# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause # # Copyright (C) 2019, Raspberry Pi Ltd # Copyright (C) 2024, Ideas on Board Oy # # Locate and extract Macbeth charts from images # (Copied from: ctt_macbeth_locator.py) # \todo Add debugging import cv2 import os from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import warnings import logging from sklearn import cluster as cluster from .ctt_ransac import get_square_verts, get_square_centres from .image import Image logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MacbethError(Exception): pass # Reshape image to fixed width without distorting returns image and scale # factor def reshape(img, width): factor = width / img.shape[0] return cv2.resize(img, None, fx=factor, fy=factor), factor # Correlation function to quantify match def correlate(im1, im2): f1 = im1.flatten() f2 = im2.flatten() cor = np.corrcoef(f1, f2) return cor[0][1] # @brief Compute coordinates of macbeth chart vertices and square centres # @return (max_cor, best_map_col_norm, fit_coords, success) # # Also returns an error/success message for debugging purposes. Additionally, # it scores the match with a confidence value. # # Brief explanation of the macbeth chart locating algorithm: # - Find rectangles within image # - Take rectangles within percentage offset of median perimeter. The # assumption is that these will be the macbeth squares # - For each potential square, find the 24 possible macbeth centre locations # that would produce a square in that location # - Find clusters of potential macbeth chart centres to find the potential # macbeth centres with the most votes, i.e. the most likely ones # - For each potential macbeth centre, use the centres of the squares that # voted for it to find macbeth chart corners # - For each set of corners, transform the possible match into normalised # space and correlate with a reference chart to evaluate the match # - Select the highest correlation as the macbeth chart match, returning the # correlation as the confidence score # # \todo Clean this up def get_macbeth_chart(img, ref_data): ref, ref_w, ref_h, ref_corns = ref_data # The code will raise and catch a MacbethError in case of a problem, trying # to give some likely reasons why the problem occured, hence the try/except try: # Obtain image, convert to grayscale and normalise src = img src, factor = reshape(src, 200) original = src.copy() a = 125 / np.average(src) src_norm = cv2.convertScaleAbs(src, alpha=a, beta=0) # This code checks if there are seperate colour channels. In the past the # macbeth locator ran on jpgs and this makes it robust to different # filetypes. Note that running it on a jpg has 4x the pixels of the # average bayer channel so coordinates must be doubled. # This is best done in img_load.py in the get_patches method. The # coordinates and image width, height must be divided by two if the # macbeth locator has been run on a demosaicked image. if len(src_norm.shape) == 3: src_bw = cv2.cvtColor(src_norm, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) else: src_bw = src_norm original_bw = src_bw.copy() # Obtain image edges sigma = 2 src_bw = cv2.GaussianBlur(src_bw, (0, 0), sigma) t1, t2 = 50, 100 edges = cv2.Canny(src_bw, t1, t2) # Dilate edges to prevent self-intersections in contours k_size = 2 kernel = np.ones((k_size, k_size)) its = 1 edges = cv2.dilate(edges, kernel, iterations=its) # Find contours in image conts, _ = cv2.findContours(edges, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) if len(conts) == 0: raise MacbethError( '\nWARNING: No macbeth chart found!' '\nNo contours found in image\n' 'Possible problems:\n' '- Macbeth chart is too dark or bright\n' '- Macbeth chart is occluded\n' ) # Find quadrilateral contours epsilon = 0.07 conts_per = [] for i in range(len(conts)): per = cv2.arcLength(conts[i], True) poly = cv2.approxPolyDP(conts[i], epsilon * per, True) if len(poly) == 4 and cv2.isContourConvex(poly): conts_per.append((poly, per)) if len(conts_per) == 0: raise MacbethError( '\nWARNING: No macbeth chart found!' '\nNo quadrilateral contours found' '\nPossible problems:\n' '- Macbeth