#!/usr/bin/awk -f # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later # Controls are documented using Doxygen in the main controls.cpp source. # # Generate control tables directly from the documentation, creating enumerations # to support the IDs and static type information regarding each control. BEGIN { id=0 input=ARGV[1] mode=ARGV[2] output=ARGV[3] } # Detect Doxygen style comment blocks and ignore other lines /^\/\*\*$/ { in_doxygen=1; first_line=1; next } // { if (!in_doxygen) next } # Entry point for the Control Documentation / * \\enum ControlId$/ { in_controls=1; first_line=0; next } // { if (!in_controls) next } # Extract control information / \* \\var/ { names[++id]=$3; first_line=0; next } / \* ControlType:/ { types[id] = $3 } # End of comment blocks /^ \*\// { in_doxygen=0 } # Identify the end of controls /^ \* \\/ { if (first_line) exit } // { first_line=0 } ################################ # Support output file generation function basename(file) { sub(".*/", "", file) return file } function Header(file, description) { print "/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */" > file print "/*" > file print " * Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc." > file print " *" > file print " * " basename(file) " - " description > file print " *" > file print " * This file is auto-generated. Do not edit." > file print " */" > file print "" > file } function EnterNameSpace(file) { print "namespace libcamera {" > file print "" > file } function ExitNameSpace(file) { print "" > file print "} /* namespace libcamera */" > file } function GenerateHeader(file) { Header(file, "Control ID list") print "#ifndef __LIBCAMERA_CONTROL_IDS_H__" > file print "#define __LIBCAMERA_CONTROL_IDS_H__" > file print "" > file EnterNameSpace(file) print "enum ControlId {" > file for (i=1; i <= id; ++i) { printf "\t%s,\n", names[i] > file } print "};" > file ExitNameSpace(file) print "" > file print "#endif // __LIBCAMERA_CONTROL_IDS_H__" > file } function GenerateTable(file) { Header(file, "Control types") print "#include " > file print "" > file EnterNameSpace(file) print "extern const std::unordered_map" > file print "controlTypes {" > file for (i=1; i <= id; ++i) { printf "\t{ %s, { %s, \"%s\", ControlType%s } },\n", names[i], names[i], names[i], types[i] > file } print "};" > file ExitNameSpace(file) } END { if (mode == "--header") GenerateHeader(output) else GenerateTable(output) }