/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ /* * Copyright (C) 2023, Linaro Ltd * * Simple Software Image Processing Algorithm module */ #include <sys/mman.h> #include <linux/v4l2-controls.h> #include <libcamera/base/file.h> #include <libcamera/base/log.h> #include <libcamera/base/shared_fd.h> #include <libcamera/control_ids.h> #include <libcamera/controls.h> #include <libcamera/ipa/ipa_interface.h> #include <libcamera/ipa/ipa_module_info.h> #include <libcamera/ipa/soft_ipa_interface.h> #include "libcamera/internal/software_isp/debayer_params.h" #include "libcamera/internal/software_isp/swisp_stats.h" #include "libcamera/internal/yaml_parser.h" #include "libipa/camera_sensor_helper.h" #include "black_level.h" namespace libcamera { LOG_DEFINE_CATEGORY(IPASoft) namespace ipa::soft { /* * The number of bins to use for the optimal exposure calculations. */ static constexpr unsigned int kExposureBinsCount = 5; /* * The exposure is optimal when the mean sample value of the histogram is * in the middle of the range. */ static constexpr float kExposureOptimal = kExposureBinsCount / 2.0; /* * The below value implements the hysteresis for the exposure adjustment. * It is small enough to have the exposure close to the optimal, and is big * enough to prevent the exposure from wobbling around the optimal value. */ static constexpr float kExposureSatisfactory = 0.2; class IPASoftSimple : public ipa::soft::IPASoftInterface { public: IPASoftSimple() : params_(nullptr), stats_(nullptr), blackLevel_(BlackLevel()), ignoreUpdates_(0) { } ~IPASoftSimple(); int init(const IPASettings &settings, const SharedFD &fdStats, const SharedFD &fdParams, const ControlInfoMap &sensorInfoMap) override; int configure(const ControlInfoMap &sensorInfoMap) override; int start() override; void stop() override; void processStats(const ControlList &sensorControls) override; private: void updateExposure(double exposureMSV); DebayerParams *params_; SwIspStats *stats_; std::unique_ptr<CameraSensorHelper> camHelper_; ControlInfoMap sensorInfoMap_; BlackLevel blackLevel_; int32_t exposureMin_, exposureMax_; int32_t exposure_; double againMin_, againMax_, againMinStep_; double again_; unsigned int ignoreUpdates_; }; IPASoftSimple::~IPASoftSimple() { if (stats_) munmap(stats_, sizeof(SwIspStats)); if (params_) munmap(params_, sizeof(DebayerParams)); } int IPASoftSimple::init(const IPASettings &settings, const SharedFD &fdStats, const SharedFD &fdParams, const ControlInfoMap &sensorInfoMap) { camHelper_ = CameraSensorHelperFactoryBase::create(settings.sensorModel); if (!camHelper_) { LOG(IPASoft, Warning) << "Failed to create camera sensor helper for " << settings.sensorModel; } /* Load the tuning data file */ File file(settings.configurationFile); if (!file.open(File::OpenModeFlag::ReadOnly)) { int ret = file.error(); LOG(IPASoft, Error) << "Failed to open configuration file " << settings.configurationFile << ": " << strerror(-ret); return ret; } std::unique_ptr<libcamera::YamlObject> data = YamlParser::parse(file); if (!data) return -EINVAL; /* \todo Use the IPA configuration file for real. */ unsigned int version = (*data)["version"].get<uint32_t>(0); LOG(IPASoft, Debug) << "Tuning file version " << version; params_ = nullptr; stats_ = nullptr; if (!fdStats.isValid()) { LOG(IPASoft, Error) << "Invalid Statistics handle"; return -ENODEV; } if (!fdParams.isValid()) { LOG(IPASoft, Error) << "Invalid Parameters handle"; return -ENODEV; } { void *mem = mmap(nullptr, sizeof(DebayerParams), PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fdParams.get(), 