/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ /* * Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc. * * controls.cpp - Control handling */ #include #include #include #include #include "control_validator.h" #include "log.h" #include "utils.h" /** * \file controls.h * \brief Framework to manage controls related to an object * * A control is a mean to govern or influence the operation of an object, and in * particular of a camera. Every control is defined by a unique numerical ID, a * name string and the data type of the value it stores. The libcamera API * defines a set of standard controls in the libcamera::controls namespace, as * a set of instances of the Control class. * * The main way for applications to interact with controls is through the * ControlList stored in the Request class: * * \code{.cpp} * Request *req = ...; * ControlList &controls = req->controls(); * controls->set(controls::AwbEnable, false); * controls->set(controls::ManualExposure, 1000); * * ... * * int32_t exposure = controls->get(controls::ManualExposure); * \endcode * * The ControlList::get() and ControlList::set() methods automatically deduce * the data type based on the control. */ namespace libcamera { LOG_DEFINE_CATEGORY(Controls) /** * \enum ControlType * \brief Define the data type of a Control * \var ControlTypeNone * Invalid type, for empty values * \var ControlTypeBool * The control stores a boolean value * \var ControlTypeInteger32 * The control stores a 32-bit integer value * \var ControlTypeInteger64 * The control stores a 64-bit integer value */ /** * \class ControlValue * \brief Abstract type representing the value of a control */ /** * \brief Construct an empty ControlValue. */ ControlValue::ControlValue() : type_(ControlTypeNone) { } /** * \brief Construct a Boolean ControlValue * \param[in] value Boolean value to store */ ControlValue::ControlValue(bool value) : type_(ControlTypeBool), bool_(value) { } /** * \brief Construct an integer ControlValue * \param[in] value Integer value to store */ ControlValue::ControlValue(int32_t value) : type_(ControlTypeInteger32), integer32_(value) { } /** * \brief Construct a 64 bit integer ControlValue * \param[in] value Integer value to store */ ControlValue::ControlValue(int64_t value) : type_(ControlTypeInteger64), integer64_(value) { } /** * \fn ControlValue::type() * \brief Retrieve the data type of the value * \return The value data type */ /** * \fn ControlValue::isNone() * \brief Determine if the value is not initialised * \return True if the value type is ControlTypeNone, false otherwise */ /** * \fn template const T &ControlValue::get() const * \brief Get the control value * * The control value type shall match the type T, otherwise the behaviour is * undefined. * * \return The control value */ /** * \fn template void ControlValue::set(const T &value) * \brief Set the control value to \a value * \param[in] value The control value */ #ifndef __DOXYGEN__ template<> const bool &ControlValue::get() const { ASSERT(type_ == ControlTypeBool); return bool_; } template<> const int32_t &ControlValue::get() const { ASSERT(type_ == ControlTypeInteger32 || type_ == ControlTypeInteger64); return integer32_; } template<> const int64_t &ControlValue::get() const { ASSERT(type_ == ControlTypeInteger32 || type_ == ControlTypeInteger64); return integer64_; } template<> void ControlValue::set(const bool &value) { type_ = ControlTypeBool; bool_ = value; } template<> void ControlValue::set(const int32_t &value) { type_ = ControlTypeInteger32; integer32_ = value; } template<> void ControlValue::set(const int64_t &value) { type_ = ControlTypeInteger64; integer64_ = value; } #endif /* __DOXYGEN__ */ /** * \brief Assemble and return a string describing the value * \return A string describing the ControlValue */ std::string ControlValue::toString() const { switch (type_) { case ControlTypeNone: return ""; case ControlTypeBool: return bool_ ? "True" : "False"; case ControlTypeInteger32: return std::to_string(integer32_); case ControlTypeInteger64: return std::to_string(integer64_); } return ""; } /** * \brief Compare ControlValue instances for equality * \return True if the values have identical types and values, false otherwise */ bool ControlValue::operator==(const ControlValue &other) const { if (type_ != other.type_) return false; switch (type_) { case ControlTypeBool: return bool_ == other.bool_; case ControlTypeInteger32: return integer32_ == other.integer32_; case ControlTypeInteger64: return integer64_ == other.integer64_; default: return false; } } /** * \fn bool ControlValue::operator!