/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ /* * Copyright (C) 2019, Raspberry Pi Ltd * * awb.cpp - AWB control algorithm */ #include #include #include #include "../lux_status.h" #include "awb.h" using namespace RPiController; using namespace libcamera; LOG_DEFINE_CATEGORY(RPiAwb) #define NAME "rpi.awb" static constexpr unsigned int AwbStatsSizeX = DEFAULT_AWB_REGIONS_X; static constexpr unsigned int AwbStatsSizeY = DEFAULT_AWB_REGIONS_Y; /* * todo - the locking in this algorithm needs some tidying up as has been done * elsewhere (ALSC and AGC). */ int AwbMode::read(const libcamera::YamlObject ¶ms) { auto value = params["lo"].get(); if (!value) return -EINVAL; ctLo = *value; value = params["hi"].get(); if (!value) return -EINVAL; ctHi = *value; return 0; } int AwbPrior::read(const libcamera::YamlObject ¶ms) { auto value = params["lux"].get(); if (!value) return -EINVAL; lux = *value; return prior.read(params["prior"]); } static int readCtCurve(Pwl &ctR, Pwl &ctB, const libcamera::YamlObject ¶ms) { if (params.size() % 3) { LOG(RPiAwb, Error) << "AwbConfig: incomplete CT curve entry"; return -EINVAL; } if (params.size() < 6) { LOG(RPiAwb, Error) << "AwbConfig: insufficient points in CT curve"; return -EINVAL; } const auto &list = params.asList(); for (auto it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++) { auto value = it->get(); if (!value) return -EINVAL; double ct = *value; assert(it == list.begin() || ct != ctR.domain().end); value = (++it)->get(); if (!value) return -EINVAL; ctR.append(ct, *value); value = (++it)->get(); if (!value) return -EINVAL; ctB.append(ct, *value); } return 0; } int AwbConfig::read(const libcamera::YamlObject ¶ms) { int ret; bayes = params["bayes"].get(1); framePeriod = params["frame_period"].get(10); startupFrames = params["startup_frames"].get(10); convergenceFrames = params["convergence_frames"].get(3); speed = params["speed"].get(0.05); if (params.contains("ct_curve")) { ret = readCtCurve(ctR, ctB, params["ct_curve"]); if (ret) return ret; /* We will want the inverse functions of these too. */ ctRInverse = ctR.inverse(); ctBInverse = ctB.inverse(); } if (params.contains("priors")) { for (const auto &p : params["priors"].asList()) { AwbPrior prior; ret = prior.read(p); if (ret) return ret; if (!priors.empty() && prior.lux <= priors.back().lux) { LOG(RPiAwb, Error) << "AwbConfig: Prior must be ordered in increasing lux value"; return -EINVAL; } priors.push_back(prior); } if (priors.empty()) { LOG(RPiAwb, Error) << "AwbConfig: no AWB priors configured"; return ret; } } if (params.contains("modes")) { for (const auto &[key, value] : params["modes"].asDict()) { ret = modes[key].read(value); if (ret) return ret; if (defaultMode == nullptr) defaultMode = &modes[key]; } if (defaultMode == nullptr) { LOG(RPiAwb, Error) << "AwbConfig: no AWB modes configured"; return -EINVAL; } } minPixels = params["min_pixels"].get(16.0); minG = params["min_G"].get(32); minRegions = params["min_regions"].get(10); deltaLimit = params["delta_limit"].get(0.2); coarseStep = params["coarse_step"].get(0.2); transversePos = params["transverse_pos"].get(0.01); transverseNeg = params["transverse_neg"].get(0.01); if (transversePos <= 0 || transverseNeg <= 0) { LOG(RPiAwb, Error) << "AwbConfig: transverse_pos/neg must be > 0"; return -EINVAL; } sensitivityR = params["sensitivity_r"].get(1.0); sensitivityB = params["sensitivity_b"].get(1.0); if (bayes) { if (ctR.empty() || ctB.empty() || priors.empty() || defaultMode == nullptr) { LOG(RPiAwb, Warning) << "Bayesian AWB mis-configured - switch to Grey method"; bayes = false; } } fast = params[fast].get(bayes); /* default to fast for Bayesian, otherwise slow */ whitepointR = params["whitepoint_r"].get(0.0); whitepointB = params["whitepoint_b"].get(0.0); if (bayes == false) sensitivityR = sensitivityB = 1.0; /* nor do sensitivities make any sense */ return 0; } Awb::Awb(Controller *controller) : AwbAlgorithm(controller) { asyncAbort_ = asyncStart_ = asyncStarted_ = asyncFinished_ = false; mode_ = nullptr; manualR_ = manualB_ = 0.0; asyncThread_ = std::thread(std::bind(&Awb::asyncFunc, this)); } Awb::~Awb() { { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); asyncAbort_ = true; } asyncSignal_.notify_one(); asyncThread_.join(); } char