path: root/src/libcamera/pipeline/rpi/vc4/vc4.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libcamera/pipeline/rpi/vc4/vc4.cpp')
1 files changed, 973 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libcamera/pipeline/rpi/vc4/vc4.cpp b/src/libcamera/pipeline/rpi/vc4/vc4.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3a40326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libcamera/pipeline/rpi/vc4/vc4.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,973 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
+ * Copyright (C) 2019-2023, Raspberry Pi Ltd
+ *
+ * vc4.cpp - Pipeline handler for VC4-based Raspberry Pi devices
+ */
+#include <linux/bcm2835-isp.h>
+#include <linux/v4l2-controls.h>
+#include <linux/videodev2.h>
+#include <libcamera/formats.h>
+#include "libcamera/internal/device_enumerator.h"
+#include "../common/pipeline_base.h"
+#include "../common/rpi_stream.h"
+#include "dma_heaps.h"
+using namespace std::chrono_literals;
+namespace libcamera {
+namespace {
+enum class Unicam : unsigned int { Image, Embedded };
+enum class Isp : unsigned int { Input, Output0, Output1, Stats };
+} /* namespace */
+class Vc4CameraData final : public RPi::CameraData
+ Vc4CameraData(PipelineHandler *pipe)
+ : RPi::CameraData(pipe)
+ {
+ }
+ ~Vc4CameraData()
+ {
+ freeBuffers();
+ }
+ V4L2VideoDevice::Formats ispFormats() const override
+ {
+ return isp_[Isp::Output0].dev()->formats();
+ }
+ V4L2VideoDevice::Formats rawFormats() const override
+ {
+ return unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev()->formats();
+ }
+ V4L2VideoDevice *frontendDevice() override
+ {
+ return unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev();
+ }
+ void platformFreeBuffers() override
+ {
+ }
+ CameraConfiguration::Status platformValidate(std::vector<StreamParams> &rawStreams,
+ std::vector<StreamParams> &outStreams) const override;
+ int platformPipelineConfigure(const std::unique_ptr<YamlObject> &root) override;
+ void platformStart() override;
+ void platformStop() override;
+ void unicamBufferDequeue(FrameBuffer *buffer);
+ void ispInputDequeue(FrameBuffer *buffer);
+ void ispOutputDequeue(FrameBuffer *buffer);
+ void processStatsComplete(const ipa::RPi::BufferIds &buffers);
+ void prepareIspComplete(const ipa::RPi::BufferIds &buffers);
+ void setIspControls(const ControlList &controls);
+ void setCameraTimeout(uint32_t maxFrameLengthMs);
+ /* Array of Unicam and ISP device streams and associated buffers/streams. */
+ RPi::Device<Unicam, 2> unicam_;
+ RPi::Device<Isp, 4> isp_;
+ /* DMAHEAP allocation helper. */
+ RPi::DmaHeap dmaHeap_;
+ SharedFD lsTable_;
+ struct Config {
+ /*
+ * The minimum number of internal buffers to be allocated for
+ * the Unicam Image stream.
+ */
+ unsigned int minUnicamBuffers;
+ /*
+ * The minimum total (internal + external) buffer count used for
+ * the Unicam Image stream.
+ *
+ * Note that:
+ * minTotalUnicamBuffers must be >= 1, and
+ * minTotalUnicamBuffers >= minUnicamBuffers
+ */
+ unsigned int minTotalUnicamBuffers;
+ };
+ Config config_;
+ void platformSetIspCrop() override
+ {
+ isp_[Isp::Input].dev()->setSelection(V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP, &ispCrop_);
+ }
+ int platformConfigure(const V4L2SubdeviceFormat &sensorFormat,
+ std::optional<BayerFormat::Packing> packing,
+ std::vector<StreamParams> &rawStreams,
+ std::vector<StreamParams> &outStreams) override;
+ int platformConfigureIpa(ipa::RPi::ConfigParams &params) override;
+ int platformInitIpa([[maybe_unused]] ipa::RPi::InitParams &params) override
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ struct BayerFrame {
+ FrameBuffer *buffer;
+ ControlList controls;
+ unsigned int delayContext;
+ };
+ void tryRunPipeline() override;
+ bool findMatchingBuffers(BayerFrame &bayerFrame, FrameBuffer *&embeddedBuffer);
+ std::queue<BayerFrame> bayerQueue_;
+ std::queue<FrameBuffer *> embeddedQueue_;
+class PipelineHandlerVc4 : public RPi::PipelineHandlerBase
+ PipelineHandlerVc4(CameraManager *manager)
+ : RPi::PipelineHandlerBase(manager)
+ {
+ }
+ ~PipelineHandlerVc4()
+ {
+ }
+ bool match(DeviceEnumerator *enumerator) override;
+ Vc4CameraData *cameraData(Camera *camera)
+ {
+ return static_cast<Vc4CameraData *>(camera->_d());
+ }
+ int prepareBuffers(Camera *camera) override;
+ int platformRegister(std::unique_ptr<RPi::CameraData> &cameraData,
+ MediaDevice *unicam, MediaDevice *isp) override;
+bool PipelineHandlerVc4::match(DeviceEnumerator *enumerator)
+ constexpr unsigned int numUnicamDevices = 2;
+ /*
+ * Loop over all Unicam instances, but return out once a match is found.
