path: root/src/qcam/assets/feathericons/more-horizontal.svg
blob: dc6a85564ea9b4623cbf588e7c487b6f2d9e8de4 (plain)
<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-more-horizontal"><circle cx="12" cy="12" r="1"></circle><circle cx="19" cy="12" r="1"></circle><circle cx="5" cy="12" r="1"></circle></svg>
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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */
 * Copyright (C) 2019, Raspberry Pi (Trading) Limited
 * pwl.hpp - piecewise linear functions interface
#pragma once

#include <math.h>
#include <vector>

#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>

namespace RPiController {

class Pwl
	struct Interval {
		Interval(double _start, double _end)
			: start(_start), end(_end)
		double start, end;
		bool contains(double value)
			return value >= start && value <= end;
		double clip(double value)
			return value < start ? start
					     : (value > end ? end : value);
		double len() const { return end - start; }
	struct Point {
		Point() : x(0), y(0) {}
		Point(double _x, double _y)
			: x(_x), y(_y) {}
		double x, y;
		Point operator-(Point const &p) const
			return Point(x - p.x, y - p.y);
		Point operator+(Point const &p) const
			return Point(x + p.x, y + p.y);
		double operator%(Point const &p) const
			return x * p.x + y * p.y;
		Point operator*(double f) const { return Point(x * f, y * f); }
		Point operator/(double f) const { return Point(x / f, y / f); }
		double len2() const { return x * x + y * y; }
		double len() const { return sqrt(len2()); }
	Pwl() {}
	Pwl(std::vector<Point> const &points) : points_(points) {}
	void read(boost::property_tree::ptree const &params);
	void append(double x, double y, const double eps = 1e-6);
	void prepend(double x, double y, const double eps = 1e-6);
	Interval domain() const;
	Interval range() const;
	bool empty() const;
	// Evaluate Pwl, optionally supplying an initial guess for the
	// "span". The "span" may be optionally be updated.  If you want to know
	// the "span" value but don't have an initial guess you can set it to
	// -1.
	double eval(double x, int *spanPtr = nullptr,
		    bool updateSpan = true) const;
	// Find perpendicular closest to xy, starting from span+1 so you can
	// call it repeatedly to check for multiple closest points (set span to
	// -1 on the first call). Also returns "pseudo" perpendiculars; see
	// PerpType enum.
	enum class PerpType {
		None, // no perpendicular found
		Start, // start of Pwl is closest point
		End, // end of Pwl is closest point
		Vertex, // vertex of Pwl is closest point
		Perpendicular // true perpendicular found
	PerpType invert(Point const &xy, Point &perp, int &span,
			const double eps = 1e-6) const;
	// Compute the inverse function. Indicate if it is a proper (true)
	// inverse, or only a best effort (e.g. input was non-monotonic).
	Pwl inverse(bool *trueInverse = nullptr, const double eps = 1e-6) const;
	// Compose two Pwls together, doing "this" first and "other" after.
	Pwl compose(Pwl const &other, const double eps = 1e-6) const;
	// Apply function to (x,y) values at every control point.
	void map(std::function<void(double x, double y)> f) const;
	// Apply function to (x, y0, y1) values wherever either Pwl has a
	// control point.
	static void map2(Pwl const &pwl0, Pwl const &pwl1,
			 std::function<void(double x, double y0, double y1)> f);
	// Combine two Pwls, meaning we create a new Pwl where the y values are
	// given by running f wherever either has a knot.
	static Pwl
	combine(Pwl const &pwl0, Pwl const &pwl1,
		std::function<double(double x, double y0, double y1)> f,
		const double eps = 1e-6);
	// Make "this" match (at least) the given domain. Any extension my be
	// clipped or linear.
	void matchDomain(Interval const &domain, bool clip = true,
			 const double eps = 1e-6);
	Pwl &operator*=(double d);
	void debug(FILE *fp = stdout) const;

	int findSpan(double x, int span) const;
	std::vector<Point> points_;

} // namespace RPiController