# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 libcamera_ipa_include_dir = libcamera_include_dir / 'ipa' libcamera_ipa_headers = files([ 'ipa_controls.h', 'ipa_interface.h', 'ipa_module_info.h', ]) install_headers(libcamera_ipa_headers, subdir : libcamera_ipa_include_dir) libcamera_generated_ipa_headers = [] ipa_headers_install_dir = get_option('includedir') / libcamera_ipa_include_dir # # Prepare IPA/IPC generation components # core_mojom_file = 'core.mojom' ipa_mojom_core = custom_target(core_mojom_file.split('.')[0] + '_mojom_module', input : core_mojom_file, output : core_mojom_file + '-module', command : [ mojom_parser, '--output-root', meson.project_build_root(), '--input-root', meson.project_source_root(), '--mojoms', '@INPUT@' ]) # core_ipa_interface.h libcamera_generated_ipa_headers += custom_target('core_ipa_interface_h', input : ipa_mojom_core, output : 'core_ipa_interface.h', depends : mojom_templates, install : true, install_dir : ipa_headers_install_dir, command : [ mojom_generator, 'generate', '-g', 'libcamera', '--bytecode_path', mojom_templates_dir, '--libcamera_generate_core_header', '--libcamera_output_path=@OUTPUT@', './' +'@INPUT@' ]) # core_ipa_serializer.h libcamera_generated_ipa_headers += custom_target('core_ipa_serializer_h', input : ipa_mojom_core, output : 'core_ipa_serializer.h', depends : mojom_templates, command : [ mojom_generator, 'generate', '-g', 'libcamera', '--bytecode_path', mojom_templates_dir, '--libcamera_generate_core_serializer', '--libcamera_output_path=@OUTPUT@', './' +'@INPUT@' ]) # Mapping from pipeline handler name to mojom file pipeline_ipa_mojom_mapping = { 'ipu3': 'ipu3.mojom', 'rkisp1': 'rkisp1.mojom', 'rpi/vc4': 'raspberrypi.mojom', 'vimc': 'vimc.mojom', } ipa_mojom_files = [] ipa_mojoms = [] # # Generate headers from templates. # # TODO Define per-pipeline ControlInfoMap with yaml? foreach pipeline, file : pipeline_ipa_mojom_mapping name = file.split('.')[0] # Ensure we do not build duplicate mojom modules if file in ipa_mojom_files continue endif ipa_mojom_files += file if pipeline not in pipelines continue endif # {interface}.mojom-module mojom = custom_target(name + '_mojom_module', input : file, output : file + '-module', depends : ipa_mojom_core, command : [ mojom_parser, '--output-root', meson.project_build_root(), '--input-root', meson.project_source_root(), '--mojoms', '@INPUT@' ]) # {interface}_ipa_interface.h header = custom_target(name + '_ipa_interface_h', input : mojom, output : name + '_ipa_interface.h', depends : mojom_templates, install : true, install_dir : ipa_headers_install_dir, command : [ mojom_generator, 'generate', '-g', 'libcamera', '--bytecode_path', mojom_templates_dir, '--libcamera_generate_header', '--libcamera_output_path=@OUTPUT@', './' +'@INPUT@' ]) # {interface}_ipa_serializer.h serializer = custom_target(name + '_ipa_serializer_h', input : mojom, output : name + '_ipa_serializer.h', depends : mojom_templates, command : [ mojom_generator, 'generate', '-g', 'libcamera', '--bytecode_path', mojom_templates_dir, '--libcamera_generate_serializer', '--libcamera_output_path=@OUTPUT@', './' +'@INPUT@' ]) # {interface}_ipa_proxy.h proxy_header = custom_target(name + '_proxy_h', input : mojom, output : name + '_ipa_proxy.h', depends : mojom_templates, command : [ mojom_generator, 'generate', '-g', 'libcamera', '--bytecode_path', mojom_templates_dir, '--libcamera_generate_proxy_h', '--libcamera_output_path=@OUTPUT@', './' +'@INPUT@' ]) ipa_mojoms += { 'name': name, 'mojom': mojom, } libcamera_generated_ipa_headers += [header, serializer, proxy_header] endforeach ipa_mojom_files = files(ipa_mojom_files) # Pass this to the documentation generator in src/libcamera/ipa ipa_mojom_files += files(['core.mojom'])