Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International ======================================================================= Creative Commons Corporation ("Creative Commons") is not a law firm and does not provide legal services or legal advice. Distribution of Creative Commons public licenses does not create a lawyer-client or other relationship. Creative Commons makes its licenses and related information available on an "as-is" basis. Creative Commons gives no warranties regarding its licenses, any material licensed under their terms and conditions, or any related information. Creative Commons disclaims all liability for damages resulting from their use to the fullest extent possible. Using Creative Commons Public Licenses Creative Commons public licenses provide a standard set of terms and conditions that creators and other rights holders may use to share original works of authorship and other material subject to copyright and certain other rights specified in the public license below. The following considerations are for informational purposes only, are not exhaustive, and do not form part of our licenses. Considerations for licensors: Our public licenses are intended for use by those authorized to give the public permission to use material in ways otherwise restricted by copyright and certain other rights. Our licenses are irrevocable. Licensors should read and understand the terms and conditions of the license they choose before applying it. Licensors should also secure all rights necessary before applying our licenses so that the public can reuse the material as expected. Licensors should clearly mark any material not subject to the license. This includes other CC- licensed material, or material used under an exception or limitation to copyright. More considerations for licensors: Considerations for the public: By using one of our public licenses, a licensor grants the public permission to use the licensed material under specified terms and conditions. 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More considerations for the public: ======================================================================= Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined below), You accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License ("Public License"). To the extent this Public License may be interpreted as a contract, You are granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of Your acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the Licensor grants You such rights in consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from making the Licensed Material available under these terms and conditions. Section 1 -- Definitions. a. Adapted Material means material subject to Copyright and Similar Rights that is derived from or based upon the Licensed Material and in which the Licensed Material is translated, altered, arranged, transformed, or otherwise modified in a manner requiring permission under the Copyright and Similar Rights held by the Licensor. For purposes of this Public License, where the Licensed Material is a musical work, performance, or sound recording, Adapted Material is always produced where the Licensed Material is synched in timed relation with a moving image. b. Adapter's License means the license You apply to Your Copyright and Similar Rights in Your contributions to Adapted Material in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Public License. c. BY-SA Compatible License means a license listed at, approved by Creative Commons as essentially the equivalent of this Public License. d. 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The License Elements of this Public License are Attribution and ShareAlike. h. Licensed Material means the artistic or literary work, database, or other material to which the Licensor applied this Public License. i. Licensed Rights means the rights granted to You subject to the terms and conditions of this Public License, which are limited to all Copyright and Similar Rights that apply to Your use of the Licensed Material and that the Licensor has authority to license. j. Licensor means the individual(s) or entity(ies) granting rights under this Public License. k. Share means to provide material to the public by any means or process that requires permission under the Licensed Rights, such as reproduction, public display, public performance, distribution, dissemination, communication, or importation, and to make material available to the public including in ways that members of the public may access the material from a place and at a time individually chosen by them. l. Sui Generis Database Rights means rights other than copyright resulting from Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases, as amended and/or succeeded, as well as other essentially equivalent rights anywhere in the world. m. You means the individual or entity exercising the Licensed Rights under this Public License. Your has a corresponding meaning. Section 2 -- Scope. a. License grant. 1. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Public License, the Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, irrevocable license to exercise the Licensed Rights in the Licensed Material to: a. reproduce and Share the Licensed Material, in whole or in part; and b. produce, reproduce, and Share Adapted Material. 2. Exceptions and Limitations. For the avoidance of doubt, where Exceptions and Limitations apply to Your use, this Public License does not apply, and You do not need to comply with its terms and conditions. 3. Term. The term of this Public License is specified in Section 6(a). 4. Media and formats; technical modifications allowed. The Licensor authorizes You to exercise the Licensed Rights in all media and formats whether now known or hereafter created, and to make technical modifications necessary to do so. The Licensor waives and/or agrees not to assert any right or authority to forbid You from making technical modifications necessary to exercise the Licensed Rights, including technical modifications necessary to circumvent Effective Technological Measures. For purposes of this Public License, simply making modifications authorized by this Section 2(a) (4) never produces Adapted Material. 5. Downstream recipients. a. Offer from the Licensor -- Licensed Material. Every recipient of the Licensed Material automatically receives an offer from the Licensor to exercise the Licensed Rights under the terms and conditions of this Public License. b. Additional offer from the Licensor -- Adapted Material. Every recipient of Adapted Material from You automatically receives an offer from the Licensor to exercise the Licensed Rights in the Adapted Material under the conditions of the Adapter's License You apply. c. No downstream restrictions. You may not offer or impose any additional or different terms or conditions on, or apply any Effective Technological Measures to, the Licensed Material if doing so restricts exercise of the Licensed Rights by any recipient of the Licensed Material. 6. No endorsement. 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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
 * Copyright (C) 2019-2021, Raspberry Pi (Trading) Ltd.
 * raspberrypi.cpp - Pipeline handler for Raspberry Pi devices
#include <algorithm>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unordered_set>

#include <libcamera/camera.h>
#include <libcamera/control_ids.h>
#include <libcamera/file_descriptor.h>
#include <libcamera/formats.h>
#include <libcamera/ipa/raspberrypi.h>
#include <libcamera/ipa/raspberrypi_ipa_interface.h>
#include <libcamera/ipa/raspberrypi_ipa_proxy.h>
#include <libcamera/logging.h>
#include <libcamera/property_ids.h>
#include <libcamera/request.h>

#include <libcamera/base/utils.h>

#include <linux/bcm2835-isp.h>
#include <linux/videodev2.h>

#include "libcamera/internal/bayer_format.h"
#include "libcamera/internal/camera_sensor.h"
#include "libcamera/internal/delayed_controls.h"
#include "libcamera/internal/device_enumerator.h"
#include "libcamera/internal/framebuffer.h"
#include "libcamera/internal/ipa_manager.h"
#include "libcamera/internal/media_device.h"
#include "libcamera/internal/pipeline_handler.h"
#include "libcamera/internal/v4l2_videodevice.h"

