path: root/src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.cpp
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diff --git a/src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.cpp b/src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.cpp
index 5abd4621..55de05d9 100644
--- a/src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.cpp
+++ b/src/ipa/ipu3/algorithms/awb.cpp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2021, Ideas On Board
- * awb.cpp - AWB control algorithm
+ * AWB control algorithm
#include "awb.h"
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
#include <libcamera/control_ids.h>
+#include "libipa/colours.h"
* \file awb.h
@@ -301,51 +303,24 @@ void Awb::prepare(IPAContext &context,
params->use.acc_ccm = 1;
- * The function estimates the correlated color temperature using
- * from RGB color space input.
- * In physics and color science, the Planckian locus or black body locus is
- * the path or locus that the color of an incandescent black body would take
- * in a particular chromaticity space as the blackbody temperature changes.
- *
- * If a narrow range of color temperatures is considered (those encapsulating
- * daylight being the most practical case) one can approximate the Planckian
- * locus in order to calculate the CCT in terms of chromaticity coordinates.
- *
- * More detailed information can be found in:
- *
- */
-uint32_t Awb::estimateCCT(double red, double green, double blue)
- /* Convert the RGB values to CIE tristimulus values (XYZ) */
- double X = (-0.14282) * (red) + (1.54924) * (green) + (-0.95641) * (blue);
- double Y = (-0.32466) * (red) + (1.57837) * (green) + (-0.73191) * (blue);
- double Z = (-0.68202) * (red) + (0.77073) * (green) + (0.56332) * (blue);
- /* Calculate the normalized chromaticity values */
- double x = X / (X + Y + Z);
- double y = Y / (X + Y + Z);
- /* Calculate CCT */
- double n = (x - 0.3320) / (0.1858 - y);
- return 449 * n * n * n + 3525 * n * n + 6823.3 * n + 5520.33;
/* Generate an RGB vector with the average values for each zone */
void Awb::generateZones()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kAwbStatsSizeX * kAwbStatsSizeY; i++) {
- RGB zone;
double counted = awbStats_[i].counted;
if (counted >= cellsPerZoneThreshold_) {
- zone.G = awbStats_[i] / counted;
- if (zone.G >= kMinGreenLevelInZone) {
- zone.R = awbStats_[i] / counted;
- zone.B = awbStats_[i] / counted;
+ RGB<double> zone{{
+ static_cast<double>(awbStats_[i],
+ static_cast<double>(awbStats_[i],
+ static_cast<double>(awbStats_[i]
+ }};
+ zone /= counted;
+ if (zone.g() >= kMinGreenLevelInZone)
- }
@@ -412,32 +387,32 @@ void Awb::awbGreyWorld()
* consider some variations, such as normalising all the zones first, or
* doing an L2 average etc.
- std::vector<RGB> &redDerivative(zones_);
- std::vector<RGB> blueDerivative(redDerivative);
+ std::vector<RGB<double>> &redDerivative(zones_);
+ std::vector<RGB<double>> blueDerivative(redDerivative);
std::sort(redDerivative.begin(), redDerivative.end(),
- [](RGB const &a, RGB const &b) {
- return a.G * b.R < b.G * a.R;
+ [](RGB<double> const &a, RGB<double> const &b) {
+ return a.g() * b.r() < b.g() * a.r();
std::sort(blueDerivative.begin(), blueDerivative.end(),
- [](RGB const &a, RGB const &b) {
- return a.G * b.B < b.G * a.B;
+ [](RGB<double> const &a, RGB<double> const &b) {
+ return a.g() * b.b() < b.g() * a.b();
/* Average the middle half of the values. */
int discard = redDerivative.size() / 4;
- RGB sumRed(0, 0, 0);
- RGB sumBlue(0, 0, 0);
+ RGB<double> sumRed{ 0.0 };
+ RGB<double> sumBlue{ 0.0 };
for (auto ri = redDerivative.begin() + discard,
bi = blueDerivative.begin() + discard;
ri != redDerivative.end() - discard; ri++, bi++)
sumRed += *ri, sumBlue += *bi;
- double redGain = sumRed.G / (sumRed.R + 1),
- blueGain = sumBlue.G / (sumBlue.B + 1);
+ double redGain = sumRed.g() / (sumRed.r() + 1),
+ blueGain = sumBlue.g() / (sumBlue.b() + 1);
/* Color temperature is not relevant in Grey world but still useful to estimate it :-) */
- asyncResults_.temperatureK = estimateCCT(sumRed.R, sumRed.G, sumBlue.B);
+ asyncResults_.temperatureK = estimateCCT({{ sumRed.r(), sumRed.g(), sumBlue.b() }});
* Gain values are unsigned integer value ranging [0, 8) with 13 bit