#!/usr/bin/python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # Copyright (C) 2018, Google Inc. # # Author: Laurent Pinchart # # checkstyle.py - A patch style checker script based on astyle or clang-format # # TODO: # # - Support other formatting tools and checkers (cppcheck, cpplint, kwstyle, ...) # - Split large hunks to minimize context noise # - Improve style issues counting # import argparse import difflib import fnmatch import os.path import re import shutil import subprocess import sys astyle_options = ( '-n', '--style=linux', '--indent=force-tab=8', '--attach-namespaces', '--attach-extern-c', '--pad-oper', '--align-pointer=name', '--align-reference=name', '--keep-one-line-blocks', '--max-code-length=120' ) dependencies = { 'astyle': False, 'clang-format': False, 'git': True, } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Colour terminal handling # class Colours: Default = 0 Black = 0 Red = 31 Green = 32 Yellow = 33 Blue = 34 Magenta = 35 Cyan = 36 LightGrey = 37 DarkGrey = 90 LightRed = 91 LightGreen = 92 Lightyellow = 93 LightBlue = 94 LightMagenta = 95 LightCyan = 96 White = 97 @staticmethod def fg(colour): if sys.stdout.isatty(): return '\033[%um' % colour else: return '' @staticmethod def bg(colour): if sys.stdout.isatty(): return '\033[%um' % (colour + 10) else: return '' @staticmethod def reset(): if sys.stdout.isatty(): return '\033[0m' else: return '' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Diff parsing, handling and printing # class DiffHunkSide(object): """A side of a diff hunk, recording line numbers""" def __init__(self, start): self.start = start self.touched = [] self.untouched = [] def __len__(self): return len(self.touched) + len(self.untouched) class DiffHunk(object): diff_header_regex = re.compile(r'@@ -([0-9]+),?([0-9]+)? \+([0-9]+),?([0-9]+)? @@') def __init__(self, line): match = DiffHunk.diff_header_regex.match(line) if not match: raise RuntimeError("Malformed diff hunk header '%s'" % line) self.__from_line = int(match.group(1)) self.__to_line = int(match.group(3)) self.__from = DiffHunkSide(self.__from_line) self.__to = DiffHunkSide(self.__to_line) self.lines = [] def __repr__(self): s = '%s@@ -%u,%u +%u,%u @@\n' % \ (Colours.fg(Colours.Cyan), self.__from.start, len(self.__from), self.__to.start, len(self.__to)) for line in self.lines: if line[0] == '-': s += Colours.fg(Colours.Red) elif line[0] == '+': s += Colours.fg(Colours.Green) if line[0] == '-': spaces = 0 for i in range(len(line)): if line[-i-1].isspace(): spaces += 1 else: break spaces = len(line) - spaces line = line[0:spaces] + Colours.bg(Colours.Red) + line[spaces:] s += line s += Colours.reset() s += '\n' return s[:-1] def append(self, line): if line[0] == ' ': self.__from.untouched.append(self.__from_line) self.__from_line += 1 self.__to.untouched.append(self.__to_line) self.__to_line += 1 elif line[0] == '-': self.__from.touched.append(self.__from_line) self.__from_line += 1 elif line[0] == '+': self.__to.touched.append(self.__to_line) self.__to_line += 1 self.lines.append(line.rstrip('\n')) def intersects(self, lines): for line in lines: if line in self.__from.touched: return True return False def side(self, side): if side == 'from': return self.__from else: return self.__to def parse_diff(diff): hunks = [] hunk = None for line in diff: if line.startswith('@@'): if hunk: hunks.append(hunk) hunk = DiffHunk(line) elif hunk is not None: hunk.append(line) if hunk: hunks.append(hunk) return hunks # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Style Checkers # _style_checkers = [] class StyleCheckerRegistry(type): def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs): newclass = super(StyleCheckerRegistry, cls).__new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs) if clsname != 'StyleChecker': _style_checkers.append(newclass) return newclass class StyleChecker(metaclass=StyleCheckerRegistry): def __init__(self): pass # # Class methods # @classmethod def checkers(cls, filename): for checker in _style_checkers: if checker.supports(filename): yield checker @classmethod def supports(cls, filename): for pattern in cls.patterns: if fnmatch.fnmatch(os.path.basename(filename), pattern): return True return False @classmethod def all_patterns(cls): patterns = set() for checker in _style_checkers: patterns.update(checker.patterns) return patterns class StyleIssue(object): def __init__(self, line_number, line, msg): self.line_number = line_number self.line = line self.msg = msg class IncludeChecker(StyleChecker): patterns = ('*.cpp', '*.h') headers = ('assert', 'ctype', 'errno', 'fenv', 'float', 'inttypes', 'limits', 'locale', 'setjmp', 'signal', 'stdarg', 'stddef', 'stdint', 'stdio', 'stdlib', 'string', 'time', 'uchar', 'wchar', 'wctype') include_regex = re.compile('^#include ') def __init__(self, content): super().__init__() self.