/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ /* * Copyright (C) 2024, Jaslo Ziska * * GStreamer Camera Controls * * This file is auto-generated. Do not edit. */ #include <vector> #include <libcamera/control_ids.h> #include <libcamera/controls.h> #include <libcamera/geometry.h> #include "gstlibcamera-controls.h" using namespace libcamera; static void value_set_rectangle(GValue *value, const Rectangle &rect) { Point top_left = rect.topLeft(); Size size = rect.size(); GValue x = G_VALUE_INIT; g_value_init(&x, G_TYPE_INT); g_value_set_int(&x, top_left.x); gst_value_array_append_and_take_value(value, &x); GValue y = G_VALUE_INIT; g_value_init(&y, G_TYPE_INT); g_value_set_int(&y, top_left.y); gst_value_array_append_and_take_value(value, &y); GValue width = G_VALUE_INIT; g_value_init(&width, G_TYPE_INT); g_value_set_int(&width, size.width); gst_value_array_append_and_take_value(value, &width); GValue height = G_VALUE_INIT; g_value_init(&height, G_TYPE_INT); g_value_set_int(&height, size.height); gst_value_array_append_and_take_value(value, &height); } static Rectangle value_get_rectangle(const GValue *value) { const GValue *r; r = gst_value_array_get_value(value, 0); int x = g_value_get_int(r); r = gst_value_array_get_value(value, 1); int y = g_value_get_int(r); r = gst_value_array_get_value(value, 2); int w = g_value_get_int(r); r = gst_value_array_get_value(value, 3); int h = g_value_get_int(r); return Rectangle(x, y, w, h); } {% for vendor, ctrls in controls %} {%- for ctrl in ctrls if ctrl.is_enum %} static const GEnumValue {{ ctrl.name|snake_case }}_types[] = { {%- for enum in ctrl.enum_values %} { controls::{{ ctrl.namespace }}{{ enum.name }}, {{ enum.description|format_description|indent_str('\t\t') }}, "{{ enum.gst_name }}" }, {%- endfor %} {0, NULL, NULL} }; #define TYPE_{{ ctrl.name|snake_case|upper }} \ ({{ ctrl.name|snake_case }}_get_type()) static GType {{ ctrl.name|snake_case }}_get_type() { static GType {{ ctrl.name|snake_case }}_type = 0; if (!{{ ctrl.name|snake_case }}_type) {{ ctrl.name|snake_case }}_type = g_enum_register_static("{{ ctrl.name }}", {{ ctrl.name|snake_case }}_types); return {{ ctrl.name|snake_case }}_type; } {% endfor %} {%- endfor %} void GstCameraControls::installProperties(GObjectClass *klass, int lastPropId) { {%- for vendor, ctrls in controls %} {%- for ctrl in ctrls %} {%- set spec %} {%- if ctrl.is_rectangle -%} gst_param_spec_array( {%- else -%} g_param_spec_{{ ctrl.gtype }}( {%- endif -%} {%- if ctrl.is_array %} "{{ ctrl.vendor_prefix }}{{ ctrl.name|kebab_case }}-value", "{{ ctrl.name }} Value", "One {{ ctrl.name }} element value", {%- else %} "{{ ctrl.vendor_prefix }}{{ ctrl.name|kebab_case }}", "{{ ctrl.name }}", {{ ctrl.description|format_description|indent_str('\t') }}, {%- endif %} {%- if ctrl.is_enum %} TYPE_{{ ctrl.name|snake_case|upper }}, {{ ctrl.default }}, {%- elif ctrl.is_rectangle %} g_param_spec_int( "rectangle-value", "Rectangle Value", "One rectangle value, either x, y, width or height.", {{ ctrl.min }}, {{ ctrl.max }}, {{ ctrl.default }}, (GParamFlags) (GST_PARAM_CONTROLLABLE | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS) ), {%- elif ctrl.gtype == 'boolean' %} {{ ctrl.default }}, {%- elif ctrl.gtype in ['float', 'int', 'int64', 'uchar'] %} {{ ctrl.min }}, {{ ctrl.max }}, {{ ctrl.default }}, {%- endif %} (GParamFlags) (GST_PARAM_CONTROLLABLE | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS) ) {%- endset %} g_object_class_install_property( klass, lastPropId + controls::{{ ctrl.namespace }}{{ ctrl.name|snake_case|upper }}, {%- if ctrl.is_array %} gst_param_spec_array( "{{ ctrl.vendor_prefix }}{{ ctrl.name|kebab_case }}", "{{ ctrl.name }}", {{ ctrl.description|format_description|indent_str('\t\t\t') }}, {{ spec|indent_str('\t\t\t') }}, (GParamFlags) (GST_PARAM_CONTROLLABLE | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS) ) {%- else %} {{ spec|indent_str('\t\t') }} {%- endif %} ); {%- endfor %} {%- endfor %} } bool GstCameraControls::getProperty(guint propId, GValue *value, [[maybe_unused]] GParamSpec *pspec) { if (!controls_acc_.contains(propId)) { GST_WARNING("Control '%s' is not available, default value will " "be returned", controls::controls.at(propId)->name().c_str()); return true; } const ControlValue &cv = controls_acc_.get(propId); switch (propId) { {%- for vendor, ctrls in controls %} {%- for ctrl in ctrls %} case controls::{{ ctrl.namespace }}{{ ctrl.name|snake_case|upper }}: { auto control = cv.get<{{ ctrl.type }}>(); {%- if ctrl.is_array %} for (size_t i = 0; i < control.size(); ++i) { GValue element = G_VALUE_INIT; {%- if ctrl.is_rectangle %} g_value_init(&element, GST_TYPE_PARAM_ARRAY_LIST); value_set_rectangle(&element, control[i]); {%- else %} g_value_init(&element, G_TYPE_{{ ctrl.gtype|upper }}); g_value_set_{{ ctrl.gtype }}(&element, control[i]); {%- endif %} gst_value_array_append_and_take_value(value, &element); } {%- else %} {%- if ctrl.is_rectangle %} value_set_rectangle(value, control); {%- else %} g_value_set_{{ ctrl.gtype }}(value, control); {%- endif %} {%- endif %} return true; } {%- endfor %} {%- endfor %} default: return false; } } bool GstCameraControls::setProperty(guint propId, const GValue *value, [[maybe_unused]] GParamSpec *pspec) { /* * Check whether the camera capabilities are already available. * They might not be available if the pipeline has not started yet. */ if (!capabilities_.empty()) { /* If so, check that the control is supported by the camera. */ const ControlId *cid = capabilities_.idmap().at(propId); auto info = capabilities_.find(cid); if (info == capabilities_.end()) { GST_WARNING("Control '%s' is not supported by the " "camera and will be ignored", cid->name().c_str()); return true; } } switch (propId) { {%- for vendor, ctrls in controls %} {%- for ctrl in ctrls %} case controls::{{ ctrl.namespace }}{{ ctrl.name|snake_case|upper }}: { ControlValue control; {%- if ctrl.is_array %} size_t size = gst_value_array_get_size(value); {%- if ctrl.size != 0 %} if (size != {{ ctrl.size }}) { GST_ERROR("Incorrect array size for control " "'{{ ctrl.name|kebab_case }}', must be of " "size {{ ctrl.size }}"); return true; } {%- endif %} std::vector<{{ ctrl.element_type }}> values(size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { const GValue *element = gst_value_array_get_value(value, i); {%- if ctrl.is_rectangle %} if (gst_value_array_get_size(element) != 4) { GST_ERROR("Rectangle in control " "'{{ ctrl.name|kebab_case }}' at" "index %zu must be an array of size 4", i); return true; } values[i] = value_get_rectangle(element); {%- else %} values[i] = g_value_get_{{ ctrl.gtype }}(element); {%- endif %} } {%- if ctrl.size == 0 %} control.set(Span<const {{ ctrl.element_type }}>(values.data(), size)); {%- else %} control.set(Span<const {{ ctrl.element_type }}, {{ ctrl.size }}>(values.data(), {{ ctrl.size }})); {%- endif %} {%- else %} {%- if ctrl.is_rectangle %} if (gst_value_array_get_size(value) != 4) { GST_ERROR("Rectangle in control " "'{{ ctrl.name|kebab_case }}' must be an " "array of size 4"); return true; } Rectangle val = value_get_rectangle(value); {%- else %} auto val = g_value_get_{{ ctrl.gtype }}(value); {%- endif %} control.set(val); {%- endif %} controls_.set(propId, control); controls_acc_.set(propId, control); return true; } {%- endfor %} {%- endfor %} default: return false; } } void GstCameraControls::setCamera(const std::shared_ptr<libcamera::Camera> &cam) { capabilities_ = cam->controls(); /* * Check the controls which were set before the camera capabilities were * known. This is required because GStreamer may set properties before * the pipeline has started and thus before the camera was known. */ ControlList new_controls; for (auto control = controls_acc_.begin(); control != controls_acc_.end(); ++control) { unsigned int id = control->first; ControlValue value = control->second; const ControlId *cid = capabilities_.idmap().at(id); auto info = capabilities_.find(cid); /* Only add controls which are supported. */ if (info != capabilities_.end()) new_controls.set(id, value); else GST_WARNING("Control '%s' is not supported by the " "camera and will be ignored", cid->name().c_str()); } controls_acc_ = new_controls; controls_ = new_controls; } void GstCameraControls::applyControls(std::unique_ptr<libcamera::Request> &request) { request->controls().merge(controls_); controls_.clear(); } void GstCameraControls::readMetadata(libcamera::Request *request) { controls_acc_.merge(request->metadata(), ControlList::MergePolicy::OverwriteExisting); }