chart is too dark or bright\n' '- Macbeth chart is occluded\n' '- Macbeth chart is out of camera plane\n' ) # Sort contours by perimeter and get perimeters within percent of median conts_per = sorted(conts_per, key=lambda x: x[1]) med_per = conts_per[int(len(conts_per) / 2)][1] side = med_per / 4 perc = 0.1 med_low, med_high = med_per * (1 - perc), med_per * (1 + perc) squares = [] for i in conts_per: if med_low <= i[1] and med_high >= i[1]: squares.append(i[0]) # Obtain coordinates of nomralised macbeth and squares square_verts, mac_norm = get_square_verts(0.06) # For each square guess, find 24 possible macbeth chart centres mac_mids = [] squares_raw = [] for i in range(len(squares)): square = squares[i] squares_raw.append(square) # Convert quads to rotated rectangles. This is required as the # 'squares' are usually quite irregular quadrilaterls, so # performing a transform would result in exaggerated warping and # inaccurate macbeth chart centre placement rect = cv2.minAreaRect(square) square = cv2.boxPoints(rect).astype(np.float32) # Reorder vertices to prevent 'hourglass shape' square = sorted(square, key=lambda x: x[0]) square_1 = sorted(square[:2], key=lambda x: x[1]) square_2 = sorted(square[2:], key=lambda x: -x[1]) square = np.array(np.concatenate((square_1, square_2)), np.float32) square = np.reshape(square, (4, 2)).astype(np.float32) squares[i] = square # Find 24 possible macbeth chart centres by trasnforming normalised # macbeth square vertices onto candidate square vertices found in image for j in range(len(square_verts)): verts = square_verts[j] p_mat = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(verts, square) mac_guess = cv2.perspectiveTransform(mac_norm, p_mat) mac_guess = np.round(mac_guess).astype(np.int32) mac_mid = np.mean(mac_guess, axis=1) mac_mids.append([mac_mid, (i, j)]) if len(mac_mids) == 0: raise MacbethError( '\nWARNING: No macbeth chart found!' '\nNo possible macbeth charts found within image' '\nPossible problems:\n' '- Part of the macbeth chart is outside the image\n' '- Quadrilaterals in image background\n' ) # Reshape data for i in range(len(mac_mids)): mac_mids[i][0] = mac_mids[i][0][0] # Find where midpoints cluster to identify most likely macbeth centres clustering = cluster.AgglomerativeClustering( n_clusters=None, compute_full_tree=True, distance_threshold=side * 2 ) mac_mids_list = [x[0] for x in mac_mids] if len(mac_mids_list) == 1: # Special case of only one valid centre found (probably not needed) clus_list = [] clus_list.append([mac_mids, len(mac_mids)]) else: clustering.fit(mac_mids_list) # Create list of all clusters clus_list = [] if clustering.n_clusters_ > 1: for i in range(clustering.labels_.max() + 1): indices = [j for j, x in enumerate(clustering.labels_) if x == i] clus = [] for index in indices: clus.append(mac_mids[index]) clus_list.append([clus, len(clus)]) clus_list.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1]) elif clustering.n_clusters_ == 1: # Special case of only one cluster found clus_list.append([mac_mids, len(mac_mids)]) else: raise MacbethError( '\nWARNING: No macebth chart found!' '\nNo clusters found' '\nPossible problems:\n' '- NA\n' ) # Keep only clusters with enough votes clus_len_max = clus_list[0][1] clus_tol = 0.7 for i in range(len(clus_list)): if clus_list[i][1] < clus_len_max * clus_tol: clus_list = clus_list[:i] break cent = np.mean(clus_list[i][0], axis=0)[0] clus_list[i].append(cent) # Get centres of each normalised square reference = get_square_centres(0.06) # For each possible macbeth chart, transform image into # normalised space and find correlation with reference max_cor = 0 best_map = None best_fit = None best_cen_fit = None best_ref_mat = None for clus in clus_list: clus = clus[0] sq_cents = [] ref_cents = [] i_list = [p[1][0] for p in clus] for point in clus: i, j = point[1] # Remove any square that voted for two different points within # the same cluster. This causes the same point in the image to be # mapped to two different reference square centres, resulting in # a very distorted perspective transform since cv2.findHomography # simply minimises