path: root/test/camera/statemachine.cpp
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authorUmang Jain <>2021-08-10 13:28:52 +0530
committerUmang Jain <>2021-08-31 12:26:58 +0530
commitfd9068ce444354360badca183d3429fae7597cde (patch)
treed12de86e6590e43209ccc4707486f8a27ed7c5c5 /test/camera/statemachine.cpp
parenta18c9f04906d8a6bc3f2887687fee344b2316cab (diff)
ipu3: cio2: Replicate CameraSensor::getFormats() to a member function
This prepares a base to introduce custom selection of sensor format based on platform(Soraka or Nautilus) constraints. The changes in selection policy will be introduced in a subsequent patch. The function is copied from CameraSensor::getFormat() in the IPU3 pipeline handler code to be later changed on top. The copy is not verbatim and has a minor change as follows: CameraSensor::getFormats() has access to a V4L2Subdevice::Formats internally and use it directly to iterate over supported camera sensor frame sizes. The copy is adapted to use the CameraSensor::sizes(mbusCode) instead, to enumerate over the supported frame sizes as per mbusCodesToPixelFormat map. No functional changes in this patch. Signed-off-by: Umang Jain <> Reviewed-by: Jacopo Mondi <> Tested-by: Jacopo Mondi <> Reviewed-by: Kieran Bingham <>
Diffstat (limited to 'test/camera/statemachine.cpp')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */
 * Copyright (C) 2019, Raspberry Pi Ltd
 * pwl.cpp - piecewise linear functions

#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdexcept>

#include "pwl.h"

using namespace RPiController;

int Pwl::read(const libcamera::YamlObject &params)
	if (!params.size() || params.size() % 2)
		return -EINVAL;

	const auto &list = params.asList();

	for (auto it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++) {
		auto x = it->get<double>();
		if (!x)
			return -EINVAL;
		if (it != list.begin() && *x <= points_.back().x)
			return -EINVAL;

		auto y = (++it)->get<double>();
		if (!y)
			return -EINVAL;

		points_.push_back(Point(*x, *y));

	return 0;

void Pwl::append(double x, double y, const double eps)
	if (points_.empty() || points_.back().x + eps < x)
		points_.push_back(Point(x, y));

void Pwl::prepend(double x, double y, const double eps)
	if (points_.empty() || points_.front().x - eps > x)
		points_.insert(points_.begin(), Point(x, y));

Pwl::Interval Pwl::domain() const
	return Interval(points_[0].x, points_[points_.size() - 1].x);

Pwl::Interval Pwl::range() const
	double lo = points_[0].y, hi = lo;
	for (auto &p : points_)
		lo = std::min(lo, p.y), hi = std::max(hi, p.y);
	return Interval(lo, hi);

bool Pwl::empty() const
	return points_.empty();

double Pwl::eval(double x, int *spanPtr, bool updateSpan) const
	int span = findSpan(x, spanPtr && *spanPtr != -1 ? *spanPtr : points_.size() / 2 - 1);
	if (spanPtr && updateSpan)
		*spanPtr = span;
	return points_[span].y +
	       (x - points_[span].x) * (points_[span + 1].y - points_[span].y) /
		       (points_[span + 1].x - points_[span].x);

int Pwl::findSpan(double x, int span) const
	 * Pwls are generally small, so linear search may well be faster than
	 * binary, though could review this if large PWls start turning up.
	int lastSpan = points_.size() - 2;
	 * some algorithms may call us with span pointing directly at the last
	 * control point
	span = std::max(0, std::min(lastSpan, span));
	while (span < lastSpan && x >= points_[span + 1].x)
	while (span && x < points_[span].x)
	return span;

Pwl::PerpType Pwl::invert(Point const &xy, Point &perp, int &span,
			  const double eps) const
	assert(span >= -1);
	bool prevOffEnd = false;
	for (span = span + 1; span < (int)points_.size() - 1; span++) {
		Point spanVec = points_[span + 1] - points_[span];
		double t = ((xy - points_[span]) % spanVec) / spanVec.len2();
		if (t < -eps) /* off the start of this span */
			if (span == 0) {
				perp = points_[span];
				return PerpType::Start;
			} else if (prevOffEnd) {
				perp = points_[span];
				return PerpType::Vertex;
		} else if (t > 1 + eps) /* off the end of this span */
			if (span == (int)points_.size() - 2) {
				perp = points_[span + 1];
				return PerpType::End;
			prevOffEnd = true;
		} else /* a true perpendicular */
			perp = points_[span] + spanVec * t;
			return PerpType::Perpendicular;
	return PerpType::None;

