/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ /* * Copyright (C) 2024, Ideas On Board Oy * * awb.cpp - Mali C55 grey world auto white balance algorithm */ #include "awb.h" #include <cmath> #include <libcamera/base/log.h> #include <libcamera/base/utils.h> #include <libcamera/control_ids.h> #include "libipa/fixedpoint.h" namespace libcamera { namespace ipa::mali_c55::algorithms { LOG_DEFINE_CATEGORY(MaliC55Awb) /* Number of frames at which we should run AWB at full speed */ static constexpr uint32_t kNumStartupFrames = 4; Awb::Awb() { } int Awb::configure([[maybe_unused]] IPAContext &context, [[maybe_unused]] const IPACameraSensorInfo &configInfo) { /* * Initially we have no idea what the colour balance will be like, so * for the first frame we will make no assumptions and leave the R/B * channels unmodified. */ context.activeState.awb.rGain = 1.0; context.activeState.awb.bGain = 1.0; return 0; } size_t Awb::fillGainsParamBlock(mali_c55_params_block block, IPAContext &context, IPAFrameContext &frameContext) { block.header->type = MALI_C55_PARAM_BLOCK_AWB_GAINS; block.header->flags = MALI_C55_PARAM_BLOCK_FL_NONE; block.header->size = sizeof(struct mali_c55_params_awb_gains); double rGain = context.activeState.awb.rGain; double bGain = context.activeState.awb.bGain; /* * The gains here map as follows: * gain00 = R * gain01 = Gr * gain10 = Gb * gain11 = B * * This holds true regardless of the bayer order of the input data, as * the mapping is done internally in the ISP. */ block.awb_gains->gain00 = floatingToFixedPoint<4, 8, uint16_t, double>(rGain); block.awb_gains->gain01 = floatingToFixedPoint<4, 8, uint16_t, double>(1.0); block.awb_gains->gain10 = floatingToFixedPoint<4, 8, uint16_t, double>(1.0); block.awb_gains->gain11 = floatingToFixedPoint<4, 8, uint16_t, double>(bGain); frameContext.awb.rGain = rGain; frameContext.awb.bGain = bGain; return sizeof(struct mali_c55_params_awb_gains); } size_t Awb::fillConfigParamBlock(mali_c55_params_block block) { block.header->type = MALI_C55_PARAM_BLOCK_AWB_CONFIG; block.header->flags = MALI_C55_PARAM_BLOCK_FL_NONE; block.header->size = sizeof(struct mali_c55_params_awb_config); /* Tap the stats after the purple fringe block */ block.awb_config->tap_point = MALI_C55_AWB_STATS_TAP_PF; /* Get R/G and B/G ratios as statistics */ block.awb_config->stats_mode = MALI_C55_AWB_MODE_RGBG; /* Default white level */ block.awb_config->white_level = 1023; /* Default black level */ block.awb_config->black_level = 0; /* * By default pixels are included who's colour ratios are bounded in a * region (on a cr ratio x cb ratio graph) defined by four points: * (0.25, 0.25) * (0.25, 1.99609375) * (1.99609375, 1.99609375) * (1.99609375, 0.25) * * The ratios themselves are stored in Q4.8 format. * * \todo should these perhaps be tunable? */ block.awb_config->cr_max = 511; block.awb_config->cr_min = 64; block.awb_config->cb_max = 511; block.awb_config->cb_min = 64; /* We use the full 15x15 zoning scheme */ block.awb_config->nodes_used_horiz = 15; block.awb_config->nodes_used_vert = 15; /* * We set the trimming boundaries equivalent to the main boundaries. In * other words; no trimming. */ block.awb_config->cr_high = 511; block.awb_config->cr_low = 64; block.awb_config->cb_high = 511; block.awb_config->cb_low = 64; return sizeof(struct mali_c55_params_awb_config); } void Awb::prepare(IPAContext &context, const uint32_t frame, IPAFrameContext &frameContext, mali_c55_params_buffer *params) { mali_c55_params_block block; block.data = ¶ms->data[params->total_size]; params->total_size += fillGainsParamBlock(block, context, frameContext); if (frame > 0) return; block.data = ¶ms->data[params->total_size]; params->total_size += fillConfigParamBlock(block); } void Awb::process(IPAContext &context, const uint32_t frame, IPAFrameContext &frameContext, const mali_c55_stats_buffer *stats, [[maybe_unused]] ControlList &metadata) { const struct mali_c55_awb_average_ratios *awb_ratios = stats->awb_ratios; /* * The ISP produces average R:G and B:G ratios for zones. We take the * average of all the zones with data and simply invert them to provide * gain figures that we can apply to approximate a grey world. */ unsigned int counted_zones = 0; double rgSum = 0, bgSum = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 225; i++) { if (!awb_ratios[i].num_pixels) continue; /* * The statistics are in Q4.8 format, so we convert to double * here. */ rgSum += fixedToFloatingPoint<4, 8, double, uint16_t>(awb_ratios[i].avg_rg_gr); bgSum += fixedToFloatingPoint<4, 8, double, uint16_t>(awb_ratios[i].avg_bg_br); counted_zones++; } /* * Sometimes the first frame's statistics have no valid pixels, in which * case we'll just assume a grey world until they say otherwise. */ double rgAvg, bgAvg; if (!counted_zones) { rgAvg = 1.0; bgAvg = 1.0; } else { rgAvg = rgSum / counted_zones; bgAvg = bgSum / counted_zones; } /* * The statistics are generated _after_ white balancing is performed in * the ISP. To get the true ratio we therefore have to adjust the stats * figure by the gains that were applied when the statistics for this * frame were generated. */ double rRatio = rgAvg / frameContext.awb.rGain; double bRatio = bgAvg / frameContext.awb.bGain; /* * And then we can simply invert the ratio to find the gain we should * apply. */ double rGain = 1 / rRatio; double bGain = 1 / bRatio; /* * Running at full speed, this algorithm results in oscillations in the * colour balance. To remove those we dampen the speed at which it makes * changes in gain, unless we're in the startup phase in which case we * want to fix the miscolouring as quickly as possible. */ double speed = frame < kNumStartupFrames ? 1.0 : 0.2; rGain = speed * rGain + context.activeState.awb.rGain * (1.0 - speed); bGain = speed * bGain + context.activeState.awb.bGain * (1.0 - speed); context.activeState.awb.rGain = rGain; context.activeState.awb.bGain = bGain; metadata.set(controls::ColourGains, { static_cast<float>(frameContext.awb.rGain), static_cast<float>(frameContext.awb.bGain), }); LOG(MaliC55Awb, Debug) << "For frame number " << frame << ": " << "Average R/G Ratio: " << rgAvg << ", Average B/G Ratio: " << bgAvg << "\nrGain applied to this frame: " << frameContext.awb.rGain << ", bGain applied to this frame: " << frameContext.awb.bGain << "\nrGain to apply: " << context.activeState.awb.rGain << ", bGain to apply: " << context.activeState.awb.bGain; } REGISTER_IPA_ALGORITHM(Awb, "Awb") } /* namespace ipa::mali_c55::algorithms */ } /* namespace libcamera */