#include "dma_heaps.h"
#include "rpi_stream.h"

namespace libcamera {


namespace {

bool isRaw(PixelFormat &pixFmt)
	 * The isRaw test might be redundant right now the pipeline handler only
	 * supports RAW sensors. Leave it in for now, just as a sanity check.
	const PixelFormatInfo &info = PixelFormatInfo::info(pixFmt);
	if (!info.isValid())
		return false;

	return info.colourEncoding == PixelFormatInfo::ColourEncodingRAW;

double scoreFormat(double desired, double actual)
	double score = desired - actual;
	/* Smaller desired dimensions are preferred. */
	if (score < 0.0)
		score = (-score) / 8;
	/* Penalise non-exact matches. */
	if (actual != desired)
		score *= 2;

	return score;

V4L2DeviceFormat findBestMode(V4L2VideoDevice::Formats &formatsMap,
			      const Size &req)
	double bestScore = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), score;
	V4L2DeviceFormat bestMode;

#define PENALTY_AR		1500.0
#define PENALTY_8BIT		2000.0
#define PENALTY_10BIT		1000.0
#define PENALTY_12BIT		   0.0
#define PENALTY_UNPACKED	 500.0

	/* Calculate the closest/best mode from the user requested size. */
	for (const auto &iter : formatsMap) {
		V4L2PixelFormat v4l2Format = iter.first;
		const PixelFormatInfo &info = PixelFormatInfo::info(v4l2Format);

		for (const SizeRange &sz : iter.second) {
			double modeWidth = sz.contains(req) ? req.width : sz.max.width;
			double modeHeight = sz.contains(req) ? req.height : sz.max.height;
			double reqAr = static_cast<double>(req.width) / req.height;
			double modeAr = modeWidth / modeHeight;

			/* Score the dimensions for closeness. */
			score = scoreFormat(req.width, modeWidth);
			score += scoreFormat(req.height, modeHeight);
			score += PENALTY_AR * scoreFormat(reqAr, modeAr);

			/* Add any penalties... this is not an exact science! */
			if (!info.packed)
				score += PENALTY_UNPACKED;

			if (info.bitsPerPixel == 12)
				score += PENALTY_12BIT;
			else if (info.bitsPerPixel == 10)
				score += PENALTY_10BIT;
			else if (info.bitsPerPixel == 8)
				score += PENALTY_8BIT;

			if (score <= bestScore) {
				bestScore = score;
				bestMode.fourcc = v4l2Format;
				bestMode.size = Size(modeWidth, modeHeight);

			LOG(RPI, Info) << "Mode: " << modeWidth << "x" << modeHeight
				       << " fmt " << v4l2Format.toString()
				       << " Score: " << score
				       << " (best " << bestScore << ")";

	return bestMode;

enum class Unicam : unsigned int { Image, Embedded };
enum class Isp : unsigned int { Input, Output0, Output1, Stats };

} /* namespace */

class RPiCameraData : public CameraData
	RPiCameraData(PipelineHandler *pipe)
		: CameraData(pipe), state_(State::Stopped),
		  supportsFlips_(false), flipsAlterBayerOrder_(false),
		  dropFrameCount_(0), ispOutputCount_(0)

	void frameStarted(uint32_t sequence);

	int loadIPA(ipa::RPi::SensorConfig *sensorConfig);
	int configureIPA(const CameraConfiguration *config);

	void statsMetadataComplete(uint32_t bufferId, const ControlList &controls);
	void runIsp(uint32_t bufferId);
	void embeddedComplete(uint32_t bufferId);
	void setIspControls(const ControlList &controls);
	void setDelayedControls(const ControlList &controls);
	void setSensorControls(ControlList &controls);

	/* bufferComplete signal handlers. */
	void unicamBufferDequeue(FrameBuffer *buffer);
	void ispInputDequeue(FrameBuffer *buffer);
	void ispOutputDequeue(FrameBuffer *buffer);

	void clearIncompleteRequests();
	void handleStreamBuffer(FrameBuffer *buffer, RPi::Stream *stream);
	void handleExternalBuffer(FrameBuffer *buffer, RPi::Stream *stream);
	void handleState();
	void applyScalerCrop(const ControlList &controls);

	std::unique_ptr<ipa::RPi::IPAProxyRPi> ipa_;

	std::unique_ptr<CameraSensor> sensor_;
	/* Array of Unicam and ISP device streams and associated buffers/streams. */
	RPi::Device<Unicam, 2> unicam_;
	RPi::Device<Isp, 4> isp_;
	/* The vector below is just for convenience when iterating over all streams. */
	std::vector<RPi::Stream *> streams_;
	/* Stores the ids of the buffers mapped in the IPA. */
	std::unordered_set<unsigned int> ipaBuffers_;

	/* DMAHEAP allocation helper. */
	RPi::DmaHeap dmaHeap_;
	FileDescriptor lsTable_;

	std::unique_ptr<DelayedControls> delayedCtrls_;
	bool sensorMetadata_;

	 * All the functions in this class are called from a single calling
	 * thread. So, we do not need to have any mutex to protect access to any
	 * of the variables below.
	enum class State { Stopped, Idle, Busy, IpaComplete };
	State state_;

	struct BayerFrame {
		FrameBuffer *buffer;
		ControlList controls;

	std::queue<BayerFrame> bayerQueue_;
	std::queue<FrameBuffer *> embeddedQueue_;
	std::deque<Request *> requestQueue_;

	 * Manage horizontal and vertical flips supported (or not) by the
	 * sensor. Also store the "native" Bayer order (that is, with no
	 * transforms applied).
	bool supportsFlips_;
	bool flipsAlterBayerOrder_;
	BayerFormat::Order nativeBayerOrder_;

	/* For handling digital zoom. */
	IPACameraSensorInfo sensorInfo_;
	Rectangle ispCrop_; /* crop in ISP (camera mode) pixels */
	Rectangle scalerCrop_; /* crop in sensor native pixels */
	Size ispMinCropSize_;

	unsigned int dropFrameCount_;

	void checkRequestCompleted();
	void fillRequestMetadata(const ControlList &bufferControls,
				 Request *request);
	void tryRunPipeline();
	bool findMatchingBuffers(BayerFrame &bayerFrame, FrameBuffer *&embeddedBuffer);

	unsigned int ispOutputCount_;

class RPiCameraConfiguration : public CameraConfiguration
	RPiCameraConfiguration(const RPiCameraData *data);

