/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ /* * Copyright (C) 2021, Google Inc. * * post_processor_yuv.cpp - Post Processor using libyuv */ #include "post_processor_yuv.h" #include <libyuv/scale.h> #include <libcamera/base/log.h> #include <libcamera/formats.h> #include <libcamera/geometry.h> #include <libcamera/pixel_format.h> #include "libcamera/internal/formats.h" #include "libcamera/internal/mapped_framebuffer.h" using namespace libcamera; LOG_DEFINE_CATEGORY(YUV) int PostProcessorYuv::configure(const StreamConfiguration &inCfg, const StreamConfiguration &outCfg) { if (inCfg.pixelFormat != outCfg.pixelFormat) { LOG(YUV, Error) << "Pixel format conversion is not supported" << " (from " << inCfg.pixelFormat.toString() << " to " << outCfg.pixelFormat.toString() << ")"; return -EINVAL; } if (inCfg.size < outCfg.size) { LOG(YUV, Error) << "Up-scaling is not supported" << " (from " << inCfg.size.toString() << " to " << outCfg.size.toString() << ")"; return -EINVAL; } if (inCfg.pixelFormat != formats::NV12) { LOG(YUV, Error) << "Unsupported format " << inCfg.pixelFormat << " (only NV12 is supported)"; return -EINVAL; } calculateLengths(inCfg, outCfg); return 0; } int PostProcessorYuv::process(const FrameBuffer &source, CameraBuffer *destination, [[maybe_unused]] const CameraMetadata &requestMetadata, [[maybe_unused]] CameraMetadata *metadata) { if (!isValidBuffers(source, *destination)) return -EINVAL; const MappedFrameBuffer sourceMapped(&source, MappedFrameBuffer::MapFlag::Read); if (!sourceMapped.isValid()) { LOG(YUV, Error) << "Failed to mmap camera frame buffer"; return -EINVAL; } int ret = libyuv::NV12Scale(sourceMapped.maps()[0].data(), sourceStride_[0], sourceMapped.maps()[1].data(), sourceStride_[1], sourceSize_.width, sourceSize_.height, destination->plane(0).data(), destinationStride_[0], destination->plane(1).data(), destinationStride_[1], destinationSize_.width, destinationSize_.height, libyuv::FilterMode::kFilterBilinear); if (ret) { LOG(YUV, Error) << "Failed NV12 scaling: " << ret; return -EINVAL; } return 0; } bool PostProcessorYuv::isValidBuffers(const FrameBuffer &source, const CameraBuffer &destination) const { if (source.planes().size() != 2) { LOG(YUV, Error) << "Invalid number of source planes: " << source.planes().size(); return false; } if (destination.numPlanes() != 2) { LOG(YUV, Error) << "Invalid number of destination planes: " << destination.numPlanes(); return false; } if (source.planes()[0].length < sourceLength_[0] || source.planes()[1].length < sourceLength_[1]) { LOG(YUV, Error) << "The source planes lengths are too small, actual size: {" << source.planes()[0].length << ", " << source.planes()[1].length << "}, expected size: {" << sourceLength_[0] << ", " << sourceLength_[1] << "}"; return false; } if (destination.plane(0).size() < destinationLength_[0] || destination.plane(1).size() < destinationLength_[1]) { LOG(YUV, Error) << "The destination planes lengths are too small, actual size: {" << destination.plane(0).size() << ", " << destination.plane(1).size() << "}, expected size: {" << sourceLength_[0] << ", " << sourceLength_[1] << "}"; return false; } return true; } void PostProcessorYuv::calculateLengths(const StreamConfiguration &inCfg, const StreamConfiguration &outCfg) { sourceSize_ = inCfg.size; destinationSize_ = outCfg.size; const PixelFormatInfo &nv12Info = PixelFormatInfo::info(formats::NV12); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { sourceStride_[i] = inCfg.stride; destinationStride_[i] = nv12Info.stride(destinationSize_.width, i, 1); const unsigned int vertSubSample = nv12Info.planes[i].verticalSubSampling; sourceLength_[i] = sourceStride_[i] * ((sourceSize_.height + vertSubSample - 1) / vertSubSample); destinationLength_[i] = destinationStride_[i] * ((destinationSize_.height + vertSubSample - 1) / vertSubSample); } }