ << (agc.autoGainEnabled ? "Enabling" : "Disabling")
+ << " AGC (gain)";
+ /*
+ * If we go from auto -> manual with no manual control
+ * set, use the last computed value, which we don't
+ * know until prepare() so save this information.
+ */
+ if (!agc.autoGainEnabled && !controls.get(controls::AnalogueGain))
+ frameContext.agc.autoGainModeChange = true;
const auto &exposure = controls.get(controls::ExposureTime);
- if (exposure && !agc.autoEnabled) {
+ if (exposure && !agc.autoExposureEnabled) {
agc.manual.exposure = *exposure * 1.0us
/ context.configuration.sensor.lineDuration;
@@ -235,18 +272,19 @@ void Agc::queueRequest(IPAContext &context,
const auto &gain = controls.get(controls::AnalogueGain);
- if (gain && !agc.autoEnabled) {
+ if (gain && !agc.autoGainEnabled) {
agc.manual.gain = *gain;
LOG(RkISP1Agc, Debug) << "Set gain to " << agc.manual.gain;
- frameContext.agc.autoEnabled = agc.autoEnabled;
+ frameContext.agc.autoExposureEnabled = agc.autoExposureEnabled;
+ frameContext.agc.autoGainEnabled = agc.autoGainEnabled;
- if (!frameContext.agc.autoEnabled) {
+ if (!frameContext.agc.autoExposureEnabled)
frameContext.agc.exposure = agc.manual.exposure;
+ if (!frameContext.agc.autoGainEnabled)
frameContext.agc.gain = agc.manual.gain;
- }
const auto &meteringMode = controls.get(controls::AeMeteringMode);
if (meteringMode) {
@@ -270,10 +308,21 @@ void Agc::queueRequest(IPAContext &context,
const auto &frameDurationLimits = controls.get(controls::FrameDurationLimits);
if (frameDurationLimits) {
- utils::Duration maxFrameDuration =
- std::chrono::milliseconds((*frameDurationLimits).back());
- agc.maxFrameDuration = maxFrameDuration;
+ /* Limit the control value to the limits in ControlInfo */
+ ControlInfo &limits = context.ctrlMap[&controls::FrameDurationLimits];
+ int64_t minFrameDuration =
+ std::clamp((*frameDurationLimits).front(),
+ limits.min().get<int64_t>(),
+ limits.max().get<int64_t>());
+ int64_t maxFrameDuration =
+ std::clamp((*frameDurationLimits).back(),
+ limits.min().get<int64_t>(),
+ limits.max().get<int64_t>());
+ agc.minFrameDuration = std::chrono::microseconds(minFrameDuration);
+ agc.maxFrameDuration = std::chrono::microseconds(maxFrameDuration);
+ frameContext.agc.minFrameDuration = agc.minFrameDuration;
frameContext.agc.maxFrameDuration = agc.maxFrameDuration;
@@ -283,9 +332,26 @@ void Agc::queueRequest(IPAContext &context,
void Agc::prepare(IPAContext &context, const uint32_t frame,
IPAFrameContext &frameContext, RkISP1Params *params)
- if (frameContext.agc.autoEnabled) {
- frameContext.agc.exposure = context.activeState.agc.automatic.exposure;
- frameContext.agc.gain = context.activeState.agc.automatic.gain;
+ uint32_t activeAutoExposure = context.activeState.agc.automatic.exposure;
+ double activeAutoGain = context.activeState.agc.automatic.gain;
+ /* Populate exposure and gain in auto mode */
+ if (frameContext.agc.autoExposureEnabled)
+ frameContext.agc.exposure = activeAutoExposure;
+ if (frameContext.agc.autoGainEnabled)
+ frameContext.agc.gain = activeAutoGain;
+ /*
+ * Populate manual exposure and gain from the active auto values when
+ * transitioning from auto to manual
+ */
+ if (!frameContext.agc.autoExposureEnabled && frameContext.agc.autoExposureModeChange) {
+ context.activeState.agc.manual.exposure = activeAutoExposure;
+ frameContext.agc.exposure = activeAutoExposure;
+ }
+ if (!frameContext.agc.autoGainEnabled && frameContext.agc.autoGainModeChange) {
+ context.activeState.agc.manual.gain = activeAutoGain;
+ frameContext.agc.gain = activeAutoGain;
if (frame > 0 && !frameContext.agc.updateMetering)
@@ -333,14 +399,15 @@ void Agc::fillMetadata(IPAContext &context, IPAFrameContext &frameContext,
* frameContext.sensor.exposure;
metadata.set(controls::AnalogueGain, frameContext.sensor.gain);
metadata.set(controls::ExposureTime, exposureTime.get<std::micro>());
- metadata.set(controls::AeEnable, frameContext.agc.autoEnabled);
- /* \todo Use VBlank value calculated from each frame exposure. */
- uint32_t vTotal = context.configuration.sensor.size.height
- + context.configuration.sensor.defVBlank;
- utils::Duration frameDuration = context.configuration.sensor.lineDuration
- * vTotal;
- metadata.set(controls::FrameDuration, frameDuration.get<std::micro>());
+ metadata.set(controls::FrameDuration, frameContext.agc.frameDuration.get<std::micro>());
+ metadata.set(controls::ExposureTimeMode,
+ frameContext.agc.autoExposureEnabled
+ ? controls::ExposureTimeModeAuto
+ : controls::ExposureTimeModeManual);
+ metadata.set(controls::AnalogueGainMode,
+ frameContext.agc.autoGainEnabled
+ ? controls::AnalogueGainModeAuto
+ : controls::AnalogueGainModeManual);
metadata.set(controls::AeMeteringMode, frameContext.agc.meteringMode);
metadata.set(controls::AeExposureMode, frameContext.agc.exposureMode);
@@ -384,6 +451,27 @@ double Agc::estimateLuminance(double gain) const
+ * \brief Process frame duration and compute vblank
+ * \param[in] context The shared IPA context
+ * \param[in] frameContext The current frame context
+ * \param[in] frameDuration The target frame duration
+ *
+ * Compute and populate vblank from the target frame duration.
