# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
# Tests are listed in order of complexity.
# They are not alphabetically sorted.
camera_tests = [
['configuration_default', 'configuration_default.cpp'],
['configuration_set', 'configuration_set.cpp'],
['buffer_import', 'buffer_import.cpp'],
['statemachine', 'statemachine.cpp'],
['capture', 'capture.cpp'],
['camera_reconfigure', 'camera_reconfigure.cpp'],
foreach t : camera_tests
exe = executable(t[0], t[1],
dependencies : libcamera_private,
link_with : test_libraries,
include_directories : test_includes_internal)
test(t[0], exe, suite : 'camera', is_parallel : false)
mondi/libcamera.git' href='/libcamera/jmondi/libcamera.git/'>libcamera/jmondi/libcamera.git
Jacopo Mondi's clone of libcamera | git repository hosting on libcamera.org |
blob: c7657b08ed35fe3a59d5a3da926e0d6155b6f476 (
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