error. # This phenomenon is not particularly likely to occur due to the # enforced distance threshold in the clustering fit but it is # best to keep this in just in case. if i_list.count(i) == 1: square = squares_raw[i] sq_cent = np.mean(square, axis=0) ref_cent = reference[j] sq_cents.append(sq_cent) ref_cents.append(ref_cent) # At least four squares need to have voted for a centre in # order for a transform to be found if len(sq_cents) < 4: raise MacbethError( '\nWARNING: No macbeth chart found!' '\nNot enough squares found' '\nPossible problems:\n' '- Macbeth chart is occluded\n' '- Macbeth chart is too dark of bright\n' ) ref_cents = np.array(ref_cents) sq_cents = np.array(sq_cents) # Find best fit transform from normalised centres to image h_mat, mask = cv2.findHomography(ref_cents, sq_cents) if 'None' in str(type(h_mat)): raise MacbethError( '\nERROR\n' ) # Transform normalised corners and centres into image space mac_fit = cv2.perspectiveTransform(mac_norm, h_mat) mac_cen_fit = cv2.perspectiveTransform(np.array([reference]), h_mat) # Transform located corners into reference space ref_mat = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform( mac_fit, np.array([ref_corns]) ) map_to_ref = cv2.warpPerspective( original_bw, ref_mat, (ref_w, ref_h) ) # Normalise brigthness a = 125 / np.average(map_to_ref) map_to_ref = cv2.convertScaleAbs(map_to_ref, alpha=a, beta=0) # Find correlation with bw reference macbeth cor = correlate(map_to_ref, ref) # Keep only if best correlation if cor > max_cor: max_cor = cor best_map = map_to_ref best_fit = mac_fit best_cen_fit = mac_cen_fit best_ref_mat = ref_mat # Rotate macbeth by pi and recorrelate in case macbeth chart is # upside-down mac_fit_inv = np.array( ([[mac_fit[0][2], mac_fit[0][3], mac_fit[0][0], mac_fit[0][1]]]) ) mac_cen_fit_inv = np.flip(mac_cen_fit, axis=1) ref_mat = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform( mac_fit_inv, np.array([ref_corns]) ) map_to_ref = cv2.warpPerspective( original_bw, ref_mat, (ref_w, ref_h) ) a = 125 / np.average(map_to_ref) map_to_ref = cv2.convertScaleAbs(map_to_ref, alpha=a, beta=0) cor = correlate(map_to_ref, ref) if cor > max_cor: max_cor = cor best_map = map_to_ref best_fit = mac_fit_inv best_cen_fit = mac_cen_fit_inv best_ref_mat = ref_mat # Check best match is above threshold cor_thresh = 0.6 if max_cor < cor_thresh: raise MacbethError( '\nWARNING: Correlation too low' '\nPossible problems:\n' '- Bad lighting conditions\n' '- Macbeth chart is occluded\n' '- Background is too noisy\n' '- Macbeth chart is out of camera plane\n' ) # Represent coloured macbeth in reference space best_map_col = cv2.warpPerspective( original, best_ref_mat, (ref_w, ref_h) ) best_map_col = cv2.resize( best_map_col, None, fx=4, fy=4 ) a = 125 / np.average(best_map_col) best_map_col_norm = cv2.convertScaleAbs( best_map_col, alpha=a, beta=0 ) # Rescale coordinates to original image size fit_coords = (best_fit / factor, best_cen_fit / factor) return (max_cor, best_map_col_norm, fit_coords, True) # Catch macbeth errors and continue with code except MacbethError as error: # \todo: This happens so many times in a normal run, that it shadows # all the relevant output # logger.warning(error) return (0, None, None, False) def find_macbeth(img, mac_config): small_chart = mac_config['small'] show = mac_config['show'] # Catch the warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore") warnings.warn("runtime", RuntimeWarning) # Reference macbeth chart is created that will be correlated with the # located macbeth chart guess to produce a confidence value for the match. script_dir = Path(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))) macbeth_ref_path = script_dir.joinpath('macbeth_ref.pgm') ref = cv2.imread(str(macbeth_ref_path), flags=cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) ref_w = 120 ref_h = 80 rc1 = (0, 0) rc2 = (0, ref_h) rc3 = (ref_w, ref_h) rc4 = (ref_w, 0) ref_corns = np.array((rc1, rc2, rc3, rc4), np.float32) ref_data = (ref, ref_w, ref_h, ref_corns) # Locate macbeth chart cor, mac, coords, ret = get_macbeth_chart(img, ref_data) # Following bits of code try to