#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """The frontend for the Mojo bindings system.""" from __future__ import print_function import argparse import hashlib import importlib import json import os import pprint import re import struct import sys # Disable lint check for finding modules: # pylint: disable=F0401 def _GetDirAbove(dirname): """Returns the directory "above" this file containing |dirname| (which must also be "above" this file).""" path = os.path.abspath(__file__) while True: path, tail = os.path.split(path) assert tail if tail == dirname: return path sys.path.insert( 0, os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))), "mojom")) from mojom.error import Error import mojom.fileutil as fileutil from mojom.generate.module import Module from mojom.generate import template_expander from mojom.generate import translate from mojom.generate.generator import WriteFile sys.path.append( os.path.join(_GetDirAbove("mojo"), "tools", "diagnosis")) import crbug_1001171 _BUILTIN_GENERATORS = { "c++": "mojom_cpp_generator", "javascript": "mojom_js_generator", "java": "mojom_java_generator", "mojolpm": "mojom_mojolpm_generator", "typescript": "mojom_ts_generator", } def LoadGenerators(generators_string): if not generators_string: return [] # No generators. generators = {} for generator_name in [s.strip() for s in generators_string.split(",")]: language = generator_name.lower() if language not in _BUILTIN_GENERATORS: print("Unknown generator name %s" % generator_name) sys.exit(1) generator_module = importlib.import_module( "generators.%s" % _BUILTIN_GENERATORS[language]) generators[language] = generator_module return generators def MakeImportStackMessage(imported_filename_stack): """Make a (human-readable) message listing a chain of imports. (Returned string begins with a newline (if nonempty) and does not end with one.)""" return ''.join( reversed(["\n %s was imported by %s" % (a, b) for (a, b) in \ zip(imported_filename_stack[1:], imported_filename_stack)])) class RelativePath(object): """Represents a path relative to the source tree or generated output dir.""" def __init__(self, path, source_root, output_dir): self.path = path if path.startswith(source_root): self.root = source_root elif path.startswith(output_dir): self.root = output_dir else: raise Exception("Invalid input path %s" % path) def relative_path(self): return os.path.relpath( os.path.abspath(self.path), os.path.abspath(self.root)) def _GetModulePath(path, output_dir): return os.path.join(output_dir, path.relative_path() + '-module') def ScrambleMethodOrdinals(interfaces, salt): already_generated = set() for interface in interfaces: i = 0 already_generated.clear() for method in interface.methods: if method.explicit_ordinal is not None: continue while True: i = i + 1 if i == 1000000: raise Exception("Could not generate %d method ordinals for %s" % (len(interface.methods), interface.mojom_name)) # Generate a scrambled method.ordinal value. The algorithm doesn't have # to be very strong, cryptographically. It just needs to be non-trivial # to guess the results without the secret salt, in order to make it # harder for a compromised process to send fake Mojo messages. sha256 = hashlib.sha256(salt) sha256.update(interface.mojom_name.encode('utf-8')) sha256.update(str(i).encode('utf-8')) # Take the first 4 bytes as a little-endian uint32. ordinal = struct.unpack('= 2: args.import_directories[idx] = RelativePath(tokens[0], tokens[1], args.output_dir) else: args.import_directories[idx] = RelativePath(tokens[0], args.depth, args.output_dir) generator_modules = LoadGenerators(args.generators_string) fileutil.EnsureDirectoryExists(args.output_dir) processor = MojomProcessor(lambda filename: filename in args.filename) processor.LoadTypemaps(set(args.typemaps)) if args.filelist: with open(args.filelist) as f: args.filename.extend(f.read().split()) for filename in args.filename: processor._GenerateModule( args, remaining_args, generator_modules, RelativePath(filename, args.depth, args.output_dir), []) return 0 def _Precompile(args, _): generator_modules = LoadGenerators(",".join(_BUILTIN_GENERATORS.keys())) template_expander.PrecompileTemplates(generator_modules, args.output_dir) return 0 def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Generate bindings from mojom files.") parser.add_argument("--use_bundled_pylibs", action="store_true", help="use Python modules bundled in the SDK") parser.add_argument( "-o", "--output_dir", dest="output_dir", default=".", help="output directory for generated files") subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() generate_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "generate", description="Generate bindings from mojom