	Status validate() override;

	/* Cache the combinedTransform_ that will be applied to the sensor */
	Transform combinedTransform_;

	const RPiCameraData *data_;

class PipelineHandlerRPi : public PipelineHandler
	PipelineHandlerRPi(CameraManager *manager);

	CameraConfiguration *generateConfiguration(Camera *camera, const StreamRoles &roles) override;
	int configure(Camera *camera, CameraConfiguration *config) override;

	int exportFrameBuffers(Camera *camera, Stream *stream,
			       std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer>> *buffers) override;

	int start(Camera *camera, const ControlList *controls) override;
	void stop(Camera *camera) override;

	int queueRequestDevice(Camera *camera, Request *request) override;

	bool match(DeviceEnumerator *enumerator) override;

	RPiCameraData *cameraData(const Camera *camera)
		return static_cast<RPiCameraData *>(PipelineHandler::cameraData(camera));

	int queueAllBuffers(Camera *camera);
	int prepareBuffers(Camera *camera);
	void freeBuffers(Camera *camera);
	void mapBuffers(Camera *camera, const RPi::BufferMap &buffers, unsigned int mask);

	MediaDevice *unicam_;
	MediaDevice *isp_;

RPiCameraConfiguration::RPiCameraConfiguration(const RPiCameraData *data)
	: CameraConfiguration(), data_(data)

CameraConfiguration::Status RPiCameraConfiguration::validate()
	Status status = Valid;

	if (config_.empty())
		return Invalid;

	 * What if the platform has a non-90 degree rotation? We can't even
	 * "adjust" the configuration and carry on. Alternatively, raising an
	 * error means the platform can never run. Let's just print a warning
	 * and continue regardless; the rotation is effectively set to zero.
	int32_t rotation = data_->sensor_->properties().get(properties::Rotation);
	bool success;
	Transform rotationTransform = transformFromRotation(rotation, &success);
	if (!success)
		LOG(RPI, Warning) << "Invalid rotation of " << rotation
				  << " degrees - ignoring";
	Transform combined = transform * rotationTransform;

	 * We combine the platform and user transform, but must "adjust away"
	 * any combined result that includes a transform, as we can't do those.
	 * In this case, flipping only the transpose bit is helpful to
	 * applications - they either get the transform they requested, or have
	 * to do a simple transpose themselves (they don't have to worry about
	 * the other possible cases).
	if (!!(combined & Transform::Transpose)) {
		 * Flipping the transpose bit in "transform" flips it in the
		 * combined result too (as it's the last thing that happens),
		 * which is of course clearing it.
		transform ^= Transform::Transpose;
		combined &= ~Transform::Transpose;
		status = Adjusted;

	 * We also check if the sensor doesn't do h/vflips at all, in which
	 * case we clear them, and the application will have to do everything.
	if (!data_->supportsFlips_ && !!combined) {
		 * If the sensor can do no transforms, then combined must be
		 * changed to the identity. The only user transform that gives
		 * rise to this the inverse of the rotation. (Recall that
		 * combined = transform * rotationTransform.)
		transform = -rotationTransform;
		combined = Transform::Identity;
		status = Adjusted;

	 * Store the final combined transform that configure() will need to
	 * apply to the sensor to save us working it out again.
	combinedTransform_ = combined;

	unsigned int rawCount = 0, outCount = 0, count = 0, maxIndex = 0;
	std::pair<int, Size> outSize[2];
	Size maxSize;
	for (StreamConfiguration &cfg : config_) {
		if (isRaw(cfg.pixelFormat)) {
			 * Calculate the best sensor mode we can use based on
			 * the user request.
			V4L2VideoDevice::Formats fmts = data_->unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev()->formats();
			V4L2DeviceFormat sensorFormat = findBestMode(fmts, cfg.size);
			int ret = data_->unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev()->tryFormat(&sensorFormat);
			if (ret)
				return Invalid;

			 * Some sensors change their Bayer order when they are
			 * h-flipped or v-flipped, according to the transform.
			 * If this one does, we must advertise the transformed
			 * Bayer order in the raw stream. Note how we must
			 * fetch the "native" (i.e. untransformed) Bayer order,
			 * because the sensor may currently be flipped!
			V4L2PixelFormat fourcc = sensorFormat.fourcc;
			if (data_->flipsAlterBayerOrder_) {
				BayerFormat bayer = BayerFormat::fromV4L2PixelFormat(fourcc);
				bayer.order = data_->nativeBayerOrder_;
				bayer = bayer.transform(combined);
				fourcc = bayer.toV4L2PixelFormat();

			PixelFormat sensorPixFormat = fourcc.toPixelFormat();
			if (cfg.size != sensorFormat.size ||
			    cfg.pixelFormat != sensorPixFormat) {
				cfg.size = sensorFormat.size;
				cfg.pixelFormat = sensorPixFormat;
				status = Adjusted;

			cfg.stride = sensorFormat.planes[0].bpl;
			cfg.frameSize = sensorFormat.planes[0].size;

		} else {
			outSize[outCount] = std::make_pair(count, cfg.size);
			/* Record the largest resolution for fixups later. */
			if (maxSize < cfg.size) {
				maxSize = cfg.size;
				maxIndex = outCount;


		/* Can only output 1 RAW stream, or 2 YUV/RGB streams. */
		if (rawCount > 1 || outCount > 2) {
			LOG(RPI, Error) << "Invalid number of streams requested";
			return Invalid;

	 * Now do any fixups needed. For the two ISP outputs, one stream must be
	 * equal or smaller than the other in all dimensions.
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < outCount; i++) {
		outSize[i].second.width = std::min(outSize[i].second.width,
		outSize[i].second.height = std::min(outSize[i].second.height,

		if ([i].first).size != outSize[i].second) {[i].first).size = outSize[i].second;
			status = Adjusted;

