path: root/src/qcam/assets/feathericons/plus.svg
blob: 703c5b7b238e48a62e16037db25c694c59435cb8 (plain)
<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="feather feather-plus"><line x1="12" y1="5" x2="12" y2="19"></line><line x1="5" y1="12" x2="19" y2="12"></line></svg>
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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */
 * Copyright (C) 2019, Raspberry Pi (Trading) Limited
 * cam_helper_imx219.cpp - camera helper for imx219 sensor

#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

 * We have observed the imx219 embedded data stream randomly return junk
 * reister values.  Do not rely on embedded data until this has been resolved.

#include "cam_helper.hpp"
#include "md_parser.hpp"
#include "md_parser_rpi.hpp"

using namespace RPiController;

/* Metadata parser implementation specific to Sony IMX219 sensors. */

class MdParserImx219 : public MdParserSmia
	Status Parse(void *data) override;
	Status GetExposureLines(unsigned int &lines) override;
	Status GetGainCode(unsigned int &gain_code) override;
	/* Offset of the register's value in the metadata block. */
	int reg_offsets_[3];
	/* Value of the register, once read from the metadata block. */
	int reg_values_[3];

class CamHelperImx219 : public CamHelper
	uint32_t GainCode(double gain) const override;
	double Gain(uint32_t gain_code) const override;
	unsigned int MistrustFramesModeSwitch() const override;
	bool SensorEmbeddedDataPresent() const override;

	: CamHelper(new MdParserImx219())
	: CamHelper(new MdParserRPi())

uint32_t CamHelperImx219::GainCode(double gain) const
	return (uint32_t)(256 - 256 / gain);

double CamHelperImx219::Gain(uint32_t gain_code) const
	return 256.0 / (256 - gain_code);

unsigned int CamHelperImx219::MistrustFramesModeSwitch() const
	 * For reasons unknown, we do occasionally get a bogus metadata frame
	 * at a mode switch (though not at start-up). Possibly warrants some
	 * investigation, though not a big deal.
	return 1;

bool CamHelperImx219::SensorEmbeddedDataPresent() const

static CamHelper *Create()
	return new CamHelperImx219();

static RegisterCamHelper reg("imx219", &Create);

 * We care about one gain register and a pair of exposure registers. Their I2C
 * addresses from the Sony IMX219 datasheet:
#define GAIN_REG 0x157
#define EXPHI_REG 0x15A
#define EXPLO_REG 0x15B

 * Index of each into the reg_offsets and reg_values arrays. Must be in
 * register address order.
#define GAIN_INDEX 0
#define EXPHI_INDEX 1
#define EXPLO_INDEX 2

	reg_offsets_[0] = reg_offsets_[1] = reg_offsets_[2] = -1;

MdParser::Status MdParserImx219::Parse(void *data)
	bool try_again = false;

	if (reset_) {
		 * Search again through the metadata for the gain and exposure
		 * registers.
		assert(num_lines_ || buffer_size_bytes_);
		/* Need to be ordered */
		uint32_t regs[3] = { GAIN_REG, EXPHI_REG, EXPLO_REG };
		reg_offsets_[0] = reg_offsets_[1] = reg_offsets_[2] = -1;
		int ret = static_cast<int>(findRegs(static_cast<uint8_t *>(data),
						    regs, reg_offsets_, 3));
		 * > 0 means "worked partially but parse again next time",
		 * < 0 means "hard error".
		if (ret > 0)
			try_again = true;
		else if (ret < 0)
			return ERROR;

	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		if (reg_offsets_[i] == -1)

		reg_values_[i] = static_cast<uint8_t *>(data)[reg_offsets_[i]];

	/* Re-parse next time if we were unhappy in some way. */
	reset_ = try_again;

	return OK;

MdParser::Status MdParserImx219::GetExposureLines(unsigned int &lines)
	if (reg_offsets_[EXPHI_INDEX] == -1 || reg_offsets_[EXPLO_INDEX] == -1)
		return NOTFOUND;

	lines = reg_values_[EXPHI_INDEX] * 256 + reg_values_[EXPLO_INDEX];

	return OK;

MdParser::Status MdParserImx219::GetGainCode(unsigned int &gain_code)
	if (reg_offsets_[GAIN_INDEX] == -1)
		return NOTFOUND;

	gain_code = reg_values_[GAIN_INDEX];

	return OK;