+ * This is to ensure we correctly enumrate the camera when an instance
+ * of Unicam has registered with media controller, but has not registered
+ * device nodes due to a sensor subdevice failure.
+ */
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numUnicamDevices; i++) {
+ DeviceMatch unicam("unicam");
+ MediaDevice *unicamDevice = acquireMediaDevice(enumerator, unicam);
+ if (!unicamDevice) {
+ LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Unable to acquire a Unicam instance";
+ continue;
+ }
+ DeviceMatch isp("bcm2835-isp");
+ MediaDevice *ispDevice = acquireMediaDevice(enumerator, isp);
+ if (!ispDevice) {
+ LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Unable to acquire ISP instance";
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ * The loop below is used to register multiple cameras behind one or more
+ * video mux devices that are attached to a particular Unicam instance.
+ * Obviously these cameras cannot be used simultaneously.
+ */
+ unsigned int numCameras = 0;
+ for (MediaEntity *entity : unicamDevice->entities()) {
+ if (entity->function() != MEDIA_ENT_F_CAM_SENSOR)
+ continue;
+ std::unique_ptr<RPi::CameraData> cameraData = std::make_unique<Vc4CameraData>(this);
+ int ret = RPi::PipelineHandlerBase::registerCamera(cameraData,
+ unicamDevice, "unicam-image",
+ ispDevice, entity);
+ if (ret)
+ LOG(RPI, Error) << "Failed to register camera "
+ << entity->name() << ": " << ret;
+ else
+ numCameras++;
+ }
+ if (numCameras)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+int PipelineHandlerVc4::prepareBuffers(Camera *camera)
+ Vc4CameraData *data = cameraData(camera);
+ unsigned int numRawBuffers = 0;
+ int ret;
+ for (Stream *s : camera->streams()) {
+ if (BayerFormat::fromPixelFormat(s->configuration().pixelFormat).isValid()) {
+ numRawBuffers = s->configuration().bufferCount;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Decide how many internal buffers to allocate. */
+ for (auto const stream : data->streams_) {
+ unsigned int numBuffers;
+ /*
+ * For Unicam, allocate a minimum number of buffers for internal
+ * use as we want to avoid any frame drops.
+ */
+ const unsigned int minBuffers = data->config_.minTotalUnicamBuffers;
+ if (stream == &data->unicam_[Unicam::Image]) {
+ /*
+ * If an application has configured a RAW stream, allocate
+ * additional buffers to make up the minimum, but ensure
+ * we have at least minUnicamBuffers of internal buffers
+ * to use to minimise frame drops.
+ */
+ numBuffers = std::max<int>(data->config_.minUnicamBuffers,
+ minBuffers - numRawBuffers);
+ } else if (stream == &data->isp_[Isp::Input]) {
+ /*
+ * ISP input buffers are imported from Unicam, so follow
+ * similar logic as above to count all the RAW buffers
+ * available.
+ */
+ numBuffers = numRawBuffers +
+ std::max<int>(data->config_.minUnicamBuffers,
+ minBuffers - numRawBuffers);
+ } else if (stream == &data->unicam_[Unicam::Embedded]) {
+ /*
+ * Embedded data buffers are (currently) for internal use,
+ * so allocate the minimum required to avoid frame drops.
