path: root/utils/raspberrypi
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-08-03utils: raspberrypi: ctt: Fix namespace for sklearn NearestCentroid functionDavid Plowman
Starting in version 0.22, the NearestCentroid function is only available in the sklearn.neighbors namespace, when it was previously available in both the sklearn.neighbors.nearest_centroid and sklearn.neighbors namespaces. Use sklearn.neighbors as it works on all versions of sklearn. Signed-off-by: David Plowman <> Reviewed-by: Naushir Patuck <> Reviewed-by: Kieran Bingham <> Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <>
2021-08-02utils: raspberrypi: ctt: Fix usage of findHomography functionDavid Plowman
The OpenCV findHomography function now raises an unhandled error if it receives fewer than 4 points whereas previously the limit was 3. This makes no material difference to the behaviour of the tuning tool as it will continue to search for the Macbeth chart at different scales. Signed-off-by: David Plowman <> Reviewed-by: Naushir Patuck <> Reviewed-by: Kieran Bingham <> Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <>
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */
 * Copyright (C) 2019, Raspberry Pi Ltd
 * Copyright (C) 2024, Ideas on Board Oy
 * Piecewise linear functions

#include "pwl.h"

#include <cmath>
#include <sstream>

 * \file pwl.h
 * \brief Piecewise linear functions

namespace libcamera {

namespace ipa {

 * \class Pwl
 * \brief Describe a univariate piecewise linear function in two-dimensional
 * real space
 * A piecewise linear function is a univariate function that maps reals to
 * reals, and it is composed of multiple straight-line segments.
 * While a mathematical piecewise linear function would usually be defined by
 * a list of linear functions and for which values of the domain they apply,
 * this Pwl class is instead defined by a list of points at which these line
 * segments intersect. These intersecting points are known as knots.
 * A consequence of the Pwl class being defined by knots instead of linear
 * functions is that the values of the piecewise linear function past the ends
 * of the function are constants as opposed to linear functions. In a
 * mathematical piecewise linear function that is defined by multiple linear
 * functions, the ends of the function are also linear functions and hence grow
 * to infinity (or negative infinity). However, since this Pwl class is defined
 * by knots, the y-value of the leftmost and rightmost knots will hold for all
 * x values to negative infinity and positive infinity, respectively.

 * \typedef Pwl::Point
 * \brief Describe a point in two-dimensional real space

 * \class Pwl::Interval
 * \brief Describe an interval in one-dimensional real space

 * \fn Pwl::Interval::Interval(double _start, double _end)
 * \brief Construct an interval
 * \param[in] _start Start of the interval
 * \param[in] _end End of the interval

 * \fn Pwl::Interval::contains
 * \brief Check if a given value falls within the interval
 * \param[in] value Value to check
 * \return True if the value falls within the interval, including its bounds,
 * or false otherwise

 * \fn Pwl::Interval::clamp
 * \brief Clamp a value such that it is within the interval
 * \param[in] value Value to clamp
 * \return The clamped value

 * \fn Pwl::Interval::length
 * \brief Compute the length of the interval
 * \return The length of the interval

 * \var Pwl::Interval::start
 * \brief Start of the interval

 * \var Pwl::Interval::end
 * \brief End of the interval

 * \brief Construct an empty piecewise linear function

 * \brief Construct a piecewise linear function from a list of 2D points
 * \param[in] points Vector of points from which to construct the piecewise
 * linear function
 * \a points must be in ascending order of x-value.
Pwl::Pwl(const std::vector<Point> &points)
	: points_(points)

 * \copydoc Pwl::Pwl(const std::vector<Point> &points)
 * The contents of the \a points vector is moved to the newly constructed Pwl
 * instance.
Pwl::Pwl(std::vector<Point> &&points)
	: points_(std::move(points))

 * \brief Append a point to the end of the piecewise linear function
 * \param[in] x x-coordinate of the point to add to the piecewise linear function
 * \param[in] y y-coordinate of the point to add to the piecewise linear function
 * \param[in] eps Epsilon for the minimum x distance between points (optional)
 * The point's x-coordinate must be greater than the x-coordinate of the last
 * (= greatest) point already in the piecewise linear function.
void Pwl::append(double x, double y, const double eps)
	if (points_.empty() || points_.back().x() + eps < x)
		points_.push_back(Point({ x, y }));

 * \brief Prepend a point to the beginning of the piecewise linear function
 * \param[in] x x-coordinate of the point to add to the piecewise linear function
 * \param[in] y y-coordinate of the point to add to the piecewise linear function
 * \param[in] eps Epsilon for the minimum x distance between points (optional)
 * The point's x-coordinate must be less than the x-coordinate of the first
 * (= smallest) point already in the piecewise linear function.
void Pwl::prepend(double x, double y, const double eps)
	if (points_.empty() || points_.front().x() - eps > x)
		points_.insert(points_.begin(), Point({ x, y }));

