path: root/test/camera
' href='#n198'>198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */
 * Copyright (C) 2023 Raspberry Pi Ltd
 * HDR control algorithm

#include "hdr.h"

#include <cmath>

#include <libcamera/base/log.h>

#include "../agc_status.h"
#include "../alsc_status.h"
#include "../stitch_status.h"
#include "../tonemap_status.h"

using namespace RPiController;
using namespace libcamera;


#define NAME "rpi.hdr"

void HdrConfig::read(const libcamera::YamlObject &params, const std::string &modeName)
	name = modeName;

	if (!params.contains("cadence"))
		LOG(RPiHdr, Fatal) << "No cadence for HDR mode " << name;
	cadence = params["cadence"].getList<unsigned int>().value();
	if (cadence.empty())
		LOG(RPiHdr, Fatal) << "Empty cadence in HDR mode " << name;

	 * In the JSON file it's easier to use the channel name as the key, but
	 * for us it's convenient to swap them over.
	for (const auto &[k, v] : params["channel_map"].asDict())
		channelMap[v.get<unsigned int>().value()] = k;

	/* Lens shading related parameters. */
	if (params.contains("spatial_gain_curve")) {
		spatialGainCurve = params["spatial_gain_curve"].get<ipa::Pwl>(ipa::Pwl{});
	} else if (params.contains("spatial_gain")) {
		double spatialGain = params["spatial_gain"].get<double>(2.0);
		spatialGainCurve.append(0.0, spatialGain);
		spatialGainCurve.append(0.01, spatialGain);
		spatialGainCurve.append(0.06, 1.0); /* maybe make this programmable? */
		spatialGainCurve.append(1.0, 1.0);

	diffusion = params["diffusion"].get<unsigned int>(3);
	/* Clip to an arbitrary limit just to stop typos from killing the system! */
	const unsigned int MAX_DIFFUSION = 15;
	if (diffusion > MAX_DIFFUSION) {
		diffusion = MAX_DIFFUSION;
		LOG(RPiHdr, Warning) << "Diffusion value clipped to " << MAX_DIFFUSION;

	/* Read any tonemap parameters. */
	tonemapEnable = params["tonemap_enable"].get<int>(0);
	detailConstant = params["detail_constant"].get<uint16_t>(0);
	detailSlope = params["detail_slope"].get<double>(0.0);
	iirStrength = params["iir_strength"].get<double>(8.0);
	strength = params["strength"].get<double>(1.5);
	if (tonemapEnable)
		tonemap = params["tonemap"].get<ipa::Pwl>(ipa::Pwl{});
	speed = params["speed"].get<double>(1.0);
	if (params.contains("hi_quantile_targets")) {
		hiQuantileTargets = params["hi_quantile_targets"].getList<double>().value();
		if (hiQuantileTargets.empty() || hiQuantileTargets.size() % 2)
			LOG(RPiHdr, Fatal) << "hi_quantile_targets much be even and non-empty";
	} else
		hiQuantileTargets = { 0.95, 0.65, 0.5, 0.28, 0.3, 0.25 };
	hiQuantileMaxGain = params["hi_quantile_max_gain"].get<double>(1.6);
	if (params.contains("quantile_targets")) {
		quantileTargets = params["quantile_targets"].getList<double>().value();
		if (quantileTargets.empty() || quantileTargets.size() % 2)
			LOG(RPiHdr, Fatal) << "quantile_targets much be even and non-empty";
	} else
		quantileTargets = { 0.2, 0.03, 1.0, 0.15 };
	powerMin = params["power_min"].get<double>(0.65);
	powerMax = params["power_max"].get<double>(1.0);
	if (params.contains("contrast_adjustments")) {
		contrastAdjustments = params["contrast_adjustments"].getList<double>().value();
	} else
		contrastAdjustments = { 0.5, 0.75 };

	/* Read any stitch parameters. */
	stitchEnable = params["stitch_enable"].get<int>(0);
	thresholdLo = params["threshold_lo"].get<uint16_t>(50000);
	motionThreshold = params["motion_threshold"].get<double>(0.005);
	diffPower = params["diff_power"].get<uint8_t>(13);
	if (diffPower > 15)
		LOG(RPiHdr, Fatal) << "Bad diff_power value in HDR mode " << name;

Hdr::Hdr(Controller *controller)
	: HdrAlgorithm(controller)
	regions_ = controller->getHardwareConfig().awbRegions;
	numRegions_ = regions_.width * regions_.height;
	gains_[0].resize(numRegions_, 1.0);
	gains_[1].resize(numRegions_, 1.0);

char const *Hdr::name() const
	return NAME;

int Hdr::read(const libcamera::YamlObject &params)
	/* Make an "HDR off" mode by default so that tuning files don't have to. */
	HdrConfig &offMode = config_["Off"]; = "Off";
	offMode.cadence = { 0 };
	offMode.channelMap[0] = "None";
	status_.mode =;
	delayedStatus_.mode =;

