# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
# Copyright (C) 2019, Raspberry Pi (Trading) Limited
# ctt_tools.py - camera tuning tool miscellaneous
import time
import re
import binascii
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
import imutils
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn import cluster as cluster
from sklearn.neighbors.nearest_centroid import NearestCentroid as get_centroids
This file contains some useful tools, the details of which aren't important to
understanding of the code. They ar collated here to attempt to improve code
readability in the main files.
obtain config values, unless it doesnt exist, in which case pick default
Furthermore, it can check if the input is the correct type
def get_config(dictt, key, default, ttype):
val = dictt[key]
if ttype == 'string':
val = str(val)
elif ttype == 'num':
if 'int' not in str(type(val)):
if 'float' not in str(type(val)):
raise ValueError
elif ttype == 'dict':
if not isinstance(val, dict):
raise ValueError
elif ttype == 'list':
if not isinstance(val, list):
raise ValueError
elif ttype == 'bool':
ttype = int(bool(ttype))
val = dictt[key]
except (KeyError, ValueError):
val = default
return val
argument parser
def parse_input():
arguments = sys.argv[1:]
if len(arguments) % 2 != 0:
raise ArgError('\n\nERROR! Enter value for each arguent passed.')
params = arguments[0::2]
vals = arguments[1::2]
args_dict = dict(zip(params, vals))
json_output = get_config(args_dict, '-o', None, 'string')
directory = get_config(args_dict, '-i', None, 'string')
config = get_config(args_dict, '-c', None, 'string')
log_path = get_config(args_dict, '-l', None, 'string')
if directory is None:
raise ArgError('\n\nERROR! No input directory given.')
if json_output is None:
raise ArgError('\n\nERROR! No output json given.')
return json_output, directory, config, log_path
custom arg and macbeth error class
class ArgError(Exception):
class MacbethError(Exception):
correlation function to quantify match
def correlate(im1, im2):
f1 = im1.flatten()
f2 = im2.flatten()
cor = np.corrcoef(f1, f2)
return cor[0][1]
get list of files from directory
def get_photos(directory='photos'):
filename_list = []
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if 'jp' in filename or '.dng' in filename:
return filename_list
display image for debugging... read at your own risk...
def represent(img, name='image'):
# if type(img) == tuple or type(img) == list:
# for i in range(len(img)):
# name = 'image {}'.format(i)
# cv2.imshow(name, img[i])
# else:
# cv2.imshow(name, img)
# cv2.waitKey(0)
# cv2.destroyAllWindows()
# return 0
code above displays using opencv, but this doesn't catch users pressing 'x'
with their mouse to close the window.... therefore matplotlib is used....
(thanks a lot opencv)
grid = plt.GridSpec(22, 1)
plt.subplot(grid[:19, 0])
plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
plt.subplot(grid[21, 0])
plt.title('press \'q\' to continue')
# f = plt.figure()
# ax = f.add_subplot(211)
# ax2 = f.add_subplot(122)
# ax.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
# ax.axis('off')
# ax2.set_figheight(2)
# ax2.title('press \'q\' to continue')
# ax2.axis('off')
# plt.show()
reshape image to fixed width without distorting
returns image and scale factor
def reshape(img, width):
factor = width/img.shape[0]
return cv2.resize(img, None, fx=factor, fy=factor), factor
d' value='7235248d38434f4c3e8a163ab03637ac115bdda8'/>
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later *//* * Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc. * * control_serializer.cpp - Control (de)serializer */#include"libcamera/internal/control_serializer.h"#include <algorithm>#include <memory>#include <vector>#include <libcamera/base/log.h>#include <libcamera/base/span.h>#include <libcamera/control_ids.h>#include <libcamera/controls.h>#include <libcamera/property_ids.h>#include <libcamera/ipa/ipa_controls.h>#include"libcamera/internal/byte_stream_buffer.h"/** * \file control_serializer.h * \brief Serialization and deserialization helpers for controls */namespace libcamera {LOG_DEFINE_CATEGORY(Serializer)/** * \class ControlSerializer * \brief Serializer and deserializer for control-related classes * * The control serializer is a helper to serialize and deserialize * ControlInfoMap and ControlValue instances for the purpose of communication * with IPA modules. * * Neither the ControlInfoMap nor the ControlList are self-contained data * container. ControlInfoMap references an external ControlId in each of its * entries, and ControlList references a ControlInfoMap for the purpose of * validation. Serializing and deserializing those objects thus requires a * context that maintains the associations between them. The control serializer * fulfils this task. * * ControlInfoMap instances can be serialized on their own, but require * ControlId instances to be provided at deserialization time. The serializer * recreates those ControlId instances and stores them in an internal cache, * from which the ControlInfoMap is populated. * * ControlList instances need to be associated with a ControlInfoMap when * deserialized. To make this possible, the control lists are serialized with a * handle to their