# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
# Copyright (C) 2019-2020, Raspberry Pi Ltd
# ctt_image_load.py - camera tuning tool image loading
from ctt_tools import *
from ctt_macbeth_locator import *
import json
import pyexiv2 as pyexif
import rawpy as raw
Image class load image from raw data and extracts metadata.
Once image is extracted from data, it finds 24 16x16 patches for each
channel, centred at the macbeth chart squares
class Image:
def __init__(self, buf):
self.buf = buf
self.patches = None
self.saturated = False
obtain metadata from buffer
def get_meta(self):
self.ver = ba_to_b(self.buf[4:5])
self.w = ba_to_b(self.buf[0xd0:0xd2])
self.h = ba_to_b(self.buf[0xd2:0xd4])
self.pad = ba_to_b(self.buf[0xd4:0xd6])
self.fmt = self.buf[0xf5]
self.sigbits = 2*self.fmt + 4
self.pattern = self.buf[0xf4]
self.exposure = ba_to_b(self.buf[0x90:0x94])
self.againQ8 = ba_to_b(self.buf[0x94:0x96])
self.againQ8_norm = self.againQ8/256
camName = self.buf[0x10:0x10+128]
camName_end = camName.find(0x00)
self.camName = self.buf[0x10:0x10+128][:camName_end].decode()
Channel order depending on bayer pattern
bayer_case = {
0: (0, 1, 2, 3), # red
1: (2, 0, 3, 1), # green next to red
2: (3, 2, 1, 0), # green next to blue
3: (1, 0, 3, 2), # blue
128: (0, 1, 2, 3) # arbitrary order for greyscale casw
self.order = bayer_case[self.pattern]
manual blacklevel - not robust
if 'ov5647' in self.camName:
self.blacklevel = 16
self.blacklevel = 64
self.blacklevel_16 = self.blacklevel << (6)
return 1
print metadata for debug
def print_meta(self):
print(' ver = {}'.format(self.ver))
print(' w = {}'.format(self.w))
print(' h = {}'.format(self.h))
print(' pad = {}'.format(self.pad))
print(' fmt = {}'.format(self.fmt))
print(' sigbits = {}'.format(self.sigbits))
print(' pattern = {}'.format(self.pattern))
print(' exposure = {}'.format(self.exposure))
print(' againQ8 = {}'.format(self.againQ8))
print(' againQ8_norm = {}'.format(self.againQ8_norm))
print(' camName = {}'.format(self.camName))
print(' blacklevel = {}'.format(self.blacklevel))
print(' blacklevel_16 = {}'.format(self.blacklevel_16))
return 1
get image from raw scanline data
def get_image(self, raw):
self.dptr = []
check if data is 10 or 12 bits
if self.sigbits == 10:
calc length of scanline
lin_len = ((((((self.w+self.pad+3)>>2)) * 5)+31)>>5) * 32
stack scan lines into matrix
raw = np.array(raw).reshape(-1, lin_len).astype(np.int64)[:self.h, ...]
separate 5 bits in each package, stopping when w is satisfied
ba0 = raw[..., 0:5*((self.w+3)>>2):5]
ba1 = raw[..., 1:5*((self.w+3)>>2):5]
ba2 = raw[..., 2:5*((self.w+3)>>2):5]
ba3 = raw[..., 3:5*((self.w+3)>>2):5]
ba4 = raw[..., 4:5*((self.w+3)>>2):5]
assemble 10 bit numbers
ch0 = np.left_shift((np.left_shift(ba0, 2) + (ba4 % 4)), 6)
ch1 = np.left_shift((np.left_shift(ba1, 2) + (np.right_shift(ba4, 2) % 4)), 6)
ch2 = np.left_shift((np.left_shift(ba2, 2) + (np.right_shift(ba4, 4) % 4)), 6)
ch3 = np.left_shift((np.left_shift(ba3, 2) + (np.right_shift(ba4, 6) % 4)), 6)
interleave bits
mat = np.empty((self.h, self.w), dtype=ch0.dtype)
mat[..., 0::4] = ch0
mat[..., 1::4] = ch1
mat[..., 2::4] = ch2
mat[..., 3::4] = ch3
There is som eleaking memory somewhere in the code. This code here
seemed to make things good enough that the code would run for
reasonable numbers of images, however this is techincally just a
workaround. (sorry)
ba0, ba1, ba2, ba3, ba4 = None, None, None, None, None
del ba0, ba1, ba2, ba3, ba4
ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3 = None, None, None, None
del ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3
same as before but 12 bit case
elif self.sigbits == 12:
lin_len = ((((((self.w+self.pad+1)>>1)) * 3)+31)>>5) * 32
raw = np.array(raw).reshape(-1, lin_len).astype(np.int64)[:self.h, ...]