+ */
+ numBuffers = minBuffers;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Since the ISP runs synchronous with the IPA and requests,
+ * we only ever need one set of internal buffers. Any buffers
+ * the application wants to hold onto will already be exported
+ * through PipelineHandlerRPi::exportFrameBuffers().
+ */
+ numBuffers = 1;
+ }
+ ret = stream->prepareBuffers(numBuffers);
+ if (ret < 0)
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Pass the stats and embedded data buffers to the IPA. No other
+ * buffers need to be passed.
+ */
+ mapBuffers(camera, data->isp_[Isp::Stats].getBuffers(), RPi::MaskStats);
+ if (data->sensorMetadata_)
+ mapBuffers(camera, data->unicam_[Unicam::Embedded].getBuffers(),
+ RPi::MaskEmbeddedData);
+ return 0;
+int PipelineHandlerVc4::platformRegister(std::unique_ptr<RPi::CameraData> &cameraData, MediaDevice *unicam, MediaDevice *isp)
+ Vc4CameraData *data = static_cast<Vc4CameraData *>(cameraData.get());
+ if (!data->dmaHeap_.isValid())
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ MediaEntity *unicamImage = unicam->getEntityByName("unicam-image");
+ MediaEntity *ispOutput0 = isp->getEntityByName("bcm2835-isp0-output0");
+ MediaEntity *ispCapture1 = isp->getEntityByName("bcm2835-isp0-capture1");
+ MediaEntity *ispCapture2 = isp->getEntityByName("bcm2835-isp0-capture2");
+ MediaEntity *ispCapture3 = isp->getEntityByName("bcm2835-isp0-capture3");
+ if (!unicamImage || !ispOutput0 || !ispCapture1 || !ispCapture2 || !ispCapture3)
+ return -ENOENT;
+ /* Locate and open the unicam video streams. */
+ data->unicam_[Unicam::Image] = RPi::Stream("Unicam Image", unicamImage);
+ /* An embedded data node will not be present if the sensor does not support it. */
+ MediaEntity *unicamEmbedded = unicam->getEntityByName("unicam-embedded");
+ if (unicamEmbedded) {
+ data->unicam_[Unicam::Embedded] = RPi::Stream("Unicam Embedded", unicamEmbedded);
+ data->unicam_[Unicam::Embedded].dev()->bufferReady.connect(data,
+ &Vc4CameraData::unicamBufferDequeue);
+ }
+ /* Tag the ISP input stream as an import stream. */
+ data->isp_[Isp::Input] = RPi::Stream("ISP Input", ispOutput0, true);
+ data->isp_[Isp::Output0] = RPi::Stream("ISP Output0", ispCapture1);
+ data->isp_[Isp::Output1] = RPi::Stream("ISP Output1", ispCapture2);
+ data->isp_[Isp::Stats] = RPi::Stream("ISP Stats", ispCapture3);
+ /* Wire up all the buffer connections. */
+ data->unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev()->bufferReady.connect(data, &Vc4CameraData::unicamBufferDequeue);
+ data->isp_[Isp::Input].dev()->bufferReady.connect(data, &Vc4CameraData::ispInputDequeue);
+ data->isp_[Isp::Output0].dev()->bufferReady.connect(data, &Vc4CameraData::ispOutputDequeue);
+ data->isp_[Isp::Output1].dev()->bufferReady.connect(data, &Vc4CameraData::ispOutputDequeue);
+ data->isp_[Isp::Stats].dev()->bufferReady.connect(data, &Vc4CameraData::ispOutputDequeue);
+ if (data->sensorMetadata_ ^ !!data->unicam_[Unicam::Embedded].dev()) {
+ LOG(RPI, Warning) << "Mismatch between Unicam and CamHelper for embedded data usage!";
+ data->sensorMetadata_ = false;
+ if (data->unicam_[Unicam::Embedded].dev())
+ data->unicam_[Unicam::Embedded].dev()->bufferReady.disconnect();
+ }
+ /*
+ * Open all Unicam and ISP streams. The exception is the embedded data
+ * stream, which only gets opened below if the IPA reports that the sensor
+ * supports embedded data.
+ *
+ * The below grouping is just for convenience so that we can easily
+ * iterate over all streams in one go.
