.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 Android ======= Android is quite different from a traditional Linux distribution and comes with its own set of libraries. This guide targets libcamera developers who want to build-test the Android support. Cross-compilation ----------------- .. code-block:: ini [constants] # TODO: edit these paths for your own locations ndk = '/mnt/work/aosp/android-ndk-r26b' # see: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/ndk/+/master/docs/BuildSystemMaintainers.md#target-selection triple = 'x86_64-linux-android' android_api_level = '33' target = triple + android_api_level toolchain = ndk / 'toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin' [properties] cpp_stdlib = 'vndk' [built-in options] cpp_args = ['-target', target] [binaries] c = toolchain / target + '-clang' cpp = toolchain / target + '-clang++' ar = toolchain / 'llvm-ar' strip = toolchain / 'llvm-strip' config = toolchain / 'llvm-config' [host_machine] system = 'linux' cpu_family ='x86_64' cpu = 'amd64' endian = 'little' 1. Edit the ``ndk`` constant to point to your system's NDK location 2. Save the above cross file in ``~/.local/share/meson/cross/x86_64-linux-android.txt``. .. code:: meson setup --cross-file=x86_64-linux-android.txt --prefix=/ -Dandroid=enabled -Dandroid_platform=generic -Dpipelines=simple build; meson compile -C build