__content = content def check(self, line_numbers): issues = [] for line_number in line_numbers: line = self.__content[line_number - 1] match = IncludeChecker.include_regex.match(line) if not match: continue header = match.group(1) if header not in IncludeChecker.headers: continue issues.append(StyleIssue(line_number, line, 'C compatibility header <%s.h> is preferred' % header)) return issues class LogCategoryChecker(StyleChecker): log_regex = re.compile('\\bLOG\((Debug|Info|Warning|Error|Fatal)\)') patterns = ('*.cpp',) def __init__(self, content): super().__init__() self.__content = content def check(self, line_numbers): issues = [] for line_number in line_numbers: line = self.__content[line_number-1] if not LogCategoryChecker.log_regex.search(line): continue issues.append(StyleIssue(line_number, line, 'LOG() should use categories')) return issues class MesonChecker(StyleChecker): patterns = ('meson.build',) def __init__(self, content): super().__init__() self.__content = content def check(self, line_numbers): issues = [] for line_number in line_numbers: line = self.__content[line_number-1] if line.find('\t') != -1: issues.append(StyleIssue(line_number, line, 'meson.build should use spaces for indentation')) return issues class Pep8Checker(StyleChecker): patterns = ('*.py',) results_regex = re.compile('stdin:([0-9]+):([0-9]+)(.*)') def __init__(self, content): super().__init__() self.__content = content def check(self, line_numbers): issues = [] data = ''.join(self.__content).encode('utf-8') try: ret = subprocess.run(['pycodestyle', '--ignore=E501', '-'], input=data, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except FileNotFoundError: issues.append(StyleIssue(0, None, "Please install pycodestyle to validate python additions")) return issues results = ret.stdout.decode('utf-8').splitlines() for item in results: search = re.search(Pep8Checker.results_regex, item) line_number = int(search.group(1)) position = int(search.group(2)) msg = search.group(3) if line_number in line_numbers: line = self.__content[line_number - 1] issues.append(StyleIssue(line_number, line, msg)) return issues class ShellChecker(StyleChecker): patterns = ('*.sh',) results_line_regex = re.compile('In - line ([0-9]+):') def __init__(self, content): super().__init__() self.__content = content def check(self, line_numbers): issues = [] data = ''.join(self.__content).encode('utf-8') try: ret = subprocess.run(['shellcheck', '-Cnever', '-'], input=data, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except FileNotFoundError: issues.append(StyleIssue(0, None, "Please install shellcheck to validate shell script additions")) return issues results = ret.stdout.decode('utf-8').splitlines() for nr, item in enumerate(results): search = re.search(ShellChecker.results_line_regex, item) if search is None: continue line_number = int(search.group(1)) line = results[nr + 1] msg = results[nr + 2] # Determined, but not yet used position = msg.find('^') + 1 if line_number in line_numbers: issues.append(StyleIssue(line_number, line, msg)) return issues # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Formatters # _formatters = [] class FormatterRegistry(type): def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs): newclass = super(FormatterRegistry, cls).__new__(cls, clsname, bases, attrs) if clsname != 'Formatter': _formatters.append(newclass) return newclass class Formatter(metaclass=FormatterRegistry): enabled = True def __init__(self): pass # # Class methods # @classmethod def formatters(cls, filename): for formatter in _formatters: if not cls.enabled: continue if formatter.supports(filename): yield formatter @classmethod def supports(cls, filename): if not cls.enabled: return False for pattern in cls.patterns: if fnmatch.fnmatch(os.path.basename(filename), pattern): return True return False @classmethod def all_patterns(cls): patterns = set() for formatter in _formatters: if not cls.enabled: continue patterns.update(formatter.patterns) return patterns class AStyleFormatter(Formatter): enabled = False patterns = ('*.c', '*.cpp', '*.h') @classmethod def format(cls, filename, data): ret = subprocess.run(['astyle', *astyle_options], input=data.encode('utf-8'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return ret.stdout.decode('utf-8') class CLangFormatter(Formatter): enabled = False patterns = ('*.c', '*.cpp', '*.h') @classmethod def format(cls, filename, data): ret = subprocess.run(['clang-format', '-style=file', '-assume-filename=' + filename], input=data.encode('utf-8'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return ret.stdout.decode('utf-8') class DoxygenFormatter(Formatter): patterns = ('*.c', '*.cpp') return_regex = re.compile(' +\\* +\\\\return +[a-z]') @classmethod def format(cls, filename, data): lines = [] in_doxygen = False for line in data.split('\n'): if line.find('/**') != -1: in_doxygen = True if not