path: root/test/v4l2_device/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-03-01test: v4l2_device: Add format handling testJacopo Mondi
Add test for V4L2Device set and get format methods. Reviewed-by: Kieran Bingham <> Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Signed-off-by: Jacopo Mondi <>
2019-02-13test: v4l2_device: Provide buffer sharing testKieran Bingham
Obtain two V4L2Devices and use one to obtain a BufferPool. Propagate the formats from the first to the second device and then commence sending buffers between the two devices in a ping-pong fashion. Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Signed-off-by: Kieran Bingham <>
2019-02-06test: v4l2_device: Provide asynchronous capture testKieran Bingham
Utilise the event_dispatcher to create a default event loop, and process asynchronous buffer receive events. If no frames are captured in 5 seconds, the test will fail. It will also fail if less than 30 frames have been captured in the same timeout period. Signed-off-by: Kieran Bingham <> Signed-off-by: Jacopo Mondi <> Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Signed-off-by: Niklas Söderlund <>
2019-02-06test: v4l2_device: Add StreamOn/StreamOff testKieran Bingham
Provide a small test to exercise the streamOn() and streamOff() calls. 8 buffers are requested locally. Signed-off-by: Kieran Bingham <> Signed-off-by: Jacopo Mondi <> Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Signed-off-by: Niklas Söderlund <>
2019-02-06test: v4l2_device: Add request_buffers testKieran Bingham
Add a utility to the test suite to request and allocate buffers from a V4L2Device to ensure it functions correctly. Signed-off-by: Kieran Bingham <> Signed-off-by: Jacopo Mondi <> Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Signed-off-by: Niklas Söderlund <>
2019-01-17test: v4l2_device: Add test suite and initial testKieran Bingham
Provide a base class to construct a v4l2_device object for further tests and an initial test which validates the FD handle can not be leaked. Reviewed-by: Niklas Söderlund <> Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Signed-off-by: Kieran Bingham <>
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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
 * Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc.
 * camera_hal_manager.cpp - libcamera Android Camera Manager

#include "camera_hal_manager.h"

#include <libcamera/base/log.h>

#include <libcamera/camera.h>
#include <libcamera/property_ids.h>

#include "camera_device.h"

using namespace libcamera;


 * \class CameraHalManager
 * The HAL camera manager is initializated at camera_module_t 'hal_init()' time
 * and spawns its own thread where libcamera related events are dispatched to.
 * It wraps the libcamera CameraManager operations and provides helpers for the
 * camera_module_t operations, to retrieve the number of cameras in the system,
 * their static information and to open camera devices.

	: cameraManager_(nullptr), callbacks_(nullptr), numInternalCameras_(0),

/* CameraManager calls stop() in the destructor. */
CameraHalManager::~CameraHalManager() = default;

/* static */
CameraHalManager *CameraHalManager::instance()
	static CameraHalManager *cameraHalManager = new CameraHalManager;
	return cameraHalManager;

int CameraHalManager::init()
	cameraManager_ = std::make_unique<CameraManager>();

	 * If the configuration file is not available the HAL only supports
	 * external cameras. If it exists but it's not valid then error out.
	if (halConfig_.exists() && !halConfig_.isValid()) {
		LOG(HAL, Error) << "HAL configuration file is not valid";
		return -EINVAL;

	/* Support camera hotplug. */
	cameraManager_->cameraAdded.connect(this, &CameraHalManager::cameraAdded);
	cameraManager_->cameraRemoved.connect(this, &CameraHalManager::cameraRemoved);

	int ret = cameraManager_->start();
	if (ret) {
		LOG(HAL, Error) << "Failed to start camera manager: "
				<< strerror(-ret);
		return ret;

	return 0;

std::tuple<CameraDevice *, int>
CameraHalManager::open(unsigned int id, const hw_module_t *hardwareModule)
	MutexLocker locker(mutex_);

	if (!callbacks_) {
		LOG(HAL, Error) << "Can't open camera before callbacks are set";
		return { nullptr, -ENODEV };

	CameraDevice *camera = cameraDeviceFromHalId(id);
	if (!camera) {
		LOG(HAL, Error) << "Invalid camera id '" << id << "'";
		return { nullptr, -ENODEV };

	int ret = camera->open(hardwareModule);
	if (ret)
		return { nullptr, ret };

	LOG(HAL, Info) << "Open camera '" << id << "'";

	return { camera, 0 };

void CameraHalManager::cameraAdded(std::shared_ptr<Camera> cam)
	unsigned int id;
	bool isCameraExternal = false;
	bool isCameraNew = false;

	MutexLocker locker(mutex_);