+ */
+ data->streams_.push_back(&data->unicam_[Unicam::Image]);
+ if (data->sensorMetadata_)
+ data->streams_.push_back(&data->unicam_[Unicam::Embedded]);
+ for (auto &stream : data->isp_)
+ data->streams_.push_back(&stream);
+ for (auto stream : data->streams_) {
+ int ret = stream->dev()->open();
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if (!data->unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev()->caps().hasMediaController()) {
+ LOG(RPI, Error) << "Unicam driver does not use the MediaController, please update your kernel!";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ /* Write up all the IPA connections. */
+ data->ipa_->processStatsComplete.connect(data, &Vc4CameraData::processStatsComplete);
+ data->ipa_->prepareIspComplete.connect(data, &Vc4CameraData::prepareIspComplete);
+ data->ipa_->setIspControls.connect(data, &Vc4CameraData::setIspControls);
+ data->ipa_->setCameraTimeout.connect(data, &Vc4CameraData::setCameraTimeout);
+ /*
+ * List the available streams an application may request. At present, we
+ * do not advertise Unicam Embedded and ISP Statistics streams, as there
+ * is no mechanism for the application to request non-image buffer formats.
+ */
+ std::set<Stream *> streams;
+ streams.insert(&data->unicam_[Unicam::Image]);
+ streams.insert(&data->isp_[Isp::Output0]);
+ streams.insert(&data->isp_[Isp::Output1]);
+ /* Create and register the camera. */
+ const std::string &id = data->sensor_->id();
+ std::shared_ptr<Camera> camera =
+ Camera::create(std::move(cameraData), id, streams);
+ PipelineHandler::registerCamera(std::move(camera));
+ LOG(RPI, Info) << "Registered camera " << id
+ << " to Unicam device " << unicam->deviceNode()
+ << " and ISP device " << isp->deviceNode();
+ return 0;
+CameraConfiguration::Status Vc4CameraData::platformValidate(std::vector<StreamParams> &rawStreams,
+ std::vector<StreamParams> &outStreams) const
+ CameraConfiguration::Status status = CameraConfiguration::Status::Valid;
+ /* Can only output 1 RAW stream, or 2 YUV/RGB streams. */
+ if (rawStreams.size() > 1 || outStreams.size() > 2) {
+ LOG(RPI, Error) << "Invalid number of streams requested";
+ return CameraConfiguration::Status::Invalid;
+ }
+ if (!rawStreams.empty())
+ rawStreams[0].dev = unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev();
+ /*
+ * For the two ISP outputs, one stream must be equal or smaller than the
+ * other in all dimensions.
+ *
+ * Index 0 contains the largest requested resolution.
+ */
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < outStreams.size(); i++) {
+ Size size;
+ size.width = std::min(outStreams[i].cfg->size.width,
+ outStreams[0].cfg->size.width);
+ size.height = std::min(outStreams[i].cfg->size.height,
+ outStreams[0].cfg->size.height);
+ if (outStreams[i].cfg->size != size) {
+ outStreams[i].cfg->size = size;
+ status = CameraConfiguration::Status::Adjusted;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Output 0 must be for the largest resolution. We will
+ * have that fixed up in the code above.
+ */
+ outStreams[i].dev = isp_[i == 0 ? Isp::Output0 : Isp::Output1].dev();
+ }
+ return status;
+int Vc4CameraData::platformPipelineConfigure(const std::unique_ptr<YamlObject> &root)
+ config_ = {
+ .minUnicamBuffers = 2,
+ .minTotalUnicamBuffers = 4,
+ };
+ if (!root)
+ return 0;
+ std::optional<double> ver = (*root)["version"].get<double>();
+ if (!ver || *ver != 1.0) {
+ LOG(RPI, Error) << "Unexpected configuration file version reported";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ std::optional<std::string> target = (*root)["target"].get<std::string>();
+ if (!target || *target != "bcm2835") {
+ LOG(RPI, Error) << "Unexpected target reported: expected \"bcm2835\", got "
+ << *target;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ const YamlObject &phConfig = (*root)["pipeline_handler"];
+ config_.minUnicamBuffers =
+ phConfig["min_unicam_buffers"].get<unsigned int>(config_.minUnicamBuffers);
+ config_.minTotalUnicamBuffers =
+ phConfig["min_total_unicam_buffers"].get<unsigned int>(config_.minTotalUnicamBuffers);
+ if (config_.minTotalUnicamBuffers < config_.minUnicamBuffers) {
+ LOG(RPI, Error) << "Invalid configuration: min_total_unicam_buffers must be >= min_unicam_buffers";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (config_.minTotalUnicamBuffers < 1) {
+ LOG(RPI, Error) << "Invalid configuration: min_total_unicam_buffers must be >= 1";
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int Vc4CameraData::platformConfigure(const V4L2SubdeviceFormat &sensorFormat,
+ std::optional<BayerFormat::Packing> packing,
+ std::vector<StreamParams> &rawStreams,
+ std::vector<StreamParams> &outStreams)
+ int ret;
+ if (!packing)
+ packing = BayerFormat::Packing::CSI2;
+ V4L2VideoDevice *unicam = unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev();
+ V4L2DeviceFormat unicamFormat = RPi::PipelineHandlerBase::toV4L2DeviceFormat(unicam, sensorFormat, *packing);
+ ret = unicam->setFormat(&unicamFormat);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ /*
+ * See which streams are requested, and route the user
+ * StreamConfiguration appropriately.