in_doxygen: lines.append(line) continue line = cls.return_regex.sub(lambda m: m.group(0)[:-1] + m.group(0)[-1].upper(), line) if line.find('*/') != -1: in_doxygen = False lines.append(line) return '\n'.join(lines) class IncludeOrderFormatter(Formatter): patterns = ('*.cpp', '*.h') include_regex = re.compile('^#include ["<]([^">]*)[">]') @classmethod def format(cls, filename, data): lines = [] includes = [] # Parse blocks of #include statements, and output them as a sorted list # when we reach a non #include statement. for line in data.split('\n'): match = IncludeOrderFormatter.include_regex.match(line) if match: # If the current line is an #include statement, add it to the # includes group and continue to the next line. includes.append((line, match.group(1))) continue # The current line is not an #include statement, output the sorted # stashed includes first, and then the current line. if len(includes): includes.sort(key=lambda i: i[1]) for include in includes: lines.append(include[0]) includes = [] lines.append(line) # In the unlikely case the file ends with an #include statement, make # sure we output the stashed includes. if len(includes): includes.sort(key=lambda i: i[1]) for include in includes: lines.append(include[0]) includes = [] return '\n'.join(lines) class StripTrailingSpaceFormatter(Formatter): patterns = ('*.c', '*.cpp', '*.h', '*.py', 'meson.build') @classmethod def format(cls, filename, data): lines = data.split('\n') for i in range(len(lines)): lines[i] = lines[i].rstrip() + '\n' return ''.join(lines) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Style checking # class Commit: def __init__(self, commit): self.commit = commit def get_info(self): # Get the commit title and list of files. ret = subprocess.run(['git', 'show', '--pretty=oneline', '--name-only', self.commit], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') files = ret.splitlines() # Returning title and files list as a tuple return files[0], files[1:] def get_diff(self, top_level, filename): return subprocess.run(['git', 'diff', '%s~..%s' % (self.commit, self.commit), '--', '%s/%s' % (top_level, filename)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') def get_file(self, filename): return subprocess.run(['git', 'show', '%s:%s' % (self.commit, filename)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') class StagedChanges(Commit): def __init__(self): Commit.__init__(self, '') def get_info(self): ret = subprocess.run(['git', 'diff', '--staged', '--name-only'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') return "Staged changes", ret.splitlines() def get_diff(self, top_level, filename): return subprocess.run(['git', 'diff', '--staged', '--', '%s/%s' % (top_level, filename)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') class Amendment(StagedChanges): def __init__(self): StagedChanges.__init__(self) def get_info(self): # Create a title using HEAD commit ret = subprocess.run(['git', 'show', '--pretty=oneline', '--no-patch'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') title = 'Amendment of ' + ret.strip() # Extract the list of modified files ret = subprocess.run(['git', 'diff', '--staged', '--name-only', 'HEAD~'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') return title, ret.splitlines() def get_diff(self, top_level, filename): return subprocess.run(['git', 'diff', '--staged', 'HEAD~', '--', '%s/%s' % (top_level, filename)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf-8') def check_file(top_level, commit, filename): # Extract the line numbers touched by the commit. diff = commit.get_diff(top_level, filename) diff = diff.splitlines(True) commit_diff = parse_diff(diff) lines = [] for hunk in commit_diff: lines.extend(hunk.side('to').touched) # Skip commits that don't add any line. if len(lines) == 0: return 0 # Format the file after the commit with all formatters and compute the diff # between the unformatted and formatted contents. after = commit.get_file(filename) formatted = after for formatter in Formatter.formatters(filename): formatted = formatter.format(filename, formatted) after = after.splitlines(True) formatted = formatted.splitlines(True) diff = difflib.unified_diff(after, formatted) # Split the diff in hunks, recording line number ranges for each hunk, and # filter out hunks that are not touched by the commit. formatted_diff = parse_diff(diff) formatted_diff = [hunk for hunk in formatted_diff if hunk.intersects(lines)] # Check for code issues not related to formatting. issues = [] for checker in StyleChecker.checkers(filename): checker = checker(after) for hunk in commit_diff: issues += checker.check(hunk.side('to').touched) # Print the detected issues. if len(issues) == 0 and len(formatted_diff) == 0: return 0 print('%s---' % Colours.fg(Colours.Red), filename) print('%s+++' % Colours.fg(Colours.Green), filename) if len(formatted_diff): for