		 * Also validate the correct pixel formats here.
		 * Note that Output0 and Output1 support a different
		 * set of formats.
		 * Output 0 must be for the largest resolution. We will
		 * have that fixed up in the code above.
		StreamConfiguration &cfg =[i].first);
		PixelFormat &cfgPixFmt = cfg.pixelFormat;
		V4L2VideoDevice *dev;

		if (i == maxIndex)
			dev = data_->isp_[Isp::Output0].dev();
			dev = data_->isp_[Isp::Output1].dev();

		V4L2VideoDevice::Formats fmts = dev->formats();

		if (fmts.find(V4L2PixelFormat::fromPixelFormat(cfgPixFmt, false)) == fmts.end()) {
			/* If we cannot find a native format, use a default one. */
			cfgPixFmt = formats::NV12;
			status = Adjusted;

		V4L2DeviceFormat format;
		format.fourcc = dev->toV4L2PixelFormat(cfg.pixelFormat);
		format.size = cfg.size;

		int ret = dev->tryFormat(&format);
		if (ret)
			return Invalid;

		cfg.stride = format.planes[0].bpl;
		cfg.frameSize = format.planes[0].size;


	return status;

PipelineHandlerRPi::PipelineHandlerRPi(CameraManager *manager)
	: PipelineHandler(manager), unicam_(nullptr), isp_(nullptr)

CameraConfiguration *PipelineHandlerRPi::generateConfiguration(Camera *camera,
							       const StreamRoles &roles)
	RPiCameraData *data = cameraData(camera);
	CameraConfiguration *config = new RPiCameraConfiguration(data);
	V4L2DeviceFormat sensorFormat;
	unsigned int bufferCount;
	PixelFormat pixelFormat;
	V4L2VideoDevice::Formats fmts;
	Size size;

	if (roles.empty())
		return config;

	unsigned int rawCount = 0;
	unsigned int outCount = 0;
	for (const StreamRole role : roles) {
		switch (role) {
		case StreamRole::Raw:
			size = data->sensor_->resolution();
			fmts = data->unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev()->formats();
			sensorFormat = findBestMode(fmts, size);
			pixelFormat = sensorFormat.fourcc.toPixelFormat();
			bufferCount = 2;

		case StreamRole::StillCapture:
			fmts = data->isp_[Isp::Output0].dev()->formats();
			pixelFormat = formats::NV12;
			/* Return the largest sensor resolution. */
			size = data->sensor_->resolution();
			bufferCount = 1;

		case StreamRole::VideoRecording:
			 * The colour denoise algorithm requires the analysis
			 * image, produced by the second ISP output, to be in
			 * YUV420 format. Select this format as the default, to
			 * maximize chances that it will be picked by
			 * applications and enable usage of the colour denoise
			 * algorithm.
			fmts = data->isp_[Isp::Output0].dev()->formats();
			pixelFormat = formats::YUV420;
			size = { 1920, 1080 };
			bufferCount = 4;

		case StreamRole::Viewfinder:
			fmts = data->isp_[Isp::Output0].dev()->formats();
			pixelFormat = formats::ARGB8888;
			size = { 800, 600 };
			bufferCount = 4;

			LOG(RPI, Error) << "Requested stream role not supported: "
					<< role;
			delete config;
			return nullptr;

		if (rawCount > 1 || outCount > 2) {
			LOG(RPI, Error) << "Invalid stream roles requested";
			delete config;
			return nullptr;

		/* Translate the V4L2PixelFormat to PixelFormat. */
		std::map<PixelFormat, std::vector<SizeRange>> deviceFormats;
		for (const auto &format : fmts) {
			PixelFormat pf = format.first.toPixelFormat();
			if (pf.isValid())
				deviceFormats[pf] = format.second;

		/* Add the stream format based on the device node used for the use case. */
		StreamFormats formats(deviceFormats);
		StreamConfiguration cfg(formats);
		cfg.size = size;
		cfg.pixelFormat = pixelFormat;
		cfg.bufferCount = bufferCount;


	return config;

int PipelineHandlerRPi::configure(Camera *camera, CameraConfiguration *config)
	RPiCameraData *data = cameraData(camera);
	int ret;

	/* Start by resetting the Unicam and ISP stream states. */
	for (auto const stream : data->streams_)

	Size maxSize, sensorSize;
	unsigned int maxIndex = 0;
	bool rawStream = false;

	 * Look for the RAW stream (if given) size as well as the largest
	 * ISP output size.
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < config->size(); i++) {
		StreamConfiguration &cfg = config->at(i);

		if (isRaw(cfg.pixelFormat)) {
			 * If we have been given a RAW stream, use that size
			 * for setting up the sensor.
			sensorSize = cfg.size;
			rawStream = true;
		} else {
			if (cfg.size > maxSize) {
				maxSize = config->at(i).size;
				maxIndex = i;

	/* First calculate the best sensor mode we can use based on the user request. */
	V4L2VideoDevice::Formats fmts = data->unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev()->formats();
	V4L2DeviceFormat sensorFormat = findBestMode(fmts, rawStream ? sensorSize : maxSize);

	 * Unicam image output format. The ISP input format gets set at start,
	 * just in case we have swapped bayer orders due to flips.
	ret = data->unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev()->setFormat(&sensorFormat);
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	 * The control ranges associated with the sensor may need updating
	 * after a format change.
	 * \todo Use the CameraSensor::setFormat API instead.

