/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ /* * Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc. * * rkisp1.cpp - RkISP1 Image Processing Algorithms */ #include <algorithm> #include <math.h> #include <queue> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <linux/rkisp1-config.h> #include <linux/v4l2-controls.h> #include <libcamera/base/file.h> #include <libcamera/base/log.h> #include <libcamera/control_ids.h> #include <libcamera/framebuffer.h> #include <libcamera/ipa/ipa_interface.h> #include <libcamera/ipa/ipa_module_info.h> #include <libcamera/ipa/rkisp1_ipa_interface.h> #include <libcamera/request.h> #include "libcamera/internal/mapped_framebuffer.h" #include "libcamera/internal/yaml_parser.h" #include "algorithms/agc.h" #include "algorithms/algorithm.h" #include "algorithms/awb.h" #include "algorithms/blc.h" #include "libipa/camera_sensor_helper.h" #include "ipa_context.h" namespace libcamera { LOG_DEFINE_CATEGORY(IPARkISP1) using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals; namespace ipa::rkisp1 { class IPARkISP1 : public IPARkISP1Interface, public Module { public: int init(const IPASettings &settings, unsigned int hwRevision) override; int start() override; void stop() override {} int configure(const IPACameraSensorInfo &info, const std::map<uint32_t, IPAStream> &streamConfig, const std::map<uint32_t, ControlInfoMap> &entityControls) override; void mapBuffers(const std::vector<IPABuffer> &buffers) override; void unmapBuffers(const std::vector<unsigned int> &ids) override; void queueRequest(const uint32_t frame, const ControlList &controls) override; void fillParamsBuffer(const uint32_t frame, const uint32_t bufferId) override; void processStatsBuffer(const uint32_t frame, const uint32_t bufferId, const ControlList &sensorControls) override; protected: std::string logPrefix() const override; private: void setControls(unsigned int frame); void prepareMetadata(unsigned int frame, unsigned int aeState); std::map<unsigned int, FrameBuffer> buffers_; std::map<unsigned int, MappedFrameBuffer> mappedBuffers_; ControlInfoMap ctrls_; /* Camera sensor controls. */ bool autoExposure_; /* revision-specific data */ rkisp1_cif_isp_version hwRevision_; unsigned int hwHistBinNMax_; unsigned int hwGammaOutMaxSamples_; unsigned int hwHistogramWeightGridsSize_; /* Interface to the Camera Helper */ std::unique_ptr<CameraSensorHelper> camHelper_; /* Local parameter storage */ struct IPAContext context_; }; std::string IPARkISP1::logPrefix() const { return "rkisp1"; } int IPARkISP1::init(const IPASettings &settings, unsigned int hwRevision) { /* \todo Add support for other revisions */ switch (hwRevision) { case RKISP1_V10: hwHistBinNMax_ = RKISP1_CIF_ISP_HIST_BIN_N_MAX_V10; hwGammaOutMaxSamples_ = RKISP1_CIF_ISP_GAMMA_OUT_MAX_SAMPLES_V10; hwHistogramWeightGridsSize_ = RKISP1_CIF_ISP_HISTOGRAM_WEIGHT_GRIDS_SIZE_V10; break; case RKISP1_V12: hwHistBinNMax_ = RKISP1_CIF_ISP_HIST_BIN_N_MAX_V12; hwGammaOutMaxSamples_ = RKISP1_CIF_ISP_GAMMA_OUT_MAX_SAMPLES_V12; hwHistogramWeightGridsSize_ = RKISP1_CIF_ISP_HISTOGRAM_WEIGHT_GRIDS_SIZE_V12; break; default: LOG(IPARkISP1, Error) << "Hardware revision " << hwRevision << " is currently not supported"; return -ENODEV; } LOG(IPARkISP1, Debug) << "Hardware revision is " << hwRevision; /* Cache the value to set it in configure. */ hwRevision_ = static_cast<rkisp1_cif_isp_version>(hwRevision); camHelper_ = CameraSensorHelperFactory::create(settings.sensorModel); if (!camHelper_) { LOG(IPARkISP1, Error) << "Failed to create camera sensor helper for " << settings.sensorModel; return -ENODEV; } /* Load the tuning data file. */ File file(settings.configurationFile.c_str()); if (!file.open(File::OpenModeFlag::ReadOnly)) { int ret = file.error(); LOG(IPARkISP1, Error) << "Failed to open configuration file " << settings.configurationFile << ": " << strerror(-ret); return ret; } std::unique_ptr<libcamera::YamlObject> data = YamlParser::parse(file); if (!data) return -EINVAL; unsigned int version = (*data)["version"].get<uint32_t>(0); if (version != 1) { LOG(IPARkISP1, Error) << "Invalid tuning file version " << version; return -EINVAL; } if (!data->contains("algorithms")) { LOG(IPARkISP1, Error) << "Tuning file doesn't contain any algorithm"; return -EINVAL; } return createAlgorithms(context_, (*data)["algorithms"]); } int IPARkISP1::start() { setControls(0); return 0; } /** * \todo The RkISP1 pipeline currently provides an empty IPACameraSensorInfo * if the connected sensor does not provide enough information to properly * assemble one. Make sure the reported sensor information are relevant * before accessing them. */ int IPARkISP1::configure([[maybe_unused]] const IPACameraSensorInfo &info, [[maybe_unused]] const