# SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0 libcamera_sources = files([ 'bayer_format.cpp', 'bound_method.cpp', 'buffer.cpp', 'byte_stream_buffer.cpp', 'camera.cpp', 'camera_controls.cpp', 'camera_manager.cpp', 'camera_sensor.cpp', 'camera_sensor_properties.cpp', 'class.cpp', 'controls.cpp', 'control_serializer.cpp', 'control_validator.cpp', 'delayed_controls.cpp', 'device_enumerator.cpp', 'device_enumerator_sysfs.cpp', 'event_dispatcher.cpp', 'event_dispatcher_poll.cpp', 'event_notifier.cpp', 'file.cpp', 'file_descriptor.cpp', 'formats.cpp', 'framebuffer_allocator.cpp', 'geometry.cpp', 'ipa_controls.cpp', 'ipa_data_serializer.cpp', 'ipa_interface.cpp', 'ipa_manager.cpp', 'ipa_module.cpp', 'ipa_proxy.cpp', 'ipc_pipe.cpp', 'ipc_pipe_unixsocket.cpp', 'ipc_unixsocket.cpp', 'log.cpp', 'media_device.cpp', 'media_object.cpp', 'message.cpp', 'object.cpp', 'pipeline_handler.cpp', 'pixel_format.cpp', 'process.cpp', 'pub_key.cpp', 'request.cpp', 'semaphore.cpp', 'signal.cpp', 'source_paths.cpp', 'stream.cpp', 'sysfs.cpp', 'thread.cpp', 'timer.cpp', 'transform.cpp', 'v4l2_device.cpp', 'v4l2_pixelformat.cpp', 'v4l2_subdevice.cpp', 'v4l2_videodevice.cpp', ]) libcamera_sources += libcamera_public_headers libcamera_sources += libcamera_generated_ipa_headers libcamera_sources += libcamera_tracepoint_header includes = [ libcamera_includes, ] subdir('base') subdir('ipa') subdir('pipeline') subdir('proxy') libatomic = cc.find_library('atomic', required : false) libdl = cc.find_library('dl') libgnutls = cc.find_library('gnutls', required : true) libudev = dependency('libudev', required : false) if libgnutls.found() config_h.set('HAVE_GNUTLS', 1) endif if liblttng.found() config_h.set('HAVE_TRACING', 1) libcamera_sources += files(['tracepoints.cpp']) endif if libudev.found() config_h.set('HAVE_LIBUDEV', 1) libcamera_sources += files([ 'device_enumerator_udev.cpp', ]) endif control_sources = [] foreach source : control_source_files input_files = files(source +'.yaml', source + '.cpp.in') control_sources += custom_target(source + '_cpp', input : input_files, output : source + '.cpp', command : [gen_controls, '-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@']) endforeach libcamera_sources += control_sources gen_version = meson.source_root() / 'utils' / 'gen-version.sh' version_cpp = vcs_tag(command : [gen_version, meson.build_root()], input : 'version.cpp.in', output : 'version.cpp', fallback : meson.project_version()) libcamera_sources += version_cpp if ipa_sign_module ipa_pub_key_cpp = custom_target('ipa_pub_key_cpp', input : [ipa_priv_key, 'ipa_pub_key.cpp.in'], output : 'ipa_pub_key.cpp', command : [gen_ipa_pub_key, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@']) libcamera_sources += ipa_pub_key_cpp endif libcamera_deps = [ libatomic, libcamera_base, libdl, libgnutls, liblttng, libudev, dependency('threads'), ] # We add '/' to the build_rpath as a 'safe' path to act as a boolean flag. # The build_rpath is stripped at install time by meson, so we determine at # runtime if the library is running from an installed location by checking # for the presence or abscence of the dynamic tag. libcamera = shared_library('libcamera', libcamera_sources, name_prefix : '', install : true, include_directories : includes, build_rpath : '/', dependencies : libcamera_deps) # TODO Drop libcamera_generated_ipa_headers from libcamera_dep as libcamera_dep # is supposed to model the dependencies required for usage of the public API, # not the internal API. It is needed as as some external components such as the # unit tests make use of the generated headers and this creates a race in the # build. libcamera_dep = declare_dependency(sources : [ libcamera_ipa_headers, libcamera_public_headers, libcamera_generated_ipa_headers, ], include_directories : libcamera_includes, dependencies: libcamera_base, link_with : libcamera) pkg_mod = import('pkgconfig') pkg_mod.generate(libcamera, libraries : libcamera_base_lib, version : '1.0', description : 'Complex Camera Support Library', subdirs : 'libcamera') subdir('proxy/worker')