/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ /* * Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc. * * camera_device.cpp - libcamera Android Camera Device */ #include "camera_device.h" #include "camera_hal_config.h" #include "camera_ops.h" #include "post_processor.h" #include <algorithm> #include <fstream> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <vector> #include <libcamera/base/log.h> #include <libcamera/base/thread.h> #include <libcamera/base/utils.h> #include <libcamera/control_ids.h> #include <libcamera/controls.h> #include <libcamera/formats.h> #include <libcamera/property_ids.h> #include "system/graphics.h" using namespace libcamera; LOG_DECLARE_CATEGORY(HAL) namespace { /* * \struct Camera3StreamConfig * \brief Data to store StreamConfiguration associated with camera3_stream(s) * \var streams List of the pairs of a stream requested by Android HAL client * and CameraStream::Type associated with the stream * \var config StreamConfiguration for streams */ struct Camera3StreamConfig { struct Camera3Stream { camera3_stream_t *stream; CameraStream::Type type; }; std::vector<Camera3Stream> streams; StreamConfiguration config; }; /* * Reorder the configurations so that libcamera::Camera can accept them as much * as possible. The sort rule is as follows. * 1.) The configuration for NV12 request whose resolution is the largest. * 2.) The configuration for JPEG request. * 3.) Others. Larger resolutions and different formats are put earlier. */ void sortCamera3StreamConfigs(std::vector<Camera3StreamConfig> &unsortedConfigs, const camera3_stream_t *jpegStream) { const Camera3StreamConfig *jpegConfig = nullptr; std::map<PixelFormat, std::vector<const Camera3StreamConfig *>> formatToConfigs; for (const auto &streamConfig : unsortedConfigs) { if (jpegStream && !jpegConfig) { const auto &streams = streamConfig.streams; if (std::find_if(streams.begin(), streams.end(), [jpegStream](const auto &stream) { return stream.stream == jpegStream; }) != streams.end()) { jpegConfig = &streamConfig; continue; } } formatToConfigs[streamConfig.config.pixelFormat].push_back(&streamConfig); } if (jpegStream && !jpegConfig) LOG(HAL, Fatal) << "No Camera3StreamConfig is found for JPEG"; for (auto &fmt : formatToConfigs) { auto &streamConfigs = fmt.second; /* Sorted by resolution. Smaller is put first. */ std::sort(streamConfigs.begin(), streamConfigs.end(), [](const auto *streamConfigA, const auto *streamConfigB) { const Size &sizeA = streamConfigA->config.size; const Size &sizeB = streamConfigB->config.size; return sizeA < sizeB; }); } std::vector<Camera3StreamConfig> sortedConfigs; sortedConfigs.reserve(unsortedConfigs.size()); /* * NV12 is the most prioritized format. Put the configuration with NV12 * and the largest resolution first. */ const auto nv12It = formatToConfigs.find(formats::NV12); if (nv12It != formatToConfigs.end()) { auto &nv12Configs = nv12It->second; const Camera3StreamConfig *nv12Largest = nv12Configs.back(); /* * If JPEG will be created from NV12 and the size is larger than * the largest NV12 configurations, then put the NV12 * configuration for JPEG first. */ if (jpegConfig && jpegConfig->config.pixelFormat == formats::NV12) { const Size &nv12SizeForJpeg = jpegConfig->config.size; const Size &nv12LargestSize = nv12Largest->config.size; if (nv12LargestSize < nv12SizeForJpeg) { LOG(HAL, Debug) << "Insert " << jpegConfig->config.toString(); sortedConfigs.push_back(std::move(*jpegConfig)); jpegConfig = nullptr; } } LOG(HAL, Debug) << "Insert " << nv12Largest->config.toString(); sortedConfigs.push_back(*nv12Largest); nv12Configs.pop_back(); if (nv12Configs.empty()) formatToConfigs.erase(nv12It); } /* If the configuration for JPEG is there, then put it. */ if (jpegConfig) { LOG(HAL, Debug) << "Insert " << jpegConfig->config.toString(); sortedConfigs.push_back(std::move(*jpegConfig)); jpegConfig = nullptr; } /* * Put configurations with different formats and larger resolutions * earlier. */ while (!formatToConfigs.empty()) { for (auto it = formatToConfigs.begin(); it != formatToConfigs.end();) { auto &configs = it->second; LOG(HAL, Debug) << "Insert " << configs.back()->config.toString(); sortedConfigs.push_back(*configs.back()); configs.pop_back(); if (configs.empty()) it = formatToConfigs.erase(it); else it++; } } ASSERT(sortedConfigs.size() == unsortedConfigs.size()); unsortedConfigs = sortedConfigs; } const char *rotationToString(int rotation) { switch (rotation) { case CAMERA3_STREAM_ROTATION_0: return "0"; case CAMERA3_STREAM_ROTATION_90: return "90"; case CAMERA3_STREAM_ROTATION_180: return "180"; case CAMERA3_STREAM_ROTATION_270: return "270"; } return "INVALID"; } #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) /* * Check whether the crop_rotate_scale_degrees values for all streams in * the list are valid according to the Chrome OS camera HAL API. */ bool validateCropRotate(const camera3_stream_configuration_t &streamList) { ASSERT(streamList.num_streams > 0); const int cropRotateScaleDegrees = streamList.streams[0]->crop_rotate_scale_degrees; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < streamList.num_streams; ++i) { const camera3_stream_t &stream = *streamList.streams[i]; switch (stream.crop_rotate_scale_degrees) { case CAMERA3_STREAM_ROTATION_0: case CAMERA3_STREAM_ROTATION_90: case CAMERA3_STREAM_ROTATION_270: break; /* 180° rotation is specified by Chrome OS as invalid. */ case CAMERA3_STREAM_ROTATION_180: default: LOG(HAL, Error) << "Invalid crop_rotate_scale_degrees: " << stream.crop_rotate_scale_degrees; return false; } if (cropRotateScaleDegrees != stream.crop_rotate_scale_degrees) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "crop_rotate_scale_degrees in all " << "streams are not identical"; return false; } } return true; } #endif } /* namespace */ /* * \struct Camera3RequestDescriptor * * A utility structure that groups information about a capture request to be * later re-used at request complete time to notify the framework. */ CameraDevice::Camera3RequestDescriptor::Camera3RequestDescriptor( Camera *camera, const camera3_capture_request_t *camera3Request) { frameNumber_ = camera3Request->frame_number; /* Copy the camera3 request stream information for later access. */ const uint32_t numBuffers = camera3Request->num_output_buffers; buffers_.resize(numBuffers); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numBuffers; i++) buffers_[i] = camera3Request->output_buffers[i]; /* * FrameBuffer instances created by wrapping a camera3 provided dmabuf * are emplaced in this vector of unique_ptr<> for lifetime management. */ frameBuffers_.reserve(numBuffers); /* Clone the controls associated with the camera3 request. */ settings_ = CameraMetadata(camera3Request->settings); /* * Create the CaptureRequest, stored as a unique_ptr<> to tie its * lifetime to the descriptor. */ request_ = std::make_unique<CaptureRequest>(camera, reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(this)); } /* * \class CameraDevice * * The CameraDevice class wraps a libcamera::Camera instance, and implements * the camera3_device_t interface, bridging calls received from the Android * camera service to the CameraDevice. * * The class translates parameters and operations from the Camera HALv3 API to * the libcamera API to provide static information for a Camera, create request * templates for it, process capture requests and then deliver capture results * back to the framework using the designated callbacks. */ CameraDevice::CameraDevice(unsigned int id, std::shared_ptr<Camera> camera) : id_(id), state_(State::Stopped), camera_(std::move(camera)), facing_(CAMERA_FACING_FRONT), orientation_(0) { camera_->requestCompleted.connect(this, &CameraDevice::requestComplete); maker_ = "libcamera"; model_ = "cameraModel"; /* \todo Support getting properties on Android */ std::ifstream fstream("/var/cache/camera/camera.prop"); if (!fstream.is_open()) return; std::string line; while (std::getline(fstream, line)) { std::string::size_type delimPos = line.find("="); if (delimPos == std::string::npos) continue; std::string key = line.substr(0, delimPos); std::string val = line.substr(delimPos + 1); if (!key.compare("ro.product.model")) model_ = val; else if (!key.compare("ro.product.manufacturer")) maker_ = val; } } CameraDevice::~CameraDevice() = default; std::unique_ptr<CameraDevice> CameraDevice::create(unsigned int id, std::shared_ptr<Camera> cam) { return std::unique_ptr<CameraDevice>( new CameraDevice(id, std::move(cam))); } /* * Initialize the camera static information retrieved from the * Camera::properties or from the cameraConfigData. * * cameraConfigData is optional for external camera devices and can be * nullptr. * * This function is called before the camera device is opened. */ int CameraDevice::initialize(const CameraConfigData *cameraConfigData) { /* * Initialize orientation and facing side of the camera. * * If the libcamera::Camera provides those information as retrieved * from firmware use them, otherwise fallback to values parsed from * the configuration file. If the configuration file is not available * the camera is external so its location and rotation can be safely * defaulted. */ const ControlList &properties = camera_->properties(); if (properties.contains(properties::Location)) { int32_t location = properties.get(properties::Location); switch (location) { case properties::CameraLocationFront: facing_ = CAMERA_FACING_FRONT; break; case properties::CameraLocationBack: facing_ = CAMERA_FACING_BACK; break; case properties::CameraLocationExternal: /* * If the camera is reported as external, but the * CameraHalManager has overriden it, use what is * reported in the configuration file. This typically * happens for UVC cameras reported as 'External' by * libcamera but installed in fixed position on the * device. */ if (cameraConfigData && cameraConfigData->facing != -1) facing_ = cameraConfigData->facing; else facing_ = CAMERA_FACING_EXTERNAL; break; } if (cameraConfigData && cameraConfigData->facing != -1 && facing_ != cameraConfigData->facing) { LOG(HAL, Warning) << "Camera location does not match" << " configuration file. Using " << facing_; } } else if (cameraConfigData) { if (cameraConfigData->facing == -1) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Camera facing not in configuration file"; return -EINVAL; } facing_ = cameraConfigData->facing; } else { facing_ = CAMERA_FACING_EXTERNAL; } /* * The Android orientation metadata specifies its rotation correction * value in clockwise direction whereas libcamera specifies the * rotation property in anticlockwise direction. Read the libcamera's * rotation property (anticlockwise) and compute the corresponding * value for clockwise direction as required by the Android orientation * metadata. */ if (properties.contains(properties::Rotation)) { int rotation = properties.get(properties::Rotation); orientation_ = (360 - rotation) % 360; if (cameraConfigData && cameraConfigData->rotation != -1 && orientation_ != cameraConfigData->rotation) { LOG(HAL, Warning) << "Camera orientation does not match" << " configuration file. Using " << orientation_; } } else if (cameraConfigData) { if (cameraConfigData->rotation == -1) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Camera rotation not in configuration file"; return -EINVAL; } orientation_ = cameraConfigData->rotation; } else { orientation_ = 0; } return capabilities_.initialize(camera_, orientation_, facing_); } /* * Open a camera device. The static information on the camera shall have been * initialized with a call to CameraDevice::initialize(). */ int CameraDevice::open(const hw_module_t *hardwareModule) { int ret = camera_->acquire(); if (ret) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Failed to acquire the camera"; return ret; } /* Initialize the hw_device_t in the instance camera3_module_t. */ camera3Device_.common.tag = HARDWARE_DEVICE_TAG; camera3Device_.common.version = CAMERA_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_3; camera3Device_.common.module = (hw_module_t *)hardwareModule; camera3Device_.common.close = hal_dev_close; /* * The camera device operations. These actually implement * the Android Camera HALv3 interface. */ camera3Device_.ops = &hal_dev_ops; camera3Device_.priv = this; return 0; } void CameraDevice::close() { stop(); camera_->release(); } void CameraDevice::flush() { { MutexLocker stateLock(stateMutex_); if (state_ != State::Running) return; state_ = State::Flushing; } worker_.stop(); camera_->stop(); MutexLocker stateLock(stateMutex_); state_ = State::Stopped; } void CameraDevice::stop() { MutexLocker stateLock(stateMutex_); if (state_ == State::Stopped) return; worker_.stop(); camera_->stop(); descriptors_ = {}; streams_.clear(); state_ = State::Stopped; } unsigned int CameraDevice::maxJpegBufferSize() const { return capabilities_.maxJpegBufferSize(); } void CameraDevice::setCallbacks(const camera3_callback_ops_t *callbacks) { callbacks_ = callbacks; } const camera_metadata_t *CameraDevice::getStaticMetadata() { return capabilities_.staticMetadata()->get(); } /* * Produce a metadata pack to be used as template for a capture request. */ const camera_metadata_t *CameraDevice::constructDefaultRequestSettings(int type) { auto it = requestTemplates_.find(type); if (it != requestTemplates_.end()) return it->second->get(); /* Use the capture intent matching the requested template type. */ std::unique_ptr<CameraMetadata> requestTemplate; uint8_t captureIntent; switch (type) { case CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_PREVIEW: captureIntent = ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT_PREVIEW; requestTemplate = capabilities_.requestTemplatePreview(); break; case CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_STILL_CAPTURE: /* * Use the preview template for still capture, they only differ * for the torch mode we currently do not support. */ captureIntent = ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT_STILL_CAPTURE; requestTemplate = capabilities_.requestTemplateStill(); break; case CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_VIDEO_RECORD: captureIntent = ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT_VIDEO_RECORD; requestTemplate = capabilities_.requestTemplateVideo(); break; case CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT: captureIntent = ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT; requestTemplate = capabilities_.requestTemplateVideo(); break; case CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_MANUAL: captureIntent = ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT_MANUAL; requestTemplate = capabilities_.requestTemplateManual(); break; /* \todo Implement templates generation for the remaining use cases. */ case CAMERA3_TEMPLATE_ZERO_SHUTTER_LAG: default: LOG(HAL, Error) << "Unsupported template request type: " << type; return nullptr; } if (!requestTemplate || !requestTemplate->isValid()) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Failed to construct request template"; return nullptr; } requestTemplate->updateEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT, captureIntent); requestTemplates_[type] = std::move(requestTemplate); return requestTemplates_[type]->get(); } /* * Inspect the stream_list to produce a list of StreamConfiguration to * be use to configure the Camera. */ int CameraDevice::configureStreams(camera3_stream_configuration_t *stream_list) { /* Before any configuration attempt, stop the camera. */ stop(); if (stream_list->num_streams == 0) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "No streams in configuration"; return -EINVAL; } #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) if (!validateCropRotate(*stream_list)) return -EINVAL; #endif /* * Generate an empty configuration, and construct a StreamConfiguration * for each camera3_stream to add to it. */ std::unique_ptr<CameraConfiguration> config = camera_->generateConfiguration(); if (!config) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Failed to generate camera configuration"; return -EINVAL; } /* * Clear and remove any existing configuration from previous calls, and * ensure the required entries are available without further * reallocation. */ streams_.clear(); streams_.reserve(stream_list->num_streams); std::vector<Camera3StreamConfig> streamConfigs; streamConfigs.reserve(stream_list->num_streams); /* First handle all non-MJPEG streams. */ camera3_stream_t *jpegStream = nullptr; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stream_list->num_streams; ++i) { camera3_stream_t *stream = stream_list->streams[i]; Size size(stream->width, stream->height); PixelFormat format = capabilities_.toPixelFormat(stream->format); LOG(HAL, Info) << "Stream #" << i << ", direction: " << stream->stream_type << ", width: " << stream->width << ", height: " << stream->height << ", format: " << utils::hex(stream->format) << ", rotation: " << rotationToString(stream->rotation) #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) << ", crop_rotate_scale_degrees: " << rotationToString(stream->crop_rotate_scale_degrees) #endif << " (" << format.toString() << ")"; if (!format.isValid()) return -EINVAL; /* \todo Support rotation. */ if (stream->rotation != CAMERA3_STREAM_ROTATION_0) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Rotation is not supported"; return -EINVAL; } #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) if (stream->crop_rotate_scale_degrees != CAMERA3_STREAM_ROTATION_0) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Rotation is not supported"; return -EINVAL; } #endif /* Defer handling of MJPEG streams until all others are known. */ if (stream->format == HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BLOB) { if (jpegStream) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Multiple JPEG streams are not supported"; return -EINVAL; } jpegStream = stream; continue; } Camera3StreamConfig streamConfig; streamConfig.streams = { { stream, CameraStream::Type::Direct } }; streamConfig.config.size = size; streamConfig.config.pixelFormat = format; streamConfigs.push_back(std::move(streamConfig)); /* This stream will be produced by hardware. */ stream->usage |= GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_CAMERA_WRITE; } /* Now handle the MJPEG streams, adding a new stream if required. */ if (jpegStream) { CameraStream::Type type; int index = -1; /* Search for a compatible stream in the non-JPEG ones. */ for (size_t i = 0; i < streamConfigs.size(); ++i) { Camera3StreamConfig &streamConfig = streamConfigs[i]; const auto &cfg = streamConfig.config; /* * \todo The PixelFormat must also be compatible with * the encoder. */ if (cfg.size.width != jpegStream->width || cfg.size.height != jpegStream->height) continue; LOG(HAL, Info) << "Android JPEG stream mapped to libcamera stream " << i; type = CameraStream::Type::Mapped; index = i; /* * The source stream will be read by software to * produce the JPEG stream. */ camera3_stream_t *stream = streamConfig.streams[0].stream; stream->usage |= GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_OFTEN; break; } /* * Without a compatible match for JPEG encoding we must * introduce a new stream to satisfy the request requirements. */ if (index < 0) { /* * \todo The pixelFormat should be a 'best-fit' choice * and may require a validation cycle. This is not yet * handled, and should be considered as part of any * stream configuration reworks. */ Camera3StreamConfig streamConfig; streamConfig.config.size.width = jpegStream->width; streamConfig.config.size.height = jpegStream->height; streamConfig.config.pixelFormat = formats::NV12; streamConfigs.push_back(std::move(streamConfig)); LOG(HAL, Info) << "Adding " << streamConfig.config.toString() << " for MJPEG support"; type = CameraStream::Type::Internal; index = streamConfigs.size() - 1; } /* The JPEG stream will be produced by software. */ jpegStream->usage |= GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_OFTEN; streamConfigs[index].streams.push_back({ jpegStream, type }); } sortCamera3StreamConfigs(streamConfigs, jpegStream); for (const auto &streamConfig : streamConfigs) { config->addConfiguration(streamConfig.config); for (auto &stream : streamConfig.streams) { streams_.emplace_back(this, config.get(), stream.type, stream.stream, config->size() - 1); stream.stream->priv = static_cast<void *>(&streams_.back()); } } switch (config->validate()) { case CameraConfiguration::Valid: break; case CameraConfiguration::Adjusted: LOG(HAL, Info) << "Camera configuration adjusted"; for (const StreamConfiguration &cfg : *config) LOG(HAL, Info) << " - " << cfg.toString(); return -EINVAL; case CameraConfiguration::Invalid: LOG(HAL, Info) << "Camera configuration invalid"; return -EINVAL; } /* * Once the CameraConfiguration has been adjusted/validated * it can be applied to the camera. */ int ret = camera_->configure(config.get()); if (ret) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Failed to configure camera '" << camera_->id() << "'"; return ret; } /* * Configure the HAL CameraStream instances using the associated * StreamConfiguration and set the number of required buffers in * the Android camera3_stream_t. */ for (CameraStream &cameraStream : streams_) { ret = cameraStream.configure(); if (ret) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Failed to configure camera stream"; return ret; } } config_ = std::move(config); return 0; } std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer> CameraDevice::createFrameBuffer(const buffer_handle_t camera3buffer, PixelFormat pixelFormat, const Size &size) { CameraBuffer buf(camera3buffer, pixelFormat, size, PROT_READ); if (!buf.isValid()) { LOG(HAL, Fatal) << "Failed to create CameraBuffer"; return nullptr; } std::vector<FrameBuffer::Plane> planes(buf.numPlanes()); for (size_t i = 0; i < buf.numPlanes(); ++i) { FileDescriptor fd{ camera3buffer->data[i] }; if (!fd.isValid()) { LOG(HAL, Fatal) << "No valid fd"; return nullptr; } planes[i].fd = fd; planes[i].offset = buf.offset(i); planes[i].length = buf.size(i); } return std::make_unique<FrameBuffer>(planes); } int CameraDevice::processControls(Camera3RequestDescriptor *descriptor) { const CameraMetadata &settings = descriptor->settings_; if (!settings.isValid()) return 0; /* Translate the Android request settings to libcamera controls. */ ControlList &controls = descriptor->request_->controls(); camera_metadata_ro_entry_t entry; if (settings.getEntry(ANDROID_SCALER_CROP_REGION, &entry)) { const int32_t *data = entry.data.i32; Rectangle cropRegion{ data[0], data[1], static_cast<unsigned int>(data[2]), static_cast<unsigned int>(data[3]) }; controls.set(controls::ScalerCrop, cropRegion); } if (settings.getEntry(ANDROID_SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_MODE, &entry)) { const int32_t data = *entry.data.i32; int32_t testPatternMode = controls::draft::TestPatternModeOff; switch (data) { case ANDROID_SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_MODE_OFF: testPatternMode = controls::draft::TestPatternModeOff; break; case ANDROID_SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_MODE_SOLID_COLOR: testPatternMode = controls::draft::TestPatternModeSolidColor; break; case ANDROID_SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_MODE_COLOR_BARS: testPatternMode = controls::draft::TestPatternModeColorBars; break; case ANDROID_SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_MODE_COLOR_BARS_FADE_TO_GRAY: testPatternMode = controls::draft::TestPatternModeColorBarsFadeToGray; break; case ANDROID_SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_MODE_PN9: testPatternMode = controls::draft::TestPatternModePn9; break; case ANDROID_SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_MODE_CUSTOM1: testPatternMode = controls::draft::TestPatternModeCustom1; break; default: LOG(HAL, Error) << "Unknown test pattern mode: " << data; return -EINVAL; } controls.set(controls::draft::TestPatternMode, testPatternMode); } return 0; } void CameraDevice::abortRequest(Camera3RequestDescriptor *descriptor) const { notifyError(descriptor->frameNumber_, nullptr, CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR_REQUEST); camera3_capture_result_t &result = descriptor->captureResult_; result.num_output_buffers = descriptor->buffers_.size(); result.frame_number = descriptor->frameNumber_; result.partial_result = 0; std::vector<camera3_stream_buffer_t> resultBuffers(result.num_output_buffers); for (auto [i, buffer] : utils::enumerate(resultBuffers)) { buffer = descriptor->buffers_[i]; buffer.release_fence = descriptor->buffers_[i].acquire_fence; buffer.acquire_fence = -1; buffer.status = CAMERA3_BUFFER_STATUS_ERROR; } result.output_buffers = resultBuffers.data(); descriptor->status_ = Camera3RequestDescriptor::Status::Error; } bool CameraDevice::isValidRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *camera3Request) const { if (!camera3Request) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "No capture request provided"; return false; } if (!camera3Request->num_output_buffers || !camera3Request->output_buffers) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "No output buffers provided"; return false; } /* configureStreams() has not been called or has failed. */ if (streams_.empty() || !config_) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "No stream is configured"; return false; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < camera3Request->num_output_buffers; i++) { const camera3_stream_buffer_t &outputBuffer = camera3Request->output_buffers[i]; if (!outputBuffer.buffer || !(*outputBuffer.buffer)) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Invalid native handle"; return false; } const native_handle_t *handle = *outputBuffer.buffer; constexpr int kNativeHandleMaxFds = 1024; if (handle->numFds < 0 || handle->numFds > kNativeHandleMaxFds) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Invalid number of fds (" << handle->numFds << ") in buffer " << i; return false; } constexpr int kNativeHandleMaxInts = 1024; if (handle->numInts < 0 || handle->numInts > kNativeHandleMaxInts) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Invalid number of ints (" << handle->numInts << ") in buffer " << i; return false; } const camera3_stream *camera3Stream = outputBuffer.stream; if (!camera3Stream) return false; const CameraStream *cameraStream = static_cast<CameraStream *>(camera3Stream->priv); auto found = std::find_if(streams_.begin(), streams_.end(), [cameraStream](const CameraStream &stream) { return &stream == cameraStream; }); if (found == streams_.end()) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "No corresponding configured stream found"; return false; } } return true; } int CameraDevice::processCaptureRequest(camera3_capture_request_t *camera3Request) { if (!isValidRequest(camera3Request)) return -EINVAL; /* * Save the request descriptors for use at completion time. * The descriptor and the associated memory reserved here are freed * at request complete time. */ auto descriptor = std::make_unique<Camera3RequestDescriptor>(camera_.get(), camera3Request); /* * \todo The Android request model is incremental, settings passed in * previous requests are to be effective until overridden explicitly in * a new request. Do we need to cache settings incrementally here, or is * it handled by the Android camera service ? */ if (camera3Request->settings) lastSettings_ = camera3Request->settings; else descriptor->settings_ = lastSettings_; LOG(HAL, Debug) << "Queueing request " << descriptor->request_->cookie() << " with " << descriptor->buffers_.size() << " streams"; for (const auto &[i, camera3Buffer] : utils::enumerate(descriptor->buffers_)) { camera3_stream *camera3Stream = camera3Buffer.stream; CameraStream *cameraStream = static_cast<CameraStream *>(camera3Stream->priv); std::stringstream ss; ss << i << " - (" << camera3Stream->width << "x" << camera3Stream->height << ")" << "[" << utils::hex(camera3Stream->format) << "] -> " << "(" << cameraStream->configuration().size.toString() << ")[" << cameraStream->configuration().pixelFormat.toString() << "]"; /* * Inspect the camera stream type, create buffers opportunely * and add them to the Request if required. Only acquire fences * for streams of type Direct are handled by the CameraWorker, * while fences for streams of type Internal and Mapped are * handled at post-processing time. */ FrameBuffer *buffer = nullptr; int acquireFence = -1; switch (cameraStream->type()) { case CameraStream::Type::Mapped: /* * Mapped streams don't need buffers added to the * Request. */ LOG(HAL, Debug) << ss.str() << " (mapped)"; continue; case CameraStream::Type::Direct: /* * Create a libcamera buffer using the dmabuf * descriptors of the camera3Buffer for each stream and * associate it with the Camera3RequestDescriptor for * lifetime management only. */ descriptor->frameBuffers_.push_back( createFrameBuffer(*camera3Buffer.buffer, cameraStream->configuration().pixelFormat, cameraStream->configuration().size)); buffer = descriptor->frameBuffers_.back().get(); acquireFence = camera3Buffer.acquire_fence; LOG(HAL, Debug) << ss.str() << " (direct)"; break; case CameraStream::Type::Internal: /* * Get the frame buffer from the CameraStream internal * buffer pool. * * The buffer has to be returned to the CameraStream * once it has been processed. */ buffer = cameraStream->getBuffer(); LOG(HAL, Debug) << ss.str() << " (internal)"; break; } if (!buffer) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Failed to create buffer"; return -ENOMEM; } descriptor->request_->addBuffer(cameraStream->stream(), buffer, acquireFence); } /* * Translate controls from Android to libcamera and queue the request * to the CameraWorker thread. */ int ret = processControls(descriptor.get()); if (ret) return ret; /* * If flush is in progress set the request status to error and place it * on the queue to be later completed. If the camera has been stopped we * have to re-start it to be able to process the request. */ MutexLocker stateLock(stateMutex_); if (state_ == State::Flushing) { abortRequest(descriptor.get()); { MutexLocker descriptorsLock(descriptorsMutex_); descriptors_.push(std::move(descriptor)); } sendCaptureResults(); return 0; } if (state_ == State::Stopped) { worker_.start(); ret = camera_->start(); if (ret) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Failed to start camera"; worker_.stop(); return ret; } state_ = State::Running; } CaptureRequest *request = descriptor->request_.get(); { MutexLocker descriptorsLock(descriptorsMutex_); descriptors_.push(std::move(descriptor)); } worker_.queueRequest(request); return 0; } void CameraDevice::requestComplete(Request *request) { Camera3RequestDescriptor *descriptor; { MutexLocker descriptorsLock(descriptorsMutex_); ASSERT(!descriptors_.empty()); descriptor = descriptors_.front().get(); } if (descriptor->request_->cookie() != request->cookie()) { /* * \todo Clarify if the Camera has to be closed on * ERROR_DEVICE. */ LOG(HAL, Error) << "Out-of-order completion for request " << utils::hex(request->cookie()); MutexLocker descriptorsLock(descriptorsMutex_); descriptors_.pop(); notifyError(0, nullptr, CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR_DEVICE); return; } /* * Prepare the capture result for the Android camera stack. * * The buffer status is set to OK and later changed to ERROR if * post-processing/compression fails. */ camera3_capture_result_t &captureResult = descriptor->captureResult_; captureResult.frame_number = descriptor->frameNumber_; captureResult.num_output_buffers = descriptor->buffers_.size(); for (camera3_stream_buffer_t &buffer : descriptor->buffers_) { CameraStream *cameraStream = static_cast<CameraStream *>(buffer.stream->priv); /* * Streams of type Direct have been queued to the * libcamera::Camera and their acquire fences have * already been waited on by the CameraWorker. * * Acquire fences of streams of type Internal and Mapped * will be handled during post-processing. * * \todo Instrument the CameraWorker to set the acquire * fence to -1 once it has handled it and remove this check. */ if (cameraStream->type() == CameraStream::Type::Direct) buffer.acquire_fence = -1; buffer.release_fence = -1; buffer.status = CAMERA3_BUFFER_STATUS_OK; } captureResult.output_buffers = descriptor->buffers_.data(); captureResult.partial_result = 1; /* * If the Request has failed, abort the request by notifying the error * and complete the request with all buffers in error state. */ if (request->status() != Request::RequestComplete) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Request " << request->cookie() << " not successfully completed: " << request->status(); notifyError(descriptor->frameNumber_, nullptr, CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR_REQUEST); captureResult.partial_result = 0; for (camera3_stream_buffer_t &buffer : descriptor->buffers_) { /* * Signal to the framework it has to handle fences that * have not been waited on by setting the release fence * to the acquire fence value. */ buffer.release_fence = buffer.acquire_fence; buffer.acquire_fence = -1; buffer.status = CAMERA3_BUFFER_STATUS_ERROR; } descriptor->status_ = Camera3RequestDescriptor::Status::Error; sendCaptureResults(); return; } /* * Notify shutter as soon as we have verified we have a valid request. * * \todo The shutter event notification should be sent to the framework * as soon as possible, earlier than request completion time. */ uint64_t sensorTimestamp = static_cast<uint64_t>(request->metadata() .get(controls::SensorTimestamp)); notifyShutter(descriptor->frameNumber_, sensorTimestamp); LOG(HAL, Debug) << "Request " << request->cookie() << " completed with " << descriptor->buffers_.size() << " streams"; /* * Generate the metadata associated with the captured buffers. * * Notify if the metadata generation has failed, but continue processing * buffers and return an empty metadata pack. */ std::unique_ptr<CameraMetadata> resultMetadata = getResultMetadata(*descriptor); if (!resultMetadata) { notifyError(descriptor->frameNumber_, nullptr, CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR_RESULT); /* The camera framework expects an empty metadata pack on error. */ resultMetadata = std::make_unique<CameraMetadata>(0, 0); } /* Handle post-processing. */ for (camera3_stream_buffer_t &buffer : descriptor->buffers_) { CameraStream *cameraStream = static_cast<CameraStream *>(buffer.stream->priv); if (cameraStream->type() == CameraStream::Type::Direct) continue; FrameBuffer *src = request->findBuffer(cameraStream->stream()); if (!src) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Failed to find a source stream buffer"; buffer.status = CAMERA3_BUFFER_STATUS_ERROR; notifyError(descriptor->frameNumber_, buffer.stream, CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR_BUFFER); continue; } int ret = cameraStream->process(*src, buffer, descriptor->settings_, resultMetadata.get()); /* * Return the FrameBuffer to the CameraStream now that we're * done processing it. */ if (cameraStream->type() == CameraStream::Type::Internal) cameraStream->putBuffer(src); if (ret) { buffer.status = CAMERA3_BUFFER_STATUS_ERROR; notifyError(descriptor->frameNumber_, buffer.stream, CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR_BUFFER); } } captureResult.result = resultMetadata->get(); descriptor->status_ = Camera3RequestDescriptor::Status::Success; sendCaptureResults(); } void CameraDevice::sendCaptureResults() { MutexLocker lock(descriptorsMutex_); while (!descriptors_.empty() && !descriptors_.front()->isPending()) { auto descriptor = std::move(descriptors_.front()); descriptors_.pop(); /* * \todo Releasing and re-acquiring the critical section for * every request completion (grain-locking) might have an * impact on performance which should be measured. */ lock.unlock(); callbacks_->process_capture_result(callbacks_, &descriptor->captureResult_); lock.lock(); } } std::string CameraDevice::logPrefix() const { return "'" + camera_->id() + "'"; } void CameraDevice::notifyShutter(uint32_t frameNumber, uint64_t timestamp) { camera3_notify_msg_t notify = {}; notify.type = CAMERA3_MSG_SHUTTER; notify.message.shutter.frame_number = frameNumber; notify.message.shutter.timestamp = timestamp; callbacks_->notify(callbacks_, ¬ify); } void CameraDevice::notifyError(uint32_t frameNumber, camera3_stream_t *stream, camera3_error_msg_code code) const { camera3_notify_msg_t notify = {}; notify.type = CAMERA3_MSG_ERROR; notify.message.error.error_stream = stream; notify.message.error.frame_number = frameNumber; notify.message.error.error_code = code; callbacks_->notify(callbacks_, ¬ify); } /* * Produce a set of fixed result metadata. */ std::unique_ptr<CameraMetadata> CameraDevice::getResultMetadata(const Camera3RequestDescriptor &descriptor) const { const ControlList &metadata = descriptor.request_->metadata(); const CameraMetadata &settings = descriptor.settings_; camera_metadata_ro_entry_t entry; bool found; /* * \todo Keep this in sync with the actual number of entries. * Currently: 40 entries, 156 bytes * * Reserve more space for the JPEG metadata set by the post-processor. * Currently: * ANDROID_JPEG_GPS_COORDINATES (double x 3) = 24 bytes * ANDROID_JPEG_GPS_PROCESSING_METHOD (byte x 32) = 32 bytes * ANDROID_JPEG_GPS_TIMESTAMP (int64) = 8 bytes * ANDROID_JPEG_SIZE (int32_t) = 4 bytes * ANDROID_JPEG_QUALITY (byte) = 1 byte * ANDROID_JPEG_ORIENTATION (int32_t) = 4 bytes * ANDROID_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_QUALITY (byte) = 1 byte * ANDROID_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_SIZE (int32 x 2) = 8 bytes * Total bytes for JPEG metadata: 82 */ std::unique_ptr<CameraMetadata> resultMetadata = std::make_unique<CameraMetadata>(44, 166); if (!resultMetadata->isValid()) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Failed to allocate result metadata"; return nullptr; } /* * \todo The value of the results metadata copied from the settings * will have to be passed to the libcamera::Camera and extracted * from libcamera::Request::metadata. */ uint8_t value = ANDROID_COLOR_CORRECTION_ABERRATION_MODE_OFF; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_COLOR_CORRECTION_ABERRATION_MODE, value); value = ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_ANTIBANDING_MODE_OFF; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_ANTIBANDING_MODE, value); int32_t value32 = 0; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_EXPOSURE_COMPENSATION, value32); value = ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_LOCK_OFF; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_LOCK, value); value = ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_MODE_ON; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_MODE, value); if (settings.getEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_TARGET_FPS_RANGE, &entry)) /* * \todo Retrieve the AE FPS range from the libcamera metadata. * As libcamera does not support that control, as a temporary * workaround return what the framework asked. */ resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_TARGET_FPS_RANGE, entry.data.i32, 