	 * But we still allow the tuning file to override the "Off" mode if it wants.
	 * For example, maybe an application will make channel 0 be the "short"
	 * channel, in order to apply other AGC controls to it.
	for (const auto &[key, value] : params.asDict())
		config_[key].read(value, key);

	return 0;

int Hdr::setMode(std::string const &mode)
	/* Always validate the mode, so it can be used later without checking. */
	auto it = config_.find(mode);
	if (it == config_.end()) {
		LOG(RPiHdr, Warning) << "No such HDR mode " << mode;
		return -1;

	status_.mode = it->;

	return 0;

std::vector<unsigned int> Hdr::getChannels() const

void Hdr::updateAgcStatus(Metadata *metadata)
	std::scoped_lock lock(*metadata);
	AgcStatus *agcStatus = metadata->getLocked<AgcStatus>("agc.status");
	if (agcStatus) {
		HdrConfig &hdrConfig = config_[status_.mode];
		auto it = hdrConfig.channelMap.find(agcStatus->channel);
		if (it != hdrConfig.channelMap.end()) { = it->second;
			agcStatus->hdr = status_;
		} else
			LOG(RPiHdr, Warning) << "Channel " << agcStatus->channel
					     << " not found in mode " << status_.mode;
	} else
		LOG(RPiHdr, Warning) << "No agc.status found";

void Hdr::switchMode([[maybe_unused]] CameraMode const &cameraMode, Metadata *metadata)
	delayedStatus_ = status_;

void Hdr::prepare(Metadata *imageMetadata)
	AgcStatus agcStatus;
	if (!imageMetadata->get<AgcStatus>("agc.delayed_status", agcStatus))
		delayedStatus_ = agcStatus.hdr;

	auto it = config_.find(delayedStatus_.mode);
	if (it == config_.end()) {
		/* Shouldn't be possible. There would be nothing we could do. */
		LOG(RPiHdr, Warning) << "Unexpected HDR mode " << delayedStatus_.mode;

	HdrConfig &config = it->second;
	if (config.spatialGainCurve.empty())

	AlscStatus alscStatus{}; /* some compilers seem to require the braces */
	if (imageMetadata->get<AlscStatus>("alsc.status", alscStatus)) {
		LOG(RPiHdr, Warning) << "No ALSC status";

	/* The final gains ended up in the odd or even array, according to diffusion. */
	std::vector<double> &gains = gains_[config.diffusion & 1];
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numRegions_; i++) {
		alscStatus.r[i] *= gains[i];
		alscStatus.g[i] *= gains[i];
		alscStatus.b[i] *= gains[i];
	imageMetadata->set("alsc.status", alscStatus);

bool Hdr::updateTonemap([[maybe_unused]] StatisticsPtr &stats, HdrConfig &config)
	/* When there's a change of HDR mode we start over with a new tonemap curve. */
	if (delayedStatus_.mode != previousMode_) {
		previousMode_ = delayedStatus_.mode;
		tonemap_ = ipa::Pwl();

	/* No tonemapping. No need to output a tonemap.status. */
	if (!config.tonemapEnable)
		return false;

	/* If an explicit tonemap was given, use it. */
	if (!config.tonemap.empty()) {
		tonemap_ = config.tonemap;
		return true;

	 * We wouldn't update the tonemap on short frames when in multi-exposure mode. But
	 * we still need to output the most recent tonemap. Possibly we should make the
	 * config indicate the channels for which we should update the tonemap?
	if (delayedStatus_.mode == "MultiExposure" && != "short")
		return true;

	 * Create a tonemap dynamically. We have three ingredients.
	 * 1. We have a list of "hi quantiles" and "targets". We use these to judge if
	 * the image does seem to be reasonably saturated. If it isn't, we calculate
	 * a gain that we will feed as a linear factor into the tonemap generation.
	 * This prevents unsaturated images from beoming quite so "flat".
	 * 2. We have a list of quantile/target pairs for the bottom of the histogram.
	 * We use these to calculate how much gain we must apply to the bottom of the
	 * tonemap. We apply this gain as a power curve so as not to blow out the top
	 * end.
	 * 3. Finally, when we generate the tonemap, we have some contrast adjustments
	 * for the bottom because we know that power curves can start quite steeply and
	 * cause a washed-out look.

	/* Compute the linear gain from the headroom for saturation at the top. */
	double gain = 10; /* arbitrary, but hiQuantileMaxGain will clamp it later */
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < config.hiQuantileTargets.size(); i += 2) {
		double quantile = config.hiQuantileTargets[i];
		double target = config.hiQuantileTargets[i + 1];
		double value = stats->yHist.interQuantileMean(quantile, 1.0) / 1024.0;
		double newGain = target / (value + 0.01);
		gain = std::min(gain, newGain);
	gain = std::clamp(gain, 1.0, config.hiQuantileMaxGain);

	/* Compute the power curve from the amount of gain needed at the bottom. */
	double min_power = 2; /* arbitrary, but config.powerMax will clamp it later */
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < config.quantileTargets.size(); i += 2) {
		double quantile = config.quantileTargets[i];
		double target = config.quantileTargets[i + 1];
		double value = stats->yHist.interQuantileMean(0, quantile) / 1024.0;
		value = std::min(value * gain, 1.0);
		double power = log(target + 1e-6) / log(value + 1e-6);
		min_power = std::min(min_power, power);
	double power = std::clamp(min_power, config.powerMin, config.powerMax);

	/* Generate the tonemap, including the contrast adjustment factors. */
	libcamera::ipa::Pwl tonemap;
	tonemap.append(0, 0);
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) {
		double x = 1 << (i + 9); /* x loops from 512 to 32768 inclusive */
		double y = pow(std::min(x * gain, 65535.0) / 65536.0, power) * 65536;
		if (i < config.contrastAdjustments.size())
			y *= config.contrastAdjustments[i];
		if (!tonemap_.empty())
			y = y * config.speed + tonemap_.eval(x) * (1 - config.speed);
		tonemap.append(x, y);
	tonemap.append(65535, 65535);
	tonemap_ = tonemap;

	return true;

static void averageGains(std::vector<double> &src, std::vector<double> &dst, const Size &size)
#define IDX(y, x) ((y)*size.width + (x))
	unsigned int lastCol = size.width - 1; /* index of last column */