	LOG(RPI, Info) << "Sensor: " << camera->id()
		       << " - Selected mode: " << sensorFormat.toString();

	 * This format may be reset on start() if the bayer order has changed
	 * because of flips in the sensor.
	ret = data->isp_[Isp::Input].dev()->setFormat(&sensorFormat);
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	 * See which streams are requested, and route the user
	 * StreamConfiguration appropriately.
	V4L2DeviceFormat format;
	bool output0Set = false, output1Set = false;
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < config->size(); i++) {
		StreamConfiguration &cfg = config->at(i);

		if (isRaw(cfg.pixelFormat)) {

		/* The largest resolution gets routed to the ISP Output 0 node. */
		RPi::Stream *stream = i == maxIndex ? &data->isp_[Isp::Output0]
						    : &data->isp_[Isp::Output1];

		V4L2PixelFormat fourcc = stream->dev()->toV4L2PixelFormat(cfg.pixelFormat);
		format.size = cfg.size;
		format.fourcc = fourcc;

		LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Setting " << stream->name() << " to "
				<< format.toString();

		ret = stream->dev()->setFormat(&format);
		if (ret)
			return -EINVAL;

		if (format.size != cfg.size || format.fourcc != fourcc) {
			LOG(RPI, Error)
				<< "Failed to set requested format on " << stream->name()
				<< ", returned " << format.toString();
			return -EINVAL;


		if (i != maxIndex)
			output1Set = true;
			output0Set = true;

	 * If ISP::Output0 stream has not been configured by the application,
	 * we must allow the hardware to generate an output so that the data
	 * flow in the pipeline handler remains consistent, and we still generate
	 * statistics for the IPA to use. So enable the output at a very low
	 * resolution for internal use.
	 * \todo Allow the pipeline to work correctly without Output0 and only
	 * statistics coming from the hardware.
	if (!output0Set) {
		maxSize = Size(320, 240);
		format = {};
		format.size = maxSize;
		format.fourcc = V4L2PixelFormat::fromPixelFormat(formats::YUV420, false);
		ret = data->isp_[Isp::Output0].dev()->setFormat(&format);
		if (ret) {
			LOG(RPI, Error)
				<< "Failed to set default format on ISP Output0: "
				<< ret;
			return -EINVAL;

		LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Defaulting ISP Output0 format to "
				<< format.toString();

	 * If ISP::Output1 stream has not been requested by the application, we
	 * set it up for internal use now. This second stream will be used for
	 * fast colour denoise, and must be a quarter resolution of the ISP::Output0
	 * stream. However, also limit the maximum size to 1200 pixels in the
	 * larger dimension, just to avoid being wasteful with buffer allocations
	 * and memory bandwidth.
	 * \todo If Output 1 format is not YUV420, Output 1 ought to be disabled as
	 * colour denoise will not run.
	if (!output1Set) {
		V4L2DeviceFormat output1Format = format;
		constexpr Size maxDimensions(1200, 1200);
		const Size limit = maxDimensions.boundedToAspectRatio(format.size);

		output1Format.size = (format.size / 2).boundedTo(limit).alignedDownTo(2, 2);

		LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Setting ISP Output1 (internal) to "
				<< output1Format.toString();

		ret = data->isp_[Isp::Output1].dev()->setFormat(&output1Format);
		if (ret) {
			LOG(RPI, Error) << "Failed to set format on ISP Output1: "
					<< ret;
			return -EINVAL;

	/* ISP statistics output format. */
	format = {};
	format.fourcc = V4L2PixelFormat(V4L2_META_FMT_BCM2835_ISP_STATS);
	ret = data->isp_[Isp::Stats].dev()->setFormat(&format);
	if (ret) {
		LOG(RPI, Error) << "Failed to set format on ISP stats stream: "
				<< format.toString();
		return ret;

	/* Figure out the smallest selection the ISP will allow. */
	Rectangle testCrop(0, 0, 1, 1);
	data->isp_[Isp::Input].dev()->setSelection(V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP, &testCrop);
	data->ispMinCropSize_ = testCrop.size();

	/* Adjust aspect ratio by providing crops on the input image. */
	Size size = sensorFormat.size.boundedToAspectRatio(maxSize);
	Rectangle crop = size.centeredTo(Rectangle(sensorFormat.size).center());
	data->ispCrop_ = crop;

	data->isp_[Isp::Input].dev()->setSelection(V4L2_SEL_TGT_CROP, &crop);

	ret = data->configureIPA(config);
	if (ret)
		LOG(RPI, Error) << "Failed to configure the IPA: " << ret;

	 * Configure the Unicam embedded data output format only if the sensor
	 * supports it.
	if (data->sensorMetadata_) {
		format = {};
		format.fourcc = V4L2PixelFormat(V4L2_META_FMT_SENSOR_DATA);

		LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Setting embedded data format.";
		ret = data->unicam_[Unicam::Embedded].dev()->setFormat(&format);
		if (ret) {
			LOG(RPI, Error) << "Failed to set format on Unicam embedded: "
					<< format.toString();
			return ret;

		 * If a RAW/Bayer stream has been requested by the application,
		 * we must set both Unicam streams as external, even though the
		 * application may only request RAW frames. This is because we
		 * match timestamps on both streams to synchronise buffers.
		if (rawStream)

	 * Update the ScalerCropMaximum to the correct value for this camera mode.
	 * For us, it's the same as the "analogue crop".
	 * \todo Make this property the ScalerCrop maximum value when dynamic
	 * controls are available and set it at validate() time
	data->properties_.set(properties::ScalerCropMaximum, data->sensorInfo_.analogCrop);

	return ret;

int PipelineHandlerRPi::exportFrameBuffers([[maybe_unused]] Camera *camera, Stream *stream,
					   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer>> *buffers)
	RPi::Stream *s = static_cast<RPi::Stream *>(stream);
	unsigned int count = stream->configuration().bufferCount;
	int ret = s->dev()->exportBuffers(count, buffers);


	return ret;

int PipelineHandlerRPi::start(Camera *camera, const ControlList *controls)
	RPiCameraData *data = cameraData(camera);
	int ret;

	/* Allocate buffers for internal pipeline usage. */
	ret = prepareBuffers(camera);
	if (ret) {
		LOG(RPI, Error) << "Failed to allocate buffers";
		return ret;

	/* Check if a ScalerCrop control was specified. */
	if (controls)

	/* Start the IPA. */
	ipa::RPi::StartConfig startConfig;
	data->ipa_->start(controls ? *controls : ControlList{}, &startConfig);

	/* Apply any gain/exposure settings that the IPA may have passed back. */
	if (!startConfig.controls.empty())

