/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /* * Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc. * * geometry.cpp - Geometry classes tests */ #include <iostream> #include <libcamera/geometry.h> #include "test.h" using namespace std; using namespace libcamera; class GeometryTest : public Test { protected: bool compare(const Size &lhs, const Size &rhs, bool (*op)(const Size &lhs, const Size &rhs), const char *opName, bool expect) { bool result = op(lhs, rhs); if (result != expect) { cout << "Size(" << lhs.width << ", " << lhs.height << ") " << opName << " " << "Size(" << rhs.width << ", " << rhs.height << ") " << "test failed" << std::endl; return false; } return true; } int run() { if (!Size().isNull() || !Size(0, 0).isNull()) { cout << "Null size incorrectly reported as not null" << endl; return TestFail; } if (Size(0, 100).isNull() || Size(100, 0).isNull() || Size(100, 100).isNull()) { cout << "Non-null size incorrectly reported as null" << endl; return TestFail; } /* Test Size equality and inequality. */ if (!compare(Size(100, 100), Size(100, 100), &operator==, "==", true)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(100, 100), Size(100, 100), &operator!=, "!=", false)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(100, 100), Size(200, 100), &operator==, "==", false)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(100, 100), Size(200, 100), &operator!=, "!=", true)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(100, 100), Size(100, 200), &operator==, "==", false)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(100, 100), Size(100, 200), &operator!=, "!=", true)) return TestFail; /* Test Size ordering based on combined with and height. */ if (!compare(Size(100, 100), Size(200, 200), &operator<, "<", true)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(100, 100), Size(200, 200), &operator<=, "<=", true)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(100, 100), Size(200, 200), &operator>, ">", false)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(100, 100), Size(200, 200), &operator>=, ">=", false)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(200, 200), Size(100, 100), &operator<, "<", false)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(200, 200), Size(100, 100), &operator<=, "<=", false)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(200, 200), Size(100, 100), &operator>, ">", true)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(200, 200), Size(100, 100), &operator>=, ">=", true)) return TestFail; /* Test Size ordering based on area (with overlapping sizes). */ if (!compare(Size(200, 100), Size(100, 400), &operator<, "<", true)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(200, 100), Size(100, 400), &operator<=, "<=", true)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(200, 100), Size(100, 400), &operator>, ">", false)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(200, 100), Size(100, 400), &operator>=, ">=", false)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(100, 400), Size(200, 100), &operator<, "<", false)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(100, 400), Size(200, 100), &operator<=, "<=", false)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(100, 400), Size(200, 100), &operator>, ">", true)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(100, 400), Size(200, 100), &operator>=, ">=", true)) return TestFail; /* Test Size ordering based on width (with identical areas). */ if (!compare(Size(100, 200), Size(200, 100), &operator<, "<", true)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(100, 200), Size(200, 100), &operator<=, "<=", true)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(100, 200), Size(200, 100), &operator>, ">", false)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(100, 200), Size(200, 100), &operator>=, ">=", false)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(200, 100), Size(100, 200), &operator<, "<", false)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(200, 100), Size(100, 200), &operator<=, "<=", false)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(200, 100), Size(100, 200), &operator>, ">", true)) return TestFail; if (!compare(Size(200, 100), Size(100, 200), &operator>=, ">=", true)) return TestFail; return TestPass; } }; TEST_REGISTER(GeometryTest)