=() * \brief Compare ControlValue instances for non equality * \return False if the values have identical types and values, true otherwise */ /** * \class ControlId * \brief Control static metadata * * The ControlId class stores a control ID, name and data type. It provides * unique identification of a control, but without support for compile-time * type deduction that the derived template Control class supports. See the * Control class for more information. */ /** * \fn ControlId::ControlId(unsigned int id, const std::string &name, ControlType type) * \brief Construct a ControlId instance * \param[in] id The control numerical ID * \param[in] name The control name * \param[in] type The control data type */ /** * \fn unsigned int ControlId::id() const * \brief Retrieve the control numerical ID * \return The control numerical ID */ /** * \fn const char *ControlId::name() const * \brief Retrieve the control name * \return The control name */ /** * \fn ControlType ControlId::type() const * \brief Retrieve the control data type * \return The control data type */ /** * \fn bool operator==(const ControlId &lhs, const ControlId &rhs) * \brief Compare two ControlId instances for equality * \param[in] lhs Left-hand side ControlId * \param[in] rhs Right-hand side ControlId * * ControlId instances are compared based on the numerical ControlId::id() * only, as an object may not have two separate controls with the same * numerical ID. * * \return True if \a lhs and \a rhs have equal control IDs, false otherwise */ /** * \class Control * \brief Describe a control and its intrinsic properties * * The Control class models a control exposed by an object. Its template type * name T refers to the control data type, and allows methods that operate on * control values to be defined as template methods using the same type T for * the control value. See for instance how the ControlList::get() method * returns a value corresponding to the type of the requested control. * * While this class is the main mean to refer to a control, the control * identifying information are stored in the non-template base ControlId class. * This allows code that operates on a set of controls of different types to * reference those controls through a ControlId instead of a Control. For * instance, the list of controls supported by a camera is exposed as ControlId * instead of Control. * * Controls of any type can be defined through template specialisation, but * libcamera only supports the bool, int32_t and int64_t types natively (this * includes types that are equivalent to the supported types, such as int and * long int). * * Controls IDs shall be unique. While nothing prevents multiple instances of * the Control class to be created with the same ID for the same object, doing * so may cause undefined behaviour. */ /** * \fn Control::Control(unsigned int id, const char *name) * \brief Construct a Control instance * \param[in] id The control numerical ID * \param[in] name The control name * * The control data type is automatically deduced from the template type T. */ /** * \typedef Control::type * \brief The Control template type T */ #ifndef __DOXYGEN__ template<> Control::Control(unsigned int id, const char *name) : ControlId(id, name, ControlTypeNone) { } template<> Control::Control(unsigned int id, const char *name) : ControlId(id, name, ControlTypeBool) { } template<> Control::Control(unsigned int id, const char *name) : ControlId(id, name, ControlTypeInteger32) { } template<> Control::Control(unsigned int id, const char *name) : ControlId(id, name, ControlTypeInteger64) { } #endif /* __DOXYGEN__ */ /** * \class ControlRange * \brief Describe the limits of valid values for a Control * * The ControlRange expresses the constraints on valid values for a control. * The constraints depend on the object the control applies to, and are * constant for the lifetime of that object. They are typically constructed by * pipeline handlers to describe the controls they support. */ /** * \brief Construct a ControlRange with minimum and maximum range parameters * \param[in] min The control minimum value * \param[in] max The control maximum value */ ControlRange::ControlRange(const ControlValue &min, const ControlValue &max) : min_(min), max_(max) { } /** * \fn ControlRange::min() * \brief Retrieve the minimum value of the control * \return A ControlValue with the minimum value for the control */ /** * \fn ControlRange::max() * \brief Retrieve the maximum value of the control * \return A ControlValue with the maximum value for the control */ /** * \brief Provide a string representation of the ControlRange */ std::string ControlRange::toString() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[" << min_.toString() << ".." << max_.toString() << "]"; return ss.str(); } /** * \typedef ControlIdMap * \brief A map of numerical control ID to ControlId * * The map is used by ControlList instances to access controls by numerical * IDs. A global map of all libcamera controls is provided by * controls::controls. */ /** * \class ControlInfoMap * \brief A map of