/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ /* * Copyright (C) 2020, Google Inc. * * camera_stream.cpp - Camera HAL stream */ #include "camera_stream.h" #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/poll.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <libcamera/formats.h> #include "jpeg/post_processor_jpeg.h" #include "yuv/post_processor_yuv.h" #include "camera_buffer.h" #include "camera_capabilities.h" #include "camera_device.h" #include "camera_metadata.h" #include "frame_buffer_allocator.h" #include "post_processor.h" using namespace libcamera; LOG_DECLARE_CATEGORY(HAL) /* * \class CameraStream * \brief Map a camera3_stream_t to a StreamConfiguration * * The CameraStream class maps a camera3_stream_t provided by Android * camera framework to a libcamera::StreamConfiguration. * * The StreamConfiguration is represented by its index as recorded in the * CameraConfiguration and not by pointer as StreamConfiguration is subject to * relocation. * * A single StreamConfiguration may be used to deliver one or more streams to * the Android framework. The mapping type between a camera3 stream to a * StreamConfiguration is described by the CameraStream::Type. * * CameraStream handles all the aspects of producing a stream with the size * and format requested by the camera3 stream from the data produced by * the associated libcamera::Stream, including the creation of the encoder * and buffer allocation. */ CameraStream::CameraStream(CameraDevice *const cameraDevice, CameraConfiguration *config, Type type, camera3_stream_t *camera3Stream, unsigned int index) : cameraDevice_(cameraDevice), config_(config), type_(type), camera3Stream_(camera3Stream), index_(index) { } CameraStream::CameraStream(CameraStream &&other) = default; CameraStream::~CameraStream() { /* * Manually delete buffers and then the allocator to make sure buffers * are released while the allocator is still valid. */ allocatedBuffers_.clear(); allocator_.reset(); } const StreamConfiguration &CameraStream::configuration() const { return config_->at(index_); } Stream *CameraStream::stream() const { return configuration().stream(); } int CameraStream::configure() { if (type_ == Type::Internal || type_ == Type::Mapped) { const PixelFormat outFormat = cameraDevice_->capabilities()->toPixelFormat(camera3Stream_->format); StreamConfiguration output = configuration(); output.pixelFormat = outFormat; output.size.width = camera3Stream_->width; output.size.height = camera3Stream_->height; switch (outFormat) { case formats::NV12: postProcessor_ = std::make_unique<PostProcessorYuv>(); break; case formats::MJPEG: postProcessor_ = std::make_unique<PostProcessorJpeg>(cameraDevice_); break; default: LOG(HAL, Error) << "Unsupported format: " << outFormat; return -EINVAL; } int ret = postProcessor_->configure(configuration(), output); if (ret) return ret; worker_ = std::make_unique<PostProcessorWorker>(postProcessor_.get()); postProcessor_->processComplete.connect( this, [&](Camera3RequestDescriptor::StreamBuffer *streamBuffer, PostProcessor::Status status) { Camera3RequestDescriptor::Status bufferStatus; if (status == PostProcessor::Status::Success) bufferStatus = Camera3RequestDescriptor::Status::Success; else bufferStatus = Camera3RequestDescriptor::Status::Error; cameraDevice_->streamProcessingComplete(streamBuffer, bufferStatus); }); worker_->start(); } if (type_ == Type::Internal) { allocator_ = std::make_unique<PlatformFrameBufferAllocator>(cameraDevice_); mutex_ = std::make_unique<Mutex>(); } camera3Stream_->max_buffers = configuration().bufferCount; return 0; } int CameraStream::waitFence(int fence) { /* * \todo The implementation here is copied from camera_worker.cpp * and both should be removed once libcamera is instrumented to handle * fences waiting in the core. * * \todo Better characterize the timeout. Currently equal to the one * used by the Rockchip Camera HAL on ChromeOS. */ constexpr unsigned int timeoutMs = 300; struct pollfd fds = { fence, POLLIN, 0 }; do { int ret = poll(&fds, 1, timeoutMs); if (ret == 0) return -ETIME; if (ret > 0) { if (fds.revents & (POLLERR | POLLNVAL)) return -EINVAL; return 0; } } while (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN); return -errno; } int CameraStream::process(Camera3RequestDescriptor::StreamBuffer *streamBuffer) { ASSERT(type_ != Type::Direct); /* Handle waiting on fences on the destination buffer. */ if (streamBuffer->fence.isValid()) { int ret = waitFence(streamBuffer->fence.get()); if (ret < 0) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Failed waiting for fence: " << streamBuffer->fence.get() << ": " << strerror(-ret); return ret; } streamBuffer->fence.reset(); } const StreamConfiguration &output = configuration(); streamBuffer->dstBuffer = std::make_unique<CameraBuffer>( *streamBuffer->camera3Buffer, output.pixelFormat, output.size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE); if (!streamBuffer->dstBuffer->isValid()) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Failed to create destination buffer"; return -EINVAL; } worker_->queueRequest(streamBuffer); return 0; } void CameraStream::flush() { if (!postProcessor_) return; worker_->flush(); } FrameBuffer *CameraStream::getBuffer() { if (!allocator_) return nullptr; MutexLocker locker(*mutex_); if (buffers_.empty()) { /* * Use HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCBCR_420_888 unconditionally. * * YCBCR_420 is the source format for both the JPEG and the YUV * post-processors. * * \todo Store a reference to the format of the source stream * instead of hardcoding. */ auto frameBuffer = allocator_->allocate(HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_YCBCR_420_888, configuration().size, camera3Stream_->usage); allocatedBuffers_.push_back(std::move(frameBuffer)); buffers_.emplace_back(allocatedBuffers_.back().get()); } FrameBuffer *buffer = buffers_.back(); buffers_.pop_back(); return buffer; } void CameraStream::putBuffer(FrameBuffer *buffer) { if (!allocator_) return; MutexLocker locker(*mutex_); buffers_.push_back(buffer); } CameraStream::PostProcessorWorker::PostProcessorWorker(PostProcessor *postProcessor) : postProcessor_(postProcessor) { } CameraStream::PostProcessorWorker::~PostProcessorWorker() { { MutexLocker lock(mutex_); state_ = State::Stopped; } cv_.notify_one(); wait(); } void CameraStream::PostProcessorWorker::start() { { MutexLocker lock(mutex_); ASSERT(state_ != State::Running); state_ = State::Running; } Thread::start(); } void CameraStream::PostProcessorWorker::queueRequest(Camera3RequestDescriptor::StreamBuffer *dest) { { MutexLocker lock(mutex_); ASSERT(state_ == State::Running); requests_.push(dest); } cv_.notify_one(); } void CameraStream::PostProcessorWorker::run() { MutexLocker locker(mutex_); while (1) { cv_.wait(locker, [&]() LIBCAMERA_TSA_REQUIRES(mutex_) { return state_ != State::Running || !requests_.empty(); }); if (state_ != State::Running) break; Camera3RequestDescriptor::StreamBuffer *streamBuffer = requests_.front(); requests_.pop(); locker.unlock(); postProcessor_->process(streamBuffer); locker.lock(); } if (state_ == State::Flushing) { std::queue<Camera3RequestDescriptor::StreamBuffer *> requests = std::move(requests_); locker.unlock(); while (!requests.empty()) { postProcessor_->processComplete.emit( requests.front(), PostProcessor::Status::Error); requests.pop(); } locker.lock(); state_ = State::Stopped; } } void CameraStream::PostProcessorWorker::flush() { MutexLocker lock(mutex_); state_ = State::Flushing; lock.unlock(); cv_.notify_one(); }