+ */
+ if (!rawStreams.empty()) {
+ rawStreams[0].cfg->setStream(&unicam_[Unicam::Image]);
+ unicam_[Unicam::Image].setExternal(true);
+ }
+ ret = isp_[Isp::Input].dev()->setFormat(&unicamFormat);
+ if (ret)
+ return ret;
+ LOG(RPI, Info) << "Sensor: " << sensor_->id()
+ << " - Selected sensor format: " << sensorFormat
+ << " - Selected unicam format: " << unicamFormat;
+ /* Use a sensible small default size if no output streams are configured. */
+ Size maxSize = outStreams.empty() ? Size(320, 240) : outStreams[0].cfg->size;
+ V4L2DeviceFormat format;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < outStreams.size(); i++) {
+ StreamConfiguration *cfg = outStreams[i].cfg;
+ /* The largest resolution gets routed to the ISP Output 0 node. */
+ RPi::Stream *stream = i == 0 ? &isp_[Isp::Output0] : &isp_[Isp::Output1];
+ V4L2PixelFormat fourcc = stream->dev()->toV4L2PixelFormat(cfg->pixelFormat);
+ format.size = cfg->size;
+ format.fourcc = fourcc;
+ format.colorSpace = cfg->colorSpace;
+ LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Setting " << stream->name() << " to "
+ << format;
+ ret = stream->dev()->setFormat(&format);
+ if (ret)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (format.size != cfg->size || format.fourcc != fourcc) {
+ LOG(RPI, Error)
+ << "Failed to set requested format on " << stream->name()
+ << ", returned " << format;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ LOG(RPI, Debug)
+ << "Stream " << stream->name() << " has color space "
+ << ColorSpace::toString(cfg->colorSpace);
+ cfg->setStream(stream);
+ stream->setExternal(true);
+ }
+ ispOutputTotal_ = outStreams.size();
+ /*
+ * If ISP::Output0 stream has not been configured by the application,
+ * we must allow the hardware to generate an output so that the data
+ * flow in the pipeline handler remains consistent, and we still generate
+ * statistics for the IPA to use. So enable the output at a very low
+ * resolution for internal use.
+ *
+ * \todo Allow the pipeline to work correctly without Output0 and only
+ * statistics coming from the hardware.
+ */
+ if (outStreams.empty()) {
+ V4L2VideoDevice *dev = isp_[Isp::Output0].dev();
+ format = {};
+ format.size = maxSize;
+ format.fourcc = dev->toV4L2PixelFormat(formats::YUV420);
+ /* No one asked for output, so the color space doesn't matter. */
+ format.colorSpace = ColorSpace::Sycc;
+ ret = dev->setFormat(&format);
+ if (ret) {
+ LOG(RPI, Error)
+ << "Failed to set default format on ISP Output0: "
+ << ret;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ ispOutputTotal_++;
+ LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Defaulting ISP Output0 format to "
+ << format;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If ISP::Output1 stream has not been requested by the application, we
+ * set it up for internal use now. This second stream will be used for
+ * fast colour denoise, and must be a quarter resolution of the ISP::Output0
+ * stream. However, also limit the maximum size to 1200 pixels in the
+ * larger dimension, just to avoid being wasteful with buffer allocations
+ * and memory bandwidth.