2); found = settings.getEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER, &entry); value = found ? *entry.data.u8 : (uint8_t)ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER_IDLE; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER, value); value = ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_STATE_CONVERGED; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_AE_STATE, value); value = ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_MODE_OFF; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_MODE, value); value = ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_STATE_INACTIVE; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_STATE, value); value = ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER_IDLE; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_AF_TRIGGER, value); value = ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_MODE_AUTO; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_MODE, value); value = ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_LOCK_OFF; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_LOCK, value); value = ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_STATE_CONVERGED; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_AWB_STATE, value); value = ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT_PREVIEW; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_CAPTURE_INTENT, value); value = ANDROID_CONTROL_EFFECT_MODE_OFF; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_EFFECT_MODE, value); value = ANDROID_CONTROL_MODE_AUTO; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_MODE, value); value = ANDROID_CONTROL_SCENE_MODE_DISABLED; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_SCENE_MODE, value); value = ANDROID_CONTROL_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_MODE_OFF; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_CONTROL_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_MODE, value); value = ANDROID_FLASH_MODE_OFF; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_FLASH_MODE, value); value = ANDROID_FLASH_STATE_UNAVAILABLE; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_FLASH_STATE, value); if (settings.getEntry(ANDROID_LENS_APERTURE, &entry)) resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_LENS_APERTURE, entry.data.f, 1); float focal_length = 1.0; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_LENS_FOCAL_LENGTH, focal_length); value = ANDROID_LENS_STATE_STATIONARY; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_LENS_STATE, value); value = ANDROID_LENS_OPTICAL_STABILIZATION_MODE_OFF; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_LENS_OPTICAL_STABILIZATION_MODE, value); value32 = ANDROID_SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_MODE_OFF; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_MODE, value32); value = ANDROID_STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE_OFF; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_STATISTICS_FACE_DETECT_MODE, value); value = ANDROID_STATISTICS_LENS_SHADING_MAP_MODE_OFF; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_STATISTICS_LENS_SHADING_MAP_MODE, value); value = ANDROID_STATISTICS_HOT_PIXEL_MAP_MODE_OFF; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_STATISTICS_HOT_PIXEL_MAP_MODE, value); value = ANDROID_STATISTICS_SCENE_FLICKER_NONE; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_STATISTICS_SCENE_FLICKER, value); value = ANDROID_NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE_OFF; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_NOISE_REDUCTION_MODE, value); /* 33.3 msec */ const int64_t rolling_shutter_skew = 33300000; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_SENSOR_ROLLING_SHUTTER_SKEW, rolling_shutter_skew); /* Add metadata tags reported by libcamera. */ const int64_t timestamp = metadata.get(controls::SensorTimestamp); resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_SENSOR_TIMESTAMP, timestamp); if (metadata.contains(controls::draft::PipelineDepth)) { uint8_t pipeline_depth = metadata.get<int32_t>(controls::draft::PipelineDepth); resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_REQUEST_PIPELINE_DEPTH, pipeline_depth); } if (metadata.contains(controls::ExposureTime)) { int64_t exposure = metadata.get(controls::ExposureTime) * 1000ULL; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_SENSOR_EXPOSURE_TIME, exposure); } if (metadata.contains(controls::FrameDuration)) { int64_t duration = metadata.get(controls::FrameDuration) * 1000; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_SENSOR_FRAME_DURATION, duration); } if (metadata.contains(controls::ScalerCrop)) { Rectangle crop = metadata.get(controls::ScalerCrop); int32_t cropRect[] = { crop.x, crop.y, static_cast<int32_t>(crop.width), static_cast<int32_t>(crop.height), }; resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_SCALER_CROP_REGION, cropRect); } if (metadata.contains(controls::draft::TestPatternMode)) { const int32_t testPatternMode = metadata.get(controls::draft::TestPatternMode); resultMetadata->addEntry(ANDROID_SENSOR_TEST_PATTERN_MODE, testPatternMode); } /* * Return the result metadata pack even is not valid: get() will return * nullptr. */ if (!resultMetadata->isValid()) { LOG(HAL, Error) << "Failed to construct result metadata"; } if (resultMetadata->resized()) { auto [entryCount, dataCount] = resultMetadata->usage(); LOG(HAL, Info) << "Result metadata resized: " << entryCount << " entries and " << dataCount << " bytes used"; } return resultMetadata; }