0); if (mem == MAP_FAILED) { LOG(IPASoft, Error) << "Unable to map Parameters"; return -errno; } params_ = static_cast<DebayerParams *>(mem); } { void *mem = mmap(nullptr, sizeof(SwIspStats), PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fdStats.get(), 0); if (mem == MAP_FAILED) { LOG(IPASoft, Error) << "Unable to map Statistics"; return -errno; } stats_ = static_cast<SwIspStats *>(mem); } /* * Check if the sensor driver supports the controls required by the * Soft IPA. * Don't save the min and max control values yet, as e.g. the limits * for V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE depend on the configured sensor resolution. */ if (sensorInfoMap.find(V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE) == sensorInfoMap.end()) { LOG(IPASoft, Error) << "Don't have exposure control"; return -EINVAL; } if (sensorInfoMap.find(V4L2_CID_ANALOGUE_GAIN) == sensorInfoMap.end()) { LOG(IPASoft, Error) << "Don't have gain control"; return -EINVAL; } return 0; } int IPASoftSimple::configure(const ControlInfoMap &sensorInfoMap) { sensorInfoMap_ = sensorInfoMap; const ControlInfo &exposureInfo = sensorInfoMap_.find(V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE)->second; const ControlInfo &gainInfo = sensorInfoMap_.find(V4L2_CID_ANALOGUE_GAIN)->second; exposureMin_ = exposureInfo.min().get<int32_t>(); exposureMax_ = exposureInfo.max().get<int32_t>(); if (!exposureMin_) { LOG(IPASoft, Warning) << "Minimum exposure is zero, that can't be linear"; exposureMin_ = 1; } int32_t againMin = gainInfo.min().get<int32_t>(); int32_t againMax = gainInfo.max().get<int32_t>(); if (camHelper_) { againMin_ = camHelper_->gain(againMin); againMax_ = camHelper_->gain(againMax); againMinStep_ = (againMax_ - againMin_) / 100.0; } else { /* * The camera sensor gain (g) is usually not equal to the value written * into the gain register (x). But the way how the AGC algorithm changes * the gain value to make the total exposure closer to the optimum * assumes that g(x) is not too far from linear function. If the minimal * gain is 0, the g(x) is likely to be far from the linear, like * g(x) = a / (b * x + c). To avoid unexpected changes to the gain by * the AGC algorithm (abrupt near one edge, and very small near the * other) we limit the range of the gain values used. */ againMax_ = againMax; if (!againMin) { LOG(IPASoft, Warning) << "Minimum gain is zero, that can't be linear"; againMin_ = std::min(100, againMin / 2 + againMax / 2); } againMinStep_ = 1.0; } LOG(IPASoft, Info) << "Exposure " << exposureMin_ << "-" << exposureMax_ << ", gain " << againMin_ << "-" << againMax_ << " (" << againMinStep_ << ")"; return 0; } int IPASoftSimple::start() { return 0; } void IPASoftSimple::stop() { } void IPASoftSimple::processStats(const ControlList &sensorControls) { /* * Calculate red and blue gains for AWB. * Clamp max gain at 4.0, this also avoids 0 division. */ if (stats_->sumR_ <= stats_->sumG_ / 4) params_->gainR = 1024; else params_->gainR = 256 * stats_->sumG_ / stats_->sumR_; if (stats_->sumB_ <= stats_->sumG_ / 4) params_->gainB = 1024; else params_->gainB = 256 * stats_->sumG_ / stats_->sumB_; /* Green gain and gamma values are fixed */ params_->gainG = 256; params_->gamma = 0.5; if (ignoreUpdates_ > 0) blackLevel_.update(stats_->yHistogram); params_->blackLevel = blackLevel_.get(); setIspParams.emit(); /* \todo Switch to the libipa/algorithm.h API someday. */ /* * AE / AGC, use 2 frames delay to make sure that the exposure and * the gain set have applied to the camera sensor. * \todo This