const *Awb::name() const { return NAME; } int Awb::read(const libcamera::YamlObject ¶ms) { return config_.read(params); } void Awb::initialise() { frameCount_ = framePhase_ = 0; /* * Put something sane into the status that we are filtering towards, * just in case the first few frames don't have anything meaningful in * them. */ if (!config_.ctR.empty() && !config_.ctB.empty()) { syncResults_.temperatureK = config_.ctR.domain().clip(4000); syncResults_.gainR = 1.0 / config_.ctR.eval(syncResults_.temperatureK); syncResults_.gainG = 1.0; syncResults_.gainB = 1.0 / config_.ctB.eval(syncResults_.temperatureK); } else { /* random values just to stop the world blowing up */ syncResults_.temperatureK = 4500; syncResults_.gainR = syncResults_.gainG = syncResults_.gainB = 1.0; } prevSyncResults_ = syncResults_; asyncResults_ = syncResults_; } bool Awb::isPaused() const { return false; } void Awb::pause() { /* "Pause" by fixing everything to the most recent values. */ manualR_ = syncResults_.gainR = prevSyncResults_.gainR; manualB_ = syncResults_.gainB = prevSyncResults_.gainB; syncResults_.gainG = prevSyncResults_.gainG; syncResults_.temperatureK = prevSyncResults_.temperatureK; } void Awb::resume() { manualR_ = 0.0; manualB_ = 0.0; } unsigned int Awb::getConvergenceFrames() const { /* * If not in auto mode, there is no convergence * to happen, so no need to drop any frames - return zero. */ if (!isAutoEnabled()) return 0; else return config_.convergenceFrames; } void Awb::setMode(std::string const &modeName) { modeName_ = modeName; } void Awb::setManualGains(double manualR, double manualB) { /* If any of these are 0.0, we swich back to auto. */ manualR_ = manualR; manualB_ = manualB; /* * If not in auto mode, set these values into the syncResults which * means that Prepare() will adopt them immediately. */ if (!isAutoEnabled()) { syncResults_.gainR = prevSyncResults_.gainR = manualR_; syncResults_.gainG = prevSyncResults_.gainG = 1.0; syncResults_.gainB = prevSyncResults_.gainB = manualB_; if (config_.bayes) { /* Also estimate the best corresponding colour temperature from the curves. */ double ctR = config_.ctRInverse.eval(config_.ctRInverse.domain().clip(1 / manualR_)); double ctB = config_.ctBInverse.eval(config_.ctBInverse.domain().clip(1 / manualB_)); prevSyncResults_.temperatureK = (ctR + ctB) / 2; syncResults_.temperatureK = prevSyncResults_.temperatureK; } } } void Awb::switchMode([[maybe_unused]] CameraMode const &cameraMode, Metadata *metadata) { /* Let other algorithms know the current white balance values. */ metadata->set("awb.status", prevSyncResults_); } bool Awb::isAutoEnabled() const { return manualR_ == 0.0 || manualB_ == 0.0; } void Awb::fetchAsyncResults() { LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "Fetch AWB results"; asyncFinished_ = false; asyncStarted_ = false; /* * It's possible manual gains could be set even while the async * thread was running, so only copy the results if still in auto mode. */ if (isAutoEnabled()) syncResults_ = asyncResults_; } void Awb::restartAsync(StatisticsPtr &stats, double lux) { LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "Starting AWB calculation"; /* this makes a new reference which belongs to the asynchronous thread */ statistics_ = stats; /* store the mode as it could technically change */ auto m = config_.modes.find(modeName_); mode_ = m != config_.modes.end() ? &m->second : (mode_ == nullptr ? config_.defaultMode : mode_); lux_ = lux; framePhase_ = 0; asyncStarted_ = true; size_t len = modeName_.copy(asyncResults_.mode, sizeof(asyncResults_.mode) - 1); asyncResults_.mode[len] = '\0'; { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); asyncStart_ = true; } asyncSignal_.notify_one(); } void Awb::prepare(Metadata *imageMetadata) { if (frameCount_ < (int)config_.startupFrames) frameCount_++; double speed = frameCount_ < (int)config_.startupFrames ? 