# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
# Copyright (C) 2019, Raspberry Pi (Trading) Limited
# ctt_alsc.py - camera tuning tool for ALSC (auto lens shading correction)

from ctt_image_load import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

preform alsc calibration on a set of images
def alsc_all(Cam, do_alsc_colour, plot):
    imgs_alsc = Cam.imgs_alsc
    create list of colour temperatures and associated calibration tables
    list_col = []
    list_cr = []
    list_cb = []
    list_cg = []
    for Img in imgs_alsc:
        col, cr, cb, cg, size = alsc(Cam, Img, do_alsc_colour, plot)
        Cam.log += '\n'
    Cam.log += '\nFinished processing images'
    w, h, dx, dy = size
    Cam.log += '\nChannel dimensions: w = {}  h = {}'.format(int(w), int(h))
    Cam.log += '\n16x12 grid rectangle size: w = {} h = {}'.format(dx, dy)

    convert to numpy array for data manipulation
    list_col = np.array(list_col)
    list_cr = np.array(list_cr)
    list_cb = np.array(list_cb)
    list_cg = np.array(list_cg)

    cal_cr_list = []
    cal_cb_list = []

    only do colour calculations if required
    if do_alsc_colour:
        Cam.log += '\nALSC colour tables'
        for ct in sorted(set(list_col)):
            Cam.log += '\nColour temperature: {} K'.format(ct)
            average tables for the same colour temperature
            indices = np.where(list_col == ct)
            ct = int(ct)
            t_r = np.mean(list_cr[indices], axis=0)
            t_b = np.mean(list_cb[indices], axis=0)
            force numbers to be stored to 3dp.... :(
            t_r = np.where((100*t_r)%1<=0.05, t_r+0.001, t_r)
            t_b = np.where((100*t_b)%1<=0.05, t_b+0.001, t_b)
            t_r = np.where((100*t_r)%1>=0.95, t_r-0.001, t_r)
            t_b = np.where((100*t_b)%1>=0.95, t_b-0.001, t_b)
            t_r = np.round(t_r, 3)
            t_b = np.round(t_b, 3)
            r_corners = (t_r[0], t_r[15], t_r[-1], t_r[-16])
            b_corners = (t_b[0], t_b[15], t_b[-1], t_b[-16])
            r_cen = t_r[5*16+7]+t_r[5*16+8]+t_r[6*16+7]+t_r[6*16+8]
            r_cen = round(r_cen/4, 3)
            b_cen = t_b[5*16+7]+t_b[5*16+8]+t_b[6*16+7]+t_b[6*16+8]
            b_cen = round(b_cen/4, 3)
            Cam.log += '\nRed table corners: {}'.format(r_corners)
            Cam.log += '\nRed table centre: {}'.format(r_cen)
            Cam.log += '\nBlue table corners: {}'.format(b_corners)
            Cam.log += '\nBlue table centre: {}'.format(b_cen)
            cr_dict = {
                'ct': ct,
                'table': list(t_r)
            cb_dict = {
                'ct': ct,
                'table': list(t_b)
            Cam.log += '\n'
        cal_cr_list, cal_cb_list = None, None

    average all values for luminance shading and return one table for all temperatures
    lum_lut = np.mean(list_cg, axis=0)
    lum_lut = np.where((100*lum_lut)%1<=0.05, lum_lut+0.001, lum_lut)
    lum_lut = np.where((100*lum_lut)%1>=0.95, lum_lut-0.001, lum_lut)
    lum_lut = list(np.round(lum_lut, 3))

    calculate average corner for lsc gain calculation further on
    corners = (lum_lut[0], lum_lut[15], lum_lut[-1], lum_lut[-16])
    Cam.log += '\nLuminance table corners: {}'.format(corners)
    l_cen = lum_lut[5*16+7]+lum_lut[5*16+8]+lum_lut[6*16+7]+lum_lut[6*16+8]
    l_cen = round(l_cen/4, 3)
    Cam.log += '\nLuminance table centre: {}'.format(l_cen)
    av_corn = np.sum(corners)/4

    return cal_cr_list, cal_cb_list, lum_lut, av_corn

calculate g/r and g/b for 32x32 points arranged in a grid for a single image
def alsc(Cam, Img, do_alsc_colour, plot=False):
    Cam.log += '\nProcessing image: ' + Img.name
    get channel in correct order
    channels = [Img.channels[i] for i in Img.order]
    calculate size of single rectangle.
    -(-(w-1)//32) is a ceiling division. w-1 is to deal robustly with the case
    where w is a multiple of 32.
    w, h = Img.w/2, Img.h/2
    dx, dy = int(-(-(w-1)//16)), int(-(-(h-1)//12))
    average the green channels into one
    av_ch_g = np.mean((channels[1:2]), axis=0)
    if do_alsc_colour:
        obtain 16x12 grid of intensities for each channel and subtract black level
        g = get_16x12_grid(av_ch_g, dx, dy) - Img.blacklevel_16
        r = get_16x12_grid(channels[0], dx, dy) - Img.blacklevel_16
        b = get_16x12_grid(channels[3], dx, dy) - Img.blacklevel_16
        calculate ratios as 32 bit in order to be supported by medianBlur function
        cr = np.reshape(g/r, (12, 16)).astype('float32')
        cb = np.reshape(g/b, (12, 16)).astype('float32')
        cg = np.reshape(1/g, (12, 16)).astype('float32')
        median blur to remove peaks and save as float 64
        cr = cv2.medianBlur(cr, 3).astype('float64')
        cb = cv2.medianBlur(cb, 3).astype('float64')
        cg = cv2.medianBlur(cg, 3).astype('float64')
        cg = cg/np.min(cg)