+ *
+ * \todo If Output 1 format is not YUV420, Output 1 ought to be disabled as
+ * colour denoise will not run.
+ */
+ if (outStreams.size() == 1) {
+ V4L2VideoDevice *dev = isp_[Isp::Output1].dev();
+ V4L2DeviceFormat output1Format;
+ constexpr Size maxDimensions(1200, 1200);
+ const Size limit = maxDimensions.boundedToAspectRatio(format.size);
+ output1Format.size = (format.size / 2).boundedTo(limit).alignedDownTo(2, 2);
+ output1Format.colorSpace = format.colorSpace;
+ output1Format.fourcc = dev->toV4L2PixelFormat(formats::YUV420);
+ LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Setting ISP Output1 (internal) to "
+ << output1Format;
+ ret = dev->setFormat(&output1Format);
+ if (ret) {
+ LOG(RPI, Error) << "Failed to set format on ISP Output1: "
+ << ret;
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ ispOutputTotal_++;
+ }
+ /* ISP statistics output format. */
+ format = {};
+ format.fourcc = V4L2PixelFormat(V4L2_META_FMT_BCM2835_ISP_STATS);
+ ret = isp_[Isp::Stats].dev()->setFormat(&format);
+ if (ret) {
+ LOG(RPI, Error) << "Failed to set format on ISP stats stream: "
+ << format;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ ispOutputTotal_++;
+ /*
+ * Configure the Unicam embedded data output format only if the sensor
+ * supports it.
+ */
+ if (sensorMetadata_) {
+ V4L2SubdeviceFormat embeddedFormat;
+ sensor_->device()->getFormat(1, &embeddedFormat);
+ format = {};
+ format.fourcc = V4L2PixelFormat(V4L2_META_FMT_SENSOR_DATA);
+ format.planes[0].size = embeddedFormat.size.width * embeddedFormat.size.height;
+ LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Setting embedded data format " << format.toString();
+ ret = unicam_[Unicam::Embedded].dev()->setFormat(&format);
+ if (ret) {
+ LOG(RPI, Error) << "Failed to set format on Unicam embedded: "
+ << format;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Figure out the smallest selection the ISP will allow. */
+ Rectangle testCrop(0, 0, 1, 1);
+ isp_[Isp::Input].dev()->setSelection(V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP, &testCrop);
+ ispMinCropSize_ = testCrop.size();
+ /* Adjust aspect ratio by providing crops on the input image. */
+ Size size = unicamFormat.size.boundedToAspectRatio(maxSize);
+ ispCrop_ = size.centeredTo(Rectangle(unicamFormat.size).center());
+ platformSetIspCrop();
+ return 0;
+int Vc4CameraData::platformConfigureIpa(ipa::RPi::ConfigParams &params)
+ params.ispControls = isp_[Isp::Input].dev()->controls();
+ /* Allocate the lens shading table via dmaHeap and pass to the IPA. */
+ if (!lsTable_.isValid()) {
+ lsTable_ = SharedFD(dmaHeap_.alloc("ls_grid", ipa::RPi::MaxLsGridSize));
+ if (!lsTable_.isValid())
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ /* Allow the IPA to mmap the LS table via the file descriptor. */
+ /*
+ * \todo Investigate if mapping the lens shading table buffer
+ * could be handled with mapBuffers().
+ */
+ params.lsTableHandle = lsTable_;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void Vc4CameraData::platformStart()
+void Vc4CameraData::platformStop()
+ bayerQueue_ = {};
+ embeddedQueue_ = {};
+void Vc4CameraData::unicamBufferDequeue(FrameBuffer *buffer)
+ RPi::Stream *stream = nullptr;
+ unsigned int index;
+ if (!isRunning())
+ return;
+ for (RPi::Stream &s : unicam_) {
+ index = s.getBufferId(buffer);
+ if (index) {
+ stream = &s;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* The buffer must belong to one of our streams. */
+ ASSERT(stream);
+ LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Stream " << stream->name() << " buffer dequeue"
+ << ", buffer id " << index
+ << ", timestamp: " << buffer->metadata().timestamp;
+ if (stream == &unicam_[Unicam::Image]) {
+ /*
+ * Lookup the sensor controls used for this frame sequence from
+ * DelayedControl and queue them along with the frame buffer.