fix common problems with simple techniques. # If now or at any point the best correlation is of above 0.75, then # nothing more is tried as this is a high enough confidence to ensure # reliable macbeth square centre placement. # Keep a list that will include this and any brightened up versions of # the image for reuse. all_images = [img] for brightness in [2, 4]: if cor >= 0.75: break img_br = cv2.convertScaleAbs(img, alpha=brightness, beta=0) all_images.append(img_br) cor_b, mac_b, coords_b, ret_b = get_macbeth_chart(img_br, ref_data) if cor_b > cor: cor, mac, coords, ret = cor_b, mac_b, coords_b, ret_b # In case macbeth chart is too small, take a selection of the image and # attempt to locate macbeth chart within that. The scale increment is # root 2 # These variables will be used to transform the found coordinates at # smaller scales back into the original. If ii is still -1 after this # section that means it was not successful ii = -1 w_best = 0 h_best = 0 d_best = 100 # d_best records the scale of the best match. Macbeth charts are only looked # for at one scale increment smaller than the current best match in order to avoid # unecessarily searching for macbeth charts at small scales. # If a macbeth chart ha already been found then set d_best to 0 if cor != 0: d_best = 0 for index, pair in enumerate([{'sel': 2 / 3, 'inc': 1 / 6}, {'sel': 1 / 2, 'inc': 1 / 8}, {'sel': 1 / 3, 'inc': 1 / 12}, {'sel': 1 / 4, 'inc': 1 / 16}]): if cor >= 0.75: break # Check if we need to check macbeth charts at even smaller scales. This # slows the code down significantly and has therefore been omitted by # default, however it is not unusably slow so might be useful if the # macbeth chart is too small to be picked up to by the current # subselections. Use this for macbeth charts with side lengths around # 1/5 image dimensions (and smaller...?) it is, however, recommended # that macbeth charts take up as large as possible a proportion of the # image. if index >= 2 and (not small_chart or d_best <= index - 1): break w, h = list(img.shape[:2]) # Set dimensions of the subselection and the step along each axis # between selections w_sel = int(w * pair['sel']) h_sel = int(h * pair['sel']) w_inc = int(w * pair['inc']) h_inc = int(h * pair['inc']) loop = int(((1 - pair['sel']) / pair['inc']) + 1) # For each subselection, look for a macbeth chart for img_br in all_images: for i in range(loop): for j in range(loop): w_s, h_s = i * w_inc, j * h_inc img_sel = img_br[w_s:w_s + w_sel, h_s:h_s + h_sel] cor_ij, mac_ij, coords_ij, ret_ij = get_macbeth_chart(img_sel, ref_data) # If the correlation is better than the best then record the # scale and current subselection at which macbeth chart was # found. Also record the coordinates, macbeth chart and message. if cor_ij > cor: cor = cor_ij mac, coords, ret = mac_ij, coords_ij, ret_ij ii, jj = i, j w_best, h_best = w_inc, h_inc d_best = index + 1 # Transform coordinates from subselection to original image if ii != -1: for a in range(len(coords)): for b in range(len(coords[a][0])): coords[a][0][b][1] += ii * w_best coords[a][0][b][0] += jj * h_best if not ret: return None coords_fit = coords if cor < 0.75: logger.warning(f'Low confidence {cor:.3f} for macbeth chart') if show: draw_macbeth_results(img, coords_fit) return coords_fit def locate_macbeth(image: Image, config: dict): # Find macbeth centres av_chan = (np.mean(np.array(image.channels), axis=0) / (2**16)) av_val = np.mean(av_chan) if av_val < image.blacklevel_16 / (2**16) + 1 / 64: logger.warning(f'Image {image.path.name} too dark') return None macbeth = find_macbeth(av_chan, config['general']['macbeth']) if macbeth is None: logger.warning(f'No macbeth chart found in {image.path.name}') return None mac_cen_coords = macbeth[1] if not image.get_patches(mac_cen_coords): logger.warning(f'Macbeth patches have saturated in {image.path.name}') return None image.macbeth = macbeth return macbeth 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
 * Copyright (C) 2019, Collabora Ltd.
 *     Author: Nicolas Dufresne <nicolas.dufresne@collabora.com>
 * gstlibcamerasrc.cpp - GStreamer Capture Element