        debugging code showing 2D surface plot of vignetting. Quite useful for
        for sanity check
        if plot:
            hf = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
            ha = hf.add_subplot(311, projection='3d')
            note Y is plotted as -Y so plot has same axes as image
            X, Y = np.meshgrid(range(16), range(12))
            ha.plot_surface(X, -Y, cr, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0)
            ha.set_title('ALSC Plot\nImg: {}\n\ncr'.format(Img.str))
            hb = hf.add_subplot(312, projection='3d')
            hb.plot_surface(X, -Y, cb, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0)
            hc = hf.add_subplot(313, projection='3d')
            hc.plot_surface(X, -Y, cg, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0)
            # print(Img.str)

        return Img.col, cr.flatten(), cb.flatten(), cg.flatten(), (w, h, dx, dy)

        only perform calculations for luminance shading
        g = get_16x12_grid(av_ch_g, dx, dy) - Img.blacklevel_16
        cg = np.reshape(1/g, (12, 16)).astype('float32')
        cg = cv2.medianBlur(cg, 3).astype('float64')
        cg = cg/np.min(cg)

        if plot:
            hf = plt.figure(figssize=(8, 8))
            ha = hf.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d')
            X, Y = np.meashgrid(range(16), range(12))
            ha.plot_surface(X, -Y, cg, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0)
            ha.set_title('ALSC Plot (Luminance only!)\nImg: {}\n\ncg').format(Img.str)

        return Img.col, None, None, cg.flatten(), (w, h, dx, dy)

Compresses channel down to a 16x12 grid
def get_16x12_grid(chan, dx, dy):
    grid = []
    since left and bottom border will not necessarily have rectangles of
    dimension dx x dy, the 32nd iteration has to be handled separately.
    for i in range(11):
        for j in range(15):
            grid.append(np.mean(chan[dy*i:dy*(1+i), dx*j:dx*(1+j)]))
        grid.append(np.mean(chan[dy*i:dy*(1+i), 15*dx:]))
    for j in range(15):
        grid.append(np.mean(chan[11*dy:, dx*j:dx*(1+j)]))
    grid.append(np.mean(chan[11*dy:, 15*dx:]))
    return as np.array, ready for further manipulation
    return np.array(grid)

obtains sigmas for red and blue, effectively a measure of the 'error'
def get_sigma(Cam, cal_cr_list, cal_cb_list):
    Cam.log += '\nCalculating sigmas'
    provided colour alsc tables were generated for two different colour
    temperatures sigma is calculated by comparing two calibration temperatures
    adjacent in colour space
    create list of colour temperatures
    cts = [cal['ct'] for cal in cal_cr_list]
    # print(cts)
    calculate sigmas for each adjacent cts and return worst one
    sigma_rs = []
    sigma_bs = []
    for i in range(len(cts)-1):
        sigma_rs.append(calc_sigma(cal_cr_list[i]['table'], cal_cr_list[i+1]['table']))
        sigma_bs.append(calc_sigma(cal_cb_list[i]['table'], cal_cb_list[i+1]['table']))
        Cam.log += '\nColour temperature interval {} - {} K'.format(cts[i], cts[i+1])
        Cam.log += '\nSigma red: {}'.format(sigma_rs[-1])
        Cam.log += '\nSigma blue: {}'.format(sigma_bs[-1])

    return maximum sigmas, not necessarily from the same colour temperature
    sigma_r = max(sigma_rs) if sigma_rs else 0.005
    sigma_b = max(sigma_bs) if sigma_bs else 0.005
    Cam.log += '\nMaximum sigmas: Red = {} Blue = {}'.format(sigma_r, sigma_b)

    # print(sigma_rs, sigma_bs)
    # print(sigma_r, sigma_b)
    return sigma_r, sigma_b

calculate sigma from two adjacent gain tables
def calc_sigma(g1, g2):
    reshape into 16x12 matrix
    g1 = np.reshape(g1, (12, 16))
    g2 = np.reshape(g2, (12, 16))
    apply gains to gain table
    gg = g1/g2
    if np.mean(gg) < 1:
        gg = 1/gg
    for each internal patch, compute average difference between it and its 4
    neighbours, then append to list
    diffs = []
    for i in range(10):
        for j in range(14):
            note indexing is incremented by 1 since all patches on borders are
            not counted
            diff = np.abs(gg[i+1][j+1]-gg[i][j+1])
            diff += np.abs(gg[i+1][j+1]-gg[i+2][j+1])
            diff += np.abs(gg[i+1][j+1]-gg[i+1][j])
            diff += np.abs(gg[i+1][j+1]-gg[i+1][j+2])

    return mean difference
    mean_diff = np.mean(diffs)
    return(np.round(mean_diff, 5))