#!/bin/sh # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Execute the checkstyle script before committing any code. This will fail the # commit in case of style issues, ensuring that the developer will notice them. # The pre-commit hook can be bypassed with git commit -n to ignore selective # changes. # # To utilise this hook, install this file with: # cp utils/hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit if ps -ocommand= -p $PPID | grep -- "--amend" then args="--amend" else args="--staged" fi ./utils/checkstyle.py $args a href='/'>cgit logo index : libcamera/pinchartl/libcamera.git
Laurent Pinchart's clone of libcameragit repository hosting on libcamera.org
path: root/.clang-tidy
blob: b40e588a1a8168e59df9427a986b73d04366ba5f (plain)