ControlId to ControlRange * * The ControlInfoMap class describes controls supported by an object as an * unsorted map of ControlId pointers to ControlRange instances. Unlike the * standard std::unsorted_map<> class, it is designed the be immutable once * constructed, and thus only exposes the read accessors of the * std::unsorted_map<> base class. * * In addition to the features of the standard unsorted map, this class also * provides access to the mapped elements using numerical ID keys. It maintains * an internal map of numerical ID to ControlId for this purpose, and exposes it * through the idmap() method to help construction of ControlList instances. */ /** * \typedef ControlInfoMap::Map * \brief The base std::unsorted_map<> container */ /** * \fn ControlInfoMap::ControlInfoMap(const ControlInfoMap &other) * \brief Copy constructor, construct a ControlInfoMap from a copy of \a other * \param[in] other The other ControlInfoMap */ /** * \brief Construct a ControlInfoMap from an initializer list * \param[in] init The initializer list */ ControlInfoMap::ControlInfoMap(std::initializer_list init) : Map(init) { generateIdmap(); } /** * \fn ControlInfoMap &ControlInfoMap::operator=(const ControlInfoMap &other) * \brief Copy assignment operator, replace the contents with a copy of \a other * \param[in] other The other ControlInfoMap * \return A reference to the ControlInfoMap */ /** * \brief Replace the contents with those from the initializer list * \param[in] init The initializer list * \return A reference to the ControlInfoMap */ ControlInfoMap &ControlInfoMap::operator=(std::initializer_list init) { Map::operator=(init); generateIdmap(); return *this; } /** * \brief Move assignment operator from a plain map * \param[in] info The control info plain map * * Populate the map by replacing its contents with those of \a info using move * semantics. Upon return the \a info map will be empty. * * \return A reference to the populated ControlInfoMap */ ControlInfoMap &ControlInfoMap::operator=(Map &&info) { Map::operator=(std::move(info)); generateIdmap(); return *this; } /** * \brief Access specified element by numerical ID * \param[in] id The numerical ID * \return A reference to the element whose ID is equal to \a id */ ControlInfoMap::mapped_type &ControlInfoMap::at(unsigned int id) { return at(idmap_.at(id)); } /** * \brief Access specified element by numerical ID * \param[in] id The numerical ID * \return A const reference to the element whose ID is equal to \a id */ const ControlInfoMap::mapped_type &ControlInfoMap::at(unsigned int id) const { return at(idmap_.at(id)); } /** * \brief Count the number of elements matching a numerical ID * \param[in] id The numerical ID * \return The number of elements matching the numerical \a id */ ControlInfoMap::size_type ControlInfoMap::count(unsigned int id) const { return count(idmap_.at(id)); } /** * \brief Find the element matching a numerical ID * \param[in] id The numerical ID * \return An iterator pointing to the element matching the numerical \a id, or * end() if no such element exists */ ControlInfoMap::iterator ControlInfoMap::find(unsigned int id) { return find(idmap_.at(id)); } /** * \brief Find the element matching a numerical ID * \param[in] id The numerical ID * \return A const iterator pointing to the element matching the numerical * \a id, or end() if no such element exists */ ControlInfoMap::const_iterator ControlInfoMap::find(unsigned int id) const { return find(idmap_.at(id)); } /** * \fn const ControlIdMap &ControlInfoMap::idmap() const * \brief Retrieve the ControlId map * * Constructing ControlList instances for V4L2 controls requires a ControlIdMap * for the V4L2 device that the control list targets. This helper method * returns a suitable idmap for that purpose. * * \return The ControlId map */ void ControlInfoMap::generateIdmap() { idmap_.clear(); for (const auto &ctrl : *this) idmap_[ctrl.first->id()] = ctrl.first; } /** * \class ControlList * \brief Associate a list of ControlId with their values for an object * * The ControlList class stores values of controls exposed by an object. The * lists returned by the Request::controls() and Request::metadata() methods * refer to the camera that the request belongs to. * * Control lists are constructed with a map of all the controls supported by * their object, and an optional ControlValidator to further validate the * controls. */ /** * \brief Construct a ControlList with an optional control validator * \param[in] idmap The ControlId map for the control list target object * \param[in] validator The validator (may be null) * * For ControlList containing libcamera controls, a global map of all libcamera * controls is provided by controls::controls and can be used as the \a idmap * argument. */ ControlList::ControlList(const ControlIdMap &idmap, ControlValidator *validator) : validator_(validator), idmap_(&idmap) { } /** * \typedef ControlList::iterator * \brief Iterator for the controls contained within the list */ /** * \typedef ControlList::const_iterator * \brief Const iterator for the controls contained within the list */ /** * \fn iterator ControlList::begin() * \brief Retrieve an iterator to the first Control in the list * \return An iterator to the first Control in the list */ /** * \fn const_iterator ControlList::begin() const * \brief Retrieve a const_iterator to the first Control in the list * \return A const_iterator to the first Control in the list */ /** * \fn iterator ControlList::end() * \brief Retrieve an iterator pointing to the past-the-end control in the list * \return An iterator to the element following the last control in the list */ /** * \fn const_iterator ControlList::end() const * \brief Retrieve a const iterator pointing to the past-the-end control in the * list * \return A const iterator to the element following the last control in the * list */ /** * \fn ControlList::empty() * \brief Identify if the list is empty * \return True if the list does not contain any control, false otherwise */ /** * \fn ControlList::size() * \brief Retrieve the number of controls in the list * \return The number of Control entries stored in the list */ /** * \fn ControlList::clear() * \brief Removes all controls from the list */ /** * \brief Check if the list contains a control with the specified \a id * \param[in] id The control ID * * \return True if the list contains a matching control, false otherwise */ bool ControlList::contains(const ControlId &id) const { return controls_.find(&id) != controls_.end(); } /** * \brief Check if the list contains a control with the specified \a id * \param[in] id The control numerical ID * * \return True if the list contains a matching control, false otherwise */ bool ControlList::contains(unsigned int id) const { const auto iter = idmap_->find(id); if (iter == idmap_->end()) return false; return contains(*iter->second); } /** * \fn template const T &ControlList::get(const Control &ctrl) const * \brief Get the value of control \a ctrl * \param[in] ctrl The control * * The behaviour is undefined if the control \a ctrl is not present in the * list. Use ControlList::contains() to test for the presence of a control in * the list before retrieving its value. * * The control value type shall match the type T, otherwise the behaviour is * undefined. * * \return The control value */ /** * \fn template void ControlList::set(const Control &ctrl, const T &value) * \brief Set the control \a ctrl value to \a value * \param[in] ctrl The control * \param[in] value The control value * * This method sets the value of a control in the control list. If the control * is already present in the list, its value is updated, otherwise it is added * to the list. * * The behaviour is undefined if the control \a ctrl is not supported by the * object that the list refers to. */ /** * \brief Get the value of control \a id * \param[in] id The control numerical ID * * The behaviour is undefined if the control \a id is not present in the list. * Use ControlList::contains() to test for the presence of a control in the * list before retrieving its value. * * \return The control value */ const ControlValue &ControlList::get(unsigned int id) const { static ControlValue zero; const auto ctrl = idmap_->find(id); if (ctrl == idmap_->end()) { LOG(Controls, Error) << "Control " << utils::hex(id) << " is not supported"; return zero; } const ControlValue *val = find(*ctrl->second); if (!val) return zero; return *val; } /** * \brief Set the value of control \a id to \a value * \param[in] id The control ID * \param[in] value The control value * * This method sets the value of a control in the control list. If the control * is already present in the list, its value is updated, otherwise it is added * to the list. * * The behaviour is undefined if the control \a id is not supported by the * object that the list refers to. */ void ControlList::set(unsigned int id, const ControlValue &value) { const auto ctrl = idmap_->find(id); if (ctrl == idmap_->end()) { LOG(Controls, Error) << "Control 0x" << utils::hex(id) << " is not supported"; return; } ControlValue *val = find(*ctrl->second); if (!val) return; *val = value; } const ControlValue *ControlList::find(const ControlId &id) const { const auto iter = controls_.find(&id); if (iter == controls_.end()) { LOG(Controls, Error) << "Control " << id.name() << " not found"; return nullptr; } return &iter->second; } ControlValue *ControlList::find(const ControlId &id) { if (validator_ && !validator_->validate(id)) { LOG(Controls, Error) << "Control " << id.name() << " is not valid for " << validator_->name(); return nullptr; } return &controls_[&id]; } } /* namespace libcamera */