Pwl Pwl::inverse(bool *trueInverse, const double eps) const
	bool appended = false, prepended = false, neither = false;
	Pwl inverse;

	for (Point const &p : points_) {
		if (inverse.empty())
			inverse.append(p.y, p.x, eps);
		else if (std::abs(inverse.points_.back().x - p.y) <= eps ||
			 std::abs(inverse.points_.front().x - p.y) <= eps)
			/* do nothing */;
		else if (p.y > inverse.points_.back().x) {
			inverse.append(p.y, p.x, eps);
			appended = true;
		} else if (p.y < inverse.points_.front().x) {
			inverse.prepend(p.y, p.x, eps);
			prepended = true;
		} else
			neither = true;

	 * This is not a proper inverse if we found ourselves putting points
	 * onto both ends of the inverse, or if there were points that couldn't
	 * go on either.
	if (trueInverse)
		*trueInverse = !(neither || (appended && prepended));

	return inverse;

Pwl Pwl::compose(Pwl const &other, const double eps) const
	double thisX = points_[0].x, thisY = points_[0].y;
	int thisSpan = 0, otherSpan = other.findSpan(thisY, 0);
	Pwl result({ { thisX, other.eval(thisY, &otherSpan, false) } });
	while (thisSpan != (int)points_.size() - 1) {
		double dx = points_[thisSpan + 1].x - points_[thisSpan].x,
		       dy = points_[thisSpan + 1].y - points_[thisSpan].y;
		if (std::abs(dy) > eps &&
		    otherSpan + 1 < (int)other.points_.size() &&
		    points_[thisSpan + 1].y >=
			    other.points_[otherSpan + 1].x + eps) {
			 * next control point in result will be where this
			 * function's y reaches the next span in other
			thisX = points_[thisSpan].x +
				(other.points_[otherSpan + 1].x -
				 points_[thisSpan].y) *
					dx / dy;
			thisY = other.points_[++otherSpan].x;
		} else if (std::abs(dy) > eps && otherSpan > 0 &&
			   points_[thisSpan + 1].y <=
				   other.points_[otherSpan - 1].x - eps) {
			 * next control point in result will be where this
			 * function's y reaches the previous span in other
			thisX = points_[thisSpan].x +
				(other.points_[otherSpan + 1].x -
				 points_[thisSpan].y) *
					dx / dy;
			thisY = other.points_[--otherSpan].x;
		} else {
			/* we stay in the same span in other */
			thisX = points_[thisSpan].x,
			thisY = points_[thisSpan].y;
		result.append(thisX, other.eval(thisY, &otherSpan, false),
	return result;

void Pwl::map(std::function<void(double x, double y)> f) const
	for (auto &pt : points_)
		f(pt.x, pt.y);

void Pwl::map2(Pwl const &pwl0, Pwl const &pwl1,
	       std::function<void(double x, double y0, double y1)> f)
	int span0 = 0, span1 = 0;
	double x = std::min(pwl0.points_[0].x, pwl1.points_[0].x);
	f(x, pwl0.eval(x, &span0, false), pwl1.eval(x, &span1, false));
	while (span0 < (int)pwl0.points_.size() - 1 ||
	       span1 < (int)pwl1.points_.size() - 1) {
		if (span0 == (int)pwl0.points_.size() - 1)
			x = pwl1.points_[++span1].x;
		else if (span1 == (int)pwl1.points_.size() - 1)
			x = pwl0.points_[++span0].x;
		else if (pwl0.points_[span0 + 1].x > pwl1.points_[span1 + 1].x)
			x = pwl1.points_[++span1].x;
			x = pwl0.points_[++span0].x;
		f(x, pwl0.eval(x, &span0, false), pwl1.eval(x, &span1, false));

Pwl Pwl::combine(Pwl const &pwl0, Pwl const &pwl1,
		 std::function<double(double x, double y0, double y1)> f,
		 const double eps)
	Pwl result;
	map2(pwl0, pwl1, [&](double x, double y0, double y1) {
		result.append(x, f(x, y0, y1), eps);
	return result;

void Pwl::matchDomain(Interval const &domain, bool clip, const double eps)
	int span = 0;
	prepend(domain.start, eval(clip ? points_[0].x : domain.start, &span),
	span = points_.size() - 2;
	append(domain.end, eval(clip ? points_.back().x : domain.end, &span),

Pwl &Pwl::operator*=(double d)
	for (auto &pt : points_)