# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later # # Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc. # %YAML 1.1 --- # Unless otherwise stated, all controls are bi-directional, i.e. they can be # set through Request::controls() and returned out through Request::metadata(). vendor: draft controls: - AePrecaptureTrigger: type: int32_t description: | Control for AE metering trigger. Currently identical to ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER. Whether the camera device will trigger a precapture metering sequence when it processes this request. enum: - name: AePrecaptureTriggerIdle value: 0 description: The trigger is idle. - name: AePrecaptureTriggerStart value: 1 description: The pre-capture AE metering is started by the camera. - name: AePrecaptureTriggerCancel value: 2 description: | The camera will cancel any active or completed metering sequence. The AE algorithm is reset to its initial state. - NoiseReductionMode: type: int32_t description: | Control to select the noise reduction algorithm mode. Currently identical to ANDROID_NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE. Mode of operation for the noise reduction algorithm. enum: - name: NoiseReductionModeOff value: 0 description: No noise reduction is applied - name: NoiseReductionModeFast value: 1 description: | Noise reduction is applied without reducing the frame rate. - name: NoiseReductionModeHighQuality value: 2 description: | High quality noise reduction at the expense of frame rate. - name: NoiseReductionModeMinimal value: 3 description: | Minimal noise reduction is applied without reducing the frame rate. - name: NoiseReductionModeZSL value: 4 description: | Noise reduction is applied at different levels to different streams. - ColorCorrectionAberrationMode: type: int32_t description: | Control to select the color correction aberration mode. Currently identical to ANDROID_COLOR_CORRECTION_ABERRATION_MODE. Mode of operation for the chromatic aberration correction algorithm. enum: - name: ColorCorrectionAberrationOff value: 0 description: No aberration correction is applied. - name: ColorCorrectionAberrationFast value: 1 description: Aberration correction will not slow down the frame rate. - name: ColorCorrectionAberrationHighQuality value: 2 description: | High quality aberration correction which might reduce the frame rate. - AeState: type: int32_t description: | Control to report the current AE algorithm state. Currently identical to ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_STATE. Current state of the AE algorithm. enum: - name: AeStateInactive value: 0 description: The AE algorithm is inactive. - name: AeStateSearching value: 1 description: The AE algorithm has not converged yet. - name: AeStateConverged value: 2 description: The AE algorithm has converged. - name: AeStateLocked value: 3 description: The AE algorithm is locked. - name: AeStateFlashRequired value: 4 description: The AE algorithm would need a flash for good results - name: AeStatePrecapture value: 5 description: | The AE algorithm has started a pre-capture metering session. \sa AePrecaptureTrigger - AwbState: type: int32_t description: | Control to report the current AWB algorithm state. Currently identical to ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_STATE. Current state of the AWB algorithm. enum: - name: AwbStateInactive value: 0 description: The AWB algorithm is inactive. - name: AwbStateSearching value: 1 description: The AWB algorithm has not converged yet. - name: AwbConverged value: 2 description: The AWB algorithm has converged. - name: AwbLocked value: 3 description: The AWB algorithm is locked. - SensorRollingShutterSkew: type: int64_t description: | Control to report the time between the start of exposure of the first row and the start of exposure of the last row. Currently identical to ANDROID_SENSOR_ROLLING_SHUTTER_SKEW - LensShadingMapMode: type: int32_t description: | Control to report if the lens shading map is available. Currently identical to ANDROID_STATISTICS_LENS_SHADING_MAP_MODE. enum: - name: LensShadingMapModeOff value: 0 description: No lens shading map mode is available. - name: LensShadingMapModeOn value: 1 description: The lens shading map mode is available. - PipelineDepth: type: int32_t description: | Specifies the number of pipeline stages the frame went through from when it was exposed to when the final completed result was available to the framework. Always less than or equal to PipelineMaxDepth. Currently identical to ANDROID_REQUEST_PIPELINE_DEPTH. The typical value for this control is 3 as a frame is first exposed, captured and then processed in a single pass through the ISP. Any additional processing step performed after the ISP pass (in example face detection, additional format conversions etc) count as an additional pipeline stage. - MaxLatency: type: int32_t description: | The maximum number of frames that can occur after a request (different than the previous) has been submitted, and before the result's state becomes synchronized. A value of -1 indicates unknown latency, and 0 indicates per-frame control. Currently identical to ANDROID_SYNC_MAX_LATENCY. - TestPatternMode: type: int32_t description: | Control to select the test pattern mode. Currently identical to ANDROID_SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_MODE. enum: - name: TestPatternModeOff value: 0 description: | No test pattern mode is used. The camera device returns frames from the image sensor. - name: TestPatternModeSolidColor value: 1 description: | Each pixel in [R, G_even, G_odd, B] is replaced by its respective color channel provided in test pattern data. \todo Add control for test pattern data. - name: TestPatternModeColorBars value: 2 description: | All pixel data is replaced with an 8-bar color pattern. The vertical bars (left-to-right) are as follows; white, yellow, cyan, green, magenta, red, blue and black. Each bar should take up 1/8 of the sensor pixel array width. When this is not possible, the bar size should be rounded down to the nearest integer and the pattern can repeat on the right side. Each bar's height must always take up the full sensor pixel array height. - name: TestPatternModeColorBarsFadeToGray value: 3 description: | The test pattern is similar to TestPatternModeColorBars, except that each bar should start at its specified color at the top and fade to gray at the bottom. Furthermore each bar is further subdevided into a left and right half. The left half should have a smooth gradient, and the right half should have a quantized gradient. In particular, the right half's should consist of blocks of the same color for 1/16th active sensor pixel array width. The least significant bits in the quantized gradient should be copied from the most significant bits of the smooth gradient. The height of each bar should always be a multiple of 128. When this is not the case, the pattern should repeat at the bottom of the image. - name: TestPatternModePn9 value: 4 description: | All pixel data is replaced by a pseudo-random sequence generated from a PN9 512-bit sequence (typically implemented in hardware with a linear feedback shift register). The generator should be reset at the beginning of each frame, and thus each subsequent raw frame with this test pattern should be exactly the same as the last. - name: TestPatternModeCustom1 value: 256 description: | The first custom test pattern. All custom patterns that are available only on this camera device are at least this numeric value. All of the custom test patterns will be static (that is the raw image must not vary from frame to frame). ...