	/* Configure the number of dropped frames required on startup. */
	data->dropFrameCount_ = startConfig.dropFrameCount;

	/* We need to set the dropFrameCount_ before queueing buffers. */
	ret = queueAllBuffers(camera);
	if (ret) {
		LOG(RPI, Error) << "Failed to queue buffers";
		return ret;

	 * IPA configure may have changed the sensor flips - hence the bayer
	 * order. Get the sensor format and set the ISP input now.
	V4L2DeviceFormat sensorFormat;
	ret = data->isp_[Isp::Input].dev()->setFormat(&sensorFormat);
	if (ret) {
		return ret;

	/* Enable SOF event generation. */

	 * Reset the delayed controls with the gain and exposure values set by
	 * the IPA.

	data->state_ = RPiCameraData::State::Idle;

	/* Start all streams. */
	for (auto const stream : data->streams_) {
		ret = stream->dev()->streamOn();
		if (ret) {
			return ret;

	return 0;

void PipelineHandlerRPi::stop(Camera *camera)
	RPiCameraData *data = cameraData(camera);

	data->state_ = RPiCameraData::State::Stopped;

	/* Disable SOF event generation. */

	for (auto const stream : data->streams_)

	data->bayerQueue_ = {};
	data->embeddedQueue_ = {};

	/* Stop the IPA. */


int PipelineHandlerRPi::queueRequestDevice(Camera *camera, Request *request)
	RPiCameraData *data = cameraData(camera);

	if (data->state_ == RPiCameraData::State::Stopped)
		return -EINVAL;

	LOG(RPI, Debug) << "queueRequestDevice: New request.";

	/* Push all buffers supplied in the Request to the respective streams. */
	for (auto stream : data->streams_) {
		if (!stream->isExternal())

		FrameBuffer *buffer = request->findBuffer(stream);
		if (buffer && stream->getBufferId(buffer) == -1) {
			 * This buffer is not recognised, so it must have been allocated
			 * outside the v4l2 device. Store it in the stream buffer list
			 * so we can track it.
		 * If no buffer is provided by the request for this stream, we
		 * queue a nullptr to the stream to signify that it must use an
		 * internally allocated buffer for this capture request. This
		 * buffer will not be given back to the application, but is used
		 * to support the internal pipeline flow.
		 * The below queueBuffer() call will do nothing if there are not
		 * enough internal buffers allocated, but this will be handled by
		 * queuing the request for buffers in the RPiStream object.
		int ret = stream->queueBuffer(buffer);
		if (ret)
			return ret;

	/* Push the request to the back of the queue. */

	return 0;

bool PipelineHandlerRPi::match(DeviceEnumerator *enumerator)
	DeviceMatch unicam("unicam");
	DeviceMatch isp("bcm2835-isp");


	isp.add("bcm2835-isp0-output0"); /* Input */
	isp.add("bcm2835-isp0-capture1"); /* Output 0 */
	isp.add("bcm2835-isp0-capture2"); /* Output 1 */
	isp.add("bcm2835-isp0-capture3"); /* Stats */

	unicam_ = acquireMediaDevice(enumerator, unicam);
	if (!unicam_)
		return false;

	isp_ = acquireMediaDevice(enumerator, isp);
	if (!isp_)
		return false;

	std::unique_ptr<RPiCameraData> data = std::make_unique<RPiCameraData>(this);
	if (!data->dmaHeap_.isValid())
		return false;

	/* Locate and open the unicam video streams. */
	data->unicam_[Unicam::Embedded] = RPi::Stream("Unicam Embedded", unicam_->getEntityByName("unicam-embedded"));
	data->unicam_[Unicam::Image] = RPi::Stream("Unicam Image", unicam_->getEntityByName("unicam-image"));

	/* Tag the ISP input stream as an import stream. */
	data->isp_[Isp::Input] = RPi::Stream("ISP Input", isp_->getEntityByName("bcm2835-isp0-output0"), true);
	data->isp_[Isp::Output0] = RPi::Stream("ISP Output0", isp_->getEntityByName("bcm2835-isp0-capture1"));
	data->isp_[Isp::Output1] = RPi::Stream("ISP Output1", isp_->getEntityByName("bcm2835-isp0-capture2"));
	data->isp_[Isp::Stats] = RPi::Stream("ISP Stats", isp_->getEntityByName("bcm2835-isp0-capture3"));

	/* Wire up all the buffer connections. */
	data->unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev()->frameStart.connect(data.get(), &RPiCameraData::frameStarted);
	data->unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev()->bufferReady.connect(data.get(), &RPiCameraData::unicamBufferDequeue);
	data->unicam_[Unicam::Embedded].dev()->bufferReady.connect(data.get(), &RPiCameraData::unicamBufferDequeue);
	data->isp_[Isp::Input].dev()->bufferReady.connect(data.get(), &RPiCameraData::ispInputDequeue);
	data->isp_[Isp::Output0].dev()->bufferReady.connect(data.get(), &RPiCameraData::ispOutputDequeue);
	data->isp_[Isp::Output1].dev()->bufferReady.connect(data.get(), &RPiCameraData::ispOutputDequeue);
	data->isp_[Isp::Stats].dev()->bufferReady.connect(data.get(), &RPiCameraData::ispOutputDequeue);

	/* Identify the sensor. */
	for (MediaEntity *entity : unicam_->entities()) {
		if (entity->function() == MEDIA_ENT_F_CAM_SENSOR) {
			data->sensor_ = std::make_unique<CameraSensor>(entity);

	if (!data->sensor_)
		return false;

	if (data->sensor_->init())
		return false;

	ipa::RPi::SensorConfig sensorConfig;
	if (data->loadIPA(&sensorConfig)) {
		LOG(RPI, Error) << "Failed to load a suitable IPA library";
		return false;

	 * Open all Unicam and ISP streams. The exception is the embedded data
	 * stream, which only gets opened below if the IPA reports that the sensor
	 * supports embedded data.
	 * The below grouping is just for convenience so that we can easily
	 * iterate over all streams in one go.
	if (sensorConfig.sensorMetadata)

	for (auto &stream : data->isp_)

	for (auto stream : data->streams_) {
		if (stream->dev()->open())
			return false;