1.0 : config_.speed; LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "frame_count " << frameCount_ << " speed " << speed; { std::unique_lock lock(mutex_); if (asyncStarted_ && asyncFinished_) fetchAsyncResults(); } /* Finally apply IIR filter to results and put into metadata. */ memcpy(prevSyncResults_.mode, syncResults_.mode, sizeof(prevSyncResults_.mode)); prevSyncResults_.temperatureK = speed * syncResults_.temperatureK + (1.0 - speed) * prevSyncResults_.temperatureK; prevSyncResults_.gainR = speed * syncResults_.gainR + (1.0 - speed) * prevSyncResults_.gainR; prevSyncResults_.gainG = speed * syncResults_.gainG + (1.0 - speed) * prevSyncResults_.gainG; prevSyncResults_.gainB = speed * syncResults_.gainB + (1.0 - speed) * prevSyncResults_.gainB; imageMetadata->set("awb.status", prevSyncResults_); LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "Using AWB gains r " << prevSyncResults_.gainR << " g " << prevSyncResults_.gainG << " b " << prevSyncResults_.gainB; } void Awb::process(StatisticsPtr &stats, Metadata *imageMetadata) { /* Count frames since we last poked the async thread. */ if (framePhase_ < (int)config_.framePeriod) framePhase_++; LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "frame_phase " << framePhase_; /* We do not restart the async thread if we're not in auto mode. */ if (isAutoEnabled() && (framePhase_ >= (int)config_.framePeriod || frameCount_ < (int)config_.startupFrames)) { /* Update any settings and any image metadata that we need. */ struct LuxStatus luxStatus = {}; luxStatus.lux = 400; /* in case no metadata */ if (imageMetadata->get("lux.status", luxStatus) != 0) LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "No lux metadata found"; LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "Awb lux value is " << luxStatus.lux; if (asyncStarted_ == false) restartAsync(stats, luxStatus.lux); } } void Awb::asyncFunc() { while (true) { { std::unique_lock lock(mutex_); asyncSignal_.wait(lock, [&] { return asyncStart_ || asyncAbort_; }); asyncStart_ = false; if (asyncAbort_) break; } doAwb(); { std::lock_guard lock(mutex_); asyncFinished_ = true; } syncSignal_.notify_one(); } } static void generateStats(std::vector &zones, bcm2835_isp_stats_region *stats, double minPixels, double minG) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < AwbStatsSizeX * AwbStatsSizeY; i++) { Awb::RGB zone; double counted = stats[i].counted; if (counted >= minPixels) { zone.G = stats[i].g_sum / counted; if (zone.G >= minG) { zone.R = stats[i].r_sum / counted; zone.B = stats[i].b_sum / counted; zones.push_back(zone); } } } } void Awb::prepareStats() { zones_.clear(); /* * LSC has already been applied to the stats in this pipeline, so stop * any LSC compensation. We also ignore config_.fast in this version. */ generateStats(zones_, statistics_->awb_stats, config_.minPixels, config_.minG); /* * we're done with these; we may as well relinquish our hold on the * pointer. */ statistics_.reset(); /* * apply sensitivities, so values appear to come from our "canonical" * sensor. */ for (auto &zone : zones_) { zone.R *= config_.sensitivityR; zone.B *= config_.sensitivityB; } } double Awb::computeDelta2Sum(double gainR, double gainB) { /* * Compute the sum of the squared colour error (non-greyness) as it * appears in the log likelihood equation. */ double delta2Sum = 0; for (auto &z : zones_) { double deltaR = gainR * z.R - 1 - config_.whitepointR; double deltaB = gainB * z.B - 1 - config_.whitepointB; double delta2 = deltaR * deltaR + deltaB * deltaB; /* LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "deltaR " << deltaR << " deltaB " << deltaB << " delta2 " << delta2; */ delta2 = std::min(delta2, config_.deltaLimit); delta2Sum += delta2; } return delta2Sum; } Pwl Awb::interpolatePrior() { /* * Interpolate the prior log likelihood function for our current lux * value. */ if (lux_ <= config_.priors.front().lux) return config_.priors.front().prior; else if (lux_ >= config_.priors.back().lux) return config_.priors.back().prior; else { int idx = 0; /* find which two we lie between */ while (config_.priors[idx + 1].lux < lux_) idx++; double lux0 = config_.priors[idx].lux, lux1 = config_.priors[idx + 1].lux; return Pwl::combine(config_.priors[idx].prior, config_.priors[idx + 1].prior, [&](double /*x*/, double y0, double y1) { return y0 + (y1 - y0) * (lux_ - lux0) / (lux1 - lux0); }); } } static double interpolateQuadatric(Pwl::Point const &a, Pwl::Point const &b, Pwl::Point const &c) { /* * Given 3 points on a curve, find the extremum of the function in that * interval by fitting a quadratic. */ const double eps = 1e-3; Pwl::Point ca = c - a, ba = b - a; double denominator = 2 * (ba.y * ca.x - ca.y * ba.x); if (abs(denominator) > eps) { double numerator = ba.y * ca.x * ca.x - ca.y * ba.x * ba.x; double result = numerator / denominator + a.x; return std::max(a.x, std::min(c.x, result)); } /* has degenerated to straight line segment */ return a.y < c.y - eps ? a.x : (c.y < a.y - eps ? c.x : b.x); } double Awb::coarseSearch(Pwl const &prior) { points_.clear(); /* assume doesn't deallocate memory */ size_t bestPoint = 0; double t = mode_->ctLo; int spanR = 0, spanB = 0; /* Step down the CT curve evaluating log likelihood. */ while (true) { double r = config_.ctR.eval(t, &spanR); double b = config_.ctB.eval(t, &spanB); double gainR = 1 / r, gainB = 1 / b; double delta2Sum = computeDelta2Sum(gainR, gainB); double priorLogLikelihood = prior.eval(prior.domain().clip(t)); double finalLogLikelihood = delta2Sum - priorLogLikelihood; LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "t: " << t << " gain R " << gainR << " gain B " << gainB << " delta2_sum " << delta2Sum << " prior " << priorLogLikelihood << " final " << finalLogLikelihood; points_.push_back(Pwl::Point(t, finalLogLikelihood)); if (points_.back().y < points_[bestPoint].y) bestPoint = points_.size() - 1; if (t == mode_->ctHi) break; /* for even steps along the r/b curve scale them by the current t */ t = std::min(t + t / 10 * config_.coarseStep, mode_->ctHi); } t = points_[bestPoint].x; LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "Coarse search found CT " << t; /* * We have the best point of the search, but refine it with a quadratic * interpolation around its neighbours. */ if (points_.size() > 2) { unsigned long bp = std::min(bestPoint, points_.size() - 2); bestPoint = std::max(1UL, bp); t = interpolateQuadatric(points_[bestPoint - 1], points_[bestPoint], points_[bestPoint + 1]); LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "After quadratic refinement, coarse search has CT " << t; } return t; } void Awb::fineSearch(double &t, double &r, double &b, Pwl const &prior) { int spanR = -1, spanB = -1; config_.ctR.eval(t, &spanR); config_.ctB.eval(t, &spanB); double step = t / 10 * config_.coarseStep * 0.1; int nsteps = 5; double rDiff = config_.ctR.eval(t + nsteps * step, &spanR) - config_.ctR.eval(t - nsteps * step, &spanR); double bDiff = config_.ctB.eval(t + nsteps * step, &spanB) - config_.ctB.eval(t - nsteps * step, &spanB); Pwl::Point transverse(bDiff, -rDiff); if (transverse.len2() < 1e-6) return; /* * unit vector orthogonal to the b vs. r function (pointing outwards * with r and b increasing) */ transverse = transverse / transverse.len(); double bestLogLikelihood = 0, bestT = 0, bestR = 0, bestB = 0; double transverseRange = config_.transverseNeg + config_.transversePos; const int maxNumDeltas = 12; /* a transverse step approximately every 0.01 r/b units */ int numDeltas = floor(transverseRange * 100 + 0.5) + 1; numDeltas = numDeltas < 3 ? 3 : (numDeltas > maxNumDeltas ? maxNumDeltas : numDeltas); /* * Step down CT curve. March a bit further if the transverse range is * large. */ nsteps += numDeltas; for (int i = -nsteps; i <= nsteps; i++) { double tTest = t + i * step; double priorLogLikelihood = prior.eval(prior.domain().clip(tTest)); double rCurve = config_.ctR.eval(tTest, &spanR); double bCurve = config_.ctB.eval(tTest, &spanB); /* x will be distance off the curve, y the log likelihood there */ Pwl::Point points[maxNumDeltas]; int bestPoint = 0; /* Take some measurements transversely *off* the CT curve. */ for (int j = 0; j < numDeltas; j++) { points[j].x = -config_.transverseNeg + (transverseRange * j) / (numDeltas - 1); Pwl::Point rbTest = Pwl::Point(rCurve, bCurve) + transverse * points[j].x; double rTest = rbTest.x, bTest = rbTest.y; double gainR = 1 / rTest, gainB = 1 / bTest; double delta2Sum = computeDelta2Sum(gainR, gainB); points[j].y = delta2Sum - priorLogLikelihood; LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "At t " << tTest << " r " << rTest << " b " << bTest << ": " << points[j].y; if (points[j].y < points[bestPoint].y) bestPoint = j; } /* * We have NUM_DELTAS points transversely across the CT curve, * now let's do a quadratic interpolation for the best result. */ bestPoint = std::max(1, std::min(bestPoint, numDeltas - 2)); Pwl::Point rbTest = Pwl::Point(rCurve, bCurve) + transverse * interpolateQuadatric(points[bestPoint - 1], points[bestPoint], points[bestPoint + 1]); double rTest = rbTest.x, bTest = rbTest.y; double gainR = 1 / rTest, gainB = 1 / bTest; double delta2Sum = computeDelta2Sum(gainR, gainB); double finalLogLikelihood = delta2Sum - priorLogLikelihood; LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "Finally " << tTest << " r " << rTest << " b " << bTest << ": " << finalLogLikelihood << (finalLogLikelihood < bestLogLikelihood ? " BEST" : ""); if (bestT == 0 || finalLogLikelihood < bestLogLikelihood) bestLogLikelihood = finalLogLikelihood, bestT = tTest, bestR = rTest, bestB = bTest; } t = bestT, r = bestR, b = bestB; LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "Fine search found t " << t << " r " << r << " b " << b; } void Awb::awbBayes() { /* * May as well divide out G to save computeDelta2Sum from doing it over * and over. */ for (auto &z : zones_) z.R = z.R / (z.G + 1), z.B = z.B / (z.G + 1); /* * Get the current prior, and scale according to how many zones are * valid... not entirely sure about this. */ Pwl prior = interpolatePrior(); prior *= zones_.size() / (double)(AwbStatsSizeX * AwbStatsSizeY); prior.map([](double x, double y) { LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "(" << x << "," << y << ")"; }); double t = coarseSearch(prior); double r = config_.ctR.eval(t); double b = config_.ctB.eval(t); LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "After coarse search: r " << r << " b " << b << " (gains r " << 1 / r << " b " << 1 / b << ")"; /* * Not entirely sure how to handle the fine search yet. Mostly the * estimated CT is already good enough, but the fine search allows us to * wander transverely off the CT curve. Under some illuminants, where * there may be more or less green light, this may prove beneficial, * though I probably need more real datasets before deciding exactly how * this should be controlled and tuned. */ fineSearch(t, r, b, prior); LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "After fine search: r " << r << " b " << b << " (gains r " << 1 / r << " b " << 1 / b << ")"; /* * Write results out for the main thread to pick up. Remember to adjust * the gains from the ones that the "canonical sensor" would require to * the ones needed by *this* sensor. */ asyncResults_.temperatureK = t; asyncResults_.gainR = 1.0 / r * config_.sensitivityR; asyncResults_.gainG = 1.0; asyncResults_.gainB = 1.0 / b * config_.sensitivityB; } void Awb::awbGrey() { LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "Grey world AWB"; /* * Make a separate list of the derivatives for each of red and blue, so * that we can sort them to exclude the extreme gains. We could * consider some variations, such as normalising all the zones first, or * doing an L2 average etc. */ std::vector &derivsR(zones_); std::vector derivsB(derivsR); std::sort(derivsR.begin(), derivsR.end(), [](RGB const &a, RGB const &b) { return a.G * b.R < b.G * a.R; }); std::sort(derivsB.begin(), derivsB.end(), [](RGB const &a, RGB const &b) { return a.G * b.B < b.G * a.B; }); /* Average the middle half of the values. */ int discard = derivsR.size() / 4; RGB sumR(0, 0, 0), sumB(0, 0, 0); for (auto ri = derivsR.begin() + discard, bi = derivsB.begin() + discard; ri != derivsR.end() - discard; ri++, bi++) sumR += *ri, sumB += *bi; double gainR = sumR.G / (sumR.R + 1), gainB = sumB.G / (sumB.B + 1); asyncResults_.temperatureK = 4500; /* don't know what it is */ asyncResults_.gainR = gainR; asyncResults_.gainG = 1.0; asyncResults_.gainB = gainB; } void Awb::doAwb() { prepareStats(); LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "Valid zones: " << zones_.size(); if (zones_.size() > config_.minRegions) { if (config_.bayes) awbBayes(); else awbGrey(); LOG(RPiAwb, Debug) << "CT found is " << asyncResults_.temperatureK << " with gains r " << asyncResults_.gainR << " and b " << asyncResults_.gainB; } } /* Register algorithm with the system. */ static Algorithm *create(Controller *controller) { return (Algorithm *)new Awb(controller); } static RegisterAlgorithm reg(NAME, &create); 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
 * Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc.
 * imgu.cpp - Intel IPU3 ImgU