hunk in formatted_diff: print(hunk) if len(issues): issues = sorted(issues, key=lambda i: i.line_number) for issue in issues: print('%s#%u: %s' % (Colours.fg(Colours.Yellow), issue.line_number, issue.msg)) if issue.line is not None: print('+%s%s' % (issue.line.rstrip(), Colours.reset())) return len(formatted_diff) + len(issues) def check_style(top_level, commit): title, files = commit.get_info() separator = '-' * len(title) print(separator) print(title) print(separator) # Filter out files we have no checker for. patterns = set() patterns.update(StyleChecker.all_patterns()) patterns.update(Formatter.all_patterns()) files = [f for f in files if len([p for p in patterns if fnmatch.fnmatch(os.path.basename(f), p)])] if len(files) == 0: print("Commit doesn't touch source files, skipping") return 0 issues = 0 for f in files: issues += check_file(top_level, commit, f) if issues == 0: print("No style issue detected") else: print('---') print("%u potential style %s detected, please review" % \ (issues, 'issue' if issues == 1 else 'issues')) return issues def extract_commits(revs): """Extract a list of commits on which to operate from a revision or revision range. """ ret = subprocess.run(['git', 'rev-parse', revs], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if ret.returncode != 0: print(ret.stderr.decode('utf-8').splitlines()[0]) return [] revlist = ret.stdout.decode('utf-8').splitlines() # If the revlist contains more than one item, pass it to git rev-list to list # each commit individually. if len(revlist) > 1: ret = subprocess.run(['git', 'rev-list', *revlist], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) revlist = ret.stdout.decode('utf-8').splitlines() revlist.reverse() return [Commit(x) for x in revlist] def git_top_level(): """Get the absolute path of the git top-level directory.""" ret = subprocess.run(['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if ret.returncode != 0: print(ret.stderr.decode('utf-8').splitlines()[0]) return None return ret.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() def main(argv): # Parse command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--formatter', '-f', type=str, choices=['astyle', 'clang-format'], help='Code formatter. Default to clang-format if not specified.') parser.add_argument('--staged', '-s', action='store_true', help='Include the changes in the index. Defaults to False') parser.add_argument('--amend', '-a', action='store_true', help='Include changes in the index and the previous patch combined. Defaults to False') parser.add_argument('revision_range', type=str, default=None, nargs='?', help='Revision range (as defined by git rev-parse). Defaults to HEAD if not specified.') args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) # Check for required dependencies. for command, mandatory in dependencies.items(): found = shutil.which(command) if mandatory and not found: print("Executable %s not found" % command) return 1 dependencies[command] = found if args.formatter: if not args.formatter in dependencies or \ not dependencies[args.formatter]: print("Formatter %s not available" % args.formatter) return 1 formatter = args.formatter else: if dependencies['clang-format']: CLangFormatter.enabled = True elif dependencies['astyle']: AStyleFormatter.enabled = True else: print("No formatter found, please install clang-format or astyle") return 1 # Get the top level directory to pass absolute file names to git diff # commands, in order to support execution from subdirectories of the git # tree. top_level = git_top_level() if top_level is None: return 1 commits = [] if args.staged: commits.append(StagedChanges()) if args.amend: commits.append(Amendment()) # If none of --staged or --amend was passed if len(commits) == 0: # And no revisions were passed, then default to HEAD if not args.revision_range: args.revision_range = 'HEAD' if args.revision_range: commits += extract_commits(args.revision_range) issues = 0 for commit in commits: issues += check_style(top_level, commit) print('') if issues: return 1 else: return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv)) n604'>604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
# Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc.
%YAML 1.2
  - Location:
      type: int32_t
      description: |
        Camera mounting location
        - name: CameraLocationFront
          value: 0
          description: |
            The camera is mounted on the front side of the device, facing the
        - name: CameraLocationBack
          value: 1
          description: |
            The camera is mounted on the back side of the device, facing away
            from the user
        - name: CameraLocationExternal
          value: 2
          description: |
            The camera is attached to the device in a way that allows it to
            be moved freely