ControlInfoMap, and the map is looked up from the handle at * deserialization time. To make this possible, the serializer assigns a * numerical handle to ControlInfoMap instances when they are serialized, and * stores the mapping between handle and ControlInfoMap both when serializing * (for the pipeline handler side) and deserializing (for the IPA side) them. * This mapping is used when serializing a ControlList to include the * corresponding ControlInfoMap handle in the binary data, and when * deserializing to retrieve the corresponding ControlInfoMap. * * As independent ControlSerializer instances are used on both sides of the IPC * boundary, and the two instances operate without a shared point of control, * there is a potential risk of collision of the numerical handles assigned to * each serialized ControlInfoMap. For this reason the control serializer is * initialized with a seed and the handle is incremented by 2, so that instances * initialized with a different seed operate on a separate numerical space, * avoiding any collision risk. * * In order to perform those tasks, the serializer keeps an internal state that * needs to be properly populated. This mechanism requires the ControlInfoMap * corresponding to a ControlList to have been serialized or deserialized * before the ControlList is serialized or deserialized. Failure to comply with * that constraint results in serialization or deserialization failure of the * ControlList. * * The serializer can be reset() to clear its internal state. This may be * performed when reconfiguring an IPA to avoid constant growth of the internal * state, especially if the contents of the ControlInfoMap instances change at * that time. A reset of the serializer invalidates all ControlList and * ControlInfoMap that have been previously deserialized. The caller shall thus * proceed with care to avoid stale references. *//** * \enum ControlSerializer::Role * \brief Define the role of the IPC component using the control serializer * * The role of the component that creates the serializer is used to initialize * the handles numerical space. * * \var ControlSerializer::Role::Proxy * \brief The control serializer is used by the IPC Proxy classes * * \var ControlSerializer::Role::Worker * \brief The control serializer is used by the IPC ProxyWorker classes *//** * \brief Construct a new ControlSerializer * \param[in] role The role of the IPC component using the serializer */ControlSerializer::ControlSerializer(Role role){/* * Initialize the handle numerical space using the role of the * component that created the instance. * * Instances initialized for a different role will use a different * numerical handle space, avoiding any collision risk when, in example, * two instances of the ControlSerializer class are used at the IPC * boundaries. * * Start counting handles from '1' as '0' is a special value used as * place holder when serializing lists that do not have a ControlInfoMap * associated (in example list of libcamera controls::controls). * * \todo This is a temporary hack and should probably be better * engineered, but for the time being it avoids collisions on the handle * value when using IPC. */
serialSeed_ = role ==Role::Proxy ?1:2;
serial_ = serialSeed_;}/** * \brief Reset the serializer * * Reset the internal state of the serializer. This invalidates all the * ControlList and ControlInfoMap that have been previously deserialized. */voidControlSerializer::reset(){
serial_ = serialSeed_;
controlIdMaps_.clear();}size_tControlSerializer::binarySize(const ControlValue &value){return sizeof(ControlType) + value.data().size_bytes();}size_tControlSerializer::binarySize(const ControlInfo &info){returnbinarySize(info.min()) +binarySize(info.max()) +binarySize(info.def());}/** * \brief Retrieve the size in bytes required to serialize a ControlInfoMap * \param[in] infoMap The control info map * * Compute and return the size in bytes required to store the serialized * ControlInfoMap. * * \return The size in bytes required to store the serialized ControlInfoMap */size_tControlSerializer::binarySize(const ControlInfoMap &infoMap){size_t size =sizeof(struct ipa_controls_header)+ infoMap.size() *sizeof(struct ipa_control_info_entry);for(constauto&ctrl : infoMap)
size +=binarySize(ctrl.second);return size;}/** * \brief Retrieve the size in bytes required to serialize a ControlList * \param[in] list The control list * * Compute and return the size in bytes required to store the serialized * ControlList. * * \return The size in bytes required to store the serialized ControlList */size_tControlSerializer::binarySize(const ControlList &list){size_t size =sizeof(struct ipa_controls_header)+ list.size() *sizeof(struct ipa_control_value_entry);for(constauto&ctrl : list)
size +=binarySize(ctrl.second);return size;}voidControlSerializer::store(const ControlValue &value,
ByteStreamBuffer &buffer){const ControlType type = value.type();
buffer.write(value.data());}voidControlSerializer::store(const ControlInfo &info, ByteStreamBuffer &buffer){store(info.min(), buffer);store(info.max(), buffer);store(info.def(), buffer);}/** * \brief Serialize a ControlInfoMap in a buffer * \param[in] infoMap The control info map to serialize