/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /* * Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc. * * main_window.cpp - qcam - Main application window */ #include "main_window.h" #include <iomanip> #include <string> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <QComboBox> #include <QCoreApplication> #include <QFileDialog> #include <QImage> #include <QImageWriter> #include <QInputDialog> #include <QMutexLocker> #include <QStandardPaths> #include <QTimer> #include <QToolBar> #include <QToolButton> #include <QtDebug> #include <libcamera/camera_manager.h> #include <libcamera/version.h> using namespace libcamera; /** * \brief Custom QEvent to signal capture completion */ class CaptureEvent : public QEvent { public: CaptureEvent() : QEvent(type()) { } static Type type() { static int type = QEvent::registerEventType(); return static_cast<Type>(type); } }; MainWindow::MainWindow(CameraManager *cm, const OptionsParser::Options &options) : options_(options), cm_(cm), allocator_(nullptr), isCapturing_(false) { int ret; /* * Initialize the UI: Create the toolbar, set the window title and * create the viewfinder widget. */ createToolbars(); title_ = "QCam " + QString::fromStdString(CameraManager::version()); setWindowTitle(title_); connect(&titleTimer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateTitle())); viewfinder_ = new ViewFinder(this); connect(viewfinder_, &ViewFinder::renderComplete, this, &MainWindow::queueRequest); setCentralWidget(viewfinder_); adjustSize(); /* Open the camera and start capture. */ ret = openCamera(); if (ret < 0) { quit(); return; } startStopAction_->setChecked(true); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { if (camera_) { stopCapture(); camera_->release(); camera_.reset(); } } bool MainWindow::event(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == CaptureEvent::type()) { processCapture(); return true; } return QMainWindow::event(e); } int MainWindow::createToolbars() { QAction *action; toolbar_ = addToolBar("Main"); /* Disable right click context menu. */ toolbar_->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::PreventContextMenu); /* Quit action. */ action = toolbar_->addAction(QIcon::fromTheme("application-exit", QIcon(":x-circle.svg")), "Quit"); action->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Q); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::quit); /* Camera selector. */ QComboBox *cameraCombo = new QComboBox(); connect(cameraCombo, QOverload<int>::of(&QComboBox::activated), this, &MainWindow::switchCamera); for (const std::shared_ptr<Camera> &cam : cm_->cameras()) cameraCombo->addItem(QString::fromStdString(cam->name())); toolbar_->addWidget(cameraCombo); toolbar_->addSeparator(); /* Start/Stop action. */ iconPlay_ = QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-start", QIcon(":play-circle.svg")); iconStop_ = QIcon::fromTheme("media-playback-stop", QIcon(":stop-circle.svg")); action = toolbar_->addAction(iconPlay_, "Start Capture"); action->setCheckable(true); action->setShortcut(Qt::Key_Space); connect(action, &QAction::toggled, this, &MainWindow::toggleCapture); startStopAction_ = action; /* Save As... action. */ action = toolbar_->addAction(QIcon::fromTheme("document-save-as", QIcon(":save.svg")), "Save As..."); action->setShortcut(QKeySequence::SaveAs); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::saveImageAs); return 0; } void MainWindow::quit() { QTimer::singleShot(0, QCoreApplication::instance(), &QCoreApplication::quit); } void MainWindow::updateTitle() { /* Calculate the average frame rate over the last period. */ unsigned int duration = frameRateInterval_.elapsed(); unsigned int frames = framesCaptured_ - previousFrames_; double fps = frames * 1000.0 / duration; /* Restart counters. */ frameRateInterval_.start(); previousFrames_ = framesCaptured_; setWindowTitle(title_ + " : " + QString::number(fps, 'f', 2) + " fps"); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Camera Selection */ void MainWindow::switchCamera(int index) { /* Get and acquire the new camera. */ const auto &cameras = cm_->cameras(); if (static_cast<unsigned int>(index) >= cameras.size()) return; const std::shared_ptr<Camera> &cam = cameras[index]; if (cam->acquire()) { qInfo() << "Failed to acquire camera" << cam->name().c_str(); return; } qInfo() << "Switching to camera" << cam->name().c_str(); /* * Stop the capture session, release the current camera, replace it with * the new camera and start a new capture session. */ startStopAction_->setChecked(false); camera_->release(); camera_ = cam; startStopAction_->setChecked(true); } std::string MainWindow::chooseCamera() { QStringList cameras; bool result; /* If only one camera is available, use it automatically. */ if (cm_->cameras().size() == 1) return cm_->cameras()[0]->name(); /* Present a dialog box to pick a camera. */ for (const std::shared_ptr<Camera> &cam : cm_->cameras()) cameras.append(QString::fromStdString(cam->name())); QString name = QInputDialog::getItem(this, "Select Camera", "Camera:", cameras, 0, false, &result); if (!result) return std::string(); return name.toStdString(); } int MainWindow::openCamera() { std::string cameraName; /* * Use the camera specified on the command line, if any, or display the * camera selection dialog box otherwise. */ if (options_.isSet(OptCamera)) cameraName = static_cast<std::string>(options_[OptCamera]); else cameraName = chooseCamera(); if (cameraName == "") return -EINVAL; /* Get and acquire the camera. */ camera_ = cm_->get(cameraName); if (!camera_) { qInfo() << "Camera" << cameraName.c_str() << "not found"; return -ENODEV; } if (camera_->acquire()) { qInfo() << "Failed to acquire camera"; camera_.reset(); return -EBUSY; } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Capture Start & Stop */ void MainWindow::toggleCapture(bool start) { if (start) { startCapture(); startStopAction_->setIcon(iconStop_); startStopAction_->setText("Stop Capture"); } else { stopCapture(); startStopAction_->setIcon(iconPlay_); startStopAction_->setText("Start Capture"); } } /** * \brief Start capture with the current camera * * This function shall not be called directly, use toggleCapture() instead. */ int MainWindow::startCapture() { int ret; /* Configure the camera. */ config_ = camera_->generateConfiguration({ StreamRole::Viewfinder }); StreamConfiguration &cfg = config_->at(0); if (options_.isSet(OptSize)) { const std::vector<OptionValue> &sizeOptions = options_[OptSize].toArray(); /* Set desired stream size if requested. */ for (const auto &value : sizeOptions) { KeyValueParser::Options opt = value.toKeyValues(); if (opt.isSet("width")) cfg.size.width = opt["width"]; if (opt.isSet("height")) cfg.size.height = opt["height"]; } } /* Use a format supported by the viewfinder if available. */ std::vector<PixelFormat> formats = cfg.formats().pixelformats(); for (const PixelFormat &format : viewfinder_->nativeFormats()) { auto match = std::find_if(formats.begin(), formats.end(), [&](const PixelFormat &f) { return f == format; }); if (match != formats.end()) { cfg.pixelFormat = format; break; } } CameraConfiguration::Status validation = config_->validate(); if (validation == CameraConfiguration::Invalid) { qWarning() << "Failed to create valid camera configuration"; return -EINVAL; } if (validation == CameraConfiguration::Adjusted) qInfo() << "Stream configuration adjusted to " << cfg.toString().c_str(); ret = camera_->configure(config_.get()); if (ret < 0) { qInfo() << "Failed to configure camera"; return ret; } /* Configure the viewfinder. */ Stream *stream = cfg.stream(); ret = viewfinder_->setFormat(cfg.pixelFormat, QSize(cfg.size.width, cfg.size.height)); if (ret < 0) { qInfo() << "Failed to set viewfinder format"; return ret; } adjustSize(); /* Allocate buffers and requests. */ allocator_ = new FrameBufferAllocator(camera_); ret = allocator_->allocate(stream); if (ret < 0) { qWarning() << "Failed to allocate capture buffers"; return ret; } std::vector<Request *> requests; for (const std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer> &buffer : allocator_->buffers(stream)) { Request *request = camera_->createRequest(); if (!request) { qWarning() << "Can't create request"; ret = -ENOMEM; goto error; } ret = request->addBuffer(stream, buffer.get()); if (ret < 0) { qWarning() << "Can't set buffer for request"; goto error; } requests.push_back(request); /* Map memory buffers and cache the mappings. */ const FrameBuffer::Plane &plane = buffer->planes().front(); void *memory = mmap(NULL, plane.length, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, plane.fd.fd(), 0); mappedBuffers_[buffer.get()] = { memory, plane.length }; } /* Start the title timer and the camera. */ titleTimer_.start(2000); frameRateInterval_.start(); previousFrames_ = 0; framesCaptured_ = 0; lastBufferTime_ = 0; ret = camera_->start(); if (ret) { qInfo() << "Failed to start capture"; goto error; } camera_->requestCompleted.connect(this, &MainWindow::requestComplete); /* Queue all requests. */ for (Request *request : requests) { ret = camera_->queueRequest(request); if (ret < 0) { qWarning() << "Can't queue request"; goto error_disconnect; } } isCapturing_ = true; return 0; error_disconnect: camera_->requestCompleted.disconnect(this, &MainWindow::requestComplete); camera_->stop(); error: for (Request *request : requests) delete request; for (auto &iter : mappedBuffers_) { const MappedBuffer &buffer = iter.second; munmap(buffer.memory, buffer.size); } mappedBuffers_.clear(); delete allocator_; allocator_ = nullptr; return ret; } /** * \brief Stop ongoing capture * * This function may be called directly when tearing down the MainWindow. Use * toggleCapture() instead in all other cases. */ void MainWindow::stopCapture() { if (!isCapturing_) return; viewfinder_->stop(); int ret = camera_->stop(); if (ret) qInfo() << "Failed to stop capture"; camera_->requestCompleted.disconnect(this, &MainWindow::requestComplete); for (auto &iter : mappedBuffers_) { const MappedBuffer &buffer = iter.second; munmap(buffer.memory, buffer.size); } mappedBuffers_.clear(); delete allocator_; isCapturing_ = false; config_.reset(); /* * A CaptureEvent may have been posted before we stopped the camera, * but not processed yet. Clear the queue of done buffers to avoid * racing with the event handler. */ doneQueue_.clear(); titleTimer_.stop(); setWindowTitle(title_); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Image Save */ void MainWindow::saveImageAs() { QImage image = viewfinder_->getCurrentImage(); QString defaultPath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation); QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Save Image", defaultPath, "Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg)"); if (filename.isEmpty()) return; QImageWriter writer(filename); writer.setQuality(95); writer.write(image); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Request Completion Handling */ void MainWindow::requestComplete(Request *request) { if (request->status() == Request::RequestCancelled) return; /* * We're running in the libcamera thread context, expensive operations * are not allowed. Add the buffer to the done queue and post a * CaptureEvent for the application thread to handle. */ const std::map<Stream *, FrameBuffer *> &buffers = request->buffers(); FrameBuffer *buffer = buffers.begin()->second; { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex_); doneQueue_.enqueue(buffer); } QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new CaptureEvent); } void MainWindow::processCapture() { /* * Retrieve the next buffer from the done queue. The queue may be empty * if stopCapture() has been called while a CaptureEvent was posted but * not processed yet. Return immediately in that case. */ FrameBuffer *buffer; { QMutexLocker locker(&mutex_); if (doneQueue_.isEmpty()) return; buffer = doneQueue_.dequeue(); } framesCaptured_++; const FrameMetadata &metadata = buffer->metadata(); double fps = metadata.timestamp - lastBufferTime_; fps = lastBufferTime_ && fps ? 1000000000.0 / fps : 0.0; lastBufferTime_ = metadata.timestamp; qInfo().noquote() << QString("seq: %1").arg(metadata.sequence, 6, 10, QLatin1Char('0')) << "bytesused:" << metadata.planes[0].bytesused << "timestamp:" << metadata.timestamp << "fps:" << fixed << qSetRealNumberPrecision(2) << fps; /* Render the frame on the viewfinder. */ viewfinder_->render(buffer, &mappedBuffers_[buffer]); } void MainWindow::queueRequest(FrameBuffer *buffer) { Request *request = camera_->createRequest(); if (!request) { qWarning() << "Can't create request"; return; } Stream *stream = config_->at(0).stream(); request->addBuffer(stream, buffer); camera_->queueRequest(request); }