	 * Setup our delayed control writer with the sensor default
	 * gain and exposure delays. Mark VBLANK for priority write.
	std::unordered_map<uint32_t, DelayedControls::ControlParams> params = {
		{ V4L2_CID_ANALOGUE_GAIN, { sensorConfig.gainDelay, false } },
		{ V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE, { sensorConfig.exposureDelay, false } },
		{ V4L2_CID_VBLANK, { sensorConfig.vblankDelay, true } }
	data->delayedCtrls_ = std::make_unique<DelayedControls>(data->unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev(), params);
	data->sensorMetadata_ = sensorConfig.sensorMetadata;

	/* Register the controls that the Raspberry Pi IPA can handle. */
	data->controlInfo_ = RPi::Controls;
	/* Initialize the camera properties. */
	data->properties_ = data->sensor_->properties();

	 * Set a default value for the ScalerCropMaximum property to show
	 * that we support its use, however, initialise it to zero because
	 * it's not meaningful until a camera mode has been chosen.
	data->properties_.set(properties::ScalerCropMaximum, Rectangle{});

	 * We cache three things about the sensor in relation to transforms
	 * (meaning horizontal and vertical flips).
	 * Firstly, does it support them?
	 * Secondly, if you use them does it affect the Bayer ordering?
	 * Thirdly, what is the "native" Bayer order, when no transforms are
	 * applied?
	 * As part of answering the final question, we reset the camera to
	 * no transform at all.

	V4L2VideoDevice *dev = data->unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev();
	const struct v4l2_query_ext_ctrl *hflipCtrl = dev->controlInfo(V4L2_CID_HFLIP);
	if (hflipCtrl) {
		/* We assume it will support vflips too... */
		data->supportsFlips_ = true;
		data->flipsAlterBayerOrder_ = hflipCtrl->flags & V4L2_CTRL_FLAG_MODIFY_LAYOUT;

		ControlList ctrls(dev->controls());
		ctrls.set(V4L2_CID_HFLIP, 0);
		ctrls.set(V4L2_CID_VFLIP, 0);

	/* Look for a valid Bayer format. */
	BayerFormat bayerFormat;
	for (const auto &iter : dev->formats()) {
		V4L2PixelFormat v4l2Format = iter.first;
		bayerFormat = BayerFormat::fromV4L2PixelFormat(v4l2Format);
		if (bayerFormat.isValid())

	if (!bayerFormat.isValid()) {
		LOG(RPI, Error) << "No Bayer format found";
		return false;
	data->nativeBayerOrder_ = bayerFormat.order;

	 * List the available streams an application may request. At present, we
	 * do not advertise Unicam Embedded and ISP Statistics streams, as there
	 * is no mechanism for the application to request non-image buffer formats.
	std::set<Stream *> streams;

	/* Create and register the camera. */
	std::shared_ptr<Camera> camera =
		Camera::create(this, data->sensor_->id(), streams);
	registerCamera(std::move(camera), std::move(data));

	return true;

int PipelineHandlerRPi::queueAllBuffers(Camera *camera)
	RPiCameraData *data = cameraData(camera);
	int ret;

	for (auto const stream : data->streams_) {
		if (!stream->isExternal()) {
			ret = stream->queueAllBuffers();
			if (ret < 0)
				return ret;
		} else {
			 * For external streams, we must queue up a set of internal
			 * buffers to handle the number of drop frames requested by
			 * the IPA. This is done by passing nullptr in queueBuffer().
			 * The below queueBuffer() call will do nothing if there
			 * are not enough internal buffers allocated, but this will
			 * be handled by queuing the request for buffers in the
			 * RPiStream object.
			unsigned int i;
			for (i = 0; i < data->dropFrameCount_; i++) {
				ret = stream->queueBuffer(nullptr);
				if (ret)
					return ret;

	return 0;

int PipelineHandlerRPi::prepareBuffers(Camera *camera)
	RPiCameraData *data = cameraData(camera);
	int ret;

	 * Decide how many internal buffers to allocate. For now, simply look
	 * at how many external buffers will be provided. We'll need to improve
	 * this logic. However, we really must have all streams allocate the same
	 * number of buffers to simplify error handling in queueRequestDevice().
	unsigned int maxBuffers = 0;
	for (const Stream *s : camera->streams())
		if (static_cast<const RPi::Stream *>(s)->isExternal())
			maxBuffers = std::max(maxBuffers, s->configuration().bufferCount);

	for (auto const stream : data->streams_) {
		ret = stream->prepareBuffers(maxBuffers);
		if (ret < 0)
			return ret;

	 * Pass the stats and embedded data buffers to the IPA. No other
	 * buffers need to be passed.
	mapBuffers(camera, data->isp_[Isp::Stats].getBuffers(), ipa::RPi::MaskStats);
	if (data->sensorMetadata_)
		mapBuffers(camera, data->unicam_[Unicam::Embedded].getBuffers(),

	return 0;

void PipelineHandlerRPi::mapBuffers(Camera *camera, const RPi::BufferMap &buffers, unsigned int mask)
	RPiCameraData *data = cameraData(camera);
	std::vector<IPABuffer> ipaBuffers;
	 * Link the FrameBuffers with the id (key value) in the map stored in
	 * the RPi stream object - along with an identifier mask.
	 * This will allow us to identify buffers passed between the pipeline
	 * handler and the IPA.
	for (auto const &it : buffers) {
		ipaBuffers.push_back(IPABuffer(mask | it.first,
		data->ipaBuffers_.insert(mask | it.first);


void PipelineHandlerRPi::freeBuffers(Camera *camera)
	RPiCameraData *data = cameraData(camera);

	/* Copy the buffer ids from the unordered_set to a vector to pass to the IPA. */
	std::vector<unsigned int> ipaBuffers(data->ipaBuffers_.begin(), data->ipaBuffers_.end());

	for (auto const stream : data->streams_)

void RPiCameraData::frameStarted(uint32_t sequence)
	LOG(RPI, Debug) << "frame start " << sequence;