+ */
+void Agc::processFrameDuration(IPAContext &context,
+ IPAFrameContext &frameContext,
+ utils::Duration frameDuration)
+ IPACameraSensorInfo &sensorInfo = context.sensorInfo;
+ utils::Duration lineDuration = context.configuration.sensor.lineDuration;
+ frameContext.agc.vblank = (frameDuration / lineDuration) - sensorInfo.outputSize.height;
+ /* Update frame duration accounting for line length quantization. */
+ frameContext.agc.frameDuration = (sensorInfo.outputSize.height + frameContext.agc.vblank) * lineDuration;
* \brief Process RkISP1 statistics, and run AGC operations
* \param[in] context The shared IPA context
* \param[in] frame The frame context sequence number
@@ -399,16 +487,20 @@ void Agc::process(IPAContext &context, [[maybe_unused]] const uint32_t frame,
ControlList &metadata)
if (!stats) {
+ processFrameDuration(context, frameContext,
+ frameContext.agc.minFrameDuration);
fillMetadata(context, frameContext, metadata);
if (!(stats->meas_type & RKISP1_CIF_ISP_STAT_AUTOEXP)) {
fillMetadata(context, frameContext, metadata);
LOG(RkISP1Agc, Error) << "AUTOEXP data is missing in statistics";
+ const utils::Duration &lineDuration = context.configuration.sensor.lineDuration;
* \todo Verify that the exposure and gain applied by the sensor for
* this frame match what has been requested. This isn't a hard
@@ -424,21 +516,41 @@ void Agc::process(IPAContext &context, [[maybe_unused]] const uint32_t frame,
[](uint32_t x) { return x >> 4; });
expMeans_ = { params->ae.exp_mean, context.hw->numAeCells };
- utils::Duration maxExposureTime =
- std::clamp(frameContext.agc.maxFrameDuration,
- context.configuration.sensor.minExposureTime,
- context.configuration.sensor.maxExposureTime);
- setLimits(context.configuration.sensor.minExposureTime,
- maxExposureTime,
- context.configuration.sensor.minAnalogueGain,
- context.configuration.sensor.maxAnalogueGain);
+ /*
+ * Set the AGC limits using the fixed exposure time and/or gain in
+ * manual mode, or the sensor limits in auto mode.
+ */
+ utils::Duration minExposureTime;
+ utils::Duration maxExposureTime;
+ double minAnalogueGain;
+ double maxAnalogueGain;
+ if (frameContext.agc.autoExposureEnabled) {
+ minExposureTime = context.configuration.sensor.minExposureTime;
+ maxExposureTime = std::clamp(frameContext.agc.maxFrameDuration,
+ context.configuration.sensor.minExposureTime,
+ context.configuration.sensor.maxExposureTime);
+ } else {
+ minExposureTime = context.configuration.sensor.lineDuration
+ * frameContext.agc.exposure;
+ maxExposureTime = minExposureTime;
+ }
+ if (frameContext.agc.autoGainEnabled) {
+ minAnalogueGain = context.configuration.sensor.minAnalogueGain;
+ maxAnalogueGain = context.configuration.sensor.maxAnalogueGain;
+ } else {
+ minAnalogueGain = frameContext.agc.gain;
+ maxAnalogueGain = frameContext.agc.gain;
+ }
+ setLimits(minExposureTime, maxExposureTime, minAnalogueGain, maxAnalogueGain);
* The Agc algorithm needs to know the effective exposure value that was
* applied to the sensor when the statistics were collected.
- utils::Duration exposureTime = context.configuration.sensor.lineDuration
- * frameContext.sensor.exposure;
+ utils::Duration exposureTime = lineDuration * frameContext.sensor.exposure;
double analogueGain = frameContext.sensor.gain;
utils::Duration effectiveExposureValue = exposureTime * analogueGain;
@@ -455,10 +567,16 @@ void Agc::process(IPAContext &context, [[maybe_unused]] const uint32_t frame,
IPAActiveState &activeState = context.activeState;
/* Update the estimated exposure and gain. */
- activeState.agc.automatic.exposure = newExposureTime
- / context.configuration.sensor.lineDuration;
+ activeState.agc.automatic.exposure = newExposureTime / lineDuration;
activeState.agc.automatic.gain = aGain;
+ /*
+ * Expand the target frame duration so that we do not run faster than
+ * the minimum frame duration when we have short exposures.
+ */
+ processFrameDuration(context, frameContext,
+ std::max(frameContext.agc.minFrameDuration, newExposureTime));
fillMetadata(context, frameContext, metadata);
expMeans_ = {};