 * \fn Pwl::empty() const
 * \brief Check if the piecewise linear function is empty
 * \return True if there are no points in the function, false otherwise

 * \fn Pwl::size() const
 * \brief Retrieve the number of points in the piecewise linear function
 * \return The number of points in the piecewise linear function

 * \brief Get the domain of the piecewise linear function
 * \return An interval representing the domain
Pwl::Interval Pwl::domain() const
	return Interval(points_[0].x(), points_[points_.size() - 1].x());

 * \brief Get the range of the piecewise linear function
 * \return An interval representing the range
Pwl::Interval Pwl::range() const
	double lo = points_[0].y(), hi = lo;
	for (auto &p : points_)
		lo = std::min(lo, p.y()), hi = std::max(hi, p.y());
	return Interval(lo, hi);

 * \brief Evaluate the piecewise linear function
 * \param[in] x The x value to input into the function
 * \param[inout] span Initial guess for span
 * \param[in] updateSpan Set to true to update span
 * Evaluate Pwl, optionally supplying an initial guess for the
 * "span". The "span" may be optionally be updated. If you want to know
 * the "span" value but don't have an initial guess you can set it to
 * -1.
 *  \return The result of evaluating the piecewise linear function at position \a x
double Pwl::eval(double x, int *span, bool updateSpan) const
	int index = findSpan(x, span && *span != -1
					? *span
					: points_.size() / 2 - 1);
	if (span && updateSpan)
		*span = index;
	return points_[index].y() +
	       (x - points_[index].x()) * (points_[index + 1].y() - points_[index].y()) /
		       (points_[index + 1].x() - points_[index].x());

int Pwl::findSpan(double x, int span) const
	 * Pwls are generally small, so linear search may well be faster than
	 * binary, though could review this if large Pwls start turning up.
	int lastSpan = points_.size() - 2;
	 * some algorithms may call us with span pointing directly at the last
	 * control point
	span = std::max(0, std::min(lastSpan, span));
	while (span < lastSpan && x >= points_[span + 1].x())
	while (span && x < points_[span].x())
	return span;

 * \brief Compute the inverse function
 * \param[in] eps Epsilon for the minimum x distance between points (optional)
 * The output includes whether the resulting inverse function is a proper
 * (true) inverse, or only a best effort (e.g. input was non-monotonic).
 * \return A pair of the inverse piecewise linear function, and whether or not
 * the result is a proper/true inverse
std::pair<Pwl, bool> Pwl::inverse(const double eps) const
	bool appended = false, prepended = false, neither = false;
	Pwl inverse;

	for (Point const &p : points_) {
		if (inverse.empty()) {
			inverse.append(p.y(), p.x(), eps);
		} else if (std::abs(inverse.points_.back().x() - p.y()) <= eps ||
			   std::abs(inverse.points_.front().x() - p.y()) <= eps) {
			/* do nothing */;
		} else if (p.y() > inverse.points_.back().x()) {
			inverse.append(p.y(), p.x(), eps);
			appended = true;
		} else if (p.y() < inverse.points_.front().x()) {
			inverse.prepend(p.y(), p.x(), eps);
			prepended = true;
		} else {
			neither = true;

	 * This is not a proper inverse if we found ourselves putting points
	 * onto both ends of the inverse, or if there were points that couldn't
	 * go on either.
	bool trueInverse = !(neither || (appended && prepended));

	return { inverse, trueInverse };

 * \brief Compose two piecewise linear functions together
 * \param[in] other The "other" piecewise linear function
 * \param[in] eps Epsilon for the minimum x distance between points (optional)
 * The "this" function is done first, and "other" after.
 * \return The composed piecewise linear function
Pwl Pwl::compose(Pwl const &other, const double eps) const
	double thisX = points_[0].x(), thisY = points_[0].y();
	int thisSpan = 0, otherSpan = other.findSpan(thisY, 0);
	Pwl result({ Point({ thisX, other.eval(thisY, &otherSpan, false) }) });