 * \todo The following is a list of items that needs implementation in the GStreamer plugin
 *  - Implement GstElement::send_event
 *    + Allowing application to send EOS
 *    + Allowing application to use FLUSH/FLUSH_STOP
 *    + Prevent the main thread from accessing streaming thread
 *  - Implement renegotiation (even if slow)
 *  - Implement GstElement::request-new-pad (multi stream)
 *    + Evaluate if a single streaming thread is fine
 *  - Add application driven request (snapshot)
 *  - Add framerate control
 *  - Add buffer importation support
 *  Requires new libcamera API:
 *  - Add framerate negotiation support
 *  - Add colorimetry support
 *  - Add timestamp support
 *  - Use unique names to select the camera devices
 *  - Add GstVideoMeta support (strides and offsets)
 * \todo libcamera UVC drivers picks the lowest possible resolution first, this
 * should be fixed so that we get a decent resolution and framerate for the
 * role by default.

#include "gstlibcamerasrc.h"

#include <queue>
#include <vector>

#include <gst/base/base.h>

#include <libcamera/camera.h>
#include <libcamera/camera_manager.h>

#include "gstlibcameraallocator.h"
#include "gstlibcamerapad.h"
#include "gstlibcamerapool.h"
#include "gstlibcamera-utils.h"

using namespace libcamera;

#define GST_CAT_DEFAULT source_debug

struct RequestWrap {
	RequestWrap(Request *request);

	void attachBuffer(GstBuffer *buffer);
	GstBuffer *detachBuffer(Stream *stream);

	/* For ptr comparison only. */
	Request *request_;
	std::map<Stream *, GstBuffer *> buffers_;

RequestWrap::RequestWrap(Request *request)
	: request_(request)

	for (std::pair<Stream *const, GstBuffer *> &item : buffers_) {
		if (item.second)

	delete request_;

void RequestWrap::attachBuffer(GstBuffer *buffer)
	FrameBuffer *fb = gst_libcamera_buffer_get_frame_buffer(buffer);
	Stream *stream = gst_libcamera_buffer_get_stream(buffer);

	request_->addBuffer(stream, fb);

	auto item = buffers_.find(stream);
	if (item != buffers_.end()) {
		item->second = buffer;
	} else {
		buffers_[stream] = buffer;

GstBuffer *RequestWrap::detachBuffer(Stream *stream)
	GstBuffer *buffer = nullptr;

	auto item = buffers_.find(stream);
	if (item != buffers_.end()) {
		buffer = item->second;
		item->second = nullptr;

	return buffer;