  - Rotation:
      type: int32_t
      description: |
        The camera rotation is expressed as the angular difference in degrees
        between two reference systems, one relative to the camera module, and
        one defined on the external world scene to be captured when projected
        on the image sensor pixel array.

        A camera sensor has a 2-dimensional reference system 'Rc' defined by
        its pixel array read-out order. The origin is set to the first pixel
        being read out, the X-axis points along the column read-out direction
        towards the last columns, and the Y-axis along the row read-out
        direction towards the last row.

        A typical example for a sensor with a 2592x1944 pixel array matrix
        observed from the front is

                    2591       X-axis          0
                      <------------------------+ 0
                      .......... ... ..........!
                      .......... ... ..........! Y-axis
                                 ...           !
                      .......... ... ..........!
                      .......... ... ..........! 1943

        The external world scene reference system 'Rs' is a 2-dimensional
        reference system on the focal plane of the camera module. The origin is
        placed on the top-left corner of the visible scene, the X-axis points
        towards the right, and the Y-axis points towards the bottom of the
        scene. The top, bottom, left and right directions are intentionally not
        defined and depend on the environment in which the camera is used.

        A typical example of a (very common) picture of a shark swimming from
        left to right, as seen from the camera, is

                     0               X-axis
                   0 +------------------------------------->
                     !           |\____)\___
                     !           ) _____  __`<
                     !           |/     )/

        With the reference system 'Rs' placed on the camera focal plane.

                                    ¸.·˙    !
                        _       ¸.·˙        !
                     +-/ \-+¸.·˙            !
                     | (o) |                ! Camera focal plane
                     +-----+˙·.¸            !
                                ˙·.¸        !
                                    ˙·.¸    !

        When projected on the sensor's pixel array, the image and the associated
        reference system 'Rs' are typically (but not always) inverted, due to
        the camera module's lens optical inversion effect.

        Assuming the above represented scene of the swimming shark, the lens
        inversion projects the scene and its reference system onto the sensor
        pixel array, seen from the front of the camera sensor, as follow

                     !            |\_____)\__
                     !            ) ____  ___.<
                     !            |/    )/
                   0 +------------------------------------->
                     0               X-axis

        Note the shark being upside-down.

        The resulting projected reference system is named 'Rp'.

        The camera rotation property is then defined as the angular difference
        in the counter-clockwise direction between the camera reference system
        'Rc' and the projected scene reference system 'Rp'. It is expressed in
        degrees as a number in the range [0, 360[.


        0 degrees camera rotation

                    Y-Rc   !
                     ^     !
                     !     !
                     !     !
                     !     !
                     !     !
                     !     !
                     !     !
                     !     !
                     !   0 +------------------------------------->
                     !     0               X-Rp
                   0 +------------------------------------->
                     0               X-Rc

                                      X-Rc                0
                     <------------------------------------+ 0
                                 X-Rp                 0   !
                 <------------------------------------+ 0 !
                                                      !   !
                                                      !   !
                                                      !   !
                                                      !   !
                                                      !   !
                                                      !   !
                                                      !   !
                                                      !   V
                                                      !  Y-Rc

        90 degrees camera rotation

                     0        Y-Rc
                   0 +-------------------->
                     !   Y-Rp
                     !    ^
                     !    !
                     !    !
                     !    !
                     !    !
                     !    !
                     !    !
                     !    !
                     !    !
                     !    !
                     !  0 +------------------------------------->
                     !    0              X-Rp