#include "imgu.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>

#include <linux/media-bus-format.h>

#include <libcamera/base/log.h>
#include <libcamera/base/utils.h>

#include <libcamera/formats.h>
#include <libcamera/stream.h>

#include "libcamera/internal/media_device.h"

namespace libcamera {


namespace {

 * The procedure to calculate the ImgU pipe configuration has been ported
 * from the pipe_config.py python script, available at:
 * https://github.com/intel/intel-ipu3-pipecfg
 * at revision: 243d13446e44 ("Fix some bug for some resolutions")

/* BSD scaling factors: min=1, max=2.5, step=1/32 */
const std::vector<float> bdsScalingFactors = {
	1, 1.03125, 1.0625, 1.09375, 1.125, 1.15625, 1.1875, 1.21875, 1.25,
	1.28125, 1.3125, 1.34375, 1.375, 1.40625, 1.4375, 1.46875, 1.5, 1.53125,
	1.5625, 1.59375, 1.625, 1.65625, 1.6875, 1.71875, 1.75, 1.78125, 1.8125,
	1.84375, 1.875, 1.90625, 1.9375, 1.96875, 2, 2.03125, 2.0625, 2.09375,
	2.125, 2.15625, 2.1875, 2.21875, 2.25, 2.28125, 2.3125, 2.34375, 2.375,
	2.40625, 2.4375, 2.46875, 2.5

/* GDC scaling factors: min=1, max=16, step=1/4 */
const std::vector<float> gdcScalingFactors = {
	1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.25, 3.5, 3.75, 4, 4.25,
	4.5, 4.75, 5, 5.25, 5.5, 5.75, 6, 6.25, 6.5, 6.75, 7, 7.25, 7.5, 7.75,
	8, 8.25, 8.5, 8.75, 9, 9.25, 9.5, 9.75, 10, 10.25, 10.5, 10.75, 11,
	11.25, 11.5, 11.75, 12, 12.25, 12.5, 12.75, 13, 13.25, 13.5, 13.75, 14,
	14.25, 14.5, 14.75, 15, 15.25, 15.5, 15.75, 16,

std::vector<ImgUDevice::PipeConfig> pipeConfigs;

struct FOV {
	float w;
	float h;

	bool isLarger(const FOV &other)
		if (w > other.w)
			return true;
		if (w == other.w && h > other.h)
			return true;
		return false;

/* Approximate a scaling factor sf to the closest one available in a range. */
float findScaleFactor(float sf, const std::vector<float> &range,
		      bool roundDown = false)
	if (sf <= range[0])
		return range[0];
	if (sf >= range[range.size() - 1])
		return range[range.size() - 1];