could be handled better with DelayedControls. */ if (ignoreUpdates_ > 0) { --ignoreUpdates_; return; } /* * Calculate Mean Sample Value (MSV) according to formula from: * https://www.araa.asn.au/acra/acra2007/papers/paper84final.pdf */ const unsigned int blackLevelHistIdx = params_->blackLevel / (256 / SwIspStats::kYHistogramSize); const unsigned int histogramSize = SwIspStats::kYHistogramSize - blackLevelHistIdx; const unsigned int yHistValsPerBin = histogramSize / kExposureBinsCount; const unsigned int yHistValsPerBinMod = histogramSize / (histogramSize % kExposureBinsCount + 1); int exposureBins[kExposureBinsCount] = {}; unsigned int denom = 0; unsigned int num = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < histogramSize; i++) { unsigned int idx = (i - (i / yHistValsPerBinMod)) / yHistValsPerBin; exposureBins[idx] += stats_->yHistogram[blackLevelHistIdx + i]; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kExposureBinsCount; i++) { LOG(IPASoft, Debug) << i << ": " << exposureBins[i]; denom += exposureBins[i]; num += exposureBins[i] * (i + 1); } float exposureMSV = static_cast<float>(num) / denom; /* Sanity check */ if (!sensorControls.contains(V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE) || !sensorControls.contains(V4L2_CID_ANALOGUE_GAIN)) { LOG(IPASoft, Error) << "Control(s) missing"; return; } exposure_ = sensorControls.get(V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE).get<int32_t>(); int32_t again = sensorControls.get(V4L2_CID_ANALOGUE_GAIN).get<int32_t>(); again_ = camHelper_ ? camHelper_->gain(again) : again; updateExposure(exposureMSV); ControlList ctrls(sensorInfoMap_); ctrls.set(V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE, exposure_); ctrls.set(V4L2_CID_ANALOGUE_GAIN, static_cast<int32_t>(camHelper_ ? camHelper_->gainCode(again_) : again_)); ignoreUpdates_ = 2; setSensorControls.emit(ctrls); LOG(IPASoft, Debug) << "exposureMSV " << exposureMSV << " exp " << exposure_ << " again " << again_ << " gain R/B " << params_->gainR << "/" << params_->gainB << " black level " << params_->blackLevel; } void IPASoftSimple::updateExposure(double exposureMSV) { /* * kExpDenominator of 10 gives ~10% increment/decrement; * kExpDenominator of 5 - about ~20% */ static constexpr uint8_t kExpDenominator = 10; static constexpr uint8_t kExpNumeratorUp = kExpDenominator + 1; static constexpr uint8_t kExpNumeratorDown = kExpDenominator - 1; double next; if (exposureMSV < kExposureOptimal - kExposureSatisfactory) { next = exposure_ * kExpNumeratorUp / kExpDenominator; if (next - exposure_ < 1) exposure_ += 1; else exposure_ = next; if (exposure_ >= exposureMax_) { next = again_ * kExpNumeratorUp / kExpDenominator; if (next - again_ < againMinStep_) again_ += againMinStep_; else again_ = next; } } if (exposureMSV > kExposureOptimal + kExposureSatisfactory) { if (exposure_ == exposureMax_ && again_ > againMin_) { next = again_ * kExpNumeratorDown / kExpDenominator; if (again_ - next < againMinStep_) again_ -= againMinStep_; else again_ = next; } else { next = exposure_ * kExpNumeratorDown / kExpDenominator; if (exposure_ - next < 1) exposure_ -= 1; else exposure_ = next; } } exposure_ = std::clamp(exposure_, exposureMin_, exposureMax_); again_ = std::clamp(again_, againMin_, againMax_); } } /* namespace ipa::soft */ /* * External IPA module interface */ extern "C" { const struct IPAModuleInfo ipaModuleInfo = { IPA_MODULE_API_VERSION, 0, "simple", "simple", }; IPAInterface *ipaCreate() { return new ipa::soft::IPASoftSimple(); } } /* extern "C" */ } /* namespace libcamera */