/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */
 * Copyright (C) 2019, Raspberry Pi (Trading) Limited
 * lux.cpp - Lux control algorithm
#include <math.h>

#include <linux/bcm2835-isp.h>

#include <libcamera/base/log.h>

#include "../device_status.h"

#include "lux.hpp"

using namespace RPiController;
using namespace libcamera;
using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;


#define NAME "rpi.lux"

Lux::Lux(Controller *controller)
	: Algorithm(controller)
	// Put in some defaults as there will be no meaningful values until
	// Process has run.
	status_.aperture = 1.0;
	status_.lux = 400;

char const *Lux::Name() const
	return NAME;

void Lux::Read(boost::property_tree::ptree const &params)
	reference_shutter_speed_ =
		params.get<double>("reference_shutter_speed") * 1.0us;
	reference_gain_ = params.get<double>("reference_gain");
	reference_aperture_ = params.get<double>("reference_aperture", 1.0);
	reference_Y_ = params.get<double>("reference_Y");
	reference_lux_ = params.get<double>("reference_lux");
	current_aperture_ = reference_aperture_;

void Lux::SetCurrentAperture(double aperture)
	current_aperture_ = aperture;

void Lux::Prepare(Metadata *image_metadata)
	std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
	image_metadata->Set("lux.status", status_);

void Lux::Process(StatisticsPtr &stats, Metadata *image_metadata)
	DeviceStatus device_status;
	if (image_metadata->Get("device.status", device_status) == 0) {
		double current_gain = device_status.analogue_gain;
		double current_aperture = device_status.aperture.value_or(current_aperture_);
		uint64_t sum = 0;
		uint32_t num = 0;
		uint32_t *bin = stats->hist[0].g_hist;
		const int num_bins = sizeof(stats->hist[0].g_hist) /
		for (int i = 0; i < num_bins; i++)
			sum += bin[i] * (uint64_t)i, num += bin[i];
		// add .5 to reflect the mid-points of bins
		double current_Y = sum / (double)num + .5;
		double gain_ratio = reference_gain_ / current_gain;
		double shutter_speed_ratio =
			reference_shutter_speed_ / device_status.shutter_speed;
		double aperture_ratio = reference_aperture_ / current_aperture;
		double Y_ratio = current_Y * (65536 / num_bins) / reference_Y_;
		double estimated_lux = shutter_speed_ratio * gain_ratio *
				       aperture_ratio * aperture_ratio *
				       Y_ratio * reference_lux_;
		LuxStatus status;
		status.lux = estimated_lux;
		status.aperture = current_aperture;
		LOG(RPiLux, Debug) << ": estimated lux " << estimated_lux;
			std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
			status_ = status;
		// Overwrite the metadata here as well, so that downstream
		// algorithms get the latest value.
		image_metadata->Set("lux.status", status);
	} else
		LOG(RPiLux, Warning) << ": no device metadata";

// Register algorithm with the system.
static Algorithm *Create(Controller *controller)
	return (Algorithm *)new Lux(controller);
static RegisterAlgorithm reg(NAME, &Create);