ba0 = raw[..., 0:3*((self.w+1)>>1):3]
ba1 = raw[..., 1:3*((self.w+1)>>1):3]
ba2 = raw[..., 2:3*((self.w+1)>>1):3]
ch0 = np.left_shift((np.left_shift(ba0, 4) + ba2 % 16), 4)
ch1 = np.left_shift((np.left_shift(ba1, 4) + (np.right_shift(ba2, 4)) % 16), 4)
mat = np.empty((self.h, self.w), dtype=ch0.dtype)
mat[..., 0::2] = ch0
mat[..., 1::2] = ch1
data is neither 10 nor 12 or incorrect data
print('ERROR: wrong bit format, only 10 or 12 bit supported')
return 0
separate bayer channels
c0 = mat[0::2, 0::2]
c1 = mat[0::2, 1::2]
c2 = mat[1::2, 0::2]
c3 = mat[1::2, 1::2]
self.channels = [c0, c1, c2, c3]
return 1
obtain 16x16 patch centred at macbeth square centre for each channel
def get_patches(self, cen_coords, size=16):
obtain channel widths and heights
ch_w, ch_h = self.w, self.h
cen_coords = list(np.array((cen_coords[0])).astype(np.int32))
self.cen_coords = cen_coords
squares are ordered by stacking macbeth chart columns from
left to right. Some useful patch indices:
white = 3
black = 23
'reds' = 9, 10
'blues' = 2, 5, 8, 20, 22
'greens' = 6, 12, 17
greyscale = 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23
all_patches = []
for ch in self.channels:
ch_patches = []
for cen in cen_coords:
macbeth centre is placed at top left of central 2x2 patch
to account for rounding
Patch pixels are sorted by pixel brightness so spatial
information is lost.
patch = ch[cen[1]-7:cen[1]+9, cen[0]-7:cen[0]+9].flatten()
if patch[-5] == (2**self.sigbits-1)*2**(16-self.sigbits):
self.saturated = True
# print('\nNew Patch\n')
# print('\n\nNew Channel\n\n')
self.patches = all_patches
return 1
def brcm_load_image(Cam, im_str):
Load image where raw data and metadata is in the BRCM format
create byte array
with open(im_str, 'rb') as image:
f = image.read()
b = bytearray(f)
return error if incorrect image address
except FileNotFoundError:
print('\nERROR:\nInvalid image address')
Cam.log += '\nWARNING: Invalid image address'
return 0
return error if problem reading file
if f is None:
print('\nERROR:\nProblem reading file')
Cam.log += '\nWARNING: Problem readin file'
return 0
# print('\nLooking for EOI and BRCM header')
find end of image followed by BRCM header by turning
bytearray into hex string and string matching with regexp
start = -1
match = bytearray(b'\xff\xd9@BRCM')
match_str = binascii.hexlify(match)
b_str = binascii.hexlify(b)
note index is divided by two to go from string to hex
indices = [m.start()//2 for m in re.finditer(match_str, b_str)]
# print(indices)
start = indices[0
#include "libcamera/internal/source_paths.h"
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <elf.h>
#include <link.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <libcamera/base/utils.h>
* \file source_paths.h
* \brief Identify the build and source path of a not-yet-installed library
/* musl doesn't declare _DYNAMIC in link.h, declare it manually. */
extern ElfW(Dyn) _DYNAMIC[];
namespace libcamera {
namespace {
* \brief Check if libcamera is installed or not
* Utilise the build_rpath dynamic tag which is stripped out by meson at
* install time to determine at runtime if the library currently executing
* has been installed or not.
* \return True if libcamera is installed, false otherwise
bool isLibcameraInstalled()
* DT_RUNPATH (DT_RPATH when the linker uses old dtags) is removed on
* install.
for (const ElfW(Dyn) *dyn = _DYNAMIC; dyn->d_tag != DT_NULL; ++dyn) {
if (dyn->d_tag == DT_RUNPATH || dyn->d_tag == DT_RPATH)
return false;
return true;
} /* namespace */
namespace utils {
* \brief Retrieve the path to the build directory
* During development, it is useful to run libcamera binaries directly from the
* build directory without installing them. This function helps components that
* need to locate resources in the build tree, such as IPA modules or IPA proxy
* workers, by providing them with the path to the root of the build directory.
* Callers can then use it to complement or override searches in system-wide
* directories.
* If libcamera has been installed, the build directory path is not available
* and this function returns an empty string.
* \return The path to the build directory if running from a build, or an empty
* string otherwise
std::string libcameraBuildPath()
if (isLibcameraInstalled())
return std::string();
Dl_info info;
/* Look up our own symbol. */
int ret = dladdr(reinterpret_cast<void *>(libcameraBuildPath), &info);
if (ret == 0)
return std::string();
std::string path = dirname(info.dli_fname) + "/../../";
char *real = realpath(path.c_str(), nullptr);
if (!real)
return std::string