std::map<uint32_t, IPAStream> &streamConfig, const std::map<uint32_t, ControlInfoMap> &entityControls) { if (entityControls.empty()) return -EINVAL; ctrls_ = entityControls.at(0); const auto itExp = ctrls_.find(V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE); if (itExp == ctrls_.end()) { LOG(IPARkISP1, Error) << "Can't find exposure control"; return -EINVAL; } const auto itGain = ctrls_.find(V4L2_CID_ANALOGUE_GAIN); if (itGain == ctrls_.end()) { LOG(IPARkISP1, Error) << "Can't find gain control"; return -EINVAL; } autoExposure_ = true; int32_t minExposure = itExp->second.min().get<int32_t>(); int32_t maxExposure = itExp->second.max().get<int32_t>(); int32_t minGain = itGain->second.min().get<int32_t>(); int32_t maxGain = itGain->second.max().get<int32_t>(); LOG(IPARkISP1, Info) << "Exposure: " << minExposure << "-" << maxExposure << " Gain: " << minGain << "-" << maxGain; /* Clean context at configuration */ context_ = {}; /* Set the hardware revision for the algorithms. */ context_.configuration.hw.revision = hwRevision_; context_.configuration.sensor.lineDuration = info.lineLength * 1.0s / info.pixelRate; /* * When the AGC computes the new exposure values for a frame, it needs * to know the limits for shutter speed and analogue gain. * As it depends on the sensor, update it with the controls. * * \todo take VBLANK into account for maximum shutter speed */ context_.configuration.agc.minShutterSpeed = minExposure * context_.configuration.sensor.lineDuration; context_.configuration.agc.maxShutterSpeed = maxExposure * context_.configuration.sensor.lineDuration; context_.configuration.agc.minAnalogueGain = camHelper_->gain(minGain); context_.configuration.agc.maxAnalogueGain = camHelper_->gain(maxGain); context_.frameContext.frameCount = 0; for (auto const &algo : algorithms()) { int ret = algo->configure(context_, info); if (ret) return ret; } return 0; } void IPARkISP1::mapBuffers(const std::vector<IPABuffer> &buffers) { for (const IPABuffer &buffer : buffers) { auto elem = buffers_.emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(buffer.id), std::forward_as_tuple(buffer.planes)); const FrameBuffer &fb = elem.first->second; MappedFrameBuffer mappedBuffer(&fb, MappedFrameBuffer::MapFlag::ReadWrite); if (!mappedBuffer.isValid()) { LOG(IPARkISP1, Fatal) << "Failed to mmap buffer: " << strerror(mappedBuffer.error()); } mappedBuffers_.emplace(buffer.id, std::move(mappedBuffer)); } } void IPARkISP1::unmapBuffers(const std::vector<unsigned int> &ids) { for (unsigned int id : ids) { const auto fb = buffers_.find(id); if (fb == buffers_.end()) continue; mappedBuffers_.erase(id); buffers_.erase(id); } } void IPARkISP1::queueRequest(const uint32_t frame, const ControlList &controls) { for (auto const &algo : algorithms()) algo->queueRequest(context_, frame, controls); } void IPARkISP1::fillParamsBuffer(const uint32_t frame, const uint32_t bufferId) { rkisp1_params_cfg *params = reinterpret_cast<rkisp1_params_cfg *>( mappedBuffers_.at(bufferId).planes()[0].data()); /* Prepare parameters buffer. */ memset(params, 0, sizeof(*params)); for (auto const &algo : algorithms()) algo->prepare(context_, params); paramsBufferReady.emit(frame); context_.frameContext.frameCount++; } void IPARkISP1::processStatsBuffer(const uint32_t frame, const uint32_t bufferId, const ControlList &sensorControls) { const rkisp1_stat_buffer *stats = reinterpret_cast<rkisp1_stat_buffer *>( mappedBuffers_.at(bufferId).planes()[0].data()); context_.frameContext.sensor.exposure = sensorControls.get(V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE).get<int32_t>(); context_.frameContext.sensor.gain = camHelper_->gain(sensorControls.get(V4L2_CID_ANALOGUE_GAIN).get<int32_t>()); unsigned int aeState = 0; for (auto const &algo : algorithms()) algo->process(context_, nullptr, stats); setControls(frame); prepareMetadata(frame, aeState); } void IPARkISP1::setControls(unsigned int frame) { uint32_t exposure = context_.frameContext.agc.exposure; uint32_t gain = camHelper_->gainCode(context_.frameContext.agc.gain); ControlList ctrls(ctrls_); ctrls.set(V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE, static_cast<int32_t>(exposure)); ctrls.set(V4L2_CID_ANALOGUE_GAIN, static_cast<int32_t>(gain)); setSensorControls.emit(frame, ctrls); } void IPARkISP1::prepareMetadata(unsigned int frame, unsigned int aeState) { ControlList ctrls(controls::controls); if (aeState) ctrls.set(controls::AeLocked, aeState == 2); metadataReady.emit(frame, ctrls); } } /* namespace ipa::rkisp1 */ /* * External IPA module interface */ extern "C" { const struct IPAModuleInfo ipaModuleInfo = { IPA_MODULE_API_VERSION, 1, "PipelineHandlerRkISP1", "rkisp1", }; IPAInterface *ipaCreate() { return new ipa::rkisp1::IPARkISP1(); } } } /* namespace libcamera */