+ */
+ auto [ctrl, delayContext] = delayedCtrls_->get(buffer->metadata().sequence);
+ /*
+ * Add the frame timestamp to the ControlList for the IPA to use
+ * as it does not receive the FrameBuffer object.
+ */
+ ctrl.set(controls::SensorTimestamp, buffer->metadata().timestamp);
+ bayerQueue_.push({ buffer, std::move(ctrl), delayContext });
+ } else {
+ embeddedQueue_.push(buffer);
+ }
+ handleState();
+void Vc4CameraData::ispInputDequeue(FrameBuffer *buffer)
+ if (!isRunning())
+ return;
+ LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Stream ISP Input buffer complete"
+ << ", buffer id " << unicam_[Unicam::Image].getBufferId(buffer)
+ << ", timestamp: " << buffer->metadata().timestamp;
+ /* The ISP input buffer gets re-queued into Unicam. */
+ handleStreamBuffer(buffer, &unicam_[Unicam::Image]);
+ handleState();
+void Vc4CameraData::ispOutputDequeue(FrameBuffer *buffer)
+ RPi::Stream *stream = nullptr;
+ unsigned int index;
+ if (!isRunning())
+ return;
+ for (RPi::Stream &s : isp_) {
+ index = s.getBufferId(buffer);
+ if (index) {
+ stream = &s;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* The buffer must belong to one of our ISP output streams. */
+ ASSERT(stream);
+ LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Stream " << stream->name() << " buffer complete"
+ << ", buffer id " << index
+ << ", timestamp: " << buffer->metadata().timestamp;
+ /*
+ * ISP statistics buffer must not be re-queued or sent back to the
+ * application until after the IPA signals so.
+ */
+ if (stream == &isp_[Isp::Stats]) {
+ ipa::RPi::ProcessParams params;
+ params.buffers.stats = index | RPi::MaskStats;
+ params.ipaContext = requestQueue_.front()->sequence();
+ ipa_->processStats(params);
+ } else {
+ /* Any other ISP output can be handed back to the application now. */
+ handleStreamBuffer(buffer, stream);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Increment the number of ISP outputs generated.
+ * This is needed to track dropped frames.
+ */
+ ispOutputCount_++;
+ handleState();
+void Vc4CameraData::processStatsComplete(const ipa::RPi::BufferIds &buffers)
+ if (!isRunning())
+ return;
+ FrameBuffer *buffer = isp_[Isp::Stats].getBuffers().at(buffers.stats & RPi::MaskID);
+ handleStreamBuffer(buffer, &isp_[Isp::Stats]);
+ state_ = State::IpaComplete;
+ handleState();
+void Vc4CameraData::prepareIspComplete(const ipa::RPi::BufferIds &buffers)
+ unsigned int embeddedId = buffers.embedded & RPi::MaskID;
+ unsigned int bayer = buffers.bayer & RPi::MaskID;
+ FrameBuffer *buffer;
+ if (!isRunning())
+ return;
+ buffer = unicam_[Unicam::Image].getBuffers().at(bayer & RPi::MaskID);
+ LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Input re-queue to ISP, buffer id " << (bayer & RPi::MaskID)
+ << ", timestamp: " << buffer->metadata().timestamp;
+ isp_[Isp::Input].queueBuffer(buffer);
+ ispOutputCount_ = 0;
+ if (sensorMetadata_ && embeddedId) {
+ buffer = unicam_[Unicam::Embedded].getBuffers().at(embeddedId & RPi::MaskID);
+ handleStreamBuffer(buffer, &unicam_[Unicam::Embedded]);
+ }
+ handleState();
+void Vc4CameraData::setIspControls(const ControlList &controls)
+ ControlList ctrls = controls;
+ if (ctrls.contains(V4L2_CID_USER_BCM2835_ISP_LENS_SHADING)) {
+ ControlValue &value =
+ const_cast<ControlValue &>(ctrls.get(V4L2_CID_USER_BCM2835_ISP_LENS_SHADING));
+ Span<uint8_t> s =;
+ bcm2835_isp_lens_shading *ls =
+ reinterpret_cast<bcm2835_isp_lens_shading *>(;
+ ls->dmabuf = lsTable_.get();
+ }
+ isp_[Isp::Input].dev()->setControls(&ctrls);
+ handleState();
+void Vc4CameraData::setCameraTimeout(uint32_t maxFrameLengthMs)
+ /*
+ * Set the dequeue timeout to the larger of 5x the maximum reported
+ * frame length advertised by the IPA over a number of frames. Allow
+ * a minimum timeout value of 1s.