/* Used for C++ object with destructors. */
struct GstLibcameraSrcState {
	GstLibcameraSrc *src_;

	std::unique_ptr<CameraManager> cm_;
	std::shared_ptr<Camera> cam_;
	std::unique_ptr<CameraConfiguration> config_;
	std::vector<GstPad *> srcpads_;
	std::queue<std::unique_ptr<RequestWrap>> requests_;

	void requestCompleted(Request *request);

struct _GstLibcameraSrc {
	GstElement parent;

	GRecMutex stream_lock;
	GstTask *task;

	gchar *camera_name;

	GstLibcameraSrcState *state;
	GstLibcameraAllocator *allocator;
	GstFlowCombiner *flow_combiner;

enum {

G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE(GstLibcameraSrc, gst_libcamera_src, GST_TYPE_ELEMENT,
			GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT(source_debug, "libcamerasrc", 0,
						"libcamera Source"))

#define TEMPLATE_CAPS GST_STATIC_CAPS("video/x-raw; image/jpeg")

/* For the simple case, we have a src pad that is always present. */
GstStaticPadTemplate src_template = {

/* More pads can be requested in state < PAUSED */
GstStaticPadTemplate request_src_template = {

GstLibcameraSrcState::requestCompleted(Request *request)
	GLibLocker lock(GST_OBJECT(src_));

	GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(src_, "buffers are ready");

	std::unique_ptr<RequestWrap> wrap = std::move(requests_.front());

	g_return_if_fail(wrap->request_ == request);

	if ((request->status() == Request::RequestCancelled)) {
		GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(src_, "Request was cancelled");

	GstBuffer *buffer;
	for (GstPad *srcpad : srcpads_) {
		Stream *stream = gst_libcamera_pad_get_stream(srcpad);
		buffer = wrap->detachBuffer(stream);

		FrameBuffer *fb = gst_libcamera_buffer_get_frame_buffer(buffer);

		if (GST_ELEMENT_CLOCK(src_)) {
			GstClockTime gst_base_time = GST_ELEMENT(src_)->base_time;
			GstClockTime gst_now = gst_clock_get_time(GST_ELEMENT_CLOCK(src_));
			/* \todo Need to expose which reference clock the timestamp relates to. */
			GstClockTime sys_now = g_get_monotonic_time() * 1000;

			/* Deduced from: sys_now - sys_base_time == gst_now - gst_base_time */
			GstClockTime sys_base_time = sys_now - (gst_now - gst_base_time);
			GST_BUFFER_PTS(buffer) = fb->metadata().timestamp - sys_base_time;
			gst_libcamera_pad_set_latency(srcpad, sys_now - fb->metadata().timestamp);
		} else {
			GST_BUFFER_PTS(buffer) = 0;

		GST_BUFFER_OFFSET(buffer) = fb->metadata().sequence;
		GST_BUFFER_OFFSET_END(buffer) = fb->metadata().sequence;

		gst_libcamera_pad_queue_buffer(srcpad, buffer);


static bool
gst_libcamera_src_open(GstLibcameraSrc *self)
	std::unique_ptr<CameraManager> cm = std::make_unique<CameraManager>();
	std::shared_ptr<Camera> cam;
	gint ret = 0;

	GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(self, "Opening camera device ...");

	ret = cm->start();
	if (ret) {
				  ("Failed listing cameras."),
				  ("libcamera::CameraMananger::start() failed: %s", g_strerror(-ret)));
		return false;

	g_autofree gchar *camera_name = nullptr;
		GLibLocker lock(GST_OBJECT(self));
		if (self->camera_name)
			camera_name = g_strdup(self->camera_name);

	if (camera_name) {
		cam = cm->get(self->camera_name);
		if (!cam) {
					  ("Could not find a camera named '%s'.", self->camera_name),
					  ("libcamera::CameraMananger::get() returned nullptr"));
			return false;
	} else {
		if (cm->cameras().empty()) {
					  ("Could not find any supported camera on this system."),
					  ("libcamera::CameraMananger::cameras() is empty"));
			return false;
		cam = cm->cameras()[0];