	while (thisSpan != (int)points_.size() - 1) {
		double dx = points_[thisSpan + 1].x() - points_[thisSpan].x(),
		       dy = points_[thisSpan + 1].y() - points_[thisSpan].y();
		if (std::abs(dy) > eps &&
		    otherSpan + 1 < (int)other.points_.size() &&
		    points_[thisSpan + 1].y() >= other.points_[otherSpan + 1].x() + eps) {
			 * next control point in result will be where this
			 * function's y reaches the next span in other
			thisX = points_[thisSpan].x() +
				(other.points_[otherSpan + 1].x() -
				 points_[thisSpan].y()) *
					dx / dy;
			thisY = other.points_[++otherSpan].x();
		} else if (std::abs(dy) > eps && otherSpan > 0 &&
			   points_[thisSpan + 1].y() <=
				   other.points_[otherSpan - 1].x() - eps) {
			 * next control point in result will be where this
			 * function's y reaches the previous span in other
			thisX = points_[thisSpan].x() +
				(other.points_[otherSpan + 1].x() -
				 points_[thisSpan].y()) *
					dx / dy;
			thisY = other.points_[--otherSpan].x();
		} else {
			/* we stay in the same span in other */
			thisX = points_[thisSpan].x(),
			thisY = points_[thisSpan].y();
		result.append(thisX, other.eval(thisY, &otherSpan, false),
	return result;

 * \brief Apply function to (x, y) values at every control point
 * \param[in] f Function to be applied
void Pwl::map(std::function<void(double x, double y)> f) const
	for (auto &pt : points_)
		f(pt.x(), pt.y());

 * \brief Apply function to (x, y0, y1) values wherever either Pwl has a
 * control point.
 * \param[in] pwl0 First piecewise linear function
 * \param[in] pwl1 Second piecewise linear function
 * \param[in] f Function to be applied
 * This applies the function \a f to every parameter (x, y0, y1), where x is
 * the combined list of x-values from \a pwl0 and \a pwl1, y0 is the y-value
 * for the given x in \a pwl0, and y1 is the y-value for the same x in \a pwl1.
void Pwl::map2(Pwl const &pwl0, Pwl const &pwl1,
	       std::function<void(double x, double y0, double y1)> f)
	int span0 = 0, span1 = 0;
	double x = std::min(pwl0.points_[0].x(), pwl1.points_[0].x());
	f(x, pwl0.eval(x, &span0, false), pwl1.eval(x, &span1, false));

	while (span0 < (int)pwl0.points_.size() - 1 ||
	       span1 < (int)pwl1.points_.size() - 1) {
		if (span0 == (int)pwl0.points_.size() - 1)
			x = pwl1.points_[++span1].x();
		else if (span1 == (int)pwl1.points_.size() - 1)
			x = pwl0.points_[++span0].x();
		else if (pwl0.points_[span0 + 1].x() > pwl1.points_[span1 + 1].x())
			x = pwl1.points_[++span1].x();
			x = pwl0.points_[++span0].x();
		f(x, pwl0.eval(x, &span0, false), pwl1.eval(x, &span1, false));

 * \brief Combine two Pwls
 * \param[in] pwl0 First piecewise linear function
 * \param[in] pwl1 Second piecewise linear function
 * \param[in] f Function to be applied
 * \param[in] eps Epsilon for the minimum x distance between points (optional)
 * Create a new Pwl where the y values are given by running \a f wherever
 * either pwl has a knot.
 * \return The combined pwl
Pwl Pwl::combine(Pwl const &pwl0, Pwl const &pwl1,
		 std::function<double(double x, double y0, double y1)> f,
		 const double eps)
	Pwl result;
	map2(pwl0, pwl1, [&](double x, double y0, double y1) {
		result.append(x, f(x, y0, y1), eps);
	return result;

 * \brief Multiply the piecewise linear function
 * \param[in] d Scalar multiplier to multiply the function by
 * \return This function, after it has been multiplied by \a d
Pwl &Pwl::operator*=(double d)
	for (auto &pt : points_)
		pt[1] *= d;
	return *this;

 * \brief Assemble and return a string describing the piecewise linear function
 * \return A string describing the piecewise linear function
std::string Pwl::toString() const
	std::stringstream ss;
	ss << "Pwl { ";
	for (auto &p : points_)
		ss << "(" << p.x() << ", " << p.y() << ") ";
	ss << "}";
	return ss.str();

} /* namespace ipa */

#ifndef __DOXYGEN__
 * The YAML data shall be a list of numerical values with an even number of
 * elements. They are parsed in pairs into x and y points in the piecewise
 * linear function, and added in order. x must be monotonically increasing.
YamlObject::Getter<ipa::Pwl>::get(const YamlObject &obj) const
	if (!obj.size() || obj.size() % 2)
		return std::nullopt;

	ipa::Pwl pwl;

	const auto &list = obj.asList();

	for (auto it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++) {
		auto x = it->get<double>();
		if (!x)
			return std::nullopt;
		auto y = (++it)->get<double>();
		if (!y)
			return std::nullopt;

		pwl.append(*x, *y);

	if (pwl.size() != obj.size() / 2)
		return std::nullopt;

	return pwl;
#endif /* __DOXYGEN__ */

} /* namespace libcamera */