/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ /* * Copyright (C) 2019, Raspberry Pi (Trading) Limited * * cam_helper_ov5647.cpp - camera information for ov5647 sensor */ #include <assert.h> #include "cam_helper.hpp" using namespace RPiController; class CamHelperOv5647 : public CamHelper { public: CamHelperOv5647(); uint32_t GainCode(double gain) const override; double Gain(uint32_t gain_code) const override; void GetDelays(int &exposure_delay, int &gain_delay, int &vblank_delay) const override; unsigned int HideFramesStartup() const override; unsigned int HideFramesModeSwitch() const override; unsigned int MistrustFramesStartup() const override; unsigned int MistrustFramesModeSwitch() const override; private: /* * Smallest difference between the frame length and integration time, * in units of lines. */ static constexpr int frameIntegrationDiff = 4; }; /* * OV5647 doesn't output metadata, so we have to use the "unicam parser" which * works by counting frames. */ CamHelperOv5647::CamHelperOv5647() : CamHelper(nullptr, frameIntegrationDiff) { } uint32_t CamHelperOv5647::GainCode(double gain) const { return static_cast<uint32_t>(gain * 16.0); } double CamHelperOv5647::Gain(uint32_t gain_code) const { return static_cast<double>(gain_code) / 16.0; } void CamHelperOv5647::GetDelays(int &exposure_delay, int &gain_delay, int &vblank_delay) const { /* * We run this sensor in a mode where the gain delay is bumped up to * 2. It seems to be the only way to make the delays "predictable". */ exposure_delay = 2; gain_delay = 2; vblank_delay = 2; } unsigned int CamHelperOv5647::HideFramesStartup() const { /* * On startup, we get a couple of under-exposed frames which * we don't want shown. */ return 2; } unsigned int CamHelperOv5647::HideFramesModeSwitch() const { /* * After a mode switch, we get a couple of under-exposed frames which * we don't want shown. */ return 2; } unsigned int CamHelperOv5647::MistrustFramesStartup() const { /* * First couple of frames are under-exposed and are no good for control * algos. */ return 2; } unsigned int CamHelperOv5647::MistrustFramesModeSwitch() const { /* * First couple of frames are under-exposed even after a simple * mode switch, and are no good for control algos. */ return 2; } static CamHelper *Create() { return new CamHelperOv5647(); } static RegisterCamHelper reg("ov5647", &Create); 8eeaebc4db79c373d8'>root</a>/<a href='/libcamera/vivid.git/tree/src?id=40f5fddca7f774944a53f58eeaebc4db79c373d8'>src</a>/<a href='/libcamera/vivid.git/tree/src/qcam?id=40f5fddca7f774944a53f58eeaebc4db79c373d8'>qcam</a>/<a href='/libcamera/vivid.git/tree/src/qcam/assets?id=40f5fddca7f774944a53f58eeaebc4db79c373d8'>assets</a>/<a href='/libcamera/vivid.git/tree/src/qcam/assets/feathericons?id=40f5fddca7f774944a53f58eeaebc4db79c373d8'>feathericons</a>/<a href='/libcamera/vivid.git/tree/src/qcam/assets/feathericons/circle.svg?id=40f5fddca7f774944a53f58eeaebc4db79c373d8'>circle.svg</a></div><div class='content'>blob: b0090882ba6fab2ef83446256fd0c72e910e62d9 (<a href='/libcamera/vivid.git/plain/src/qcam/assets/feathericons/circle.svg?id=40f5fddca7f774944a53f58eeaebc4db79c373d8'>plain</a>) <table summary='blob content' class='blob'> <tr><td class='linenumbers'><pre><a id='n1' href='#n1'>1</a> </pre></td> <td class='lines'><pre><code>