/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */
 * Copyright (C) 2019, Raspberry Pi Ltd
 * ISP controller interface
#pragma once

 * The Controller is simply a container for a collecting together a number of
 * "control algorithms" (such as AWB etc.) and for running them all in a
 * convenient manner.

#include <vector>
#include <string>

#include <libcamera/base/utils.h>
#include "libcamera/internal/yaml_parser.h"

#include "camera_mode.h"
#include "device_status.h"
#include "metadata.h"
#include "statistics.h"

namespace RPiController {

class Algorithm;
typedef std::unique_ptr<Algorithm> AlgorithmPtr;

 * The Controller holds a pointer to some global_metadata, which is how
 * different controllers and control algorithms within them can exchange
 * information. The Prepare function returns a pointer to metadata for this
 * specific image, and which should be passed on to the Process function.

class Controller
	struct HardwareConfig {
		libcamera::Size agcRegions;
		libcamera::Size agcZoneWeights;
		libcamera::Size awbRegions;
		libcamera::Size cacRegions;
		libcamera::Size focusRegions;
		unsigned int numHistogramBins;
		unsigned int numGammaPoints;
		unsigned int pipelineWidth;
		bool statsInline;
		libcamera::utils::Duration minPixelProcessingTime;
		bool dataBufferStrided;

	int read(char const *filename);
	void initialise();
	void switchMode(CameraMode const &cameraMode, Metadata *metadata);
	void prepare(Metadata *imageMetadata);
	void process(StatisticsPtr stats, Metadata *imageMetadata);
	Metadata &getGlobalMetadata();
	Algorithm *getAlgorithm(std::string const &name) const;
	const std::string &getTarget() const;
	const HardwareConfig &getHardwareConfig() const;

	int createAlgorithm(const std::string &name, const libcamera::YamlObject &params);

	Metadata globalMetadata_;
	std::vector<AlgorithmPtr> algorithms_;
	bool switchModeCalled_;

	std::string target_;

} /* namespace RPiController */