path: root/test
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-01-21libcamera: camera: Handle camera objects through shared pointersLaurent Pinchart
2019-01-21libcamera: camera_manager: Register cameras with the camera managerLaurent Pinchart
2019-01-17test: v4l2_device: Add test suite and initial testKieran Bingham
2019-01-17test: timer: Add a 32 bit wraparound testKieran Bingham
2019-01-17test: timer: Initialise all variablesKieran Bingham
2019-01-14test: media_device: Add link handling testJacopo Mondi
2019-01-14test: media_device: Make MediaDeviceTest a MediaDevicePrintTestJacopo Mondi
2019-01-14test: media_device: Convert to foreachKieran Bingham
2019-01-08test: Add event notifier testLaurent Pinchart
2019-01-08test: Add timer testLaurent Pinchart
2019-01-08test: Add signal/slot testLaurent Pinchart
2019-01-08test: Rename list test to list-camerasLaurent Pinchart
2019-01-08libcamera: camera_manager: Make the class a singletonLaurent Pinchart
2019-01-02test: Move include definitions to libtestKieran Bingham
2019-01-02/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /* * Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc. * * event-thread.cpp - Threaded event test */ #include <chrono> #include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "libcamera/internal/event_notifier.h" #include "libcamera/internal/thread.h" #include "libcamera/internal/timer.h" #include "test.h" using namespace std; using namespace libcamera; class EventHandler : public Object { public: EventHandler() : notified_(false) { int ret = pipe(pipefd_); if (ret < 0) { ret = errno; cout << "pipe() failed: " << strerror(ret) << endl; } notifier_ = new EventNotifier(pipefd_[0], EventNotifier::Read, this); notifier_->activated.connect(this, &EventHandler::readReady); } ~EventHandler() { delete notifier_; close(pipefd_[0]); close(pipefd_[1]); } int notify() {meson: Replace tabs for spacesKieran Bingham
2018-11-27include: Install include filesKieran Bingham
2018-11-22test: Register the initialisation test with mesonKieran Bingham
2018-10-24build: Provide initial meson infrastructureKieran Bingham