/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ /* * Copyright (C) 2020, Google Inc. * * thumbnailer.cpp - Simple image thumbnailer */ #include "thumbnailer.h" #include <libcamera/base/log.h> #include <libcamera/formats.h> #include "libcamera/internal/mapped_framebuffer.h" using namespace libcamera; LOG_DEFINE_CATEGORY(Thumbnailer) Thumbnailer::Thumbnailer() : valid_(false) { } void Thumbnailer::configure(const Size &sourceSize, PixelFormat pixelFormat) { sourceSize_ = sourceSize; pixelFormat_ = pixelFormat; if (pixelFormat_ != formats::NV12) { LOG(Thumbnailer, Error) << "Failed to configure: Pixel Format " << pixelFormat_.toString() << " unsupported."; return; } valid_ = true; } void Thumbnailer::createThumbnail(const FrameBuffer &source, const Size &targetSize, std::vector<unsigned char> *destination) { MappedFrameBuffer frame(&source, MappedFrameBuffer::MapFlag::Read); if (!frame.isValid()) { LOG(Thumbnailer, Error) << "Failed to map FrameBuffer : " << strerror(frame.error()); return; } if (!valid_) { LOG(Thumbnailer, Error) << "Config is unconfigured or invalid."; return; } const unsigned int sw = sourceSize_.width; const unsigned int sh = sourceSize_.height; const unsigned int tw = targetSize.width; const unsigned int th = targetSize.height; ASSERT(tw % 2 == 0 && th % 2 == 0); /* Image scaling block implementing nearest-neighbour algorithm. */ unsigned char *src = static_cast<unsigned char *>(frame.planes()[0].data()); unsigned char *srcC = src + sh * sw; unsigned char *srcCb, *srcCr; unsigned char *dstY, *srcY; size_t dstSize = (th * tw) + ((th / 2) * tw); destination->resize(dstSize); unsigned char *dst = destination->data(); unsigned char *dstC = dst + th * tw; for (unsigned int y = 0; y < th; y += 2) { unsigned int sourceY = (sh * y + th / 2) / th; dstY = dst + y * tw; srcY = src + sw * sourceY; srcCb = srcC + (sourceY / 2) * sw + 0; srcCr = srcC + (sourceY / 2) * sw + 1; for (unsigned int x = 0; x < tw; x += 2) { unsigned int sourceX = (sw * x + tw / 2) / tw; dstY[x] = srcY[sourceX]; dstY[tw + x] = srcY[sw + sourceX]; dstY[x + 1] = srcY[sourceX + 1]; dstY[tw + x + 1] = srcY[sw + sourceX + 1]; dstC[(y / 2) * tw + x + 0] = srcCb[(sourceX / 2) * 2]; dstC[(y / 2) * tw + x + 1] = srcCr[(sourceX / 2) * 2]; } } }