	GST_INFO_OBJECT(self, "Using camera '%s'", cam->id().c_str());

	ret = cam->acquire();
	if (ret) {
				  ("Camera '%s' is already in use.", cam->id().c_str()),
				  ("libcamera::Camera::acquire() failed: %s", g_strerror(ret)));
		return false;

	cam->requestCompleted.connect(self->state, &GstLibcameraSrcState::requestCompleted);

	/* No need to lock here, we didn't start our threads yet. */
	self->state->cm_ = std::move(cm);
	self->state->cam_ = cam;

	return true;

static void
gst_libcamera_src_task_run(gpointer user_data)
	GstLibcameraSrc *self = GST_LIBCAMERA_SRC(user_data);
	GstLibcameraSrcState *state = self->state;

	std::unique_ptr<Request> request = state->cam_->createRequest();
	auto wrap = std::make_unique<RequestWrap>(request.get());
	for (GstPad *srcpad : state->srcpads_) {
		GstLibcameraPool *pool = gst_libcamera_pad_get_pool(srcpad);
		GstBuffer *buffer;
		GstFlowReturn ret;

		ret = gst_buffer_pool_acquire_buffer(GST_BUFFER_POOL(pool),
						     &buffer, nullptr);
		if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) {
			 * RequestWrap does not take ownership, and we won't be
			 * queueing this one due to lack of buffers.


	if (request) {
		GLibLocker lock(GST_OBJECT(self));
		GST_TRACE_OBJECT(self, "Requesting buffers");

		/* The request will be deleted in the completion handler. */

	GstFlowReturn ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
	for (GstPad *srcpad : state->srcpads_) {
		ret = gst_libcamera_pad_push_pending(srcpad);
		ret = gst_flow_combiner_update_pad_flow(self->flow_combiner,
							srcpad, ret);

		 * Here we need to decide if we want to pause or stop the task. This
		 * needs to happen in lock step with the callback thread which may want
		 * to resume the task.
		GLibLocker lock(GST_OBJECT(self));
		if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) {
			if (ret == GST_FLOW_EOS) {
				g_autoptr(GstEvent) eos = gst_event_new_eos();
				guint32 seqnum = gst_util_seqnum_next();
				gst_event_set_seqnum(eos, seqnum);
				for (GstPad *srcpad : state->srcpads_)
					gst_pad_push_event(srcpad, gst_event_ref(eos));
			} else if (ret != GST_FLOW_FLUSHING) {
				GST_ELEMENT_FLOW_ERROR(self, ret);

		bool do_pause = true;
		for (GstPad *srcpad : state->srcpads_) {
			if (gst_libcamera_pad_has_pending(srcpad)) {
				do_pause = false;

		if (do_pause)

static void
gst_libcamera_src_task_enter(GstTask *task, [[maybe_unused]] GThread *thread,
			     gpointer user_data)
	GstLibcameraSrc *self = GST_LIBCAMERA_SRC(user_data);
	GLibRecLocker lock(&self->stream_lock);
	GstLibcameraSrcState *state = self->state;
	GstFlowReturn flow_ret = GST_FLOW_OK;
	gint ret;

	GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(self, "Streaming thread has started");

	guint group_id = gst_util_group_id_next();
	StreamRoles roles;
	for (GstPad *srcpad : state->srcpads_) {
		/* Create stream-id and push stream-start. */
		g_autofree gchar *stream_id = gst_pad_create_stream_id(srcpad, GST_ELEMENT(self), nullptr);
		GstEvent *event = gst_event_new_stream_start(stream_id);
		gst_event_set_group_id(event, group_id);
		gst_pad_push_event(srcpad, event);

		/* Collect the streams roles for the next iteration. */

	/* Generate the stream configurations, there should be one per pad. */
	state->config_ = state->cam_->generateConfiguration(roles);
	 * \todo Check if camera may increase or decrease the number of streams
	 * regardless of the number of roles.
	g_assert(state->config_->size() == state->srcpads_.size());

	for (gsize i = 0; i < state->srcpads_.size(); i++) {
		GstPad *srcpad = state->srcpads_[i];
		StreamConfiguration &stream_cfg = state->config_->at(i);