	 * Each camera is assigned a unique integer ID when it is seen for the
	 * first time. If the camera has been seen before, the previous ID is
	 * re-used.
	 * IDs starts from '0' for internal cameras and '1000' for external
	 * cameras.
	auto iter = cameraIdsMap_.find(cam->id());
	if (iter != cameraIdsMap_.end()) {
		id = iter->second;
		if (id >= firstExternalCameraId_)
			isCameraExternal = true;
	} else {
		isCameraNew = true;

		 * Now check if this is an external camera and assign
		 * its id accordingly.
		if (cameraLocation(cam.get()) == properties::CameraLocationExternal) {
			isCameraExternal = true;
			id = nextExternalCameraId_;
		} else {
			id = numInternalCameras_;

	 * The configuration file must be valid, and contain a corresponding
	 * entry for internal cameras. External cameras can be initialized
	 * without configuration file.
	if (!isCameraExternal && !halConfig_.exists()) {
		LOG(HAL, Error)
			<< "HAL configuration file is mandatory for internal cameras";

	const CameraConfigData *cameraConfigData = halConfig_.cameraConfigData(cam->id());

	 * Some cameras whose location is reported by libcamera as external may
	 * actually be internal to the device. This is common with UVC cameras
	 * that are integrated in a laptop. In that case the real location
	 * should be specified in the configuration file.
	 * If the camera location is external and a configuration entry exists
	 * for it, override its location.
	if (isCameraNew && isCameraExternal) {
		if (cameraConfigData && cameraConfigData->facing != -1) {
			isCameraExternal = false;
			id = numInternalCameras_;

	if (!isCameraExternal && !cameraConfigData) {
		LOG(HAL, Error)
			<< "HAL configuration entry for internal camera "
			<< cam->id() << " is missing";

	/* Create a CameraDevice instance to wrap the libcamera Camera. */
	std::unique_ptr<CameraDevice> camera = CameraDevice::create(id, cam);

	int ret = camera->initialize(cameraConfigData);
	if (ret) {
		LOG(HAL, Error) << "Failed to initialize camera: " << cam->id();

	if (isCameraNew) {
		cameraIdsMap_.emplace(cam->id(), id);

		if (isCameraExternal)


	if (callbacks_)
		callbacks_->camera_device_status_change(callbacks_, id,

	LOG(HAL, Debug) << "Camera ID: " << id << " added successfully.";

void CameraHalManager::cameraRemoved(std::shared_ptr<Camera> cam)
	MutexLocker locker(mutex_);

	auto iter = std::find_if(cameras_.begin(), cameras_.end(),
				 [&cam](const std::unique_ptr<CameraDevice> &camera) {
					 return cam == camera->camera();
	if (iter == cameras_.end())

	 * CAMERA_DEVICE_STATUS_NOT_PRESENT should be set for external cameras
	 * only.
	unsigned int id = (*iter)->id();
	if (id >= firstExternalCameraId_)
		callbacks_->camera_device_status_change(callbacks_, id,

	 * \todo Check if the camera is already open and running.
	 * Inform the framework about its absence before deleting its
	 * reference here.

	LOG(HAL, Debug) << "Camera ID: " << id << " removed successfully.";

int32_t CameraHalManager::cameraLocation(const Camera *cam)
	const ControlList &properties = cam->properties();
	if (!properties.contains(properties::Location))
		return -1;

	return properties.get(properties::Location);

CameraDevice *CameraHalManager::cameraDeviceFromHalId(unsigned int id)
	auto iter = std::find_if(cameras_.begin(), cameras_.end(),
				 [id](const std::unique_ptr<CameraDevice> &camera) {
					 return camera->id() == id;
	if (iter == cameras_.end())
		return nullptr;

	return iter->get();

unsigned int CameraHalManager::numCameras() const
	return numInternalCameras_;

int CameraHalManager::getCameraInfo(unsigned int id, struct camera_info *info)
	if (!info)
		return -EINVAL;

	MutexLocker locker(mutex_);

	CameraDevice *camera = cameraDeviceFromHalId(id);
	if (!camera) {
		LOG(HAL, Error) << "Invalid camera id '" << id << "'";
		return -EINVAL;

	info->facing = camera->facing();
	info->orientation = camera->orientation();
	info->device_version = CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_3;
	info->resource_cost = 0;
	info->static_camera_characteristics = camera->getStaticMetadata();
	info->conflicting_devices = nullptr;
	info->conflicting_devices_length = 0;

	return 0;

void CameraHalManager::setCallbacks(const camera_module_callbacks_t *callbacks)
	callbacks_ = callbacks;

	MutexLocker locker(mutex_);

	 * Some external cameras may have been identified before the callbacks_
	 * were set. Iterate all existing external cameras and mark them as
	 * Internal cameras are already assumed to be present at module load
	 * time by the Android framework.
	for (const std::unique_ptr<CameraDevice> &camera : cameras_) {
		unsigned int id = camera->id();