        180 degrees camera rotation

             <------------------------------------+ 0
                              X-Rc                !
                    Y-Rp                          !
                     ^                            !
                     !                            !
                     !                            !
                     !                            !
                     !                            !
                     !                            !
                     !                            !
                     !                            V
                     !                           Y-Rc
                   0 +------------------------------------->
                     0              X-Rp

        270 degrees camera rotation

                     0        Y-Rc
                   0 +-------------------->
                     !                                        0
                     !    <-----------------------------------+ 0
                     !                    X-Rp                !
                     !                                        !
                     !                                        !
                     !                                        !
                     !                                        !
                     !                                        !
                     !                                        !
                     !                                        !
                     !                                        !
                     !                                        V
                     !                                       Y-Rp

        Example one - Webcam

        A camera module installed on the user facing part of a laptop screen
        casing used for video calls. The captured images are meant to be
        displayed in landscape mode (width > height) on the laptop screen.

        The camera is typically mounted upside-down to compensate the lens
        optical inversion effect.

                    Y-Rc   ^
                     ^     !
                     !     !
                     !     !       |\_____)\__
                     !     !       ) ____  ___.<
                     !     !       |/    )/
                     !     !
                     !     !
                     !     !
                     !   0 +------------------------------------->
                     !     0           X-Rp
                   0 +------------------------------------->
                     0            X-Rc

        The two reference systems are aligned, the resulting camera rotation is
        0 degrees, no rotation correction needs to be applied to the resulting
        image once captured to memory buffers to correctly display it to users.

                     !                                      !
                     !                                      !
                     !                                      !
                     !             |\____)\___              !
                     !             ) _____  __`<            !
                     !             |/     )/                !
                     !                                      !
                     !                                      !
                     !                                      !

        If the camera sensor is not mounted upside-down to compensate for the
        lens optical inversion, the two reference systems will not be aligned,
        with 'Rp' being rotated 180 degrees relatively to 'Rc'.

                              X-Rc                0
             <------------------------------------+ 0
                    Y-Rp                          !
                     ^                            !
                     !                            !
                     !       |\_____)\__          !
                     !       ) ____  ___.<        !
                     !       |/    )/             !
                     !                            !
                     !                            !
                     !                            V
                     !                           Y-Rc
                   0 +------------------------------------->
                     0            X-Rp

        The image once captured to memory will then be rotated by 180 degrees

                     !                                      !
                     !                                      !
                     !                                      !
                     !              __/(_____/|             !
                     !            >.___  ____ (             !
                     !                 \(    \|             !
                     !                                      !
                     !                                      !
                     !                                      !

        A software rotation correction of 180 degrees should be applied to
        correctly display the image.

                     !                                      !
                     !                                      !
                     !                                      !
                     !             |\____)\___              !
                     !             ) _____  __`<            !
                     !             |/     )/                !
                     !                                      !
                     !                                      !
                     !                                      !

        Example two - Phone camera

        A camera installed on the back side of a mobile device facing away from
        the user. The captured images are meant to be displayed in portrait mode
        (height > width) to match the device screen orientation and the device
        usage orientation used when taking the picture.

        The camera sensor is typically mounted with its pixel array longer side
        aligned to the device longer side, upside-down mounted to compensate for
        the lens optical inversion effect.

                     0        Y-Rc
                   0 +-------------------->
                     !   Y-Rp
                     !    ^
                     !    !
                     !    !
                     !    !
                     !    !            |\_____)\__
                     !    !            ) ____  ___.<
                     !    !            |/    )/
                     !    !
                     !    !
                     !    !
                     !  0 +------------------------------------->
                     !    0                X-Rp

        The two reference systems are not aligned and the 'Rp' reference
        system is rotated by 90 degrees in the counter-clockwise direction
        relatively to the 'Rc' reference system.

        The image once captured to memory will be rotated.

                     |                 _ _                 |
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        A correction of 90 degrees in counter-clockwise direction has to be
        applied to correctly display the image in portrait mode on the device

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  - Model:
      type: string
      description: |
        The model name shall to the extent possible describe the sensor. For
        most devices this is the model name of the sensor. While for some
        devices the sensor model is unavailable as the sensor or the entire