		/* Retrieve the supported caps. */
		g_autoptr(GstCaps) filter = gst_libcamera_stream_formats_to_caps(stream_cfg.formats());
		g_autoptr(GstCaps) caps = gst_pad_peer_query_caps(srcpad, filter);
		if (gst_caps_is_empty(caps)) {

		/* Fixate caps and configure the stream. */
		caps = gst_caps_make_writable(caps);
		gst_libcamera_configure_stream_from_caps(stream_cfg, caps);

	if (flow_ret != GST_FLOW_OK)
		goto done;

	/* Validate the configuration. */
	if (state->config_->validate() == CameraConfiguration::Invalid) {
		goto done;

	 * Regardless if it has been modified, create clean caps and push the
	 * caps event. Downstream will decide if the caps are acceptable.
	for (gsize i = 0; i < state->srcpads_.size(); i++) {
		GstPad *srcpad = state->srcpads_[i];
		const StreamConfiguration &stream_cfg = state->config_->at(i);

		g_autoptr(GstCaps) caps = gst_libcamera_stream_configuration_to_caps(stream_cfg);
		if (!gst_pad_push_event(srcpad, gst_event_new_caps(caps))) {

		/* Send an open segment event with time format. */
		GstSegment segment;
		gst_segment_init(&segment, GST_FORMAT_TIME);
		gst_pad_push_event(srcpad, gst_event_new_segment(&segment));

	ret = state->cam_->configure(state->config_.get());
	if (ret) {
				  ("Failed to configure camera: %s", g_strerror(-ret)),
				  ("Camera::configure() failed with error code %i", ret));

	self->allocator = gst_libcamera_allocator_new(state->cam_);
	if (!self->allocator) {
				  ("Failed to allocate memory"),
				  ("gst_libcamera_allocator_new() failed."));

	self->flow_combiner = gst_flow_combiner_new();
	for (gsize i = 0; i < state->srcpads_.size(); i++) {
		GstPad *srcpad = state->srcpads_[i];
		const StreamConfiguration &stream_cfg = state->config_->at(i);
		GstLibcameraPool *pool = gst_libcamera_pool_new(self->allocator,
		g_signal_connect_swapped(pool, "buffer-notify",
					 G_CALLBACK(gst_libcamera_resume_task), task);

		gst_libcamera_pad_set_pool(srcpad, pool);
		gst_flow_combiner_add_pad(self->flow_combiner, srcpad);

	ret = state->cam_->start();
	if (ret) {
				  ("Failed to start the camera: %s", g_strerror(-ret)),
				  ("Camera.start() failed with error code %i", ret));

	switch (flow_ret) {
		GST_ELEMENT_FLOW_ERROR(self, flow_ret);

static void
gst_libcamera_src_task_leave([[maybe_unused]] GstTask *task,
			     [[maybe_unused]] GThread *thread,
			     gpointer user_data)
	GstLibcameraSrc *self = GST_LIBCAMERA_SRC(user_data);
	GstLibcameraSrcState *state = self->state;

	GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(self, "Streaming thread is about to stop");


	for (GstPad *srcpad : state->srcpads_)
		gst_libcamera_pad_set_pool(srcpad, nullptr);


static void
gst_libcamera_src_close(GstLibcameraSrc *self)
	GstLibcameraSrcState *state = self->state;
	gint ret;

	GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(self, "Releasing resources");

	ret = state->cam_->release();
	if (ret) {
				    ("Camera '%s' is still in use.", state->cam_->id().c_str()),
				    ("libcamera::Camera.release() failed: %s", g_strerror(-ret)));


static void
gst_libcamera_src_set_property(GObject *object, guint prop_id,
			       const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec)
	GLibLocker lock(GST_OBJECT(object));