path: root/include/libcamera/internal/formats.h
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-08-06libcamera: formats: add numPlanes helperKieran Bingham
Determine the number of planes used by a format by counting the number of PixelFormatPlaneInfo entries with a valid entry. Reviewed-by: Niklas Söderlund <> Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Signed-off-by: Kieran Bingham <>
2020-08-03libcamera: formats: PixelFormatInfo: Add name lookup functionKaaira Gupta
Add a function which returns PixelFormatInfo, given format name as a string. Signed-off-by: Kaaira Gupta <> Reviewed-by: Kieran Bingham <> Signed-off-by: Kieran Bingham <>
2020-07-23libcamera: formats: Remove ImageFormatsNiklas Söderlund
The ImageFormats helper class is not used anymore and can be removed. Signed-off-by: Niklas Söderlund <> Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Reviewed-by: Jacopo Mondi <> Reviewed-by: Kieran Bingham <>
2020-07-10libcamera: PixelFormatInfo: Add functions stride and frameSizePaul Elder
Add member functions to PixelFormatInfo for calculating stride and frame size. This will simplify existing code that calculates these things. Signed-off-by: Paul Elder <> Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <>
2020-07-10libcamera: formats: PixelFormatInfo: Add v4l2 lookup functionPaul Elder
Add a lookup function for PixelFormatInfo that takes a V4L2PixelFormat. Signed-off-by: Paul Elder <> Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <>
2020-07-10libcamera: formats: Add fields to info to ease calculating stridePaul Elder
Packed formats make it difficult to calculate stride as well as frame size with the fields that PixelFormatInfo currently has. bitsPerPixel is defined as the average number of bits per pixel, and only counts effective bits, so it is not useful for calculating stride and frame size. To fix this, we introduce a concept of a "pixel group". The size of this group is defined as the minimum number of pixels (including padding) necessary in a row when the image has only one column of effective pixels. The pixel group has one more attribute, that is the "bytes per group". This determines how many bytes one pixel group consumes. These are the fields pixelsPerGroup and bytesPerGroup that are defined in this patch. Defining these two values makes it really simple to calculate bytes-per-line, as ceil(width / pixelsPerGroup) * bytesPerGroup, where width is measured in number of pixels. The ceiling accounts for padding. The pixel group has another contraint, which is that the pixel group (bytesPerGroup and pixelsPerGroup) is the smallest repeatable unit. What this means is that, for example, in the IPU3 formats, if there is only one column of effective pixels, it looks like it could be fit in 5 bytes with 3 padding pixels (for a total of 4 pixels over 5 bytes). However, this unit is not repeatable, as at the 7th group in the same row, the pattern is broken. Therefore, the pixel group for IPU3 formats must be 25 pixels over 32 bytes. Clearly, pixelsPerGroup must be constant for all planes in the format. The bytesPerGroup then, must be a per-plane attribute. There is one more field, verticalSubSampling, that is per-plane. This is simply a divider, to divide the number of rows of pixels by the sub-sampling value, to obtain the number of rows of pixels for the subsampled plane. For example, for something simple like BGR888, it is self-explanatory: the pixel group size is 1, and the bytes necessary is 3, and there is only one plane with no (= 1) vertical subsampling. For YUYV, the CbCr pair is shared between two pixels, so even if you have only one pixel, you would still need a padded second Y, therefore the pixel group size is 2, and bytes necessary is 4 (as opposed to 1 and 2). YUYV also has no vertical subsampling. NV12 has a pixel group size of 2 pixels, due to the CbCr plane. The bytes per group then, for both planes, is 2. The first plane has no vertical subsampling, but the second plane is subsampled by a factor of 2. The IPU3 formats are also self-explanatory, as they are single-planar, and have a pixel group size of 25, consuming 32 bytes. Although a comment in the driver suggests that it should be 50 and 64, respectively, this is an attribute of the driver, and not the format, so this shall be set by the ipu3 pipeline handler. Signed-off-by: Paul Elder <> Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Reviewed-by: Jacopo Mondi <> Reviewed-by: Kieran Bingham <>
2020-06-25libcamera: pixel_format: Replace hex with format namesKaaira Gupta
Print format names defined in formats namespace instead of the hex values in toString() as they are easier to comprehend. For this add a property of 'name' in PixelFormatInfo' so as to map the formats with their names. Print fourcc for formats which are not used in libcamera. Signed-off-by: Kaaira Gupta <> Reviewed-by: Kieran Bingham <> Reviewed-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <>
2020-06-06libcamera: Rename header guards for internal headersLaurent Pinchart
With the internal headers now in include/libcamera/internal/, we may have identically named headers in include/libcamera/. Their header guards would clash. Rename the header guards of internal headers to prevent any issue. Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Reviewed-by: Kieran Bingham <> Reviewed-by: Niklas Söderlund <>
2020-06-06libcamera: Rename pixelformats.{cpp,h} to pixel_format.{cpp,h}Laurent Pinchart
The libcamera source files are named after class names, using snake_case. pixelformats.h and pixelformats.cpp don't comply with that rule. Fix them. Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Reviewed-by: Niklas Söderlund <>
2020-05-16libcamera: Move internal headers to include/libcamera/internal/Laurent Pinchart
The libcamera internal headers are located in src/libcamera/include/. The directory is added to the compiler headers search path with a meson include_directories() directive, and internal headers are included with (e.g. for the internal semaphore.h header) #include "semaphore.h" All was well, until libcxx decided to implement the C++20 synchronization library. The __threading_support header gained a #include <semaphore.h> to include the pthread's semaphore support. As include_directories() adds src/libcamera/include/ to the compiler search path with -I, the internal semaphore.h is included instead of the pthread version. Needless to say, the compiler isn't happy. Three options have been considered to fix this issue: - Use -iquote instead of -I. The -iquote option instructs gcc to only consider the header search path for headers included with the "" version. Meson unfortunately doesn't support this option. - Rename the internal semaphore.h header. This was deemed to be the beginning of a long whack-a-mole game, where namespace clashes with system libraries would appear over time (possibly dependent on particular system configurations) and would need to be constantly fixed. - Move the internal headers to another directory to create a unique namespace through path components. This causes lots of churn in all the existing source files through the all project. The first option would be best, but isn't available to us due to missing support in meson. Even if -iquote support was added, we would need to fix the problem before a new version of meson containing the required support would be released. The third option is thus the only practical solution available. Bite the bullet, and do it, moving headers to include/libcamera/internal/. Signed-off-by: Laurent Pinchart <> Acked-by: Jacopo Mondi <>