# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 py3_dep = dependency('python3', required : get_option('pycamera')) if not py3_dep.found() pycamera_enabled = false subdir_done() endif pybind11_dep = dependency('pybind11', required : get_option('pycamera')) if not pybind11_dep.found() pycamera_enabled = false subdir_done() endif pycamera_enabled = true pycamera_sources = files([ 'py_camera_manager.cpp', 'py_color_space.cpp', 'py_enums.cpp', 'py_geometry.cpp', 'py_helpers.cpp', 'py_main.cpp', 'py_transform.cpp', ]) # Generate controls gen_py_controls_input_files = files([ '../../libcamera/control_ids.yaml', 'py_controls_generated.cpp.in', ]) gen_py_controls = files('gen-py-controls.py') pycamera_sources += custom_target('py_gen_controls', input : gen_py_controls_input_files, output : ['py_controls_generated.cpp'], command : [gen_py_controls, '--mode', 'controls', '-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']) # Generate properties gen_py_property_enums_input_files = files([ '../../libcamera/property_ids.yaml', 'py_properties_generated.cpp.in', ]) pycamera_sources += custom_target('py_gen_properties', input : gen_py_property_enums_input_files, output : ['py_properties_generated.cpp'], command : [gen_py_controls, '--mode', 'properties', '-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']) # Generate formats gen_py_formats_input_files = files([ '../../libcamera/formats.yaml', 'py_formats_generated.cpp.in', ]) gen_py_formats = files('gen-py-formats.py') pycamera_sources += custom_target('py_gen_formats', input : gen_py_formats_input_files, output : ['py_formats_generated.cpp'], command : [gen_py_formats, '-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']) pycamera_deps = [ libcamera_private, py3_dep, pybind11_dep, ] pycamera_args = [ '-fvisibility=hidden', '-Wno-shadow', '-DPYBIND11_USE_SMART_HOLDER_AS_DEFAULT', ] destdir = get_option('libdir') / ('python' + py3_dep.version()) / 'site-packages' / 'libcamera' pycamera = shared_module('_libcamera', pycamera_sources, install : true, install_dir : destdir, name_prefix : '', dependencies : pycamera_deps, cpp_args : pycamera_args) # Create symlinks from the build dir to the source dir so that we can use the # Python module directly from the build dir. run_command('ln', '-fsrT', files('__init__.py'), meson.current_build_dir() / '__init__.py', check : true) run_command('ln', '-fsrT', meson.current_source_dir() / 'utils', meson.current_build_dir() / 'utils', check : true) install_data(['__init__.py'], install_dir : destdir) # \todo Generate stubs when building. See https://peps.python.org/pep-0484/#stub-files # Note: Depends on pybind11-stubgen. To generate pylibcamera stubs: # $ PYTHONPATH=build/src/py pybind11-stubgen --no-setup-py -o build/src/py libcamera