+ */
+ utils::Duration timeout =
+ std::max<utils::Duration>(1s, 5 * maxFrameLengthMs * 1ms);
+ LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Setting Unicam timeout to " << timeout;
+ unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev()->setDequeueTimeout(timeout);
+void Vc4CameraData::tryRunPipeline()
+ FrameBuffer *embeddedBuffer;
+ BayerFrame bayerFrame;
+ /* If any of our request or buffer queues are empty, we cannot proceed. */
+ if (state_ != State::Idle || requestQueue_.empty() ||
+ bayerQueue_.empty() || (embeddedQueue_.empty() && sensorMetadata_))
+ return;
+ if (!findMatchingBuffers(bayerFrame, embeddedBuffer))
+ return;
+ /* Take the first request from the queue and action the IPA. */
+ Request *request = requestQueue_.front();
+ /* See if a new ScalerCrop value needs to be applied. */
+ applyScalerCrop(request->controls());
+ /*
+ * Clear the request metadata and fill it with some initial non-IPA
+ * related controls. We clear it first because the request metadata
+ * may have been populated if we have dropped the previous frame.
+ */
+ request->metadata().clear();
+ fillRequestMetadata(bayerFrame.controls, request);
+ /* Set our state to say the pipeline is active. */
+ state_ = State::Busy;
+ unsigned int bayer = unicam_[Unicam::Image].getBufferId(bayerFrame.buffer);
+ LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Signalling prepareIsp:"
+ << " Bayer buffer id: " << bayer;
+ ipa::RPi::PrepareParams params;
+ params.buffers.bayer = RPi::MaskBayerData | bayer;
+ params.sensorControls = std::move(bayerFrame.controls);
+ params.requestControls = request->controls();
+ params.ipaContext = request->sequence();
+ params.delayContext = bayerFrame.delayContext;
+ if (embeddedBuffer) {
+ unsigned int embeddedId = unicam_[Unicam::Embedded].getBufferId(embeddedBuffer);
+ params.buffers.embedded = RPi::MaskEmbeddedData | embeddedId;
+ LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Signalling prepareIsp:"
+ << " Embedded buffer id: " << embeddedId;
+ }
+ ipa_->prepareIsp(params);
+bool Vc4CameraData::findMatchingBuffers(BayerFrame &bayerFrame, FrameBuffer *&embeddedBuffer)
+ if (bayerQueue_.empty())
+ return false;
+ /*
+ * Find the embedded data buffer with a matching timestamp to pass to
+ * the IPA. Any embedded buffers with a timestamp lower than the
+ * current bayer buffer will be removed and re-queued to the driver.
+ */
+ uint64_t ts = bayerQueue_.front().buffer->metadata().timestamp;
+ embeddedBuffer = nullptr;
+ while (!embeddedQueue_.empty()) {
+ FrameBuffer *b = embeddedQueue_.front();
+ if (b->metadata().timestamp < ts) {
+ embeddedQueue_.pop();
+ unicam_[Unicam::Embedded].returnBuffer(b);
+ LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Dropping unmatched input frame in stream "
+ << unicam_[Unicam::Embedded].name();
+ } else if (b->metadata().timestamp == ts) {
+ /* Found a match! */
+ embeddedBuffer = b;
+ embeddedQueue_.pop();
+ break;
+ } else {
+ break; /* Only higher timestamps from here. */
+ }
+ }
+ if (!embeddedBuffer && sensorMetadata_) {
+ if (embeddedQueue_.empty()) {
+ /*
+ * If the embedded buffer queue is empty, wait for the next
+ * buffer to arrive - dequeue ordering may send the image
+ * buffer first.
+ */
+ LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Waiting for next embedded buffer.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* Log if there is no matching embedded data buffer found. */
+ LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Returning bayer frame without a matching embedded buffer.";
+ }
+ bayerFrame = std::move(bayerQueue_.front());
+ bayerQueue_.pop();
+ return true;
+} /* namespace libcamera */