/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /* * Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc. * * timer.cpp - Timer test */ #include #include #include #include #include "test.h" #include "thread.h" using namespace std; using namespace libcamera; class ManagedTimer : public Timer { public: ManagedTimer() : Timer(), count_(0) { timeout.connect(this, &ManagedTimer::timeoutHandler); } void start(int msec) { count_ = 0; start_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); expiration_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point(); Timer::start(msec); } void start(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point deadline) { count_ = 0; start_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); expiration_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point(); Timer::start(deadline); } int jitter() { std::chrono::steady_clock::duration duration = expiration_ - deadline(); return abs(std::chrono::duration_cast(duration).count()); } bool hasFailed() { return isRunning() || count_ != 1 || jitter() > 50; } private: void timeoutHandler(Timer *timer) { expiration_ = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); count_++; } unsigned int count_; std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point start_; std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point expiration_; }; class TimerTest : public Test { protected: int init() { return 0; } int run() { EventDispatcher *dispatcher = Thread::current()->eventDispatcher(); ManagedTimer timer; ManagedTimer timer2; /* Timer expiration. */ timer.start(1000); if (!timer.isRunning()) { cout << "Timer expiration test failed" << endl; return TestFail; } dispatcher->processEvents(); if (timer.hasFailed()) { cout << "Timer expiration test failed" << endl; return TestFail; } /* * 32 bit wrap test * Nanosecond resolution in a 32 bit value wraps at 4.294967 * seconds (0xFFFFFFFF / 1000000) */ timer.start(4295); dispatcher->processEvents(); if (timer.hasFailed()) { cout << "Timer expiration test failed" << endl; return TestFail; } /* Timer restart. */ timer.start(500); if (!timer.isRunning()) { cout << "Timer restart test failed" << endl; return TestFail; } dispatcher->processEvents(); if (timer.hasFailed()) { cout << "Timer restart test failed" << endl; return TestFail; } /* Timer restart before expiration. */ timer.start(50); timer.start(100); timer.start(150); dispatcher->processEvents(); if (timer.hasFailed()) { cout << "Timer restart before expiration test failed" << endl; return TestFail; } /* Timer with absolute deadline. */ timer.start(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(200)); dispatcher->processEvents(); if (timer.hasFailed()) { cout << "Absolute deadline test failed" << endl; return TestFail; } /* Two timers. */ timer.start(1000); timer2.start(300); dispatcher->processEvents(); if (!timer.isRunning()) { cout << "Two timers test failed" << endl; return TestFail; } if (timer2.jitter() > 50) { cout << "Two timers test failed" << endl; return TestFail; } dispatcher->processEvents(); if (timer.jitter() > 50) { cout << "Two timers test failed" << endl; return TestFail; } /* Restart timer before expiration. */ timer.start(1000); timer2.start(300); dispatcher->processEvents(); if (timer2.jitter() > 50) { cout << "Two timers test failed" << endl; return TestFail; } timer.start(1000); dispatcher->processEvents(); if (timer.jitter() > 50) { cout << "Two timers test failed" << endl; return TestFail; } /* * Test that dynamically allocated timers are stopped when * deleted. This will result in a crash on failure. */ ManagedTimer *dyntimer = new ManagedTimer(); dyntimer->start(100); delete dyntimer; timer.start(200); dispatcher->processEvents(); return TestPass; } void cleanup() { } }; TEST_REGISTER(TimerTest) 30' href='#n30'>30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
 * Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc.
 * camera_session.h - Camera capture session

#pragma once

#include <memory>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include <libcamera/base/signal.h>

#include <libcamera/camera.h>
#include <libcamera/camera_manager.h>
#include <libcamera/framebuffer.h>
#include <libcamera/framebuffer_allocator.h>
#include <libcamera/request.h>
#include <libcamera/stream.h>

#include "options.h"

class CaptureScript;
class FrameSink;

class CameraSession
	CameraSession(libcamera::CameraManager *cm,
		      const std::string &cameraId, unsigned int cameraIndex,
		      const OptionsParser::Options &options);

	bool isValid() const { return config_ != nullptr; }
	const OptionsParser::Options &options() { return options_; }

	libcamera::Camera *camera() { return camera_.get(); }
	libcamera::CameraConfiguration *config() { return config_.get(); }

	void listControls() const;
	void listProperties() const;
	void infoConfiguration() const;

	int start();
	void stop();

	libcamera::Signal<> captureDone;

	int startCapture();

	int queueRequest(libcamera::Request *request);
	void requestComplete(libcamera::Request *request);
	void processRequest(libcamera::Request *request);
	void sinkRelease(libcamera::Request *request);

	const OptionsParser::Options &options_;
	std::shared_ptr<libcamera::Camera> camera_;
	std::unique_ptr<libcamera::CameraConfiguration> config_;

	std::unique_ptr<CaptureScript> script_;

	std::map<const libcamera::Stream *, std::string> streamNames_;
	std::unique_ptr<FrameSink> sink_;
	unsigned int cameraIndex_;

	uint64_t last_;

	unsigned int queueCount_;
	unsigned int captureCount_;
	unsigned int captureLimit_;
	bool printMetadata_;

	std::unique_ptr<libcamera::FrameBufferAllocator> allocator_;
	std::vector<std::unique_ptr<libcamera::Request>> requests_;