files.") generate_parser.add_argument("filename", nargs="*", help="mojom input file") generate_parser.add_argument("--filelist", help="mojom input file list") generate_parser.add_argument("-d", "--depth", dest="depth", default=".", help="depth from source root") generate_parser.add_argument("-g", "--generators", dest="generators_string", metavar="GENERATORS", default="c++,javascript,java,mojolpm", help="comma-separated list of generators") generate_parser.add_argument( "--gen_dir", dest="gen_directories", action="append", metavar="directory", default=[], help="add a directory to be searched for the syntax trees.") generate_parser.add_argument( "-I", dest="import_directories", action="append", metavar="directory", default=[], help="add a directory to be searched for import files. The depth from " "source root can be specified for each import by appending it after " "a colon") generate_parser.add_argument("--typemap", action="append", metavar="TYPEMAP", default=[], dest="typemaps", help="apply TYPEMAP to generated output") generate_parser.add_argument("--variant", dest="variant", default=None, help="output a named variant of the bindings") generate_parser.add_argument( "--bytecode_path", required=True, help=( "the path from which to load template bytecode; to generate template " "bytecode, run %s precompile BYTECODE_PATH" % os.path.basename( sys.argv[0]))) generate_parser.add_argument("--for_blink", action="store_true", help="Use WTF types as generated types for mojo " "string/array/map.") generate_parser.add_argument( "--js_bindings_mode", choices=["new", "old"], default="old", help="This option only affects the JavaScript bindings. The value could " "be \"new\" to generate new-style lite JS bindings in addition to the " "old, or \"old\" to only generate old bindings.") generate_parser.add_argument( "--js_generate_struct_deserializers", action="store_true", help="Generate javascript deserialize methods for structs in " "mojom-lite.js file") generate_parser.add_argument( "--export_attribute", default="", help="Optional attribute to specify on class declaration to export it " "for the component build.") generate_parser.add_argument( "--export_header", default="", help="Optional header to include in the generated headers to support the " "component build.") generate_parser.add_argument( "--generate_non_variant_code", action="store_true", help="Generate code that is shared by different variants.") generate_parser.add_argument( "--scrambled_message_id_salt_path", dest="scrambled_message_id_salt_paths", help="If non-empty, the path to a file whose contents should be used as" "a salt for generating scrambled message IDs. If this switch is specified" "more than once, the contents of all salt files are concatenated to form" "the salt value.", default=[], action="append") generate_parser.add_argument( "--support_lazy_serialization", help="If set, generated bindings will serialize lazily when possible.", action="store_true") generate_parser.add_argument( "--extra_cpp_template_paths", dest="extra_cpp_template_paths", action="append", metavar="path_to_template", default=[], help="Provide a path to a new template (.tmpl) that is used to generate " "additional C++ source/header files ") generate_parser.add_argument( "--generate_extra_cpp_only", help="If set and extra_cpp_template_paths provided, will only generate" "extra_cpp_template related C++ bindings", action="store_true") generate_parser.add_argument( "--disallow_native_types", help="Disallows the [Native] attribute to be specified on structs or " "enums within the mojom file.", action="store_true") generate_parser.add_argument( "--disallow_interfaces", help="Disallows interface definitions within the mojom file. It is an " "error to specify this flag when processing a mojom file which defines " "any interface.", action="store_true") generate_parser.add_argument( "--generate_message_ids", help="Generates only the message IDs header for C++ bindings. Note that " "this flag only matters if --generate_non_variant_code is also " "specified.", action="store_true") generate_parser.add_argument( "--generate_fuzzing", action="store_true", help="Generates additional bindings for fuzzing in JS.") generate_parser.add_argument( "--enable_kythe_annotations", action="store_true", help="Adds annotations for kythe metadata generation.") generate_parser.set_defaults(func=_Generate) precompile_parser = subparsers.add_parser("precompile", description="Precompile templates for the mojom bindings generator.") precompile_parser.set_defaults(func=_Precompile) args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args() return args.func(args, remaining_args) if __name__ == "__main__": with crbug_1001171.DumpStateOnLookupError(): sys.exit(main())