	/* Write any controls for the next frame as soon as we can. */

int RPiCameraData::loadIPA(ipa::RPi::SensorConfig *sensorConfig)
	ipa_ = IPAManager::createIPA<ipa::RPi::IPAProxyRPi>(pipe_, 1, 1);

	if (!ipa_)
		return -ENOENT;

	ipa_->statsMetadataComplete.connect(this, &RPiCameraData::statsMetadataComplete);
	ipa_->runIsp.connect(this, &RPiCameraData::runIsp);
	ipa_->embeddedComplete.connect(this, &RPiCameraData::embeddedComplete);
	ipa_->setIspControls.connect(this, &RPiCameraData::setIspControls);
	ipa_->setDelayedControls.connect(this, &RPiCameraData::setDelayedControls);

	 * The configuration (tuning file) is made from the sensor name unless
	 * the environment variable overrides it.
	std::string configurationFile;
	char const *configFromEnv = utils::secure_getenv("LIBCAMERA_RPI_TUNING_FILE");
	if (!configFromEnv || *configFromEnv == '\0')
		configurationFile = ipa_->configurationFile(sensor_->model() + ".json");
		configurationFile = std::string(configFromEnv);

	IPASettings settings(configurationFile, sensor_->model());

	return ipa_->init(settings, sensorConfig);

int RPiCameraData::configureIPA(const CameraConfiguration *config)
	/* We know config must be an RPiCameraConfiguration. */
	const RPiCameraConfiguration *rpiConfig =
		static_cast<const RPiCameraConfiguration *>(config);

	std::map<unsigned int, IPAStream> streamConfig;
	std::map<unsigned int, ControlInfoMap> entityControls;
	ipa::RPi::IPAConfig ipaConfig;

	/* Inform IPA of stream configuration and sensor controls. */
	unsigned int i = 0;
	for (auto const &stream : isp_) {
		if (stream.isExternal()) {
			streamConfig[i++] = IPAStream(

	entityControls.emplace(0, unicam_[Unicam::Image].dev()->controls());
	entityControls.emplace(1, isp_[Isp::Input].dev()->controls());

	/* Always send the user transform to the IPA. */
	ipaConfig.transform = static_cast<unsigned int>(config->transform);

	/* Allocate the lens shading table via dmaHeap and pass to the IPA. */
	if (!lsTable_.isValid()) {
		lsTable_ = dmaHeap_.alloc("ls_grid", ipa::RPi::MaxLsGridSize);
		if (!lsTable_.isValid())
			return -ENOMEM;

		/* Allow the IPA to mmap the LS table via the file descriptor. */
		 * \todo Investigate if mapping the lens shading table buffer
		 * could be handled with mapBuffers().
		ipaConfig.lsTableHandle = lsTable_;

	/* We store the IPACameraSensorInfo for digital zoom calculations. */
	int ret = sensor_->sensorInfo(&sensorInfo_);
	if (ret) {
		LOG(RPI, Error) << "Failed to retrieve camera sensor info";
		return ret;

	/* Ready the IPA - it must know about the sensor resolution. */
	ControlList controls;
	ret = ipa_->configure(sensorInfo_, streamConfig, entityControls, ipaConfig,
	if (ret < 0) {
		LOG(RPI, Error) << "IPA configuration failed!";
		return -EPIPE;

	 * Configure the H/V flip controls based on the combination of
	 * the sensor and user transform.
	if (supportsFlips_) {
			     static_cast<int32_t>(!!(rpiConfig->combinedTransform_ & Transform::HFlip)));
			     static_cast<int32_t>(!!(rpiConfig->combinedTransform_ & Transform::VFlip)));

	if (!controls.empty())

	return 0;

void RPiCameraData::statsMetadataComplete(uint32_t bufferId, const ControlList &controls)
	if (state_ == State::Stopped)

	FrameBuffer *buffer = isp_[Isp::Stats].getBuffers().at(bufferId);

	handleStreamBuffer(buffer, &isp_[Isp::Stats]);

	/* Add to the Request metadata buffer what the IPA has provided. */
	Request *request = requestQueue_.front();

	state_ = State::IpaComplete;

void RPiCameraData::runIsp(uint32_t bufferId)
	if (state_ == State::Stopped)

	FrameBuffer *buffer = unicam_[Unicam::Image].getBuffers().at(bufferId);

	LOG(RPI, Debug) << "Input re-queue to ISP, buffer id " << bufferId
			<< ", timestamp: " << buffer->metadata().timestamp;

	ispOutputCount_ = 0;

void RPiCameraData::embeddedComplete(uint32_t bufferId)
	if (state_ == State::Stopped)

	FrameBuffer *buffer = unicam_[Unicam::Embedded].getBuffers().at(bufferId);
	handleStreamBuffer(buffer, &unicam_[Unicam::Embedded]);

void RPiCameraData::setIspControls(const ControlList &controls)
	ControlList ctrls = controls;

	if (ctrls.contains(V4L2_CID_USER_BCM2835_ISP_LENS_SHADING)) {
		ControlValue &value =
			const_cast<ControlValue &>(ctrls.get(V4L2_CID_USER_BCM2835_ISP_LENS_SHADING));
		Span<uint8_t> s =;
		bcm2835_isp_lens_shading *ls =
			reinterpret_cast<bcm2835_isp_lens_shading *>(;
		ls->dmabuf = lsTable_.fd();


void RPiCameraData::setDelayedControls(const ControlList &controls)
	if (!delayedCtrls_->push(controls))
		LOG(RPI, Error) << "V4L2 DelayedControl set failed";

void RPiCameraData::setSensorControls(ControlList &controls)
	 * We need to ensure that if both VBLANK and EXPOSURE are present, the
	 * former must be written ahead of, and separately from EXPOSURE to avoid
	 * V4L2 rejecting the latter. This is identical to what DelayedControls
	 * does with the priority write flag.
	 * As a consequence of the below logic, VBLANK gets set twice, and we
	 * rely on the v4l2 framework to not pass the second control set to the
	 * driver as the actual control value has not changed.